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8059013 No.8059013 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite 'musty' cheese?

Mine is gorgonzola

>> No.8059018

ew I will never touch mould cheese aka rotting scum cheese

>> No.8059023

I agree gorgonzola is wonderful, especially for a 4 fromaggi pasta sauce, cambozola is awesome too.

>> No.8059025

Are you american?

>> No.8059027
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This is a fondue party, Mike.

>> No.8059030

Are you 12 or something?

>> No.8059041

Yes American and probably underage

>> No.8059047


Love Gorgonzola or pretty much any "blue" cheese but if I have to name my favorite it's Stilton simply because I love whiskey and Stilton and whiskey go hand in hand.

>> No.8059049

I've never had cambozola before, is it hard to find in the states?

>> No.8059081


I'm under the impression that while it may not be hard the US is still being weird about cheese and it what you find with either be terrible or an extremely overpriced imported "luxury" although it depends on where exactly in the US

>> No.8059083
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Make way for the master race cheese

>based caveman blue

>> No.8059202

As an Italian I definitely love gorgonzola, but I have to admit that it's a step below the strength and richness of roquefort

>> No.8059207

When I was a kid i was repulsed by the concept of blue cheese but after I tried it I realized it was a glorious rich cheese like feta but with a sharp kick, I can literally eat it with a spoon now

I need to learn more recipes to use it in though, I've only ever had it in salads

>> No.8059214

crumbled and melted with hot pasta with pannacetta is divine

>> No.8059225
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Aura Gold is godtier, up there with Gorgonzola and Stilton. I doubt you can find it outside Finland though.

>> No.8059351

Stilton. But Gorgonzola is a close 2nd. Gnocchi in Gorgonzola cream sauce with prosciutto and porcini is heaven.

>> No.8059361

What are you on about, cambozola is everywhere, even shitty bodegas have it. It's more expensive than Wisconsin plastic but it's cheaper than high tier cheese

>> No.8059416


He's talking about the quality I assume and it's no secret that Amerilards love shitty cheese.

>> No.8059450
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But he said
>what you find with either be terrible or an extremely overpriced imported "luxury"
I don't think either of you understand what cambozola is, it is not some generic word for "stuff that is neither camembert nor gorgonzola", it is a specific product, patented and manufactured by the Champignon-Hofmeister Unternehmensgruppe of Germany. So how exactly would it "either be terrible or a luxury"?

>> No.8059451

Love me some blue cheese. Too bad it's expensive as fuck.

>> No.8059678


Are you serious? People will always find ways to imitate a product and find a legal way they can call it the real thing with no repercussions while devilering nothing even close and North America are especially guilty of this practice in terms of food. Marketing, legal loopholes are a very common practice in the states.

>> No.8059714

What does any of that have to do with cambozola?

There are a lot of companies producing knockoff goods in America that trade on European place names, but they're doing it based on what kinds of lore exists in the minds of the average junk-food-eating retard

You see it with stuff like parmesan and chablis wine because those are very famous, old appellations that everybody knows, even the kinds of people who live in flyover land and get angry when they see a restaurant menu that has "foreign" words on it

That market segment has no idea what cambozola is and wouldn't want to have anything to do with it if they did

>> No.8059880

Gorgonzola is good, but I find roqueford to be better.

Saint agur is also very good, but a bit strong for most people.

>> No.8061309
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>> No.8061311

Ma nigger
Best cheese evar

>> No.8061315
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>> No.8061614
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This is a fantastic blue

>> No.8061631

What's a good beginner blue cheese?

>> No.8061644


>> No.8063925

Never like gorgonzola it has a bitter aftertaste reminiscent of antibiotics. Aged provologne stinks like hell but way more palatable than gorgonzola.

>> No.8063969

>reminiscent of antibiotics
Pretty sure it is literal penicillin you are tasting

>> No.8064085
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>> No.8064214
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St. Agur. It's not as strong or salty as some blues, and it's so creamy you can spread it on toast with ease. A great beginner blue and one I still come back to every couple of weeks.

>> No.8064238


>beginner blue

What the fuck does that even mean? Fucking food snobs and their stupid shit. As if there is some kind of learninv curve for enjoying delicious food.

>> No.8064280

This. I think the reason most of us americans get iffy with cheese like that is the look alone. We sort of frogot our roots of fine cheeses, meats and etc because "it looks icky "

We 're mostly more settled on motza, jack, shit quality burg cheese, and some others considered "babbys first cheese "

Best way to make us try new shit is to sensationalize it, or some blind taise test or even event county fair stuff.

>> No.8064282

Hey, you illiterate piece of shit: someone in this thread literally asked for a beginner blue: >>8061631

Go fuck yourself, my post isn't for your dumb ass. You probably eat nothing but shredded "taco cheese" and cheez whip.

>> No.8064289

One common mistake is that we tend to eat our cheese straight out of the refrigerator, and blue cheese is nasty when cold.

>> No.8064295

The intensity of some cheeses requires building up to. Who the fuck starts on porter or stout?

>> No.8064821

Stilton, nice and savoury, doesn't have the medicinal character of some of the continental blue cheeses.

>> No.8064837

>hurr craft beer so hard core grrrrrr
Stout is dessert beer
But then again I grew up eating actual food not Kraft, so maybe I just don't understand how someone can need to power up like you're playing final fantasy
It's fucking cheese
What's wrong with you?

>> No.8064895

>What's wrong with you?
Americans think food that doesn't taste like plastic isn't food, it's Premium Ultra Specialty Luxury Artisan Food

It's important to practice eating Premium Ultra Specialty Luxury Artisan Food in order not to be humiliated by the snooty French waiter when you make funny faces out of sheer surprise that the food actually tastes like food and not Dupont Tyvek

>> No.8064983
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definitely pic related

based britbongs

>> No.8065108


I tried Stilton and it was too much for me, so I wanted a blue cheese with a more gentle taste.

>> No.8065169

Never been able to handle moldy cheese, never understood why people like it

Blue cheese just tastes really strong and bitter, with a sharp almost pukey aftertaste

Doesn't help that it literally looks like a pile of gross mold and looks unsafe to eat

>> No.8065172

I agree, real food is hyuckeeeeeeeeeeee!

I only pretend to like it to impress European countries

>> No.8065613

kirkland signature anything is extremely good quality, id say its better than some name brands in certain areas

>> No.8065616

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