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8050128 No.8050128 [Reply] [Original]

Drunk at the office edition

-downing mini bottles of stoli in the bathroom today

>> No.8050134

oops, i just started a thread too. gonna delete it.
hello alchies. who else wants to die?

>> No.8050137

Only when I'm sober anon

Only when I'm sober

>> No.8050140

I couldn't take the withdrawal. I had to beg the shop to let me pay them on Friday. Now I feel relatively great. And want to die.

My whole body has gone numb and I can barely move. Anyone else had this?

>> No.8050142

for the sake of yourself please get professional help
alcohol withdrawals are one of 2 types that can kill you the other is whatever the fuck xanax has in it
pls don't die anon

>> No.8050150

Been on the wagon for two weeks. All went to shit today. Drunk a bottle of schnapps, then onto the hard white cider. Run out if money. Desperately trying to get a few quids for more. HALP!

>> No.8050163
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We could send you some money?
Paypal? Moneywire?
We just want you to have a nice buzz.
Im surrounded by fine liquor here.

>> No.8050167

Just buy some of those 2 liter bottles of cider

I remember seeing those when I studied abroad in the UK (American here)

Also snake bite blacks were fun

Beer cider and black currant juice

>> No.8050169

i know that feel. im waiting for a bitcoin tx to confirm and sell those. hoping to god asda doesnt close before it's done.

>> No.8050173

my body is numb and i can't see properly :( i think ive caused brain damage. this was one hell of a binge. i dreamt last night that i'd died, it was so calming.

>> No.8050178

omfg guys its really scary, I CANT FUCKING SEE PROPERLY

>> No.8050182

Visual hallucinations are normal

>> No.8050184

Genuine question here. Why do you want to die?
I know those worst hangovers types. Wommiting, feeling paranoid, shivering, cold and sweating. I never wanna die!
Not judging anyone.

>> No.8050189

i only survive to drink, and so my death doesnt upset my family. i might be going to prison, and i cant cope. i just want peace. alcohol has shredded my entire life.

>> No.8050200

You're not going to prison dude chill out

You would have already been arrested

>> No.8050205

Drink you idiot. If you're broke then go A&E. Why so many people think it's OK to go cold turkey following a long bender is beyond me.

>> No.8050206
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i just made a drink that tastes exactly like those gushers candies from tang, peach vodka, and jaeger

>> No.8050212
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22 days sober

>> No.8050222

I dont know. I was driving yesterdaay dui, i think i hit a little girl, i just sped up
There are cameres every where in this city,. I think thell get onto me.
My god, i hopes shes not dead

>> No.8050233

so you're a degenerate faggot that can't even own up to hurting someone
you should jump off the nearest overpass available

>> No.8050237

this is the only answer to you dui faggot

>> No.8050249

Good job man keep it up

How's your mood and sleep?

>> No.8050251

why are you pretending to be me? are you drunk?

i did crash though as it happens, and yeah i was drunk. in fact i did it twice in one night. no little girls were involved.

>> No.8050252

You guys are doing an awesome job. Usually takes ~75 posts or so to get this level of depression and self-loathing.

>> No.8050253
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>> No.8050256


>> No.8050257

No, but the point is, there could be. Fuck, man up.
Either kill yourself or be a responsible citizen.

>> No.8050263

oh fuck off. see how sensible your decisions are after 3 70cl bottles of smirnoff and 50mg of diazepam. and yes, i am TRYING to stop drinking.

>> No.8050269

Am I the only person that can drink and take benzos and not be a total fucking retard. Tf is wrong with you

>> No.8050271

can you drink that fucking much? i am a fucking LIZARD-BRAINED, SLEEPWALKING CORPSE after benzos and booze. i've also just last week been banned for 3 years and given a 4 grand fine. i will not squash your precious lolis.

>> No.8050276

Oh, i know, guess we all do. My point is, in this drunken state we can do shit we dont even remember.
Anyway, anon, best of luck. Be strong somehow.

>> No.8050281
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>start drinking 10 years ago
>friend wax's himself 4 years ago after coming back from deployment and makes my drinking worst
>drink 1.5gallons of 100 proof a week + 12 beers
>stomach is in constant pain
>vomit and shit blood at least once a week
>hands shake all the time
>can't go without drinking for 12 hours

>> No.8050288

no i'll be arrested soon. insurance company phoned me to tell me. i cannot fucking stand another night in jail, it's fucking horrific.

