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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 19 KB, 800x580, Alcoholism-facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8059153 No.8059153 [Reply] [Original]

Al/ck/oholism General v. 215666534

I'm hungover as fuck and thinking about drinking a bit to balance out, the last time I did this I wound up being drunk for 3 days straight. But I think I can handle myself this time. Good idea y/n?

>> No.8059169

quit it with these fucking theads. get your fucking life together senpai. go the fuck outside and get off the goddamn computer for 1

>> No.8059180


>last time this happened it was awful
>but I'm sure it'll go better this time!

This is the kind of shit logic that goes along with any kind of addiction.

>> No.8059194

Not a day without this al/ck/o crap. We get it poster, you crave internet attention and you get it. I think that's more you're drug.

>> No.8059195
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>> No.8059990
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>> No.8059996

I'm currently stripping low wines. I don't know if that makes me frugal or an end stage alcoholic.

>> No.8060017

Probably lamest comeback in 4chan history

>> No.8060031

No. Not a good idea. Past behaviors are a good prediction of future actions.

I cut myself off this evening after four tall cans, on another note. Gaining better control of my life. I wasn't a full-blown drunk but it was starting to head that way. This thread made me realize that.

>> No.8060034
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Hey guys I just learned a new trick for myself. Others might know this but I'll post it anyway.

I wanted to get a bottle of wine open in a hotel room but didn't have any access to a corkscrew.

Hold the bottle sideways, and forcefully "tap" the bottom of the bottle against the face of a couch arm. Just keep doing it for a while and the pressure will start forcing the cork out so you'll be able to just pull it out the rest of the way.


>> No.8060045

I made the thread 2 or three times ago you faggot and all these guys are different.

>> No.8060049
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>you're drug

>> No.8060050

Idiots. Read and learn. This poster is a sad attenrion seeker. /ck/ knows
Dont fucking bother with this sad being.

>> No.8060053
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>attenrion seeker

>> No.8060060


I was not drinking like maybe 7 days in the last 3 months. I don't understand your problem.

>> No.8060062

>be a north korea chinaman
>can't drink or be executed
>jealous post on American forum

>> No.8060065
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bump for daydrinking

>> No.8060067

Oh, I just realized you can hide a post, awesome.

>> No.8060072

What fuckin shithole country do you live in bruv

>> No.8060076

I haven't drank in for 2 weeks and haven't had a bender longer than 2 days in about 6 months. I'm not quitting, just trying to control my drinking more.

>> No.8060079
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>> No.8060084

Then you spill wine on your carpet?

>> No.8060085
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Oh sorry bro I'm on the east coast right now, should have known!

>> No.8060088

No, you carry the half uncorked thing to your sink, pull out the cork, and it will spritz up a bit, but all your wine is intact. Thanks for asking, I could have included this end measure.

>> No.8060145

You guys really don't make your own booze, do you?

>> No.8060292
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That's just mid-tier alk

Fuck $2 Chuck, I'm in at $0.83.

>> No.8060302
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Now we're talking.

>> No.8060305


I get a handle of vodka for about 50c.

>> No.8060310
File: 645 KB, 2448x3264, 1466937810369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noice. Since I'm not in the 'land of the free' ... just 'land of the fees', I'll just say I have a friend who knows what you're doing ;)

>> No.8060312

wtf is this a meth lab?
why not just buy ur alcohol from the alcohol manufaqcturers in a store you yanks????

>> No.8060316


It's worth it. I'm not in the US, but still. It's fun.

>> No.8060317
File: 132 KB, 720x764, 1465862717863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simply filtering 2 cases of wine before I bottle it.

Why buy from the state and the jews when you can make it for half the price?

>> No.8060324


>Pressure will start forcing the cork out so you'll be able to just pull it out the rest of the way.
>just pull it out the rest of the way.

If you're too dumb to not comprehend that than you shouldn't be consuming alcohol.

>> No.8060327
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>> No.8060331
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Further - I'm getting married in a month. Instead of buying 160 bottles of wine, I made it. 35 fucking gallons.

If I went to the store, that'd be $1,700 to $2,250.

My cost? $320 and 6 hours of work.

This shit adds up, fellow al/ck/s. Wine doesn't spoil, it gets better with age.

>> No.8060347
File: 161 KB, 505x431, nick-young-confused-face[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking alcohol
>when you can just be high as fuck

>> No.8060365

Not everyone hates working, buKEKski

>> No.8060386

Some of us worry about drug testing, and keeping our job.

>> No.8060389

>Wine doesn't spoil

do you know how to make vinegar?

>> No.8060400
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More importantly, I know how to make wine properly.

>> No.8060412

>not using synthetic urine to pass your drug tests


>> No.8060446

>being such a degenerate that you need fake piss to get a job
lmaoing at your life

>> No.8060455

>calls me the degenerate
>in a thread full of self proclaimed alcoholics

At least I don't get cold sweats from not smoking.

>> No.8060461



>> No.8060477

It's called addiction

>> No.8060478

anyone elce drink exclusively 40's?

>> No.8060488

Fuck off nigger.

Just kidding, I love Colt 45s. I know a Shell that sell them for 1.99 each, it's great.

>> No.8060655


>> No.8060700

Haven't touched a drink in 3 months.
I still think about drinking every single day.
When does it get easier?

>> No.8060711


At about ~6 months sober, but depends on how much you were drinking. How bad was it?

I've been there with benzos. Drink occasionally now and feel fantastic, gets me my buzz and makes me reflect. I guess it would be weird for my to be in an al/ck/ie thread but gook moot hasn't made a drug board yet and most people here are of a kindred spirit.

>> No.8060744

Was going through those larger bottles of vodka every couple days.
Would drink before work, drive drunk, etc.

>> No.8060751

I've been doing 40s of King Cobra lately. Prefer Steel Reserve, but my local stores only have them in cans and 40s are cheaper.

>> No.8060778


It'll take far longer than a couple months. You'll feel better in awhile. Your body still needs to adapt to living without alcohol. After it does and you get some type of balance, your mind will start healing itself. Devote yourself to something.

>> No.8060859

>gook moot hasn't made a drug board yet

Do you frequent /hooch/?

>> No.8060876

i cant get colt so i just get steel reserve. 2.50 a bottle here :(

>> No.8060912
File: 566 KB, 705x558, killmeplease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been going through 2 boxes of fireball a week for a while now....kill me

>> No.8060963

how fucking new are you? is this babbys first board after /b/?

/alck/ threads have been on /ck/ for a long ass time.

>> No.8060979

i used to drink a pint of 100 proof smirnoff every night with a couple of beers, but i've weened off and have been drinking just once a week on either saturday or sunday, depending on my work schedule. it's been great, but the first 2 weeks, i wanted to kill myself, and had heart palpitations and some panic attack like breathing problems while trying to sleep. i also noticed some caffeine sensitivity. around day 15-16 i started feeling fine, though.

>> No.8061036

avoid the question, good one

>> No.8061068

I've been clean of opioids for almost 4 years now and I still browse the addiction threads that pop up on various boards.

>> No.8061246
File: 910 KB, 1074x1860, 01207CF_3L_MONGO MANGO_BTL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what hard alcohol would you mix pic related with? I want to throw a party with some mixed drinks available

>> No.8061261

Alcoholic here. 2 bottles of wine every day. How do I quit? I'm thinking of going to AA. What can I expect? Thanks

>> No.8061263

You need Jesus.

>> No.8061295

I would use vodka

>> No.8061329

How long?

>> No.8061358

13 days sober.

Last night was a close call. Really need to find some new hobbies to replace my drinking habits. Boredom is the biggest enemy of my sobriety.

