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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8053455 No.8053455[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8053460


Curry takeaway

>> No.8053464

Microwave meals from Iceland.

>> No.8053465

No seriously, is it actually red sauce and bread?

>> No.8053468

Mc. Donalds, Best Fried Chicken. Kabab.

>> No.8053470

fries on wonder bread

>> No.8053472

If they are poor how can they afford takeaway or fast food?

>> No.8053487

3-4 $1 sandwiches from McDonald's can get you through a day.

Of course, buying some rice and beans and making those yourself is cheaper, but poor people are usually stupid.

>> No.8053488

>If they are poor how can they afford takeaway or fast food?

Thats the same as asking "why do these places exist?"

>> No.8053533


McDonalds in the UK is fairly expensive. If poor Brits are eating fast food they tend to eat Greggs or Chippy.

Also lots of frozen ready meals from the supermarket as >>8053464 says.

>buying some rice and beans and making those yourself is cheaper

The Brit version of this is beans on toast.

>> No.8053562

Pot Noodle or a sandwich from Tesco

>> No.8053576

a lot of cheap takeaway, lived in the ghetto and the most popular thing is chicken and chips.

Once saw a guy go to a chicken and chip shop to buy some plain yogurt but he was probably on crack.

>> No.8053579

I'm poor and British. I'm living on beans on toast until I find my next job.

I had pork chops the other day though, as a treat.

Other lower/ underclass folk I've met eat oven-food from Iceland, and occasionally badly made curries or bologneses. There's a vast range of lifestyles in the lower classes, though.

>> No.8053590
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Lots of frozen food

>> No.8053595

That will mold and go bad, though. Rice and beans have an incredible shelf life.

>> No.8053604

toast sandwich

>> No.8053613

At places like Iceland and Asda, you can buy like 50 Chicken Nuggets for £2.

Also, you can buy a 2 Litre bottle of 7.6% ABV cider for the same price.

UK is quite a good place to be a poor alcoholic.

>> No.8053616

I find this quite funny.

>> No.8053652

Another uk food question.

Do brits really eat alot of prepared ready made food from supermarkets? I ask because whennim watching brit tv or youtube videos that has to do with ppl going to the supermarket there are alot of single serving ready meals.

>> No.8053665


Yes, especially middle class people.

Go to a Mark and Spencers or a Waitrose at around 6-7pm and you'll see tonnes of people in suits picking up their microwave 'pole and line caught tuna steak with organic cucumber relish' and a bottle of red wine.
These sacks of shit are actually what made me get into cooking because I so didnt want to be like them.

The skill of cooking is somewhat of a rarity, despite every cunt nowadays describing themselves as a 'foody'.

>> No.8053679

>That will mold and go bad, though.

Bread and baked beans are both loss leaders in UK supermarkets. They are far cheaper than rice and regular beans. You can also freeze bread and cook it straight from frozen in the toaster.

I understand that rice and beans are cheaper in America but they are not cheaper in the UK.

Beans on toast is a filling hot meal, only takes a two minutes to make and costs 35p. It isn't amazing but it is satisfying.

>> No.8053687


British people love toast.

>> No.8054109
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>> No.8054138


>> No.8054418

The same disgusting slop they always eat.

>> No.8054885

Iceland, monstermunch and 25p energy drinks for kids after school from the pakis.

>> No.8054887

because they make dreadful financial decisions - hence poor.

They will have takeaway 5 times a week costing over £100 and not realise they could have spent £40 on shopping instead.
Plus they'd have to cook then.

>> No.8054890
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spoiler: it's NOT perfect

>> No.8054891

I'm not even poor and that's what I get for lunch every day. Clearly never worked in a ghetto

>> No.8054894

the uk foods memes are real, we as a whole are pretty shit but some of us like to go against that stereotype.

>> No.8054896

Pot Noodles, beans on toast and frozen chips.

>> No.8055792
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>> No.8055800
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>> No.8055802

Leave greggs out of this.

>> No.8055813
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>> No.8055819

that looks delightful why none in the us :(

>> No.8055854

The Classic:

Baked Beans

>> No.8055885

Don't sweat it bro, I'm a vegetarian who doesn't really like vegetables, and I basically live on beans on toast too, and I have to work a shitty job in a shitty office.

>> No.8056134
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This is a screenshot of the bestselling frozen meals at Iceland, a popular UK supermarket.

Look at this and tell me that British people don't care about food.

Look at it.

Spaghetti. Chicken Curry. Fried Rice. British people want to eat and enjoy a wide range of food. They want to know how to make things taste amazing. They WANT to but for some reason we just can't. We come home from a day in our depressing service industry jobs and all we want to do is look at pictures of the resort we are staying at in Spain in our annual holiday which we booked 1 month after getting back from our last annual holiday. We want to watch TV shows about people on benefits. We don't want to think about the Umami profile of fish sauce and how well it might work in a ginger and lemongrass Thai infused chicken curry. Life here is too depressing.

I actually spend a LOT of time in Iceland. I like to watch people there. I see them looking at the tasty frozen meals and saying things like 'oh that looks nice hon' and 'son you like Curry, how would you like curry instead of fish fingers?'. People here know something is wrong with the way they eat. But they are too busy trying not to get fired from their jobs stacking frozen meals onto the shelves that they just don't have the energy to figure it out.

