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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 131 KB, 612x1024, Dad-Grilling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8076221 No.8076221[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>hey anon, come on over we're having a barbeque

See this. What do?

>> No.8076225

Eat because free food

>> No.8076246


But it's not BBQ

>> No.8076263

Not be the least bit surprised, as 99% of people use "having a barbeque" to refer to a backyard get together centered around the grill. I'd bring my own beer just in case there's nothing good and lurk over the grill to make sure propane daddy doesn't turn my burger into a hockey puck and I'll be just fine.

What's the point of this thread even? Are you one of those 12 year old autists who argues against the way the vast majority of people use a word, even though that's how language works? Get over it.

>> No.8076270

get lost you fucking word nazi autism lord

invite your friends over for a grill then you fucking faggot loser

oh wait i forgot you don't have any

>> No.8076271

I don't have autism in real life, just on 4chan

>> No.8076275

Why is he fliping that burger? Does he even know how to grill?

>> No.8076279

knock his grill over, stomp on the patties, piss on the grill surface and march off like the bow legged autist i am

>> No.8076298
File: 19 KB, 222x293, 1470191279197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8076328
File: 242 KB, 1200x1600, June 2016 055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck yeah I'll be over innasec
>you need me to bring anything?
>I'll make some appetizers
>you guys like carne asada nachos?
>bring 3 pounds of carne, pico de gallo
>chips, cheese, cowboy salsa, avocados
>grill up carne asada
>grill onions, jalapenos a few linguicas
>slap everything together toss under broiler
>slice linguica, cut baguette, arrange on plate
>pull nachos, squeeze bottle crema
>plop sliced avocados a squeeze of lime
>distribute pico de gallo all over nachos
>finish with some cotija cheese
>drink a few beers
>walk around talking to people
>do shots with his wife while he makes burgers

typical day with the neighbors..pic related

>> No.8076360


How is this autism?

Where is the smoker?
Where is the boston butt?
Where is the brisket?

It's not BBQ.

>> No.8076364

>How is this autism?
>Manages to answer his question in his own post

wew lad

>> No.8076368


>it's not bbq

In the OP you said, "we're having a barbeque", not, "we're having barbeque". Are you even a native English speaker, or just a dum dum?

>> No.8076387
File: 19 KB, 207x240, 1469942850980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8076391


It's the same thing, champ.

>> No.8076400
File: 56 KB, 188x229, babby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8076403

Jesus wept.

>> No.8076407

And then I get to fuck your wife right Chuck?

>> No.8076408


>everyone says i'm wrong, but i'll plug my ears and scream la la la la la la la while i continue insisting only i'm right

Isn't it time for your afternoon nap, OP?

>> No.8076420

Damn the American dream you even got some Asians in there. Back when I used to live in socal during my apprenticeship I used to smoke up some ribs pork shoulder chicken quarters or grill some Carne asada or pork chops and invite the neighbors. Nobody came except some black teenager who proceeded to invite his football team for some grub good times. I used smoke some meat every 2 weeks and churn icecream. North hollywood Big Ron if anyone that was there cares to remeber.

>> No.8076466


>BBQ = dogs and burgers

Isn't it time to get back into your trailer park?

>> No.8076474


>BBQ = dogs and burgers

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8076476

I'm pretty sure you lost track of his point. He was saying that OP said they were having "a" barbeque, not that they were having "barbeque", and thus not nocessarily having the things >>8076360 entailed and just were basically having a get together outside. You should direct this post to that guy.

>> No.8076485
File: 72 KB, 608x511, 1460719127891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gosh, american BBQ is fucking sad.

>> No.8076489


NO! you FUCKING **morons**!

If you are cooking dogs and burgers it's a COOKOUT.


I ***REPEAT***


>> No.8076500

You should read these posts >>8076263

>> No.8076513



it literally means different things.

>> No.8076516

Actually in the USA the word is used interchangeably.

Now would you actually go? I'm guessing you wouldn't since you're arguing semantics on a Venezuelan secret slave labor discussion board.

>> No.8076521


>google image search "having a barbecue"
>literally pages and pages of nothing but pictures of people grilling dogs and burgers

It's okay though, OP, you're obviously the one who's correct here.

>> No.8076531

>See this. What do?

I'd eat the food that has been generously prepared for me for free at and no time cost to me.....

If someone did a dick move and says, "this isn't a real BBQ"; I'd repeatedly 'accidentally' spill my drink on them, sneeze on their food and be a general nuisance until they left or tried to confront me.

>> No.8076535
File: 131 KB, 715x708, 20a6113e9e2c4a91a7cf2b691681ab5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like your album anon

>> No.8076536


Literally no one cares about this. If I was invited to a bbq I just assume we are grilling shit outside

>> No.8076554


You surely have autism. Are you just sad that no one invites you anywhere?

Often people just want to say, hey I want my friends and neighbors to come over and have a good time, but I can't go and buy enough fucking brisket and ribs for 20 people.

I know! I'll get something everyone likes and if you don't like it, you can fuck off and see if I invite you again!!

You sound like the kind of person that goes to a dinner party and floats over everyone's fucking head and gets into religious debates

>> No.8076566

whats youse peoples problems?

dont have an argument and just say autism?

>> No.8076570

This guy sounds like my brother. We often get invited to the same get togethers which are usually centered around food and everyone brings a dish

He will take a bite of every dish and tell people what they did wrong and how to fix it....

Did I mention he can't cook for fucking shit

>> No.8076588


Shit, man!
Invite me over!

>> No.8076596

I can't express how much I envy you

>> No.8076606


Hey, Chico. Speaking of, you got my 'shipment' of 'cooking supplies' ready?

>> No.8076609

chinese places do catering?

>> No.8076617


Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.8076624

I've literally never heard anyone say they're, "having a barbecue" or "going to a barbecue" to refer to actual barbecue.

If they're doing actual barbecue they say they are "barbecuing" or "having barbecue". A "barbecue" as an event pretty much always refers to a people standing around outside drinking while someone grills up a bunch of food to order. OP clearly has some mild autism, or maybe thinks he's trolling or something.

>> No.8076650

Thank you for the helpful tip

>> No.8076667

yeah, where i come from what op and the other autists are referring to would be called a roast

a barbecue is well understood to be just cooking whatever outside perhaps even a roast

>what is vernacular?

>> No.8076690

>this cuck still posts here

>> No.8076751


Ok so where are your nachos

>> No.8076758

>have to be outdoors
>have to talk to people
>have to control my drinking
>have to deal with the food if its shitty

>> No.8077662

>Believing a story on 5chin

>> No.8077685

>Have to control my drinking
You need some rowdier friends m8