>> No.8061381

Here's the setup /ck/
>company, specifically my department is going on a 3day2night stay at some resort for a team building
>day time will probably be full of fun but come night time it's just rest and awkward moments with other people my team is not close with
>want to make things fun for my group
>alcohol always makes this really fun or really bad
Drunk gummy bears, what should I mix with it? Vodka? Whiskey? What else can I prepare?
Truth is I just want to smash this one girl, with 2 nights together with her I think I have a shot, we'll also be staying in the same room. She's part of the committee for this shit and when I asked her if there were any ground rules, she replied in email that everything but biting is ok.
I replied to that one with a smiley face, bitches love smiley faces.

>> No.8061384

>3day2night stay

How many hours are they paying you to work?

>> No.8061387

No anon not every enterprise workplace wants to fuck you over, we're still payed our normal hours and the whole thing is payed by the company.

>> No.8061394

Shouldn't they be paying you for 24 hours of work for each full day you have to attend?

>> No.8061402

I don't know about any laws regarding that, but the overnight stay is optional, most of the oldies don't plan to stay the night so that's more chances for me and little ms qt3.14.

>> No.8061410

It's just a battle of willpower. There a few things that can make it a little easier though:

Find things to keep your mind occupied: hobbies, books, movies, whatever. Something that if you're bored won't make you think about or be tempted to drink.

Eat lots of food, seriously. Eat to the point you can't possibly eat any more. I find if my stomach is totally full to the point of or almost at the point of discomfort I have absolutely no desire to drink.

Build new habits to replace your drinking routines. If you found yourself coming home and watching a certain show or listening to certain music or something do not do this sober. It will just remind you of booze and tempt you to drink.

>> No.8061594

Woke up At 4:00 AM with supreme guilt
And anxiety

Drinking beer on the couch now with the doggies

>> No.8062035

Who here is drinking by themselves in a pub right now?
It's the best, you get to drink outside among people, but at the same time noone is bothering you and you can shitpost to your hearts content

>> No.8062042
File: 12 KB, 200x219, 1359632815574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nice... how much is is costing ya?

>> No.8062048

So I get to be lonely without any of the peace and solitude?

>> No.8062055

I don't do this everyday
Obviously you should do this if you're OK with losing the solitude part, that's kind of the point.
Anyway, cheers anons!

>> No.8063085

Quick I need a brandy that's both not too expensive and good with anything

>> No.8063117

>my friend likes whiskey
>he's my only friend I can talk to about whiskey
>mfw insists everything is either scotch (scottish, irish) or bourbon (everything else)
at least he has some Connemara, it's quite nice

>> No.8063126

fuck you guys are degenerates, find a hobby and stop feeling sorry for yourself like a woman

>> No.8063214
File: 134 KB, 600x469, Napue-IWSC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Finnish gf just returned from visiting her family and got me five of these for my birthday:


Actually she got me four (my birthday is in two weeks). We downed half of the fifth bottle together this evening as gin & tonic. She went to sleep a moment ago since she was tired from the trip.

Considering making myself another cheeky gin&tonic before going to sleep.

>> No.8063307


Just get a vodka and something to mix it with

>> No.8063351

My computer psu dying has been a miracle.
Keeping me from getting hammered and playing video games

>> No.8063396

What are some cheap vodkas to drink to help the crippling depression

>> No.8063414

Industrial grade paint thinner

>> No.8063415

Thanks, buy in bulk?

>> No.8063477


Dunno man, spend a couple dimes more and you can get artisanally made thinner meant only for stripping victorian houses

>> No.8063534

>usually go through phases of 3 months drunk/3 months sober
>on 3rd month drunk now
>wake up at around 2am after drinking heavily
>go outside for a smoke
>start feeling terrible
>feel light headed
>getting dark
>feeling cold
>feeling weak
>walk upstairs to my apartment
>barely make it without passing out
>get to my toilet and sit down
>shit my brains out
>wake up a minute later
>drenched in sweat
>can barely see

I guess it's time to sober up.

>> No.8064074


>> No.8064082

weed doesn't affect everyone the same way ya dingus. I know because I used to enjoy it, but now I just can't smoke anymore. Every single time I try it again, I turn into a paranoid, anxious wreck.

>> No.8064101

>finding ways to incorporate booze into recipes
Rye whisky in ramyeon, cream liqour in place of milk for oatmeal.

>> No.8065053

What is the cheapest, best tasting vodka?

The cheapest best tasting i could find is popov for $17 a half gallon

>> No.8065062

Same here, but I make it a policy to smoke about once a season because the paranoia helps me see what's wrong in my life with more objectivity, if that makes any sense
Using it regularly is degenerate as fuck

>> No.8065091

Colt is ass. Cobra 4 life kid.

>> No.8065111

How bad has everyone's health gotten here?

>> No.8065143

>samefagging this hard

>> No.8065420

I've passed probably 7 or 8 kidney stones in the last 2 years. I also just get chest, flank, bladder pain, shortness of breath, etc.

>> No.8065493

this feel
i can't handle it
will we ever be able to actually enjoy it again?
fuck I miss being high so fucking much

>> No.8065517

Liquor store was closed yesterday, didn't get much sleep.

>> No.8065529

Last time I saw a Dr. 5 years ago they urged me to quit drinking because there was scarring on my liver.

Sometimes shit blood and vomit blood. Probably an ulcer, You?

>> No.8065705

i feel like i need to drink all the time or not at all
like i dnt get hangovers any more but just terrible terrible anxiety the next day. like tight, painful chest, manually breathing, blurry vision, panicky thoughts, etc, until i can get drunk again and then it goes away

but obviously this is no way to live. it would be ideal to give it up for good but i feel like it's essential for pretty much all social activity amongst the people that i know

i try doing stuff like just going and having like two drinks but even as the effects of the alcohol start to wear off i feel the anxiety creeping in, so i have to have another and before i know it it's 2am and i'm wasted with work the next day

i have gone for periods of like a week before without drinking and, after the first 3 days or so, i feel fantastic, but then i get invited to something and i can't help myself

>> No.8065711

I feel you, anon. For me it's not anxiety, but crippling, severe depression.

>> No.8065901

Need up in the hospital a couple weeks ago with an atrial flutter heart pattern and severe anemia. Doctor said I probably have major GI bleed somewhere and ordered a scope down my throat and a colonoscopy. Scope revealed minor bleeding in stomach, colonoscopy is happening sometime next week. I'm still severely anemic, can barely climb a flight of stairs without feeling faint and dizzy with high heart rate. I shit blood multiple times per day. I am severely depressed and suicidal whenever I'm not drinking.

Well, off to buy another couple bottles of wine. Drink up, /ck/....

>> No.8066012


>>8063534 here. See my post.

Today is my last day drinking. Probably for about 3 months give or take. I have a shit ton of interviews this month and my first one is next week. The DTs should only last through the weekend, so I should be fine.

Wish me luck.

>> No.8066025

Remember, If you're having DTs, you're in pretty bad shape and might need some benzos to help,you get through withdrawals. Go to the ER if it gets really bad.

Good luck.

>> No.8066073

I've been on a 4 month bender, so I'm not too far gone yet, but I've gained about 20 pounds, have abdominal pain and nausea everyday, and have noticed my memory and mental health has gone down the shitter.

Managed to be a drunk idiot and contracted gonorrhea and haven't done anything about it because supposedly you can't drink after taking the pills for it. I-I'll get it together before it's too late...

>> No.8066256
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Hey why the fuck can't normies get off my dick for drinking a lot?

