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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8087675 No.8087675 [Reply] [Original]

Find a fault

>> No.8087684

She's not showing her tits

>> No.8087688

Why are brits so ugly? Shallow gene pool?

>> No.8087700

>Shallow gene pool

They're getting plenty of nigger and muzzie immigrants so that will change soon :^)

>> No.8087708

I'm excited :D!

>> No.8087729

As an American who only makes it to the UK once in a while one of the first things I do when I get there is grab a sausage roll at Greggs. One of those pedestrian food experience that you know is trash, but it's so enjoyable you have to do it anyways.

>> No.8087742

Promotional image features pale, old, fat people

>> No.8087743

so you gathered al that from one image?
fuck off this board

>> No.8087746

british ppl are so yucky looking lol

>> No.8087747

>Britain is not internationally famous for its ugly women and its terrible

>> No.8087751

Jesus the British are horrificly ugly

>> No.8087753


they look like fucking goblins

>> No.8087756

british people look like abstract art

>> No.8087758

Brother and sister with their son.

>> No.8087768
File: 170 KB, 680x892, riri_yacht2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about no

>> No.8087772

Ugly as the lady in OP, just skinnier. She'll bloat up in her late 20s though, mark my words.

The only attractive "brits" are slavs, french and germans who migrated there and stuck around long enough to have a pure bred kid who's only british by their passport.

>> No.8087783

>lack of sunlight
>terrible diet
>no exercise
>poor dentistry
>inability to handle liquor
>low iq

>> No.8087785

She's 24, and like most supermodels she'll be skinny for life because of eating habits developed early in life

But she's a rare exception, most people from that part of the world are uggos, skinny or not

>> No.8087801

>Jet-puffed flab-goblin holds a tray of baked goods as her dick with ears and mischievous leprechaun overlords look on with smiles.

Every time I pull into Penn Station in New York, the first thing I do is walk down 8th ave to White Castle and get four bacon jalapeño-cheese sliders. Every. Single. Time.
It's one of the things I miss about living in NY.

>> No.8087807

those baked goods are pretty good though desu

>> No.8087824

Oh, I know. I love me some Greggs. But that doesn't make her any less bulky/fluffy. In fact, it's entirely possible that's actually why she looks as she does.

>> No.8087826

If I ever moved away from NYC my re-entry dish would probably be a hot dog from Papaya King.

>> No.8087827

>freshly baked steak bakes

>> No.8087832

haha fuck off you butthurt brittard

>> No.8087850


My weakness

>> No.8087851

Never been, actually, and I lived in Manhattan for a few years. Was in UES near that deaf Catholic church on E 83rd.

I just like White Castle.

>> No.8087867
File: 32 KB, 400x347, american_tooth_decay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Americans have such bad teeth?
HFCS, beetus?

>> No.8087870


>> No.8087871

I want the normies to leave.

>> No.8087873

shut the fuck up

>> No.8087887
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im coming from India to this wonderfull town of London. So much work here for me. Now my mom, sister and her 4 children can come to.

>> No.8087888
File: 11 KB, 275x183, han.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out faggot.
You know where you belong.

>> No.8087904

>used the word normie instead of normalfag
maybe you should fuck off back to r.eddit buddy

>> No.8087906

Better to have hard working Indians than lazy, fat American tourists who seem obsessed with the Royal Family I guess.

>> No.8087922

American teeth are actually much nicer than brits.

>> No.8087924

what the fuck poland.

>> No.8087928

The infographic would suggest otherwise, Cleetus.

>> No.8087929

Well they are all ugly as fuck but it works
I mean who thinks the hot girl knows where to eat? Sure I want to fuck the hot girl but I want to eat where the ugly fat one ewts

>> No.8087932
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>> No.8087933

United my ass.

>> No.8087935


American people actually regularly visit the dentist where as most brits avoid it like the plague. Most brits have grey/yellow teeth because they stop going to the dentists after 16 when they are required to pay.

>> No.8087944

>all these fat ugly americunts criticizing their betters

I've been to the states before, I know what the average American looks like. Protip: you guys don't look anything like your typical Hollyjew celebrities, that have undergone multiple plastic surgeries, and that wear more makeup than a French whore.

