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File: 144 KB, 288x384, 6a00d8341ef22f53ef0115712d1a93970c-500pi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8079236 No.8079236 [Reply] [Original]

so what are some good hot sauces that are actually hot? I'm tired of memeracha

>> No.8079416


>> No.8079419

Julio's. its a pretty good habanero sauce.

>> No.8079423

Dave's Insanity Sauce

>> No.8079424
File: 52 KB, 300x400, 1343-2T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try 100 % pain. They give you a lot for how hot it is and its tasty.

>> No.8079434
File: 43 KB, 720x720, 1305789141114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigger right here but only goes well with Mexican food, that's if you eat Mexican food everyday

Sriracha just goes well with everything

>> No.8079452

sriracha is way too sweet for certain stuff

>> No.8079462

I like Tabasco, keep it simple

Sambal oelek is good too

>> No.8079472
File: 28 KB, 400x500, deathsauce_sudden-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sudden Death sauce nyucka

>> No.8079494
File: 245 KB, 488x1200, DASPHS-2.jpg?1433239047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My go-to

>> No.8079541

Pure Death is the best of Blair's

>> No.8079543
File: 38 KB, 600x600, valentinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tobasco is only good in bloody mary's imo... maybe eggs too...

this stuff is great on most things

>> No.8079562

I like sudden death a bit more personally.

I put sudden death in my curries and in hot wings and other stuff, bretty gud.

>> No.8079587

hot sauce is a meme

>> No.8079591

You're a meme, faggot.

>> No.8079601

Man this only became a meme once walmart picked it up... I have been eating it for 2 decades, the military base commissaries have been selling it forever

>> No.8079990

Fried green tomatos sauce, homemade, any premade sauce is shit

>> No.8079992
File: 46 KB, 600x703, 1454582184847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The market is saturated in hot sauces so stupidly hot that you can't taste anything or put it on actual food. You may as well be sticking a canister of pepper spray in your mouth.

>> No.8080000

>Man this only became a meme once walmart picked it up

No, it became a meme when people started putting it on food that actually tastes good......before it reached the meme stratosphere, people knew it's purpose was to put on shit food to make it taste better but not being a degenerate who uses ketchup

>> No.8080020

Sometimes you want that habanero

>> No.8080033

It goes fine with most non-Mexican things IMO.

>> No.8080038
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great sauces here

>> No.8080043
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>> No.8080047

I personally like Texas Pete and Frank's Red Hot, especially the latter. Frank's legit tastes like wing sauce to me.

>> No.8080049
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This is a little spicy

>> No.8080183


Pepper Palace is love

>> No.8080203

yeah that shit's great, it's about as hot as sriracha though.

>> No.8080232

El yucateco has to be my favorite band of hot sauce. Although I've been to a couple farmers markets that have had amazing stuff as well.

>> No.8080256

Try rocoto paste. You can usually find it at a Mexican/Latino grocery. Go for extra hot if you can find it, Dona Isabel is the best brand by far. Don't cook with it, add it as a garnish.

Fucking delicious.

>> No.8080288

this one is disgusting

>> No.8080609

My dad literally used to put pepper spray on his food

he'd step out of the truck, spray down his taco, let it air out a bit then eat it in the cab

he was a strict man

>> No.8081107
File: 49 KB, 525x700, best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is my favorite. This brand can be hard to find, but if you do find their stuff, absolutely try them. The other varieties I've tried are good too.

>> No.8081123


>> No.8081138
File: 432 KB, 736x459, deathsauce-bottles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8081150

kill yourself

>> No.8081155

whats wrong with em?

>> No.8081162


>> No.8081166

Blair's has been around for a while and they aren't all extremely hot...

>> No.8081170
File: 72 KB, 1200x1200, Tony%20Chachere's%20Bold%20Creole%20Seasoning%207oz_media-01.jpg?resizeid=6&resizeh=1200&resizew=1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Marie's Habenero or >>8079434

You could also consider multi-purpose seasonings.

Tony Chachere's "Bold" seasoning goes great with just about anything and it's got a hell of a tit punch in spice.

>> No.8081172

the tropical one looks pretty good, actually. please go sperg out somewhere else.