I'm not even an alcoholic, I just like to get shitfaced once or twice a week by my own because my working times allow it and I have to deal with my anxiety issues and loneliness somehow. It's just the way it works for me and it doesn't affect my daily routine (I'm a productive guy) or rare social interactions.

You judging me just makes me want to drink more you fucking asshole. Just leave me be, I'm fine.


>> No.8066464

I thought the normie methods of drug use were:

a: shitfaced 1-2 times a week
b: 1-3 drinks daily
c: dude weed lmao
d: adderall script but meth will kill you :^)))
e: I like pharma opioids once in a while but heroin will kill you :^)))
f: benzo script for muh anxiety :^)))

>> No.8066504

this guy knows
i love you guy

>> No.8066961

damn son. That's a lot. At my worst I was doing 750 ml of cheap vodka every day. Please get help.

>> No.8066974

Brotherman, I feel ya. Boredom is such a bitch when it comes to alcohol. I usually rely on weed and diet coke, oddly

>> No.8066985

I remember when I was at the very cusp of my blazing alcoholic days, back when it was still enjoyable, and I would drink all night. I'd usually pass out around midnight then wake up a couple hours later and continue the drinking basically until the sun would come up...It would always catch me off guard because I didn't realize how much time was passing and being wasted while I was continuing to get fucked up.

It's weird I have a small nostalgia for those times, because I'd end up sleeping a few hours, wake up, and start drinking again. All fucking weekend.

Mondays used to SUCK. I never want to go back to those times

>> No.8066987

This is as bad as tumblr. Almost as hilarious too. Go look up some thin privilege tumblrs, I'm sure we'd both think they are pathetic. Then look in a mirror and realize you are just as fucking delusional.


At least weed and benzo addicts aren't shitting blood.



>> No.8067010

>I unironically think benzo addiction is any better than alcoholism
>I very clearly have 0 experience with addiction and 0 understanding of pharmacology

But I don't get how this is like tumblr, nobody here is justifying their behavior. For the most part, we all recognize what we're doing to ourselves. Not all of us even drink/use anymore (I've been sober for years)

You're probably just a DUDE WEED LMAO kid who feels enlightened from it. Go take some adderall to study, college is starting up again :^).

Love you too lad.

>> No.8067023

if it's that bad, the er will admit you and you will sit in the hospital for five days and pay 13,000$/day for them to give you a saline and vit. b IV. just stay at home and take a vitamin pill.
t. experienced drinker

>> No.8067028


I just want people here to WAKE UP. They drink to escape something and feel better, that's fine, I do the same thing. But it gets worse and worse and becomes a cycle and they eventually drink because drinking made them feel bad, so they have to drink to forget about their alcoholism.

Benzos are very similar but much, much better for your liver/stomach. You can assume whatever you want about someone who is on the fucking al/ck/ board on /ck/ on 4chan, I'm definitely a transplant 18-year old addie abuser.

>> No.8067220

I gained and lost 80 pounds within 3 months.

When I was drinking really heavily I would get lower back pains, on my right side.

>> No.8067823

>drink 1 liter of vodka

>only a minor buzz


>> No.8067838

It's not spoilage, it's fermentation by bacteria.

Don't act smart, it doesn't suit you.

>> No.8067853

Just wanted to say I feel the exact same way all the time brother.

>> No.8067858

Holy fucking shit i am on a bender

My girlfriend had to drive me home

I sure as shit am not going to work tomorrow

>> No.8068926

Stores were closed yesterday and i didnt prepare. So i came to work this morning completely sober/hangover free.

It feels good, my mind is fresh and i am focused, but in my mind i am tempted to pick something up on the way home.

>> No.8069023

I got really fucked up on saturday night (blacked out, hit my head fucked up), said i'm going to drink once a week maximum from now and on. It's Tuesday night/Wednesday morning Australian time and I'm already getting drunk. I'm only 21 and don't consider myself an alcoholic but I'm subconsciously falling down that slippery slope. don't really care though. anyone else kinda got that self-defeating personality?

>> No.8069049

i agree with this dude. if you have anxiety, it's gonna be benzos or alco - pick your poison. I honestly think alcohol is safer.

>> No.8069081

If you're like me that probably won't work. It's easier for me to abstain from drinking altogether than to limit myself to 1-2 days a week. But it's still by no means easy.

>> No.8069086

Recovering from this 3 day weekend's bender. Long weekends are never good.

>> No.8069090

It's this way for most legitimate alcoholics. It's just not possible for us to limit ourselves. It's like all or nothing for us, it's the fucking worst.

>> No.8069107

yeah you're probably right. I'm an all or nothing kind of guy, but I try to convince myself i'm not. I just love drinking too much.

>> No.8070189

>I just want people here to WAKE UP. They drink to escape something and feel better, that's fine, I do the same thing. But it gets worse and worse and becomes a cycle and they eventually drink because drinking made them feel bad, so they have to drink to forget about their alcoholism.

That's what addiction is though. There is a reason why only a small minority of drug users for any given drug become addicts. Part of being an addict is irrational behavior.

>Benzos are very similar but much, much better for your liver/stomach.
Sure, but arguably they lead to cognitive problems quicker, and have a more protracted withdrawal due to their half life. Although both severe alcoholism and benzo addiction can lead to life-threatening withdrawal, it is easier to get to that point with benzos. Especially since most people's first foray with them is through a doctor's prescription for their anxiety. In the long run I would argue that alcohol is worse in a sense since it's the only recreational drug that will lead to the degeneration of myelin. But the differences are so small you're effectively handicapping yourself for life with an addiction to either.

Regardless, you can laugh at the people here who have massive physical problems from prolonged alcoholism, but one form of therapy with a (relatively) high success rate for addiction is the combination of positive reinforcement (e.g. addicts relating to each other over their drug consumption) and perceiving the negative health effects. This is the most well studied in tobacco addiction for example, where the therapist will say things along the line of "Oh that's great that you smoke it must feel great, and provide such social benefits and all that, it's a worthwhile price for cancer, COPD etc...". Of course, the therapist will be more subtle than my example.

I do think these threads are valuable to the addicts who browse it, though I'm no clinician (But I sometimes work with them).

>> No.8070201

had a two day bender this weekend
didnt eat anything for like 3 days, couldnt attend the labor day barbeque I got invited to, did nothing but layed in bed and watch netflix.
But boy did I fucking eat a shit ton of food today and it was amazing. Nothing like filling your stomach after it being empty for a couple days

>> No.8070218
File: 12 KB, 181x153, 1284596263028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you guys experience hair thinning as a result of your drinking? Not male pattern baldness. Both sides of my family all have very thick hair, especially on my dad's side and I take after his.

I know I'm malnourished as fuck. You can see it in my face, my eyes, my skin, my brittle, wirey hair.

Goddamn this booze needs to go already. * years is enough, I think.

>> No.8070234

>bottle of red wine and six shots of vodka
>vomited into my trashcan and passed out
>woke up and immediately remembered that my trashcan was wire mesh and there was no bag
There's some poor bastard at USC wondering what that godawful stain on the carpet is.

>> No.8070379


I get fat when I drink heavily for days at a time but to be fair my appetite also goes out of control.

>> No.8071176

Everclear nigga
Don't water it down and get cheep abv nigga

>> No.8071207

i sometimes miss sitting in my room with a bottle of vodka i bought with my neetbux listening to sad music and watching movies for days at a time, but i definitely do not miss being fat, bloated, and dehydrated and shitting blood. i also swear i came close to having a heart attack a couple of times

anyone else ever have a moment where you're sitting on the toilet or lying in bed and your heart is just going all kinds of crazy and you're trying to control your breathing to slow it down and thinking 'i am going to have to call an ambulance aren't i'. that happened to me 3 times. the 3rd time i realized that if i ever had to go to the hospital i would have to explain to my family why, that i had literally given myself severe alcohol withdrawal. and that thought made
me stop binge drinking for months at a time

>> No.8071733


>> No.8071822

I hide bottles of rye throughout my house and take sneaky swigs when my girlfriend isnt around, and then when she goes to bed i get hammered. This is really unhealthy for our relationship and my health as ive been drinking about 300ml a day for 3 years.