Go to some random small town in some fly over shithole. I guarantee you that they'll look just as bad, if not worse than the average Brit.

>> No.8087953

>let me tell you about your country

Fuck off

>> No.8087956

White Castle has it's fans, just like PK does, Papaya King is one of the few places that still has their hot dogs custom made for them, and it's by the same folks who make the dogs for Katz's. All beef, natural casing, garlic and paprika flavor with a little smoke - definitely a cut above your average hot dog, but still cheap. Also a throwback to NYC of the past, bigtime.

>> No.8087958

>She's 24, and like most supermodels she'll be skinny for life because of
Kate Moss/Gia Carangi/Amy Winehouse/Donyale Luna/Emma Watson/etc

>> No.8087959

Blatantly wrong.

The white people of GB are considered the ugliest of white nations universally.

>> No.8087963
File: 21 KB, 265x300, 094905_laff2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they stop going to the dentists after 16 when they are required to pay.
The age limit for free dental care is 18 years old not 16, Retard.
Opinion discarded.

>> No.8087967

The point still stands. He was just 2 years out.

Are dentists super expensive their or are bongs just generally poor?

>> No.8087969


You cunts don't seem to have any problems telling me about my country. Why don't you fuck off.

It's just a stupid meme, the average Brit doesn't look that different from the average American (you guys are still less white and more fat than us though).

>> No.8087970

Opinion discarded, Retard.

>> No.8087975

What would you have done if he hadn't made that typo? Just committed suicide since you'd have no more straws to grasp?

>> No.8087990

are those delicious creme horns, zoom in, it's something else.

>> No.8087995

Then I will never, ever, EVER go to PK because I really rather dislike beef hotdogs. I'll fuck up a hamburger, but hotdogs should be pork or pork-and-veal. Not beef. Beef hotdogs are horrible.
But I know I'm in the minority in the US. You guys love beef hotdogs here.

>> No.8088001

It wasn't a typo at all, it was ignorance.

>> No.8088008

All of Poland's dentists disappeared in the 40s and no one is really sure where they went.

>> No.8088019

It was a typo

>> No.8088022

You're a fucking idiot, son.

>> No.8088053

it was something that had nothing to do with the discussion.

>> No.8088062

kill yourself autist

>> No.8088069

Retard alert

>> No.8088077

Why is England the most cucked nation on earth bros?

>> No.8088085

it's just in their nature

>> No.8088089

Beef hot dogs are a different thing from the amazing pork hot dogs you find in places like Denmark. Done right you get the snap from the natural casing, a blast of juice and a nice garlic flavor to the meat, which goes well with the mustard and sauerkraut they're served with. They have their place. Historically they exist in NYC and Chicago because Jewish immigrants. But when done well (Papaya King does a good one) they're delicious, just different from equally delicious Euro style smoked pork hot dogs.

>> No.8088104
File: 9 KB, 225x225, lzn08yz1wl1r0fwq6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is Sweden

Americans are so sociopathically narcissistic they believe every american is a 10/10 with perfect teeth.
The british are so fucking stupid they get trolled with this same troll erry tim.

Less of this pls, or did you forget Rule 6:
>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

>> No.8088106

nobody cares brittard, go away

>> No.8088112
File: 50 KB, 675x547, Crying-Cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8088113

That's really the best you can post? Well I guess you tried.

>> No.8088118

No one cares, "m8"

>> No.8088120


You have to remember that in his country that is considered a 10/10.

>> No.8088121

If they're anything like Nathan's, Hebrew National or Oscar Meyer and all the other all beef hotdogs I've tried, you can keep'em, friend-o.
For me, it's
pork and veal ≈ 100% pork >>> mixed meat (pork, chicken and turkey) >>> 100% chicken ≈ 100% turkey >>> 100% beef >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> veggie

Never had hotdogs made from anything else, though I'd certainly give it a whirl had I the chance.