>> No.8081174

have you tried the Pure Death one? How is it? I've been thinking about getting that one.

>> No.8081177

nah, but i really would like to. i have after death right now

>> No.8081181
File: 74 KB, 900x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't too hot but it goes great with everything. There's a habanero version if you want flames.

>> No.8081188
File: 15 KB, 300x215, 6195ba37-6e37-43ca-b95c-7b3311a7e95e.Full[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blair's has been around for a while
>Blair's Sauces and Snacks is a United States snack company founded in 1989
wow, consider not existing in the near future
>aren't all extremely hot
which just makes it even more ridiculous with the skulls and flames

>> No.8081200

You're really grasping at your hatred at this point.

1989 is easily before 90% of 4chan was born, and a reasonable person would say any food item that's been around for over 20 years has be around a "while".

>> No.8081211

27 years is a while...

>> No.8081229

No, not when a bunch of them are 100 and over. Including sriracha memesauce

>> No.8081248

Yes, 27 years is still a while, regardless of how long others have been around. Not that this has much relevance to how good a sauce is. Tabasco has been around for a very long time, but it honestly doesn't taste as good as a lot of the sauces that have come out in the past 30-40 years.

>> No.8081264


Tabasco has a place in my kitchen almost exclusively for gumbo.

>> No.8081272

>1989 is easily before 90% of 4chan was born
What the does the age of animefags have to do with hot sauce?
>and a reasonable person would say any food item that's been around for over 20 years has be around a "while".
No, a retard would say that. It completely depends on what it is. For liquor distilleries, anything from 1900 and onwards is relatively young and modern. On the other hand for popsicles, anything older than 10 years is old since they change a large portion of the sortiment every summer.
>27 years is still a while, regardless of how long others have been around.
no, see above
>[Tabasco] doesn't taste as good as a lot of the sauces that have come out in the past 30-40 years.
This has nothing to do with flavor or quality

>> No.8081278

Holy shit, kill yourself.

You've completely gone off the deep end of angry autism.

>> No.8081284

>This has nothing to do with flavor or quality
that was my point. the age of the company has to do with flavor or quality. hence my comment that you quoted.

>> No.8081289

has nothing to do*

>> No.8081310

There's a reason Frank's, Tabasco and Sriracha are the most popular. Sorry autismos, everything else is novelty.

>> No.8081338
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should kill yourself more first

Which is a stupid point since I never even brought up flavor or quality.

>> No.8081340

>There's a reason
Americans have shit taste?

>> No.8081361

>Which is a stupid point since I never even brought up flavor or quality.
except you did when you said "This has nothing to do with flavor or quality"

>> No.8081370

I forgot the name but there is this philipine hotsauce made out of bananas

>> No.8081374

One has been around for a long time, another was used to make wing sauce, and the third is a meme. any reasons i'm missing?

>> No.8081384

>limiting yourself to three brands based on availability

>> No.8081403

Which was in response to your post where you brought it up retard

>> No.8081422

>getting this mad over what hot sauces other people like

>> No.8081434

what makes a hot sauce good, in your opinion?

>> No.8081435
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Does this count?

>> No.8081438
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>> No.8081446

I don't have any strong opinions when it comes to the actual sauce.
As long as it tastes well, not just "hot".

>> No.8081470

Spicy chili crisp is great. Love it in juk (or however rice porridge is spelled).

To speak to the entire thread, though, I have two entire fridge doors filled with hot sauce. You have to pair it with the dish, not unlike wine. There are too many varieties to make platitude statements.

>> No.8081475
File: 207 KB, 850x1123, Secret_Aardvark_Habanero_Hot_Sauce_Front_HEATONIST__90611.1391706807.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8081516


Its so good but it gives me mud butt like no other

>> No.8081563
File: 67 KB, 254x500, K450-2T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best hot sauce I have EVER had, and I've tried plenty. The taste is amazing for how much of a kick it has, both 10/10 taste and 10/10 spice.

Usually the ones that boast about how hot they are just taste like dog shit, but the shop I bought this from had it on the 10 out of 10 section for how hot the sauces are, and the taste in combination with the spice blew me away. I bought it near instantly.