Im thinking of switching to something more quantifiable and less abv. Like maybe have a case of tallboys in the fridge, and after 2 a night my girlfriend would probably call me out.

Does anyone have experience on switching from hard stuff to beer? My biggest fear is the buzz wearing off too quickly and when that happens i get anxious and agitated.

>> No.8071830

a combination of alcoholic liquid itself and the stress i feel when hungover seems to have completely fucked my digestive system up. always bloated as fuck and never really feel hungry

>> No.8071845


Came home from a university orientation yesterday at 4pm with a big bag of alcohol. Finished all of it and passed out at 7 and woke up at 4am. I start class in 5 hours but honestly I don't even want to go. Everything this morning seems so surreal. Yesterday I saw this girl I hooked up with on my campus but did not say hi even though she saw me. I told this girl who I could not get it up with last month because she was fat and a total slut who fucked over 100 guys that the reason why I stopped talking to her is because I am not attracted to her. Told her over text when I was drunk and she told me to fuck off and blocked my number kek. God damn I love gin.

>> No.8071847


Just switch to wine and pretend to be a mature, sophisticated adult who is into wine tasting.

>> No.8071855

Lately cause I've been extra poor.
Steel reserve does the job after a couple of em.

>> No.8071860

Other than coke, what's the superior mixer for rum?

>> No.8071864
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Give it time.
I smoke all day forever all the time and have for years.
I don't even get high anymore, I just get to where everything isn't unbearably shitty.
I should quit, but when I do my anger gets to ridiculous nigh suicidal levels.
It's a cycle, I guess.

>> No.8071865

Make a Pina colada.

>> No.8071869


Or get caught in the rain..

>> No.8071871


I prefer to drink all my liquor straight with the exception of gin/tonic/lime so this might sound stupid but for some reason I would imagine lemonade being great with rum.

>> No.8071875


Personally I think rum is awful. Not to mention the dunder process but the flavour is sickly sweet with no pay off.

>> No.8071890


Agreed. I dislike rum honestly as well as tequilla. Much prefer whisky/beer/wine/vodka/gin

Gin is an incredibly underrated drink. People I meet seem to dislike it a lot. But god it is tasty if you can get a bottle of something half decent like brokers.

>> No.8071933

augh yeah folks, i drank last sunday after a month sober folks, i had a 375 ml of vodka and a 375 ml of everclear and only got a decent buzz off it, but didn't have too bad of a hangover the next day. anxiety was sort of so-so. I didn't drink monday night or tuesday night since i only drink on teh weekends now when i do drink but im thinking of getting a handle of my cheap vodka and a 12 pack of my cheap beers and getting alcoholic this weekend folks, augh yeah folks, gotta work on my alcoholism folks

>> No.8072113

This. I didn't end up drinking last night due to circumstances and I feel great this morning but I have the day off and my girlfriend's at work tonight so I'm already planning on when I should start day-drinking.

>> No.8072960

Finally determined I'm going to AA. I can no longer stand the hellish depressions I go through after a weekend of drinking all day every day. How about you guys?

>> No.8073048


Gin just has a very specific taste, not much you can do to change it. just compliment it, which soda water is good at

>Failed to get a girls number today even after seeing her three times

Do I start getting zipped at uni to hit on grils?

>> No.8073285
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Can we use this as the next OP pic? Thoughts?

>> No.8073688

i love drinking so IMMA CONTINUE

>> No.8074057
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Might as well

>> No.8074088

Don't expect it to fix anything.
I find it somewhat valuable, but I can only see it doing something for someone who finds it easy to latch onto a group mentality.
Detox is what helped me get better more than anything else really. I still haven't returned to drinking as much liquor since I got out. I mainly just have been drinking beer and wine now, I went to three AA meetings a week for about 6 weeks before I stopped feeling any personal kind of value for it.
It's good to try something new though.

>> No.8074131

I shouldn't even say this. But here I go.
You can mix brandy and lemonade. I swear it's like you can fill up a glass with brandy and the smallest bit of lemonade and it almost totally masks the flavor. If you mix it like a regular mixer, you will likely be able to guzzle that shit barely knowing that you're drinking booze.
I tried this once, and it was so easy for me to drink I never ever did it again.

>> No.8074136

Unless you have kids, I don't see the point of quitting.

Life is fucking miserable, alcohol is something that takes the pain away, even for a few hours.

Personally, I don't want to be old and decrepit. I expect my alcoholism to kill me in my early fifties and that's fucking fine by me. I don't wanna be a fragile, useless and bored fucker and neither should you.

Life=Shit and Alcohol makes things less shittier.

>> No.8074153

Fuck off you faggot nigger.

>> No.8074216


Are you me?

>> No.8074447

12-step programs are pathetic religious cults, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It can be helpful to have some people around to talk to and get shit off your chest, but don't get too deep int the whole "work the steps" bullshit. That said, best of luck to you.

I'm going into a dual disorder DBT program son that treats both the alcoholism and the underlying psych disorders (depression and anxiety for me). I'm nervous, but hopeful.

>> No.8074604

you might get banned for that here. last time i called somebody a nigger on ck i got a ban.

>> No.8074646

I drink 5 days a week, not full alcho, but I'd call myself a heavy drinker.

My major problem is that I have maybe 4 drinks and I want to do a line.

Anyone else have this problem?

>> No.8074910

Going on 24hr standby for work starting today. Its 2 weeks of forced sobriety else i risk losing my job. Itl be good for me but I know im going to be grumpy around the gouse for the first few nights.

I think im going to replay Blood Borne to keep myself occupied

>> No.8075287

I recently started sometimes drinking before work and on lunch break, in addition to after work. I don't drink that much at a time, only enough to ignore how much I hate my coworkers and how boring my job is. I used to go in fucking stoned so this is the replacement I guess

>> No.8075300

Only thing is health. I've had no intention to quit, but I've notice a lot of fatigue and every now and then an organ will feel swollen and uncomfortable.

I don't get belligerent when drunk and I only do it at home at night, so there's really no reason to quit other than health.

>> No.8075385

One and a half bottles wine a night.

>> No.8075746
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>> No.8075756

i drink 6-8 beers every night because i enjoy getting buzzed, i don't like liquor... what is a good alternative i could drink that would give me the same effects and not all the calories

>> No.8075766


Or you could just push the cork into the bottle

>> No.8075779


>tfw enjoy both pot and alcohol together

>> No.8075781

>i drink 6-8 beers every night because i enjoy getting buzzed, i don't like liquor... what is a good alternative i could drink that would give me the same effects and not all the calories


>> No.8075783


>having a job
> not working for yourself or being neet

Lmaoing at your life family

>> No.8077521
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Lads. I have woken up this morning and realised that every problem I have is made worse by drink.

I've been trying to taper, but I just get drunk.

As of now, I'm going cold turkey.

I don't fucking care any more.

Either I succeed or I suicide. Either is better than this. And at least no cunt can blame it on me being drunk, and shake their head sadly and say I could have been a better person if only I had the moral strength to eschew alcohol. As if my failures aren't just cos I'm a useless cunt.

Not looking forward to the sweats and the sleepless nights, but I'm fucked off with it all now.

Fucking cunts, the rest of the world, I will do this in spite of you.

