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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 91 KB, 768x432, Vitamin-Supplements.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8071624 No.8071624 [Reply] [Original]

What supplements do you guys take?

I take Fish Oil, Zinc and Vitamin D.

>> No.8071649

vit c
vit e
250mg caffeine in the morning

>> No.8071651
File: 94 KB, 413x507, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a coworker of mine takes this stuff, sometimes 5-6 capsules per day

what the hell is this shit

>> No.8071665

Creatine. Helps to keep me nice and swole.

>> No.8071879

Anti depressants
Bipolar medication

>> No.8071887

Fish oil
Test-e (350mg per week)
Whey brotein

>> No.8071889

Glucosamine, fish oil, iron.

>> No.8072000

>vitamin D
>omega 3

Need to go get some more 5HTP since I found it helped.

>> No.8072082

vitamin a,e,d
b complex
fulvic mineral complex
omega-3 complex

>> No.8072100

Vitamin D
Whey protein sometimes, depends what I ate that day

>> No.8072103


vitamin D

before bed

gives me quality sleepy sleeps and I wake up more... awake.

>> No.8072173

>Fish oil
Enjoy your oxidized rancid organ death

>> No.8072182


>> No.8072569

Planning to start some Vitamin D & B12 soon.

>> No.8072774
File: 64 KB, 539x552, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but oxidized fatty acids have been shown to be potentially harmful/carcinogenic to humans. However, most reputable brands test for and minimize oxidation. Check out the labdoor ratings for general purity info, and consider buying a fish oil supp that includes antioxidant fatty acids (like olive extracts or vit. E to control oxidation.

>> No.8072827

I take my daily dose of zippy water

>> No.8072842

Liverite, and a B complex with C.
I get my fish oil from fish. Get a lot of sun, don't know if I need D.

>> No.8072844

Magnesiums to avoid migraine and depression, zincs for my little swimmers.

>> No.8072895

Winter: D3
Spring: Cod oil

Shitty diet period: Iron and Magnesium

>> No.8072906

>Check out the labdoor ratings for general purity info
Thanks for this. Looks like I take mediocre vitamins and should switch when my bottle runs out.

>> No.8072909

i just good food

>> No.8072926

What the hell, so people actually eat all of that shit? I thought it was just commercials and maybe few grandmas

Why eat that? /ck/ can't into veggies?

>> No.8072950

I take fish oil, it's the only supplement besides zinc that I can actually -tell- is having a positive effect. I just feel better in general.

I try to take zinc because I get sick noticeably less often when I do but taking it the amounts necessary to actually do any good fucks with my stomach something fierce.

>> No.8072951

Doc said take B12 and D3. I'm white and I like the booze.

>> No.8072958

At least with respect to Vitamin D (made by body from exposure to the Sun) and B12 (made by bacteria) are extremely difficult to get enough of from diet alone without some form of fortification.

>> No.8072973

B12? You just drink milk, use butter or eat cheese.
How the fuck is that hard?

D and Omage 3 is also fine, since whole grain contains both. Fish contains even more. D2 is worse, since that is made from refining D into D2 via sunlight.

>> No.8073049

Cod liver oil, B complex

I really need B6, but B complex gives me a good amount of all Bs, so

>> No.8073161
File: 19 KB, 240x240, andywarhol-blood for dracula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even going to list them. Fuuuuck no. I don't need to get shit on for taking care of my health. I see how this thread is going.

>> No.8073163

Just fiber.

Lots and lots of fiber.

>> No.8073196 [DELETED] 

>B12? You just drink milk, use butter or eat cheese.
Which, for the most part, contain B12 because those animals were given B12 supplements. You're eating supplements one way or the other. But feel free to pat yourself on the back for being a real self-reliant frontier cowboy type.

Also I dunno why you're raving about D2, you do realize just about every D supplement on the market is D3? You realize this? Or are you just cherry-picking fringe cases to make yourself feel smart?

>> No.8073204

juicers out

>> No.8073247

Topkek at American dumb fucks wasting money on fake supplements:



>> No.8073266 [DELETED] 

>saw palmetto supplements are the same as vitamins
Oh look! Europeans are deficient in Vitamin D!

>> No.8073276

I assume you're trolling, because that article didn't even imply anything negative about taking fish oil or vitamins. It was about herbal supplements like ginseng and echinacea.