>> No.8081586

It's not very hot but that shit is super tasty

>> No.8081593

Black valentina is shit, yellow is better

>> No.8081608

Good hot sauce but bland brand

>> No.8081973

Don't fall for the Portland meme. It's just overpriced salsa.

>> No.8082071

About sriracha, I don't consider myself someone who's spicy-intolerant. In fact, I eat alot spicier than my dutch roommates and my friends. Although, I find sriracha to be extremely spicy. I like it, but I can only add a tiny bit. But then I see random, ordinary Americans on the internet smothering their food in sriracha. I don't get it. Aren't Americans supposed to be intolerant to spicy food? I haven't seen a single person just add a dab of sriracha to their plate, but a dab is all the way I can possibly go. Maybe it's the brand? The Netherlands only has flying goose brand in stores. Is the rooster stuff I see online just more bland or something?

>> No.8082836

the black is hotter than the yellow, basically same flavor otherwise

>> No.8082887

>using valentina instead of habanera

>> No.8082916
File: 5 KB, 194x259, savina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This right here guys is an amazing habanero sauce. Extremely hot but all you taste is pure habenero and salt flavor. Truly amazing on some sharp 8 year cheddar.

>> No.8082973

you can't be serious

>> No.8082984
File: 83 KB, 500x375, matouk-combo-pepper-pk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody posted the goat yet?

>> No.8082985

I'm dead serious man (i'm also a fag got)

>> No.8084025

Good shit, but I feel it isn't very versatile.

>> No.8084075

hang on, does that "after death" sauce say that it has Liquid Rape in it?

>> No.8084424
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>> No.8084456
File: 49 KB, 300x400, sambal-oelek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sauce, but this paste is pretty good for stir fry. I think it has a stronger kick than sriracha, and it's pretty easy to find.

>> No.8084460

Rage, unfortunately. Being able to drizzle a little rape on your food would be fun. Imagine seasoning your soup with rape, your ass would be so sore later.

>> No.8084474

good shit right here

>> No.8084527

I've had the same container of this stuff for ages. A little goes a long way

>> No.8084574
File: 126 KB, 655x666, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good shit right here senpai

>> No.8084613

I love this shit.
It's great for soups too.

>> No.8084664

This an Ajvar all day err day

>> No.8084719

But it has a lot of 5 star reviews on Amazon and youtuber tedbarrus said it was the best sauce he ever tasted

>> No.8085143
File: 428 KB, 1200x854, pepper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put pepper flakes on whatever you're eating

>> No.8085410

hows the heat on this one?

>> No.8085433

That's because franks and butter is the original buffalo sauce

>> No.8085903

Shit's only good for popcorn.

>> No.8086692

Try this, boy


>> No.8087038

A retarded suggestion if you're eating something dry.

>> No.8087046
File: 2.65 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff is absolutely fantastic. It's HOT, but not meme hot. It's very fruity and I just can't stop eating it.

>> No.8088974

Anyone try the Lucky Dog brand of hot sauces?

>> No.8089091
File: 1.45 MB, 326x256, 1412546224875.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this chunky habanero hot sauce that fucking blew my mind, i got it a while back and I don't remember the name of it
Anyone know something similar to that?

>> No.8089490
File: 125 KB, 163x500, nagajolokia-e1416999615461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god tier hotsauce coming through, pic related

>> No.8090061

Mah nigga. Goes great on everything, but especially curry and meat patties.

>> No.8090071


I bought a bottle of it on Amazon because I saw someone on here talking about it a few months ago. It's really tasty but not particularly hot.

>> No.8090073
File: 58 KB, 720x267, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you live in Michigan, Ohio, or South Carolina check out Scotty O' Hotty.

They have sauces ranging from very mild to blow your dick off hot (their Carolina reaper sauce, specifically), all with the best flavor I've ever had in any hot sauce.


>> No.8090094

Pretty extreme. I guess 'enthusiast-tier'? Not the absolute hottest thing out there but potentially traumatic if overused. I sometimes enjoy extremely hot food but it's probably not for everybody. You can mix in about 1/4tsp to add decent heat to a whole dish which is another appeal.

>> No.8090208

El Yucateco is awesome
Sambel Asli is briliant chilli sauce, flavour, not heat
Louisiana is great for Southern food

>> No.8091109

Agreed, this stuff is tasty.

>> No.8091502


Sontava ?

>> No.8091564
File: 61 KB, 940x500, tmp_13267-a77cxhbeshpqvxltlwvw-1334886917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody mentions hot one's hot sauce

I thought it was just a meme from watching the youtube channel but this sauce is actually pretty damn tasty

its not as hot as id want it to be though...

>> No.8091608

El yucateco/tapatio/cholula is the way to go.

>> No.8091625
File: 41 KB, 736x552, b4c90b65401d337c4818fb0e12128401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angry Chinese Lady Chili Oil. It's not a sauce, but it can be used on all sorts of stuff. It's really good in ramen, but also on stuff like sauted vegetables, salad, roasted potatoes. Anything you might put oil on.

>> No.8091639
File: 35 KB, 500x500, evil one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This senpai. It's won awards and he literally created a successful business out of this then expanded his sauces. It's really fucking hot but it's so moreish.

>> No.8091682

I have a friend that uses this in his general tso chicken recipe. He calls it "dear leader sauce"

>> No.8091685

I have eaten both brands and some Thai varieties, and they're all honestly not much hotter than Tabasco; if you're struggling with them, you may want to steer clear of a LOT of things in this thread.

With that said, however, I'd rather have a flavoursome sauce than bottled pepper spray. Spiciness should augment the taste of food, not drown it out.

>> No.8091691

This shit right here. I have always found sriracha to be overrated but sambal is the shit.

>> No.8091705

I heard that brand is a at least a bit more hot than Huy Fong sauce. I'm not sure myself, though.

>> No.8091713

Know one seems to know what it's called, including me. A lot of people seem to think it's Korean, even though the script on it is obviously not Korean.

>> No.8092787

Calypso is so fucking good.

>> No.8092807

it stings

>> No.8092841

It is called lao gan ma or old godmother sauce. It's Chinese.

It's fucking amazing. It's not very hot at all but tasty.

The one with peanuts in it is my fav.

It has msg in it, but meh.

They produce 1.3 million jars daily.

>> No.8094041

Sambal oelek is good if you want something with a consistency similiar to 'racha

>> No.8094065

>I'm tired of memeracha

OP have you tried:
lao gan meme
membal oelek
harrissa du meme bon

>> No.8094074

How do you use it? In your cooking or garnish?

>> No.8094190


>> No.8095400 [DELETED] 

This stuff is like battery acid.

>> No.8095404
File: 36 KB, 600x600, Pappys-Moonshine-Madness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff is like battery acid.

>> No.8095437
File: 318 KB, 1413x1500, peri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best flavor and decent spice.

>> No.8095443

Made a burger with this one once
I regret it

>> No.8095449
File: 29 KB, 350x263, Canola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine seasoning your soup with rape
So... with canola?

>> No.8096045


>> No.8096090

>go to Nawlins a few years ago for a friend's wedding
>see Pepper Palace
>taste their hottest hot sauce (I think it's made with ghost peppers, this was before scorpions existed)
>nothing in terms of heat
>buy a bottle because flavor was good

>get home
>bottle says just one drop
>disregard, shake on like normie hot sauce

>realize the one that was sitting out all day in the store is probably why it was no heat
>three years later, still haven't used up the entire bottle, because I now just use one drop at a time

Pepper Palace was awesome. This sauce is certainly worth the 20 bucks I spent.

>> No.8096103

It's actually pretty fucking good, but it isn't as versatile as some other sauces due to its strong taste of lemon. It's top tier for chicken and fish though.

>> No.8096108

Holy fuck, look at this faggot.

>> No.8096115

I get the scorpion pepper sauce. Its the hottest sauce ive ever had, but its the tastiest sauce ive ever had.

>> No.8096483
File: 28 KB, 562x562, Extra-Hot-Habanero-and-Naga-chilli-Sauce-02-562x562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simply the best
Not too hot to ruin the taste of whatever you are eating, can be used with pretty much anything at all.
The company makes a couple of others as well but I haven't tried them yet sadly.

>> No.8096550

Used to, huh?