>> No.8050296
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wrong pic

im a drunk idiot and i hate myself

>> No.8050297
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feels better man. FUCK withdrawal. im just going to drink myself to death.

>> No.8050299


>> No.8050310

Drinking yourself to oblivon, because you dont got the guts to shoot yourself, jumping of an high cliff, od'ing, noose around your neck, crashing into a tree at high speed???

>> No.8050318

i don't want to hurt my family. i live near-solely so they're not upset by my death.

>> No.8050321

>because you dont got the guts to shoot yourself

IIRC its 1/3 or 1/2 of suicides by gun the person is legally drunk.

Alcohol makes some people very impulsive

>> No.8050323

LMAO @ your misfortune

>> No.8050332

You're a cuck. You think they dont know your killing yourself slowly? You think they dont see you unraveling and becoming more of a mess every day? You think they see this and they dont suffer? Youre a selfish cunt. At least kill yourself now to spare them the pain of your miserable existence. The sooner you're gone, the sooner they can get over the worthless piece of shit you call a life. We both know youre slowly killing yourself anyway.

Just end it now you spineless coward.

>> No.8050336

why is there broken glass everywhere?
how did i get wine stains on the ceiling?
why is everything broken?
why does everyone hate me?
why did i piss the bed again?
how the fuck did i get these injuries?
where the fuck did my money go?
why the fuck is that bottle empty?
when the fuck did i last eat?
why the fuck did the police break my door?
where the fuck is the car?
what the fuck is that taste?
who the fuck is she?
how the fuck is...

>> No.8050340

eat shit, cunt. how's that? fuck you, fuck off. i did not choose this, i do not want this, killing myself would hurt my family more than dying from alcoholism.

>> No.8050349

See a medical professional about your drinking.

>> No.8050356

Youre a delusional asshole and you know it. You CHOOSE to pick up the booze everyday and you are CHOOSING to kill yourself slowly. The fact that you think killing yourself slowly and painfully with alcohol is somehow better than a fast death just proves how much of a selfish piece of shit you are.

You clearly don't give a flying shit about your family or anything else besides your precious fucking booze. I hope, for your familys sake, you actually man up and decide to end if for their sake. But who am i kidding? We both know you will never be more than a spineless piece of shit that will only ever care about YOU.

>> No.8050360

you're not even worth responding to. you're lucky you're even getting this.

threadly reminder that everyone itt needs to watch this...

>> No.8050366

Then stop replying to me and go have another drink alky. You wouldnt give a shit if I wasnt striking a nerve. Just remember that in 10+ years when your laying on your death bed and your family is looking over your barely alive body and watching you rot away into nothing, that YOU had the power to kill yourself and ease their suffering so much sooner.

I hope you rot in hell.

>> No.8050390
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I used to be like this guy....judgmental and shit towards addicts; then I became one as I used alcohol to cope for all of my bad decisions.....

Then I literally cucked myself and married a woman with a kid and I literally have a "wife's son"

The hell it has brought has completely and utterly destroyed my life.

Friday, I lost a job making 120k/yr and in the past 4 years, I've lost 6 100k+/yr jobs because I hate my life so much that I just drink myself retarded locked in my room

Here is my degeneracy from just the past few days. I'm just now starting on my first shot of the day for today though....

>> No.8050392

What job did you have making 120 a year?

Also why are there books and bottles on the floor?

>> No.8050397

>What job did you have making 120 a year?
I worked for a government contractor being the lead developer for what is basically document management software...

>Also why are there books and bottles on the floor?

My wife is trying to "get me out of the slump" and surround me with my old hobbies....so she put a bunch of cook books all around my home office....pretty cool tbqh

>> No.8050398
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Hey drunks, at least you can be a poet. Oh .. guess not, what can you do?

>> No.8050399

>Also why are there books and bottles on the floor?

Oh, and the bottles are just wear I throw them next to my bed since I spend most days just drinking in here or at my desk which is next to the bed in my office.

>> No.8050404


I don't think it's physically possible to be an alcoholic on hard cider and fireball. I literally just sat down with a few ounces of the latter for the first time in my life and it feels like I just chewed a stick of big red; no way I could drink enough of that to even get a buzz, especially combined with shitty, low abv cider.

>> No.8050405

I want my home bar to look liek dis.
unfortunately I buy one bottle of irish whisky and drink it in two-three days.
I need help /ck/ pls help me

>> No.8050406

why do you only buy half pints?