>> No.8073278
File: 2 KB, 125x94, suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fish oil

whey is just because I got cucked into a no fat diet by my gall bladder though.
Pic related is how my meal choice makes me feel.

>> No.8073292

Fish oil, ZMA, Multivitamin, D3 if I don't get enough sun. Whey, sometimes creatine when bulking, and caffeine.

These are really the only ones I need, most are just to make sure I'm getting all my bases covered. The rest are pretty useless.


>> No.8073295 [DELETED] 

>complaining about snake oil
>takes ZMA

>> No.8073297

Fucking what?

>> No.8073306 [DELETED] 

ZMA as such is a trademarked product that you pay about a 1000% markup for if not more

The only studies that suggest it does what it claims to do were funded and run by the manufacturer

I am, as I type, this about to pop some ZMA that I bought out of sheer boredom, so don't get me wrong, I like placebo too

But at least admit it's placebo

>> No.8073320
File: 70 KB, 164x260, 4 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none, as I eat plenty of organ meat and begetables

>> No.8073325
File: 171 KB, 396x423, 1383182514068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink lots of vodka. That cleans out my system, and even cleans my teeth (I haven’t brushed in years, and haven’t had a cavity since).

I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day – to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver. I make my sandwiches on seeded rye (because it’s the healthiest bread), with mayo (because eggs are the best protein; I use kewpie, because the msg makes it taste better), coarse mustard (good for the white blood cells), zucchini pickles (because they taste good), and a bunch of baby spinach (just for filler; it could honestly be left out).

I also eat a lot of canned fish (mostly sardines, but also the occasional fancy smoked oysters) on saltines. They give you all your essential amino acids, and provide a nice opportunity to try out various hot sauces, which are generally very low in calories, while high in flavor and immensely prodigious to healthiness.

Aside from that, I drink large amounts of water (anywhere between ice-cold to slightly chilled) every day, always through a straw, and sometimes with a lemon wedge.

To each their own, I say, but I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.

>> No.8073328

>taking vitamins before you're old
Your body just pushes the vitamins out if you keep taking them constantly. If you're eating well then taking vitamins is a waste of money.

Your fucking ancestors could live off of bread and water and be fine. Don't be a wussy

>> No.8073332
File: 169 KB, 480x640, 1326853610552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

multivitamin and flaxseed

>> No.8073335 [DELETED] 

Sorry buddy, I'm brown and I live in a place that doesn't get much sun. Not all of us can generate a lifetime supply of vitamin D by exposing the back of our hand to the midwinter sun for 10 seconds

>> No.8073346

As am I. Just go for walks, then.

>> No.8073353 [DELETED] 

>go for walks
I like outdoor sports, I do more than just walk. I spend hours a week outdoors in the winter

Doesn't help when the only exposed skin is about 2 square inches of face because the wind chill is negative 15

But it's ok, you learned something. Some places are colder than wherever you live, presumably Portland or something where people put on antarctic parkas when it hits 50 degrees

>> No.8073362

I live in New England.

Unless you are the deepest shade of black, you're probably over thinking it

>> No.8073372

>Your fucking ancestors could live off of bread and water and be fine. Don't be a wussy
they also weren't particularly healthy

>> No.8073374 [DELETED] 

A year's supply of D3 costs about $20

There are links between deficiency and numerous other issues including seasonal affective disorder, which I suffer regardless

I'll pay the $20 a year, you can enjoy your smug asshole attitude

>> No.8073381 [DELETED] 

No but don't you see I was born in le wrong decade

Back in the good ole days men were men and we had le American Felling Axes and le hand made cast iron pans and le leather overcoats and le carried a knife because we weren't afraid not like today with the kids and their swag and not being allowed to carry knives to class and did you hear the one about the hot coffee lawsuit?

I know better than you because I can say cynical things about stuff you do and hide behind an internet personage

>> No.8073385
File: 79 KB, 1024x864, 1389335578574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seasonal affective disorder
Is it already hitting you? First you tell us you're black then you tell us about what you suffer from. You sure it's not seasonal male menstruation disorder?

>> No.8073388 [DELETED] 

I'm impressed. You seem like a big strong self reliant man. I can tell because you talk real tough, like big strong men are wont to do. That and the funny picture which really drives home your point.