>> No.8077535

c u in 2 days

>> No.8077539

Good. Now clean your house and rearrange the furniture. You'll be busy doing something constructive and you'll start your new life with the positive reward of a new and clean environment.

That chair you normally sit in to drink? Into the trash! New life = new habits.
Stay hydrated.
You got this.

>> No.8077561

>finally got down to one container of wine per week
>5L box of wine

I'm trying to make one box last for two weeks.

>> No.8077565

Lads. I have woken up this afternoon and realised that every problem I have is made worse by 4chan.
I've been trying to taper, but I just get (You)s.
As of now, I'm going cold turkey.
I don't fucking care any more.
Either I succeed or I an hero. Either is better than this. And at least no cunt can blame it on me being a newfag, and shake their head sadly and say I could have been a better wizard if only I had the moral strength to eschew repeating digits. As if my failures aren't just cos I'm a dumb frog poster.
Not looking forward to the sweats and the sleepless nights, but I'm fucked off with it all now.
Fucking cunts, the reddits of the world, I will do this in spite of you.

>> No.8077600
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>> No.8077667

>go to a food festival
>buy nice bottle of vodka which they ship to my house for me at no extra charge
>it just arrived
>it won't last till tomorrow

How do I make it last

>> No.8077687

Make sure you always have enough cheap vodka to get drunk so you don't have to drink the good stuff.

>> No.8077854

aaaaaaaaaand i'm drinking at 5:30am before i leave for work. i've been on a weird early schedule for about a year so i don't have to deal with people.i miss weed. just a matter of months until it's legalized in CA so i can stop fucking drinking all the time and be high instead

>> No.8077888

friday 3 PM here, start drinking beer. 12 bottels left (0,5l each). lets see how long till i pass out

>> No.8077922


I've put two bottles of white wine and 8 half liters of beer in the fridge for tonight.

>> No.8077989

>Wake up

It's 10 AM and i'm skunky. Feels alright, but not morally speaking. I'm asking for help in a thread about drinking. How can I stop this before it gets crazy? I quit cigs without a problem because it was all mental, but I think the alcoholism is physical...

>> No.8078260
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...why not just get a recommendation?

prop 215 is loose as fuck, you can claim "anxiety" or "insomnia"

I've been a 215 card holder for 10 years (epilepsy) and I am kinda worried about full legalization effecting our medical market.

>> No.8078386
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>Get drunk on beers
>have to piss but don't want to walk to the bathroom
>piss in empty beer bottles
Wow, this piss bottle stuff wasn't a meme. It really works, I barely spilled at all!

>> No.8078439

oh, don't drink that man.


>> No.8078647

I'm this Anon; Ended up getting very drunk that night, smashed half a bottle of bourbon and a good 15+ beers. It's now 6:00am Saturday morning Australia and I'm planning on going on a decent bender this weekend. Starting drinking with an alcoholic mate of mine at 12:00pm and drinking all through the afternoon and seeing where it takes us. Most likely going to pass out and continue drinking when i wake up early Sunday morning.

This thread has really turned into my personal blog. Any other young people here who know they're slowly turning into an alcoholic but don't really care? I'm not even depressed, there's just no other substance that gives me the same feeling as alcohol. Three years ago I would get drunk once a fortnight when going out with friends, by 19 I was drinking alone in my room once a week in conjunction with going out, now that I'm 21 I'm drinking heavily 3-4 times a week. This is my last year of university and I haven't worked full time yet, and I'm scared that I'll be forced to stop drinking once I do. Anyone a "functional" alcoholic here who works a decent full time job? I need a little inspiration.

>> No.8078686

Couldn't agree more. After going on benders for a 2-3 days, I'll wake up feeling weird. Then I'll get panicky thoughts, feel my heart beating faster, feeling really guilty. Never happened until recently and I've been drinking pretty heavily on and off for 5 years. Not sure why it started.

I used to binge for a few weeks and just woke up with hangovers. Now I never get hangovers, just this anxiety bullshit.

>> No.8078701

yeah kinda fucked over Seattle's market for medical

>> No.8078730

>I'll wake up feeling weird. Then I'll get panicky thoughts, feel my heart beating faster, feeling really guilty
god I fucking hate that. Hangovers wouldnt be so bad if it werent for the post drinking anxiety
I mean I get drunk alone, dont do anything stupid like text old girlfriends or anything like that, but I still will wake up feeling some remorse
and I know its just because how bad I feel in general but I still cant get over it usually. have to put on some cartoons or a comfy movie to take my mind off it

>> No.8078766

currently drinking Straropramen czech pils, wanted to buy 5l keg from iceland of real budweiser for £15
Drank Newcy brown and then red stag "wiskey" with tea until 3/4am, phoned in sick to work, will have to pound these beers to catch a buzz.
Only drunk girls whiskey as it wasnt mine and wanted to keep drinking.

>> No.8078834

you probably feel the need to drink due to subconscious anxiety, and after drinking it's just brought to the surface. that was the case for me, anyway.

>> No.8078867

theres nothing subconscious about it I definitely have pretty bad anxiety in general but lately have learned to control it, I dont even take my medication anymore but when I'm hungover I have to
I just need to learn to drink more water and eat something before bed

>> No.8078942

that's a good point. just found out my mom is moving halfway across the country. i told her i'm supportive, but i think subconsciously it's eating at me.

>> No.8078956

I'm not an alcky, and I "have a life," but I enjoy reading these threads. Partly schadenfreude I guess, but it's also fascinating what crazy shit people get into.

So leave al/ck/ alone.

>> No.8078962

I haven't been able to enjoy pot in years, but even when I did, its "high" is inferior to most every other drug, including alcohol. It's lame in general.

>> No.8079007

2 months sober here. I REALLY wanna get drunk, but at the same time I feel so good every day its amazing. Instead of waking up for work every morning hung over and hating every minute of the day until I could drink, I've gone to the gym nearly every morning and feel awesome throughout the day. Waking up not hungover is such a good feeling. I've still got hardcore cravings, but I guess that's expected1

>> No.8079010

This is exactly the reason why I don't slam liquor everyday anymore. The anxiety is the absolute worst.

>> No.8079045

Dude you're doing really good in my opinion. I haven't been getting smashed fucked up like I used to, but I still like can't go more than a month without a drink.
I think it will just keep getting better and better for you the longer you stay sober. Good luck.

>> No.8079054

Thanks man, I don't really plan on being sober forever. I just know I need a period of absolutly no alcohol just to get my priorities back in line. Hopefully I'll be able to transition back into a "social drinker" like I was before I started getting fucked up every day. I think the key for me is just not drinking alone at all. Once I started drinking alone is when my problems really got bad

>> No.8079075

I only drink about once a week or so. The reason I don't drink often is because I care about getting fit and I have a ways to go.

>> No.8079104

>the only recreational drug that will lead to the degeneration of myelin
bitches don't know about my whipits

>> No.8079116

>off by one
good luck cuck

>> No.8079129

200€ worth of gin for your birthday? Nice.

>> No.8079131

Name of the filter you're using?

>> No.8079263

We got a vodka from a local distillery as a gift, it smells like butterscotch and has a vanilla taste. We want to use it to mix some cocktails, any suggestions?

>> No.8079269

If you want a proper cocktail I don't have a recipe, but a vanilla or whipped cream vodka with coke is pretty tasty

>> No.8079307

That's only if you don't supplement b12 or go through a full tank at once.

>> No.8079398

as someone who can't enjoy weed anymore due to dp/dr In have to say thank fuck for alcohol. fuck being on a slippery slope I'm just gonna embrace it. makes falling asleep so much easier.

>> No.8079465

I recently started having a beer with lunch in addition to my usual couple beers with dinner. Is this how it starts?

>> No.8079652
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>feel like shit all day because hungover
>sun goes down
>drink a bit
>feel 100% better
why's it gotta be like dis
why does alcohol have to be the best hangover cure. It just makes me want to drink all day

also you ever thought about how ridiculous it is we have a running general for alcoholism? I think we might have a drinking problem guys

>> No.8079904

I just stopped taking antabuse a couple days ago and am planning on drinking in a couple hours. I was only on 250 mg, and I only took it for about a week, so hopefully drinking won't fuck me up too much.

I have a new system that I think will help me keep my drinking under control. I'm only going to drink light beer, and I'm only going to start at 1:00 a.m. I live in a state where alcohol sales aren't allowed after 2:00 a.m., so by the time I get the urge to go out and get more, I'll know it's too late. And I'll only buy enough beer to get drunk, but not black out drunk (a twelve pack of Miller Lite). That way, I'll finish it all and will have none left when I wake up, so I can't turn the binge into a bender. And I'll only allow myself to do this Friday and Saturday night.

Wish me luck!

>> No.8079922
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Everyone in this thread has no idea what it's like to be an alcoholic.

DT's at 34, multiple near death experiences and still having multiple relapses every3-4 months is hell.

Alcohol is cool. Die young like me

>> No.8079967

Hey fags, what should i buy with my next paycheck, i have a small budget of like $20 usd, i like whiskey, vodka and im interested on trying gin

>> No.8079969

That sounds pretty damn good

>> No.8079978

How long do you have to stretch that for? I'd just buy the cheapest vodka you can find I.E. taaka
handle will run you about 15

>> No.8079979

I don't know if this is even the right place to ask because I assume most people here are more alcoholic than me. But I'm wondering; is it possible to reduce cravings for alcohol by having fewer drinking sessions? (By session I mean binge because I always drink until I don't want to drink anymore, and that's NOT after only a few beers) I usually get alcohol cravings mid-week but I'm now trying to reduce it to only drink once a week. Will this work so eventually I won't feel the urge to drink more than once every week or is it doomed to always go in one direction: one wanting it more and more?

>> No.8080009

Ehh, idk, id have a drink or two on weekends and mondays, im not a heavy drinker, i could stretch a bottle for a whole month

>> No.8080016

You had some bammies then, strains are a thing and they matter.

Find a decent grower with a good clean operation and sourced seeds. Not some trailer trash sister-fucker growing it in his backyard.

>> No.8080024

New Amsterdam gin is good and affordable, it's like $10-$15 at most. If you can spend a bit more Bombay Sapphire East is nice.

>> No.8080036

Hmm, theres a big chance i wont find that, maybe something more comercial, where i live theres a huge tax on imported alcohol to the point aome stuff doesnt even get here at all

>> No.8080054

new amsterdam is commercial as fuck bro

>> No.8080066

I'm trying twice a week now, and I'm cautiously optimistic that I'll stick with it, at least for a while. But I don't kid myself--I'm going to think about it repeatedly on the five non-drinking days. I think you should expect that too.

>> No.8080072

distill your own booze, it's a buck a handle.

>> No.8080097

Well, in case anyone is interested, I'm two and a half beers in, and I'm feeling a little of the effects of antabuse, but not much. So I think I'm in the clear.

>> No.8080108

Never heard of it, the only gin i know is Oso Negro

>protip: im mexican

>> No.8081455

Started with a single tall margarita every day around 12. Now i'm getting a 350 of vodka every day when i open the shop plus whatevet else i have on hand.

I don't act drunk but i think they can smell me. Whatever i just got some good ol evan williams bonded.

>> No.8081511


Well, it worked pretty well. Got drunker than I expected off ten light beers (on an empty stomach), so I've decided that from now on it's just going to be ten light beers, not a twelve pack.

I'm set for tonight, got a date in the evening, then when I get home I start drinking at 12:30. Then not again until next Friday.

Anyone else got a system that works for them?

>> No.8081522

Yes, work until 5, maybe do something like work out, mow lawn, make dinner or a combination of them. Then drink light beer.

I used to drink good beer, but that hurt my wallet, so I settled on Miller High Life. Then I went back to my high-school roots of Busch Light when I realized that 3 'schlights equal 2 high lifes in both calories and abv, so I just always have those on hand.

Saturday and Sunday seem to be lost causes unless I have something to do, though.

>> No.8081531

Smell vodka? I still don't understand the whole "you smell like alcohol" or "you smell like you've been drinking" thing. Like, do you smell like the specific drink you were drinking, like beer or wine? Or do you smell drunk no matter what you were drinking? What do you smell like when your drunk?

>> No.8081572

Anyone here make their own moonshine?

I want to start but I have no idea how, and don't want to end up blind

>> No.8081589

For some fucking reason going on a bender always gives me hemorrhoids. As an added bonus I'm a literal faggotry so it really impedes my sexual life.

>> No.8081614

I'm moving to one of the most alcoholic countries in the world, South Korea. I'll be expected to go out drinking at least three or four nights a week. The problem is I have a horrific time with hangovers and my tolerance sucks.

If I drink increasing amounts of booze every night for the next week and a half could I at least build up my tolerance and get used to feeling like shit in the mornings, or is that a waste of money?

>> No.8081665

I used to, it took about 10 years of no drugs to fully go away.

Now I just stick to vodka, blow in my city is garbage anyway

>> No.8081684

For example, people who love their jobs.

>> No.8081710

Same. I've had some rough experiences when drinking, but I can't smoke and have a good time.

>> No.8081722

Shouldn't this be on >>/soc/

>> No.8081746

Sounds like a good system. Wouldn't work for me, though. I have no restraint, so unless I drink at a time when I cannot go out and go more booze, I'm going to turn my binge into a bender.

Saturday and Sunday are generally lost causes to me too. But lately I've been enjoying them more, being more productive, etc.

>> No.8081750

Whats the most you ever drank in one night al/ck/?

>> No.8081752

It has nothing to do with cams and meetups.

>> No.8081774

15 kokanee and 1L of rum.
The next day consisted of vomiting and dizziness to the point where i could barely stand.

>> No.8081783

you just smell like alcohol.
When I hang out with people that have been drinking all night, I can just smell the sting of alcohol coming off of him, idk if it's from their breath or sweat or what.

>> No.8081785


From all my experiences--and I'm not much older than you--I'd say that there's no such thing as a functional alcoholic. You either mainly stay sober and fuck up every once in a while as an in-between, or you stay drunk and lose everything. Functional alcoholism is a TV drama meme.

My family tree is basically a grape bush, and it's the same thing over and over. Let me tell you that the idea that a functioning alcoholic isn't going to fuck up and have compromised judgement at some point is horseshit. You can't follow some sort of set of principles with discipline if you can't even keep yourself from becoming a full-blown addict.

If you're worried that your drinking is going to fuck with you working regular hours, it's a good time to cut down. If you're worried that working regular hours is going to interfere with your drinking, then it's a good time to consider going to rehab. If you want inspiration, a thread of mutually-feeding alcoholics probably isn't the place to get it.

And I'm telling you this as someone who's easily a borderline alcoholic.

>> No.8081788

Whiskey is easier to smell on someone than Vodka. I'm not sure I see the logic in that.

>> No.8082215

First time poster in here. Currently on rum + orange juice (The real deal, not from concentrate). Been on various downers, mainly beer and whiskey with some weed and DXM, almost every day for roughly 3 months now.

I feel like I only can be my best self with a li'l buzz on, and that's a real problem in everyday life, cause I neither trust my sober self nor my buzzed self.

>> No.8082654

Saw a girl do this once, at her place with her. Too young and stupid to realize she wanted to bang me...?

>> No.8082674

>wanna try Kraken
>only option is to import it
>36 dollaridoos for 70cl
is it worth the price?

>> No.8082736

I'm drinking low wines from a detuned pot still. It's fine.

>> No.8082769

No, it doesn't even taste that good people only drink it for style.

>> No.8082928
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alcohol is given off in your breath hence blowboxes and shit that cops use to determine blood alcohol content

>pic unrelated

>> No.8083012
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at home drinking and cooking tonight. smashed 7 boring ipas and smoked half a pack of lights then finally got the motivation to cook.

drinking: a juicy italian red; farnese fantini primitivo puglia $14 but its half decent. got a $15 bottle of valpollicela up next and a bunch of ale and port on hand if I get sick of wine

cooking: seared pork cutlets salt and white pepper rub, red onion marmalade with above mentioned wine, half a cinnamon stick, a couple cardamon pods and a small star anise pod (plus a bit of salt, corn starch and demura sugar to thicken and balance flavour), blanched skinned cherry tomatoes assorted varieties in apple cider vinegar, steamed green beans with lemon, new nugget yellowflesh potatoes (i think yukon gold), butternut squash with butter and a dusting of demura sugar. might make a port poached pear for dessert but I don't have any decent pipe tobacco on hand to match it with

sorry for the blogpost, just kinda lonely. sick of people IRL after managing a large agricultural operation all week. Most weekends I just wanna get drunk, hang out with my dog and cook. tell me what I should spice things with or call me a CANDYASS or whatever.

>pic unrelated

>> No.8083058

Kind of a waste, I habituated myself to drinking for grad school interviews and conferences, and I drank 3-4 drinks a couple times a week in the months preceding to habituate myself to it since alcohol isn't my drug of choice. It worked.

I guess the point I was trying to make was drink a bit, but space it out and don't get wasted.

Also experiment with things like b vitamins and alpha lipoic acid when you drink and when hungover to see if that helps.

>> No.8083091
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if you're going to korea expect a new level of fucked up even if you pre-season your liver

a bottle or two of green devil soju fucks me right up and I'm a moderately heavy habitual drinker

>> No.8083095
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baby leafposter detected

are you 12? that's just a pre-game session before the bar for most of us

>> No.8083129


Sounds pretty awesome, bro. I'm going to start drinking in a little more than half an hour, and I hope to work on my novel a little.

>> No.8083131
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you don't know yourself anon, go hike a mountain alone and don't tell anyone. you'll figure some shit out about you. struggle against the elements and find your strengths and weaknesses.

>> No.8083154
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waiting on the squash right now before I get the green beans and cutlets on the go because I forgot to put it in after preheating the oven like a dope. onion marmalade is turning out ok flavour wise but struggling with the viscosity

what kind of novel are you writing anon?

>pic unrelated

>> No.8083206

7-up bourbon and amaretto. p-much a gladiator with mango shit instead of OJ

>> No.8083218

I've resolved not to tell a soul until it's written. At the risk of sounding pretentious, let's just say it's "literary" rather than genre fiction.

Good luck with the marmalade.

>> No.8083221

>drink 3 bottles of wine per night (blackout normally, around 2.5 bottles then blank).
>totally freak when I make it through 3 and there's no alcohol left
>wake up essentially in a panic attack
>need a few drinks in the morinng (orange jews and wine) just to get up and not shake with fear and anxiety
>shits costing me like proper drug habit
>constantly feel like shit, or I'm drinking
>can't drink and stop, must have enough alcohol to fall asleep, must have alcohol in morning
>heartburn getting severe, eating less
>all I want is an internet connection and an endless supply of wine

Dunno what it is about alcohol. I've tried like 30 drugs and alcohol I just can't walk away from even though it's easily had the worst impact on my life both psychologically and physically, and socially by FAR

There's just nothing like that feeling of euphoric relaxation and merryment

I need to quit drinking but i can't imagine a life without it. I am so depressed and anxious and alcohol cures it

>> No.8083235

>all I want is an internet connection and an endless supply of wine

That's the dream, ain't it mate?

>> No.8083282

Go for it man. Keep a good mentality and make some positive changes.

>> No.8083284

Keep it up, man. You're a lot better off doing what you're doing and staying sober.

>> No.8083290

It might be that a lot of people coming to a thread like this might be going down that road.

How many bitter 30+ alcoholics do you think browse this board, man?

>> No.8083296

I'm not bitter (was one year ago, but made a lot of positive changes in my life since then), but I'm 33 going on 34.

>> No.8083298
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>have constant fear of death
>alcohol and benzos get rid of my fear of death
>going to die an early death because of it

>> No.8083312

>have constant fear of death
>alcohol gets rid of my fear of death
>in the morning I feel like im going to die and cant sleep that night because Im worried ill die in my sleep because of how much I drank the night before

>> No.8083674

>arnese fantini primitivo puglia $14
This one goes for €5 here in the Netherlands, surprisingly good for the price.

>> No.8083889

bump for cold beer + hot coffee

>> No.8084414

This man knows

>> No.8084804

I can't mix pot with alcohol, I get blind drunk right away if I do

>> No.8084942

One time I was fucked up on rum in punta Cana and my friend had to carry me back to the hotel room. When we got there he found some guy we didn't know asleep in our closet. So naturally he threw the guy into bed next to me. He left in the morning without talking to either of us.

for some reason we kept finding complete strangers totally wasted in our hotel room

>> No.8085432

Biggest problem with my drinking is that it makes me fat as fuck, 10 beers is a days calories

>> No.8085438


Don't ever drink beer, drink real alcohol and chase it with diet soda. Rookie mistake.

>> No.8085458

>Be alkie trap
>Drink vodka all weekend
>Boyfriend cannot stand when I drink
>Wake up the other morning still drunk and craving more alcohol
>Walk up the road for 3 mad dogs instead
>Plastered by the time he gets up
>kicks me out
>slice my hand open with my pocket knife and smear blood all over the front door
>get a ride straight to ABC
>Gonna buy a huge bottle, split it with my tweaker mom at her house, and hopefully die of alcohol poisoning
>realize I forgot my wallet once there
>ride home, apologize, he forgives me
>sleep for 14 hours

Haven't had a drink for two nights now. God I am a shitty person

>> No.8085466

Stop pretending you're an alcoholic and make your own alcohol. Build a still, but some Brute food safe containers and make your wash, distill and get drunk.

>> No.8085471

I'm going to use that the next time my psychologist tells me I'm an alcoholic
>I don't even make my own liquor!

>> No.8085472
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It's sadly truthful.

>> No.8085524

Best alcohol for hangover? Drank a bottle of vodka last night and have felt shit all day. Headache, sleeping all day, haven't eaten or gone outside. Not getting drunk tonight but I might run out to get some food and something to drink on while I watch football.

>> No.8085590

Idk where else to put this but I just turned 21 so

What kind of cognac do people like? I want it to taste good and occasionally drink casually. I was thinking of Hennesey to start with but I don't actually know if it's Malt 40-tier or decent.

>> No.8085594


Wrong thread, bud. We all drink cheap vodka in plastic handles.

>> No.8085600

Any idea where it could go? QTDDTOT? Make my own thread? I don't /ck/ often

>> No.8085601


>was in the military and stationed in Korea.
>rations allowed only 3 750ml bottles of liquor per month
>just spend 3000 won on a few bottles of soju
>get plastered

It was a good life.

>> No.8085603


I'm half joking, tons of people will have an answer for you here.

But cognac is for niggers, have some self respect.