My homemade hotdogs are 100% pork (60% lean meat and 40% bacon ends). I blitz these together with egg whites to make my forcemeat then stir in freshly powdered dried onion, powdered ham essence (which is sold in my area, thankfully), curing salt and starch by hand. Finally, I put it into a gallon zip bag with a pastry tip in the corner and stuff sausages sat on the couch as I watch TV.
Then I steam the lot to set and smoke them with beech.

Because I'm absolute shit with using my smoker, I spend more on the charcoal and wood than I do on the meat, seasonings and casings!

>> No.8088187

Nobodys gonna mention chernobyl?

>> No.8088240

Surely you're joking?

>> No.8088241

The beef hot dogs you buy in the store are skinless most of the time, hence they suck. Beef hot dogs are only good when they have natural casings so biting into them gives you a snap and a blast of juice. Otherwise they're useless.

>> No.8088255

Jesus...really dude?

>> No.8088270

Not at all. Fuck beef hotdogs.

I'm not convinced, but that's okay, I think. I know I'll never convince an American that pork hotdogs are superior, either. And that's okay, too.

>> No.8088280

I'm American and I've had Danish and German hot dogs. They are fucking great. The problem is that in America very few hot dogs are made with any love, and the few that are always end up being beef. Unless you know someone who makes their own sausage you can't find good smoked pork hot dogs here. I wouldn't even know they exist if I hadn't had them while traveling.

>> No.8088288

I live in the US but am from Euroland. As said above, I make my own, but only because I'm a cheap sumbitch and pork and veal hotdogs from down the Polish butcher's in my area are very expensive. Even with all the charcoal and wood I waste because I don't really know what I'm doing with my smoker, my hotdogs wind up being cheaper per pound (because lean pork is $1.19/lb, bacon ends are $1.99/lb and casings cost practically nothing).

>> No.8088316

My Polish friends smoke their own meat, They do it with a small wooden frame the meat is hung from, a smouldering sawdust fire (from real wood, not the treated stuff) and a wet blanket hung over the whole thing. They just go back every hour to add sawdust and wet the blanket so it doesn't catch fire. I've had some of the smoked meat they did last Easter, and it was spot on. Might be a cheaper way for you to go.

>> No.8088319

There is literally 0 access to a butcher in america.

>> No.8088326

Not true. Totally depends on where you live. Where I live there are butchers every couple of blocks. Most of them are Mexican, halal and Chinese, but there are a few Polish ones left.

>> No.8088361


This. I live in a mid-size town in central Texas. There are 2 standard butchers, 2 Mexican meat markets with very good butchers, and a Halal one just opened up but I haven't visited that one yet. There's also an asian market with a pretty good butcher counter.

Not to mention, you have the internet. You can mail-order from anywhere. I've bought sausage casings, caul fat, country hams, bacon, and all sorts of other things mail-order.

There's also the option of making your own sausage. It's an easy to learn process and resources for it are everywhere since it's a common thing for hunters to do with their venison or hogs.

>> No.8088372

Well, I dunno where you live, but I've lived in two different cities in the US and have had extended visits in over a dozen more. Not one lacked butchers. None.

I use a barbecue grill with attached firebox.
I put the charcoal into the firebox, wait for the whole thing to get hot enough, add the meat to the grill and wood to the firebox and let it do its thing. I've never dreamt of using a blanket, but I do use a pan of water at the bottom.

>> No.8088381

Sawdust fire and a wet blanket is probably cheaper than lots of charcoal.

>> No.8088418
File: 33 KB, 600x450, Oh-shit-Nooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Call me a liar, a troll, a retard, whatever; but I SWEAR the person holding the tray was a MAN.

This person's true gender went unnoticed to me while I was reading the posts until I read yours, when suddenly...

>> No.8088437


>> No.8088492

How many generations of inbreeding led to this?

>> No.8088497

none, it's just what our old people look like.

>> No.8088507
File: 36 KB, 640x451, 1466200455720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you.
This is what you sound like.

>> No.8088594

These people look like they're on the set of The Strain

>> No.8088603

>Britain at the bottom
Well no shit, if you never go to the dentist they can't exactly record the data

>> No.8088732
