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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 16 KB, 648x365, 635929352622573191-1360068289_plane-in-blue-sky-136397593033103901-150416160347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8082252 No.8082252[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is /ck/ obsessed with flyovers?

>> No.8082253

The same reason foreigners are obsessed with all Americans


>> No.8082260

Because their eating habits are shit, which is relevant to /ck/.
t. Californian

>> No.8082263

>he's an urban cuckold living in a tiny closet that he pays through the nose for

>He has to deal with all kinds of shitskins especially on public transit since he is to poor to own a vehicle

>> No.8082265

Why is OP obsessed with /ck/?

>> No.8082267
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>he's a nu-male from the deprecated state of cuckifornia

>Literally badtexas

>> No.8082269

okay what to heck is a flyover?

>> No.8082274

Anyone who lives outside of the four non-flyover states:

>New York

>> No.8082277

This, desu

what the fuck even is this thread

>> No.8082280
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anyone who has been on /ck/ for more than 5 minutes knows about /ck/'s obsession with flyovers

>> No.8082293


Wtf is a flyover?

>> No.8082294

okay but what is a no-flyover? like why are we flying in the first place?!?

>> No.8082295


>> No.8082303

Because they have fascinating beliefs like if you don't eat plastic cheese and HFCS all the time you're unpatriotic, and vegetables make you gay

Also I'd be perfectly satisfied to never speak of them again, except they shit this place up and scream about europoors because they can't wrap their small minds around the idea that someone from their own country might have different preferences in food

>> No.8082305

It's because they tend to eat processed boxed dinners at far higher levels then people along the coast. So when flyovers have an opinion on food it needs to be immediately discarded.

>> No.8082306
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>he is a rent cuckold

>He has a state income tax

>He is stripped of his rights by his shitty SJW state and city government

>> No.8082311


Unless you live in the 5 boroughs of new york city or in LA county you are a fucking flyover faggot.

Looking at you Boston
And you Baltimore
And you San Fagcisco
and you Seattle


Every single one of you

>> No.8082313

>millenial coasties are so busy working their 80hr/week jobs to pay for their shitty overpriced apartments and campaigning for societal justice that they dont even cook

>They play up their restaurants because they're all failures at the fundamentals of life

>> No.8082319

LA is not a city, it's a collection of suburbs. Therefore it is flyover. Whereas SF is a city, and is not flyover

>> No.8082320

california is badTexas and new york is badFlorida

there's a reason those states are losing pop and the good ones are gaining

there's a reason you were cucked out of being in 3rd place in the state pop rankings lad

enjoy your cold and snow in your shitty concrete jungle

>> No.8082327

>salty flyovers from the irrelevant part of the country hemorrhaging from their assholes in impotent rage.

More more more its so delicious!

>> No.8082332
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who let florida man out of his cage?

>> No.8082335
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>He's this triggered he cannot defend his dying containment city

>> No.8082340
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>tfw your lifestyle and community is falling apart

>> No.8082368

So what's the /ck/ consensus on flyover land? I'll say major cities on the east and west coast aren't flyover. Except for Baltimore probably. And then possible honorable mentions to Austin and Chicago?

>> No.8082389

I wish I had transit in the midwest. I can't stand driving at all. It's fucking retarded that it's a requirement to survive here, especially when you've got hotheaded dumbasses out the ass.

>> No.8082398

>the whole of /ck/ is slower than a single thread on /vg/

this entire board is 4chan flyover

>> No.8082409
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>> No.8082410

what is this stealth crossover shit you're doing


>> No.8082435
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>> No.8082439
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This is one triggered SJW redditor cuck right here.

>> No.8082449


>> No.8082461

Janitors, do your jobs and prune this retarded thread.

>> No.8082465
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It's so easy to trigger this shit board tbqh

>> No.8082474
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/ck/ only has one primary janitor and he's an assblasted yurocuck who is asleep

The second tier Freeman isn't around

>> No.8082485

/ck/ is a scrollover board

>> No.8082493

heh using this

>> No.8082494

by Californian you mean illegal immigrant receiving welfare benefits?

>> No.8082498
File: 44 KB, 202x181, 1468528918487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coasties cuck themselves and work insane hours to pay insane rent

>Their only reward is a farcical sense of superiority on a scrollover board

>> No.8082499

This is /ck/. Talk about food.

>> No.8082510

I'll see you guys on the gulag when the autistic janny comes around

>> No.8082513
File: 570 KB, 3684x2012, CheddarCheeseTriangle_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


have some flyover "gourmet" """"cheese""""

>> No.8082517


Tbh, I like Wisconsin cheese

>> No.8082531

New Yorkers board planes in LaGuardia, fly in a big circle, and land in JFK so everywhere besides NY, NY is flyover land.

>> No.8082540

Is Staten Island considered flyover

>> No.8082594

stop making these threads. I know it's (You), it's the same image every time.

>> No.8082606

I mean descended from the Mayflower and DAR, motherfucker.

>> No.8082715

>Literal, actual capital of flyovervania

Holy shit, I knew flyover were dumb but God damn...

>> No.8082718

Anyone not born, raised, and currently living in NYC.

>> No.8082732

10000% this. Not like there is anything worth seeing except dirt farms and inbred yokels with 3 teeth outside of the city.

>> No.8082742

There's no jealousy at all
If I was born in America I would kill myself asap

>> No.8082910
File: 197 KB, 635x435, 1357416295020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuckoast can't even decide what's considered flyover or not