>> No.8073391


>> No.8073405

>I'm impressed. You seem like a big strong self reliant man.
>>you seem like a big strong self reliant man
For you

>> No.8073406

Krill Oil
Cod Liver Oil
Vit D (5k iu)
Goat whey protein
Vit C
B12 injections
Testosterone injections

Thinking about starting DIM. I take a lot of meds, and my doc is on holiday, so I gotta wait (don't know if it'll interact poorly).

>> No.8073408 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 680x350, I_never_wash_my_hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And don't get me started with the kids and their germophobia! When I take a dump I make sure to wipe my hands over everything! Keeps the immune system strong! Like a real man!

>> No.8073409

Vitamin D
Fish Oil

>> No.8073416


>> No.8073422

Whey protein
Cod Liver Oil
Vitamin D
Folic Acid

>> No.8073430 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 312x231, I_don't_believe_in_soap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, le Carlin! He says all the things I would say if I was funny! Except that I'll mistake it for actual medical advice and give myself botulism and die! Vaccines are totally the exact same thing as eating food with fecal contamination because I'm le reddit scientist and my classy hat tells me I'm right. If you wash your hands you are an anti-vaxxer!

>> No.8073457
File: 44 KB, 1316x866, 1472879222765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vaccines are totally the exact same thing as eating food with fecal contamination
Where did that come from?

Fact is, a vast majority of human beings go their whole lives without taking a single vitamin and routinely live a long time. If anything you are le special snowflake-man who is above the rest of the masses of staggering, vitamin deficient people who some how get by

>> No.8073464 [DELETED] 

>Where did that come from?
Did you actually watch the video or is it just in your lolsorandum list of "funny stuff to post when someone seems like a germophobe"

>> No.8073472

I've heard the video several times. Where does he mention vaccines?

>> No.8073478 [DELETED] 

>we never needed these polio vaccines we swam in raw sewage instead

>> No.8073488

I take Vit D once a week, mega dose. I avoid the sun/wear sunscreen. I always end up Vit D deficient when I get a routine annual, and it's so closely related to energy, depression, joint pain, you name it, but most of all keeps your immune system kicking against every bug that rolls through your workplace.

Fish oil/krill oil, because I don't eat seafood. Some supplement I get from Mega Red has some joint care additional ingredient hydroluronic acid (dunno). I have achilles tendonitis and two broken ankles, which are slow to recover.

I chew some gummi multivitamins couple times a week, probably just once/day for like 3 days and then I forget for a week. I take them when I have skipped some nutrition the day before, or it's been a while since some salad, good balance or whatever, or if I feel rundown/poor sleep. I think the timed release B complex gives me energy for a solid 3 hours. I alternate the multivitamin with a hair/nails multivitamin formula (high in biotin) which seems to keep my cuticles and nails nicer/less dried out like magic.

I take a melatonin/valerian/camomile bedtime gummi if I have been traveling or need to reset my bedtime and sleep well. Zonks me out within 5 minutes. Or, I drink some "Stress Rx" Arizona tea. Wish it were sugarfree as well as caffeine free. Seems just wrong to drink sugar right at bedtime. But, it also send me to sleep right away.

>> No.8073489

He never says the word vaccine or even implies it. You're tapped

>let me tell you a true story about immunization
>we didn't get polio because we swam in the hudson

He says immunization. However, immunization isn't just limited to vaccines. Immunization is simply being exposed to weakened bacteria that your immune system can practice on. He said swimming in the river supposedly immunized people in his area. Learn English. Whether or not he is right about swimming in the Hudson is another thing

>> No.8073492

B complex

Fish oil
Chelated magnesium

Alpha lipoic acid as well if I'm drinking.

>> No.8073813
File: 10 KB, 200x197, 200px-Hans_Landa_IB_2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink milk
> eat cheese
eating and drinking the jew cow

>> No.8074205 [DELETED] 

>He says immunization.
Getting infected is getting infected, whether you meant to do it or not. It is not "weakened" just because you intended to get infected for purposes of later being immune. The pathogen doesn't know how to detect that you meant to "strengthen your immune system", it does the exact same thing either way. And whether or not you show symptoms, you become a carrier, thereby infecting others who may actually be harmed.

Stop confusing stand up comedy for medical advice.

>> No.8074279

Thanks, I was just looking for this copypasta.

>> No.8075750

1% Evil
99% Hot gas

>> No.8075962

at the moment one prenatal and a probiotic daily.