>> No.8085610

>tfw been heavy drinking on and off for 2 years now
>usually get hammered 2 or 3 days a week
>regardless of how much I drink today I'm barely buzzed

has it happened? have I ascended?

>> No.8085630
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Psychiatrists who treat/think alcoholism is the primary issue you are having are garbage. Enjoy your shit vistaril because you can't ever be trusted. Meanwhile you start drinking again because their shit drugs are shit, they regularly don't help you and they can't help you any further or it will make them feel bad.

When picking a psychiatrist and psychologist. .. if they have an extensive ongoing substance abuse treatment background, be prepared to look elsewhere. Look for someone with at least 10yr experience too, but not so old that they fall asleep during your appointment. Shop around for someone who actually helps and doesn't say 'you're an addict- cope and here's some super weak benedryl. LOL addict scum.'

>> No.8085645

I drank some mixed with Ecto Cooler Hi-C a few months ago and it was pretty degenerate but not bad. Like an even more ghetto version of an Incredible Hulk.

>But cognac is for niggers, have some self respect.
This is accurate. Just to note the above happened when hanging out with African Americans

>> No.8085667

What does Henny taste like? I've never had wine, my high school parties were populated with beer and vodka and occasionally somebody snagged rum off their brother

>> No.8085669

just moved into my new flat, finished the bar (for the most part, I've still ordered a wine rack and a sitting area)

Killing a few Mill Street IPA's and a few glasses of Bulleit.

Rate my set-up, what suggestions/ constructive criticism do you have?

>> No.8085672
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drunk sorry, forgot to link. What do I need. I live in Southern Ontario.

>> No.8085737

Not really sure how to describe it, only had it a few times and it was always mixed, plus I was always already drinking for a while by the time I had it. Not offensive from what I recall. Honestly though from what I remember Henny is the only brand of cognac I can recall people having at their house or at parties or whatever. Not saying it's the best by any means, just seems to be an acceptable brand to the people who drink cognac generally.

>> No.8085744

It tastes like Heaven

>> No.8086724

I know the psychodynamic perspective is a meme, but I find clinical psychologists and psychiatrists more oriented in this direction are more helpful.

At least they were for me when I was an addict.

>> No.8086735

Dude does your left knee smash into tje desk when you swivel to use the laptop?

>> No.8086808

spilled red wine on the carpet lads
my life is over

>> No.8086841

>no trauma, bad experiences or bad genetics
>become alcoholic simply due to boredom

>> No.8086860
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Day 34, the longest I've been sober since January 2013

>> No.8086865

good job anon

What advice do you have for a 19 year old who will soon be leaving for uni and is afraid being apart from their parents will allow excessive drinking

>> No.8086869
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this is literally me. social anxiety though

>> No.8086874

What are your hobbies?

Thinking of how much money you'll save is one thing I wish I had done earlier. Just bought the parts for my new gaming PC.

>> No.8086876

Anyone else have really odd sequences they only realize is fucked up until you stop and actually think about it?

Example. I work night shifts. I'm leaving in 30 minutes. I'm pretty tired and can fall asleep pretty quick if I wanted to but the only thing I am really contemplating is whether or not I should drink and play video games when I get home. Despite it being gym day and making sure some loose ends get closed today.

Only thing that matters is my booze.

>> No.8086886

My life is 4chan, and immersing myself in as much music as I can, which is useful because I'm studying music.

I don't smoke, and I've managed to make it that I'll be able to spend around £18-25 on food every week, leaving a fair amount of money free.

I'm just scared I'll fall into drink. I'm a bottle of red in already (it's 10 am in the UK) and my only limiting factor is my parents getting home from work.


>> No.8087736

Damn son, I started drinking when I was 18, but I don't think I got to a full bottle of wine in a night until I was 21 maybe, and never drank in the morning until I was 23 and that's when I truly hit full blown alcoholism. I'm about to be 27 now.
I mean I'm not saying what you're doing right now is wrong at all, but just be careful m8 you're still pretty young.

>> No.8088004

Me here. I'm here 8 hrs later about t up go to bed late afternoon drunk af. Time to end it.

>> No.8088122

Good luck anon, hopefully it can be a restorative rest.

>> No.8088157

called into work today and didnt go to class
not because im drunk but because I was so hungover. drank a liter to myself last night and took a couple shots this morning to balance out
I'm gonna stop for a month or so because the last couple of weekends ive been hitting that limit, think I might die if I keep this up

>> No.8088172

Couldnt find my vape pen last night (fuck you it helped me quit cigarettes) searched for like an hour all around my house
wake up this morning and its right there at the foot of my bed. Am I retarded or is some ethereal being fucking with me? I swear to god this has happened two times now and it doesnt make any sense. like it was just there out in the open theres no way I would have missed it but, you know, being in this thread, I was extremely drunk. Still I dont think even a drunk version of myself could miss it like that when its sitting on the fucking floor

>> No.8088269

HOLY SHIT. Just checked my school email and class was cancelled today. I feel like the luckiest person in the world

>> No.8088293

I drink beer because I drink hard liquor at the same pace I drink beer.

That means I pass out in like two hours where as with beer I get to enjoy nursing a buzz for about 12 hours until I'm so drunk I have to go to bed.

It makes me chubby but at least I don't get the drink pass out wake up 4 hours later drink pass out rinse repeat cycle that gives me killer WDs.

>> No.8088378

im a hard liquor drinker and always wonder how people like you drink beer? not trying to sound offensive here im just genuinely curious because when I drink beer I feel bloated and full after like 3 beers and barely tipsy. I just can't imagine getting drunk off beer because i'd probably have to drink an insane amount to actually get comfortably drunk it would be up to my eyeballs
I mean, I guess thats probably just because im a binger and my tolerance is out of whack but still

>> No.8088401

I wish quitting wasn't so difficult. My health really depends on it though. I look like shit on top of it.

How badly did alcohol affect your appearance, al/ck/?

>> No.8088421

Quitting is difficult yes but you've got to think about how good you will look after you've quit. Use that as motivation. I was looking at a picture the other day of myself when I was drinking hard. I was so chubby and had that whole frog throat thing going on like I was pablo escobar, looked in the mirror and was just so glad I made that change. I still come into these threads because hey its all ingrained in all of us right. Even though I stopped drinking daily I still fly off the handle sometimes and when I wake up and look at myself I can tell. I always tell people with drinking problems like myself that you dont have to quit indefinitely. Its normal to drink on the weekends, its normal to drink too much sometimes, but if you're not doing that all the time its an achievement especially if you used to have a drinking problem. And dont refer to yourself as an alcoholic if you quit drinking, that is the dumbest fucking thing i've heard from AA and NA and all that shit. Thats just basically saying hey I used to have a drinking problem and keep reminding yourself that you did.

>> No.8088479

I'm afraid it's all or nothing for me. I can't drink just a little bit, I always, always go too far. I can't control myself at all.

My hair looks like garbage too and I can't stand that sunken in eye look I have going on. I hate it. I'm actually really skinny, so weight isn't an issue for me.

>> No.8088529

Empty stomach. If there's food in there I'm hitting the black velvet but wake up and start drinking and it doesn't hurt like hard shit and you get those glorious burps and satisfying pisses all day. Then I just eat small, protein dense meals and I still keep getting drunker.

>> No.8089356

But what do you guys do during the day? My day usually goes like waking up at 1 bumming around 4 a few hours then getting ready at 7/8 ish then going to the bar again and drinking.

>> No.8089773
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hey guys i was a birthdayfag a few days ago and i can drink now,
any good recommendations for wines, whiskeys, and rums? something i can have a glass of every-night and not get sick of, what do yall drink?