You go to work
Your manager tells you to sort out the Indian food.
You take a Korma
You stack it onto a Tikka Masala.
You stack it onto a Balti.
You go on your break
You get a steak bake from Greggs.
You go back to work
You work on the American section
You stack onion rings on curly fries
You go home
You eat a microwaved Lasagna
You are British.

>> No.8056230


I fucking love our country but shit like this is mental.

Also our school environments at a young age are more or less social torture

>> No.8056240

Stray dogs
Garbage sorry """""rubbish"""""
Aladeen's Penis

>> No.8056276

Anyone saying 'ready meals' forgets how expensive they are. Broke people in the UK eat a fuck ton of pasta and tinned stuff like tomato/beans, oven chips, fried egg/sausage, cheap frozen chicken products. Look in their fridge and you'll always find a massive block of £2 'cheese', some plastic white bread and shitty margarine. Guarantee it.

Also shit tea.

>> No.8056386


Chinese surely, Indian takeaway is at least 50% more expensive.

I think they eat the frozen shit from Iceland (the frozen food store for non bongs) or Farmfoods. Turkey dinosaurs and these smiley face potato / chip things.

And lots of pot noodles / super noodles. And lots of cheap shit beer like Carling or Tenants.

>> No.8056397


Its true, I usually have a couple of slices with butter in the morning for breakfast because it is easy and filling. Tastes fine too with a coffee.

Is it not as popular in burgerland? We have toast with a cooked breakfast too. The toast sandwich thing is a meme though, never heard of anyone actually doing that.

>> No.8056399

Yeah maybe if you're a boffin

School was great

Bullying was fun

>> No.8056400

Frozen horse

>> No.8056424

Toast is popular everywhere.

I'm a burger and I had toast with raspberry jam for breakfast today.

>> No.8056442

We're a country of naturally self hating fucks and our respect for the few good elements of British cooking (not claiming it is any sort of 'cuisine') has been completely fucking ground into the dirt

>> No.8056504

Is this bait?

>> No.8056508

helal? halel

>> No.8056514


It's an description of British life

>> No.8056523

I'm british (northern Irish actually) and I'm not like that

>> No.8056554

Are you poor/working min wage? Because that's what he's describing.

>> No.8056564

Yeah I earn min wage (7 pound right now) and it's alright all things considered. I think a lot of young people don't want to earn their own way these days, they want a free pass

>> No.8056591

I won't deny, I'd fucking eat it

>> No.8056627
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>> No.8056632


I'm on minimum wage and I eat nice foods.

The reason some poor have poor life standards is because they're retards with bad finance management.

If you go getting pissed each weekend, you have no right to complain about poverty.

>> No.8056633

Poor people are poor for a reason.

Most poor people have lots of takeaways and go to the pub often here in the UK. They use all their benefits on relatively expensive shit kebabs, beer and cigarettes.

The food they do tend to buy I've seen is stuff from Iceland (frozen meals or microwaveable stuff) or tinned things like heinz soups, tinned fish or jars of hot-dogs.

>> No.8056637


Exactly, all the people around me are like this and it's mind numbing where they are getting the money from considering they don't work that much or none at all

>> No.8056644

What are those pipes stacked on top of the building? Decoration? Ventilation? Were the construction workers too lazy to carry the extra building materials back?

>> No.8056645
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>> No.8056650
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>> No.8056653

Ye most people do for convenience . I don't often.

In busier cities like London definitely, if you're an office worker in the city you will pick either that or a sandwich up at lunch. And on your way back from work it's quick and easy to pick up and slam dunk in the oven or microwave for a fairly tasty meal.

Our microwave single meals are largely very good from the major supermarkets, especially 'finest ' ranges

>> No.8056654
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Do Happy Shoppers still exist?

>> No.8056661

Classic greggs

Moving from the north to the south you don't see many greggs about for your cheap pasty or sausage roll.

The closest thing is Gales and that's like a really fancy greggs

>> No.8056667
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>> No.8056671

Frozen veg, rice, pasta, porridge and dried fruit.

>> No.8056674
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>> No.8056679
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>> No.8056696

hitler was right

>> No.8056722

Damn that was depressing ,we're not all like this but it is true , Iceland is for lower class scum though.

>> No.8056728


>Buying frozen ready meals in Waitrose is better than Iceland

Yeah dude, leaps and bounds

>> No.8056742

i dont eat microwave meals but waitrose ready meals are definitely going to be better than Iceland cack.

>> No.8056752

This saddens me more than it should.

>> No.8056776

There are definite tiers to ready meals though. Marks and Spencer and Waitrose basically use normal ingredients, the cheaper stuff uses nasty cheese substitutes, MRM, chemicals out the wazoo

>> No.8058295

35p energy drinks mate
where you getting yours from?

>> No.8058321

not him but a few years ago at uni i remember aldi(or lidl) selling cheap energy drink i'm 99% sure there were both 35p and 27p ones

>> No.8058331

I would slap the shit out if any parent I see giving that stuff to kids. Luckily I've never seen it but I'm sure it happens somewhere.

>> No.8058338


You would grumble some discontented words to yourself and walk away in a pout.

The only thing you would slap is your manhood behind closed doors.

>> No.8058358

The chicken seems to agree

>> No.8058359
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Iceland has pretty good frozen pizza tbf
I'm a big fan of their Italian thin crusts.

>> No.8058365

What makes them "Italian?"