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File: 56 KB, 640x427, meat-lovers-pizza_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8073394 No.8073394 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite toppings on a pizza, /ck/?
>tfw one of the few people on earth that likes anchovies on pizza

>> No.8073399

For me, its the mcchicken

>> No.8073400

>banana pepper

All u need fám

>> No.8073404

>chicken mcnuggets and fries on a pizza
let the heart attacks commence

>> No.8073412

Green olive
Banana peppers
Sauer kraut

Obviously not all on the same pizza, but a combo of any of them will be on any pizza I order. Anchovies are alright too, but nothing I'd put in my favorites.

>> No.8073423

Pepperoni with pineapple.

>> No.8073428

>pickles on a pizza
geeze, it might just be where I live but I've never heard of that.

>> No.8073431
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>people don't like anchovies on pizza

anyway, I mostly eat pic related

>> No.8073443

sausage mushroom and like 4 cheeses with one of them being a goats milk.

And a big glass of orval.

>> No.8073447

>BBQ steak strips

I just really like meat on pizza man.

>> No.8073458

>grounded meat
>kidney beans
>sour creme


>creme curry-tomato sauce

>> No.8073460

Give it a shot. Usually it's on bacon cheeseburger pizza.
>ground beef
I think that's it.

>> No.8073463

With the homemade, olives, tomato paste, prosciutto, mozzarella, parmesan, feta. Then after cooked I load on rocket with some balsamic vinegar on top.

>> No.8073483

I think anchovies are hard to claim as a favorite topping because of how strong tasting and salty they are. Myself, I can go for a bit of anchovy on a singular pizza slice. Sometimes. But when the order fucks up and the whole pizza gets cooked WITH anchovies on it, the flavor is warped and takes on a nasty taste of fish oil + pizza. I think a lot of people order it like this to get their feet wet, but it really makes the whole pizza disgusting if anchovies are cooked on it. Unless that's your thing, fucking weirdo.


>black olives

the other ingredients aren't as good.

>> No.8073630
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orange chicken

>> No.8073702

This all day. Also
knocks a hangover right out.

>> No.8074044

Anchovies, olives and sliced tomatoes.

>> No.8074053


>> No.8074058
File: 342 KB, 1600x1200, someonespizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza half plain cheese half pepperoni and mushroom

>> No.8074117

There is only one.. ONE.. god tier topping combination.

Mushroom. Check.
Olive. Check.
Pineapple. Check.

I hope you guys are writing this down somewhere.

>> No.8074601

I like the cut of your jib.

>> No.8074603

Also like anchovies on pizza

>> No.8074606


>> No.8074609

Pineapple, pepperoni, extra sauce, stuffed crust, bacon and spinach

>> No.8074616

Normie pleb pls

>> No.8074630


>> No.8074639

Like you can actually taste the toppings anyway when the taste is destroyed by grease and cheese

>> No.8074705

Black olives
Probably with some garlic powder smothering it

>> No.8074778

Anchovies on pizza is the shit, and the only people who say otherwise are the people who have had it ingrained from birth that anchovies are disgusting, leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.8074784

Real Caesar dressing with ground anchovies in it tastes amazing. Never had it on pizza, but I can imagine that briny flavor would cut through a fatty pizza nicely.

>> No.8074803


>> No.8074833

mushroom onion and jalapeno is the most patrician vegetarian pizza you can get

>> No.8074835

gorgonzola cheese, sausage and mushroom, or tuna, capers and onion depending on my mood

>> No.8074836

ham, mushrooms, shrimp, olives
anchovies if i'm hungover

>> No.8074842

Seafood, fresh spinach, garlic.

>> No.8074866

Black olives, salami, mushrooms, jalapeño

>> No.8074997

A few pepperonis are on the cheese side and it triggers my OCD something fierce.

>> No.8075158

Just went with sausage, mushrooms, and half onion, half banana pepper. Couldn't make up my mind.

>> No.8075159

I like anchovies too. Sausage and ham are always welcome if I want to bump up the sodium.

>> No.8075162

The amount of bad taste in this topic is unbelievable.

>> No.8075223

Bacon, diced tomatoes, and as much cheese as possible.

>> No.8075225


>> No.8075226

SUsage and bleu cheese master race

>> No.8075234

Settle this once and for all /ck/, once I get 100 or so responses I'll post the results:


>> No.8075344

Pepperoni and garlic. It'll change you

>> No.8075401

>goat cheese
>black olive

I'm pretty fond of tuna pizzas too.

>> No.8075573
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Kebab, fries and salad

>> No.8075582

spinach, chicken and capicollo with a bit of pesto and roasted garlic
fucking delicious

>> No.8075753

fuck yeah, senpai

>> No.8075993

Triple cheese, extra sauce, well done.

No other toppings.

>> No.8076005

as someone who has been both a cook and driver at a pizza place, fuck you and the horse you rode in on
you're the scum of the earth

>> No.8076006


>> No.8076044


>> No.8076052

I like anchovies, but it would be more accurate to say I like A anchovie, like, once a year. I thoroughly enjoy that single anchovie on a slice of pizza, but the next one just tastes like shitty old fish. It's weird.

My favourite topping is mushrooms, pepperoni second.

>> No.8076180

because that much moisture on a pizza disintegrates the box and is a nightmare to cut and then put in the box, due to how fucking floppy it is

>> No.8076202

Beef, kebab, onion, cheese and garlic.

>> No.8076230

I love anchovies.

But ham and ananas is my favourite.

>> No.8076561
File: 2.05 MB, 2592x1944, Pastrami_pizza_withmustard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the reason people hate anchovies is that the average pizza place doesn't rinse them before hand, which if I recall, is the 'correct' way of preparing them as opposed of straight from a can. So the salt ends up overpowering not only the fish but everything else on the pizza.

As far as pizza toppings, I've found corned beef, sauerkraut, pastrami, mustard, and bratwurst to be great options. (not necessarily combined, they can be a bit situational imo)

I've also heard of people trying to introduce dishes like stroganoff and curry into pizza toppings which could be interesting.

>> No.8076765

Anchovies, pineapple, olives and either ham/chicken/bacon

>> No.8076836

black olives
bell pepper

>> No.8076842

Here's the GOAT:
>Green Peppers
>Red onion

Nothing tops it

>> No.8076853

Fresh Mozzarella, Chicken, Bacon, Onion from my local

Chicken/Sausage and a fuckload of vegetals from Dominos

>> No.8076868

Now I want a Saag Paneer pizza

>> No.8076880
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New Mexico green chili
some pepperoni
extra cheese
sometimes sausage if i haven't ate anything that day

Pizza is amazing. I love it. I want to move to a big city and try every mother fucking pizza place there.

>> No.8076888

Mah nigga. I frequently get anchovy and mushroom pizzas when I'm getting it just for myself or don't want to share with anyone because most are like "Hey can I have so- nevermind."

>> No.8076889
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Spinach, chicken, and mushroom.

>> No.8076895

>time to order pizza
>remember teenaged mutant ninja turtles liked anchovies on their pizza
>order anchovy, feta and bacon pizz
>someone I just met says "HUUURRRR WAT R U A NINJA TURTLE!!"

Y-yes actually.

>I was 28

>> No.8076921

>Must have
Extra cheese

>> No.8076971

Oh I forgot, make that a thin crust as well.

>> No.8076983

I've had anchovies plain but never on pizza. Won't it be too salty?

Also my favorite is meatball + garlic. I don't like peppers or mushrooms on pizza.

>> No.8077005

its salty goodness with that little bit of bite to it and those slightly crunchy little bones in them. Muuwahhh...

>> No.8077017

Cheese pizza cooked well done, thin crust with Prosciutto and arugula topped after it comes out if the oven. Sprinkled with freshly grated Parmesan. Or pepperoni half baked and set out to cool for 10 min. I literally just worked my ass off at a high end pizza restaurant for the last 12 hrs, kitchen lead, very high end place. Hope to own my own shop one day soon :) pizza life bitches

>> No.8077057

I extremely enjoy the classic pepperoni with cheese, but I understand that's a boring answer despite being the best pizza.

If I had to choose anything else, then a mozza spinach pizza, or one with cheese, pepperoni, ground beef, green peppers, jalapenos, and maybe shrimp or anchovies.

>> No.8077059

Fuck i forgot mushrooms. Those are great too.

>> No.8077071


Olives and cheese.

Nothing else.

>> No.8077075

I work at a pizza place and all I fucking get is calls from indians with broken english asking for a margarita pizza. I had to fucking Google it the first time I heard of it.

>> No.8077093

Mushroom, spinach/arugula, red peppers, artichoke, roasted zucchini, sausage. Though not necessarily all together.

solid choice

would eat 2bh I'm a sucker for that take out shit

>> No.8077104

pepperoni, sausage, black olives, and mushrooms

>> No.8077131

>cue triggered autists

>> No.8077140


quit appropriating Hawaiian culture you piece of shit

>> No.8077148

Get off our island reeeeeeeeee
t. palm trees

>> No.8077251

Underrated Post.

>> No.8077284


>> No.8077299


yum yum it's dinner

>> No.8077305

pepperoncini or bannana peppers
feta crumbles
white sauce

>> No.8077422

Black olives, mushrooms, and pepperoni is what I usually get from the Mctakeaway places.

If I find myself ordering from a small chain or family run place I'll just ask them to hook me up with whatever they'd recommend to a first time customer even if I've eaten there before. That's how I like to mix things up with the toppings

Really, I just like pizza. If it has a decent crust, cheese, and sauce, I've yet to encounter a common topping I don't like on my pie so I'm not trying to fix what ain't broken.

>> No.8077476

I like anchovies if they're used sparingly, like one laid out on each slice in a radial pattern. once I got it from a local place that literally just dumped it all over the pizza like it was sausage or something and I threw half the pizza out

Pepperoni is my GOAT topping though especially if the pizza is done well enough that the meat gets crispy

>> No.8078530
File: 199 KB, 1600x1031, VzrJXHZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, pizza with kebab meat, creme fraiche/garlic dressing and chili.

The kebab on this image looks a bit stale desu, but it's the best pic I can get

And yes, they may drown it in dressing like the picture. The more the better

t. Denmark

>> No.8078543

Red peppers
Red Onion
No cheese

>> No.8078553

I'm going to be the token italian that cries tears of acid reading all this maddness.

>> No.8078567

Pepperoni paired with some kind of peppers. Not bannana peppers, jalapenos or fresh green bell. Chopped cherry peppers or roasted red pepper. It's a good thing.

>> No.8079034

Anchovies, Pineapples, Pepperoncinis, Olives, Jalapenos. Thin crust, tomato sauce. Maybe some garlic or pepper or parmesan or something.

Also there's a greek pizza place near where I live that sells a specialty "gyro" pizza with tomatoes, onions, gyro meat, and tzatziki sauce that's really good. That's a definite contender.

>> No.8079038

that sounds really good desu

>> No.8079048


Pepperoni and Onion. Obviously cheese and sauce but nothing else. Lots of onion.

>> No.8079285

Well put lad