>> No.8050413

Isn't angry orchard like a apple juice and isn't fire ball for women? why you drinking pussy liquids

>> No.8050414

>I don't think it's physically possible to be an alcoholic on hard cider and firebal

I've been drinking on average for past 5 years, 750ml-1000ml of fireball per day

When I run out at like 3 am, I walk to store a quarter mile from my house and get cider just to maintain my buzz until liquor store opens back up

I don't enjoy the taste of fireball, but only thing I can do without a chaser

I enjoy cider

>> No.8050416

That is some hunter s Thompson level shit

Just out of curiosity why fireball and angry orchard of all things? Much too sweet for

>> No.8050420

>why do you only buy half pints?
Cause I do them a shot at a time, just easier; plus at my liquor store, buying them as the little guys literally saves 35% money

>Isn't angry orchard like a apple juice and isn't fire ball for women? why you drinking pussy liquids

I guess. I just found what I can drink to get me drunk quickest without feeling sick....somehow it ended up being this sugary nightmare.....

>> No.8050425


HST wasn't a tryhard lightweight...

>> No.8050426
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Just ordered some pizza bros.

>tfw work tomorrow and have to be sober for 14-17hours

Gon be a shakey day tomorrow

>> No.8050427

>HST wasn't a tryhard lightweight...

Guess it's time to circlejerk on who drinks the most amount of degeneracy and the "manliest" drinks

>> No.8050428

Is fireball your favorite? I tried it once when my boss offered it and it tasted so bad.

Burned my throat like 151, but not in a good way

>> No.8050429

Are u a chef?

>> No.8050431

Just drink at work bro are you serious

>> No.8050432

>Is fireball your favorite?
Hard to describe it to make sense.

I hate the taste, but as far as it going down, it's smooth and doesn't upset my stomach some how.

Occasionally I'll switch to tequila and whiskey to mix things up, but i need a chaser and it's rough on my tummy

>Are u a chef?
Nah, computer programmer who happens to cook a fuck ton

>> No.8050436

cider alcoholism is different from 40% alcoholism. the end is the same, but I think those two schould be recognized differently. if you catch my drift.

>> No.8050441

switching IP, I was on my phone.

Can't, I drive to and from work. An I don't drink and drive

Got one DUI 4 years ago and never again, not even after 1 beer. Not worth it desu

>> No.8050443


>time to circlejerk on who drinks the most amount of degeneracy

Nah, just time to gang up on and laugh at the anon who staged the photo of all the airplane bottles of fireball and hard cider strewn about in his hallway in a piss poor attempt to show how big of a problem he has.

>> No.8050460

I can't express enough how much I wish it was staged anon

>> No.8050483

>losing a six figure life style over fucking Fireball and hard cider
You really are a cuck

>> No.8050488

>You really are a cuck

No shit, I literally said me marring a woman with a kid and cucking myself...and thus being a cuck is the problem

>> No.8050496

He needs it to deal with his wife's son. Which quite literally makes him a cuck.

>> No.8050503
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Time for the saddest meal this week

>> No.8050505

Hungry Howies! Are you in Indiana?

>> No.8050506

This is now the gayest thing to ever happen in these threads

>> No.8050507

No, Michigan jobin

>> No.8050512

I know you're a drunk anon but cmon hungry howies? Literally little Caesars is better.

>> No.8050517

ya well they don't deliver. An they aren't as better as hungry howies garlic crust nigga

>> No.8050521


The saddest part is how small that is.

If you're going through the effort of delivery/take-out pizza at least get something large enough to get more than a couple meals out of it; there aren't even any anchovies on there, for fuck's sake.

>> No.8050529
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But first.....ayyy

I live alone. This is enough for 2 meals

>> No.8050562

Same thing man

I love the Midwest

Grew up there but work in California now

>> No.8050571
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your tiny hands, your crazy kitten smile

>> No.8050574

Me too. Born and raised in MI, Moved to NV for 3 years...didn't like the heat so I moved back 5 years ago.

What part of MI?

>> No.8050597

No I'm from north of Indianapolis

>> No.8050599

Not Alcoholism, but I recently quit amphetamine use.

Was told that minimum rehab time is 28 days.
Wrote a WebApp to help me keep track of my progress: https://www.lita.engineering/experiments/clean/

16 days clean, and still having troubles. My fatigue and hunger seem perpetual. I am often short of breath, and I feel like my body is rotting.

Don't know why I'm in an alcoholism thread, but I guess addiction is addiction. We're all kind of the same.

>> No.8050604

Yeah the heat and complete lack of comfy rainy days blows

But I don't mind the beach vibe

>> No.8050608

It's true, addiction is addiction

But you don't have to walk by a shelf full of amphetamines when you go to the grocery store

Or have the waitress offer you amphetamines when you go out for Italian food

>> No.8050611

beer shits. that is all.

>> No.8050623

True. And i'm sure that makes it ten times harder.

If I could just pick up amphetamines off the shelf at walmart, I'd never get clean

>> No.8050648

Not drinking until tomorrow night when I have some friends visiting for the long weekend. That'll be 4 days without booze. Feel surprisingly good, I thought I might have some withdrawals. Makes me feel better since I've really only been binging the past 2 or 3 months. Glad I'm not totally physically reliant on it yet. Excited to get drunk with some buddies tomorrow though!

>> No.8050649

Well, I'm not a full alky (at this point anyway) but I've been cutting back. Went from drinking a full bottle of wine and 4-5 beers back down to 2-3 beers. It's kind of hard, the cravings are there after two or three, but I gotta reinstate my control. Force of will, man.

>> No.8050974

>tfw the alcohol is making your stomach a bit heavy and you could puke within reason easily, but you want to hold onto that drunk because you absolutely do not have anything else in your life
Who else.

>> No.8050978
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im going to the bar right now you faggot iCuck poster

>> No.8050989

Be person who doesn't give a fuck, be generally kind of dirty if not outwardly then inwardly, and emotionally unstable at drunk peaks, just like Buk was.

>> No.8050998

How many of you guys have seen Louis Theroux's documentary Drinking to Oblivion?

>> No.8051005


yes, was scary cuz i have been there

god i need to watch my shit these days, i have to be careful

>> No.8051013

I've seen it and I've also seen Drugged High On Alcohol which I consider to be the worst thing I've ever seen. Louis's was comfy in comparison. I still drink like a bottle of wine a day. I don't want to go back on the liquor but I know I easily could. Just gotta live life one day at a time as has been said time and time again I suppose.

>> No.8051052

I've luckily never been this bad, but I can see myself doing it.

>> No.8051065

Oh, 12 pack of Yeungling tonight after 2 days sober. Was trying for all week but broke down..

>> No.8051150

Been in a major rut lately.
Have been finishing an entire bottle of Jager nightly,
Jager bombs too.
Been binge drinking for 5 days now.

I keep telling myself after I finish, ill,focus on myself and better myself. Just the whole "you do you thing"

Hell I just finished 6 pocket bottles of it, while benzo and watching old 80s movies. Haven't left my house in days

>> No.8051151


that's some steady drinking if i do say so myself

i can't do jager more than one night in a row though, just looking at the bottle the next day makes me gag

>> No.8051157

too drunk to drive now I'm drinking the cooking sherry

>> No.8051285

I can drink just about two full bottles and not get sick.
I've been switching over to wild turkey every few minutes
All tonight

>> No.8051337
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I can understand if youre living out in nowhere and feelz the needz for booze.

>> No.8051355

I, uh, usually check these threads out but this one was especially brutal.

I don't know. I'm sorry anon, please do get help. You don't deserve this kind of life.

>> No.8051367


which anon?

>> No.8051379

am I considered an alcoholic if I drink 30 beers in the span of 3 days? (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)? If there's a vacation such as labor day on Monday then I'll probably get a 12 pack and finish that in one day.

On the days I don't drink I have trouble sleeping. I have generalized anxiety disorder but my sleeping has been getting worse. I was up until 9AM on Tuesday and slept for 2 hours before I went to the gym and then to work. I could be having panic attacks because I sometimes get a loss of breath and there's mostly every night I say to myself in my head I won't be able to sleep and I never really do. I haven't had a full 8 hours of a restful night sleep in years, usually average 5-6 hours with piss breaks in between.

Before anyone asks I tried marijuana and it made my anxiety worse. I just tried a indica strain to help me sleep and get me off drinking but that didn't work out.

>> No.8051381


Most of the people in this thread.

>> No.8051389
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Bless you anons, I hope things get better.

>> No.8051401

jesus christ these threads are a cautionary tale

>> No.8051403

>That is some hunter s Thompson level shit

This fucker is going to die in weeks if he keeps drinking like that

>> No.8051407


no, he's not

you would be very surprised how long alcoholics can go on for

literally decades

i mean yeah they'll die in their forties or fifties

but still, literally decades of that level of abuse can be sustained

>> No.8051414

>but still, literally decades of that level of abuse can be sustained

Yeah, but damn. doing the math. Your average shot is 45ml and he drinks 1000ml a day.

That's 22 shots a day or basically a shot an hour.....jesus christ, faggot should kill himself

>> No.8051426


yes he should

as should i

o well

i struggle onward

>> No.8051440

a shot per hour wouldn't even keep you buzzed all day.
t. actual alcoholic

>> No.8051485

A shot of 40% spirits? Maybe. A shot of Fireball? Nope.

>> No.8051573

Do the math taking into account sleeping 6-8 hours fucking idiot

Those shots are 50 ml, not 45. so they are 11 percent bigger.

Fireball is already 33% so multiply that by 1.11 and you get 74 proof instead of 80; which is negligible differnce

>> No.8051583

I would imagine you strike gold here

>> No.8052261
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>Using two different kinds of advanced brain imaging techniques (PET and fMRI), the researchers compared the results of giving beer drinkers a taste of their favorite beer versus a sports drink. After tasting the beer the participants reported increased desire to drink beer, whereas the sports drink did not provoke as much desire for beer. The brain scans also showed that the beer flavor induced more activity in both frontal lobes and in the right ventral striatum of the subjects' brains than did the sports drink.

>More specifically, both methods of brain imaging showed increased activity in the right ventral striatum, a deep structure inside the brain that is linked to motivated behavior and reward. The researchers previously showed that beer flavor triggered dopamine release; the addition of fMRI showed that craving for alcohol correlated with frontal as well as right ventral striatum activation.

>The study was published recently in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.

>In an earlier study of 49 men, the research team, led by David A. Kareken, Ph.D., professor of neurology at the IU School of Medicine and the deputy director of the Indiana Alcohol Research Center, found that just the taste of beer, without any intoxicating effects of alcohol, was enough to cause the release of dopamine, a brain neurotransmitter. Much research has linked dopamine to consumption of drugs of abuse.

>"We believe this is the first study to use multiple brain imaging modalities to reveal both increased blood oxygen levels and dopamine activity in response to the taste of an alcoholic beverage," said Brandon G. Oberlin, Ph.D., assistant research professor of neurology and first author of the paper.

>> No.8052457

>Got blackout shitfaced with a two day hangover for the first time in my life last year
>life was a mess, decide to get my shit together and give up on hard liquor (best choice since I quit smoking)
>Spend time again with people from the blackout
>Get told by a lady I'm the person having the worst 'problem with alcohol' in the assistance
>Said lady later confesses that when she often goes out, she is more interested in drinking than socialising
A connoisseur, I guess.

>> No.8052474
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going through a break up. beer makes it alright

>> No.8052499


it doesn't

>> No.8052530

I love dos equis. Whats another beer I should try that's like that? Or something else altogether, idk. Samuel Adams made me fucking sick

>> No.8052549

>hungover af this morning
>late for work because i think i blacked out in the shower for 15 minutes
>get to office
>login outlook meeting notice pops up
>what fucking idiot schedules a meeting at 8am?
>instantly starting getting IMs asking if I'm coming to mtg
>quickly chew up and swallow a xanax and a percoset
>gulp down 1/2 a can of red bull
>4 piecea of peppermint gum
>stagger down to meeting
>i have one thing on the agenda that i already told them the info they needed the day before
>meeting was totally useless
>get back to desk
>pills kicking in
>feeling comfy af now
>resume shitposting

>> No.8052564

Everybody knows you're a drug addicted drunk

>> No.8052630

Belly seems to be grumbling a lot lately, creeping be out. Is my liver acting up?
Daily drinker 3 + pints Beer

>> No.8052636

I got a 12 pack of Sierra Nevada torpedoes on sale for 13.00

And simpler times lager six pack for 3.50 at trader joes

>> No.8052655

right there with you, brother. malt liquor and takis shits. it burns so good.

>> No.8052661

Thanks you guys. Every now and then I consider becoming an alcoholic, but coming to these threads always snaps me out of it.

>meeting was totally useless
Sounds like 99% of all meetings.

>> No.8052748

Was just there for about a month dude. It's always "next week" or "I'll start once the new month starts", etc etc. Been sober for 4 days now, but goin out with some buddies who are visiting for hte long weekend tonight. for me it's "after my buddies leave town". Hopefully I'm serious this time, because I'll be broke after I pay next month's rent.

Good luck man. I find that if I just drag myself outside real early in the morning without even really thinking and go out and hike or just sit and read somewhere that fresh air really helps me feel better and makes me realize how shitty I really feel because of the alcohol. 4 days is the longest I've been without alcohol in quite some time. I feel pretty damn good today.

I don't think so. My buddies and I would drink a case a day for each of us during party weekends. We'd also drink all day, shots of liquor as well. I can crush a 12 pack a day easy if I'm just chillin' and grilling out listening to music relaxing. I guess it depends how quickly you consume them, but weekend binging is kinda a given if you're in your 20's or even 30's.

Good, I'm close but not quite there and these threads help. Cheers dude.

>> No.8052992

Burn in hades cuckposter
Go spew your buzzwords elsewhere

>> No.8053252

I've been getting drunk daily for a lot of years now, but I remember when I first got drunk on Jager it felt like I was doing a completely different drug to me. It felt weird, dropped it, never have had it since that one time.

>> No.8053271

I have a question for those who drink at work: how the fuck do you cover it up?
Last year I went into a PhD office a bit buzzed in the late afternoon and all of the fucking doc students thought I was behaving really weird because I was actually talking and not sitting in a corner with headphones on. Then they started a bunch of rumors about me being high on (insert increasingly more insane drug here) and I got a reputation as a drug addict. ONE DAY and all because I was just talking more than usual.

Back when I worked at an A/E firm I used to spike the coffee in my thermos but I brought lots of mints or gum because I was terrified that someone would smell it either on my breath or from my thermos.

At this point Im 26 and never once been hungover. I wonder if getting hungover will help me stop or not, but I don't see the point in being a little drunk when doing a menial job like waiting for undergrads to come in and pester me about how they should really, really have an A.

>> No.8053283

Normies just hate people who aren't always talking like they are and are out to get them.
I barely even tried to cover it up at work, but I think the reason no one cared is that I just worked at a store. I would eat my lunch in my car and slam some liquor and then come back in. Of course I would drink before I even got there as well. In more serious jobs I imagine it's infinitely more difficult to get away with.

>> No.8053290

7 days out of a detox center today

>> No.8053301
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>> No.8053304

You gunna get drunk or you gunna stay sober?

>> No.8053312
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time to celebrate!

Today is my friday so I'm going to be getting hammered. Alone. As usual.
I actually prefer drinking alone, anyone else? I can listen to whatever I want, watch whatever I want, get super comfy, make some great food that I dont have to share. Its super awesome

>> No.8053325

Of course I prefer drinking alone.

It is a beautiful warm cuddly escape from everything.

>> No.8053336

Depends on your industry. I worked in inside sales for a couple years and while at first I was super sketched out about having a beer or something during lunch, it ended up that basically everyone did that or went and smoked during lunch and before work, etc. It was kind of a don't ask, don't tell kind of thing in my sales world at the time. We'd run into managers at the local bar and grill who were drinking and shit.

>> No.8053340

I will never understand the stigma that drinking alone has. People smoke alone all the time and it's no big thing. Drinking alone is so fucking comfy it's insane. Put on whatever you feel like watching, whatever jams you wanna listen to, play whatever vidya. I love cooking when I drink so I'll always plan a big, semi-complex drunk meal I cook.

You sound like we'd get along, except that'd defeat the purpose haha. Cheers either way, drinking alone is a lotta fun.

>> No.8053376

I have never done heroin but I honestly can't believe it could feel better than drunk alone with the lights off and a good spooky movie on

>> No.8053405

>cider and fireball
Absolut Madman

>> No.8053415

Been on the wagon for abouttwo months now and been having major cravings the past week. It's not that I want to stop drinking, it's just that I want to drink like a normal person and not go until I blackout every time. What do?

>> No.8053434


>> No.8053445

wonder if he just drinks lucozade and perrier now

>> No.8053454

I'm more open and social when I drink. People complain that I'm stoic and don't talk much while sober, long before I started drinking. I didn't feel awkward or anything sober.

How do you cope with people liking you drunk more than sober? At the most I think I'm just more talketive. Ive never done crazy shit. People just feel more connected with me while I'll ramble about shit I've never even thought about sober. I like being close but sober I couldn't give a single fuck.

>> No.8053463

Also I've had some serious insomnia all my life. No meds or over the counter shit has ever helped. I don't get blacked out, or wasted. I drink a lot of water or Gatorade, cut myself off, etc. But I've never in my life slept so good going to bed drunk or buzzed, despite all the medications I've been through. The fact I can stay asleep for more than a few hours has been amazing, but it's all booze.

>> No.8053466

I'm 2 months now without "drinking". I put it in quotes because I was only completely dry the first month, and I'm now limiting it to 1 or 2 beers on weekends when out to dinner with friends/family. I haven't drank to get drunk even though I want to badly. I'm trying to get back to the point where I can drink socially and be able to call it quits without going blackout every time I touch booze

>> No.8053486

Do you know the potential cause of the insomnia?

>> No.8053489

I find drinking and smoking alone to be incredibly enjoyable, more so than with others.

I'm naturally introverted though, so it may just be a bias.

>> No.8053498

true, im introverted too like probably a good portion of people browsing this chan and enjoy drinking alone. But hey we decompress in our own way, after a week of work and classes surrounded by people I need my me time

>> No.8053503

i fuckin love drinking

>> No.8053506

Hows it feel getting drunk by yourself knowing your girl is out there getting over the breakup by getting pounded by multiple guys?

>> No.8053561

>I have a question for those who drink at work: how the fuck do you cover it up?

I haven't been sober a single day at work in 5 years probably and am usually at about 0.12

Some people are just convincing and some aren't....lots of people say "everyone knows"....but if they did, how have I been drunk at work everyday without someone saying a single word

>> No.8053566

Not a single clue. Even my parents talk about how as soon as I was able to crawl they couldn't contain me at night and would have to go find me in the morning. School age was the same. Nothing worked. I was up and at it. I slept through a lot of highschool.
Sleeping is great. From the best of my years to the worst, it's always been the same. No melatonin, valerian root, herbal teas, NyQuil, zzzquil, Ambien, Xanax, vallium, any anti depressant ive been on as helped. I dont have nightmares, too anxious to sleep, etc. I just can't do it, yet alcohol lets me even if I make wake up a few times. I feel rested, if not foggy in the morning. To the point where I can stay up the entire day without taking a nap. I can do what I need and want to do, just as long as it's enough to give me a buzz.
I do this hate that this is what helps but I've never had so many good night's sleep. Any time I do wake up during the night I drink water and such like crazy. My ability to be able to sleep is extremely important and effects my mood more than anything. At some point coming off an antidepressant(despite all I really feel like is a problem is the anxiety here and there) it was almost four weeks of night terrors and sleep paralysis,a and unable to sleep for 5+ days. I was shortly hospitalized for that, and the sulolution was to knock me the fuck out and then I was totally fine with a decent sleep.

I wake up earlier than I usually do to get rid of most of feeling foggy. Never drank in the morning, during work etc. This obviously isn't healthy and I am dependent on it to sleep but no one ive been to know has had an alternative solution. I'm not fat, and physically active. All I seem to get now is anti depressants which make it even worse.

>> No.8053569

This may be some retarded tier logic going on in my brain, but relapsing doesn't "reset" any progress you may have made health-wise, right?

What I mean is that when I try and quit, I'll go like two or so weeks without drinking and then I'll fuck up and drink after having an exceptionally shit day and feel like I fucking blew those entire two weeks--that I have to start back from square one. Does that make any sense at all? I'm not just throwing those two weeks of sobriety down the drain through one night of carelessness, am I?

I've been trying to quit for years and years. This train of thought has ended up fucking me in the ass a few times because then I'll think, "Well if I blew all that time sober with one night, then what's the point?"

>> No.8053581

>No melatonin, valerian root, herbal teas, NyQuil, zzzquil, Ambien, Xanax, vallium, any anti depressant ive been on as helped

Dude, I was in your same boat for 30 years until a few months ago.

From 18-33, the only thing that helped me sleep was booze but with the cost of not getting good REM sleep.

My girlfriend got an RX for anxiety, but she stopped taking them because they made her sleep for like 16 hours. I said fuck it and tried them.

For the first time in my life, I am getting 8-9 hours of sleep uninterrupted with amazing REM, even if I have a few drinks. