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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8081719 No.8081719 [Reply] [Original]

so now that summer is oficially over and it is cold as fuck outside what are you guys gonna start cooking? what is that essential autumn feast you are planning for today or tomorrow? me? I'm lazy. I'm just gonna order some marinara on yeastplates. if i had a job i would get the stuff to make a pot pie or that bacon chili stuff.

winter cooking general?

>> No.8081730

hope to make some japanese style curry soon. maybe some classic chicken noodle soup as well, or arroz con pollo

>> No.8081751
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>tfw cali and have to wait another month til it cools down to make yummy pot pies

>> No.8081766

im in cali too, still hot. Fuck. Can't wait til comfy season comes around and I can make some dank soups

>> No.8081768

This, fug. I just want to wear cozy sweaters but it's still fucking flip flop weather.

>> No.8081771


>september 10
>cold as fuck

do you live at the north pole?

>> No.8081781

>cold as fuck outside
It was almost 100 degrees F with 85% humidity last week and that's in Canada.
Do you live in Greenland or something

>> No.8081809

where do u psychos live? it was 40 here today and there is possibly frost advisories tonight. i would consider that cold as fuck so what are you clams pearling about?

>> No.8081819

also how the hell woulf someone in greenland able to get on to 4chan which is a usa website?

>> No.8081834

>What are you clams pearling about?

My fucking sides.

>> No.8081914

it was 90 degrees yesterday where I live
the sun is my worst enemy

>> No.8081921

>also how the hell woulf someone in greenland able to get on to 4chan which is a usa website?

I don't think you even have a basic understanding of how the internet works.

You are the epitome of flyover.

>> No.8081923

>it is cold as fuck outside

OMG I wish this were true. It's so fucking hot here. I am so fucking sick of the heat. I haven't turned the oven on in months.

I would fucking LOVE some cooler weather. Tired of sandwiches for dinner.

Would like to BAKE something again...

>> No.8081924

Just made a curried lentil soup with tomatoes potatoes and spinach. Ridiculously easy yet delicious

>> No.8081999

the hell is a currid lenti soup? soup is a good idea for autumn but not curry soup. thats sounds gross. i said pot roast but i goess that is like soup but chunky. also going to buy ma a TON of those pillsbury buscuits in the tube. those are autumn as it gets. WE ALSO switched kver the water softener now that it is fall. we dont need it during july and august ever

>> No.8082009

are you in the middle of a psychotic episode or something

>> No.8082051

well damn hombre, that was rude. im only asking u guys about whatcha cookin for autumn. u aint gotda be a dick head

>> No.8082069

>u aint gotda be a dick head
Coming from someone who called someone else's food gross.

>> No.8082080

i made chili even though it's still hot as fuck here. i just wanted chili and biscuits.

>> No.8082167

High desert here. It's only cool once the sun is down.

Not a ketofag, but I recently discovered cauliflower and low cal confection recipes.

>> No.8082183

it's 80F+ in pretty much all parts of the US and apparently most of Canada.

>> No.8082191

I cook a lot more stew and chili in fall/winter.

>> No.8082255


>> No.8082644

Camponata, so fucking good

>> No.8082838

was it the bacon and chili kind? sound good

bull fuckin shit dud. how the hell would you even find that out u liar

>> No.8082850


nigga i live in chicago and it's still hot does OP live in alaska

>> No.8082917

This sounds tight m8 did you make it in any specific proportions? I'd like to try something similar out

>> No.8082993

>in Las Vegas
>genuinely excited about a single high of 89 coming up this week instead of 100+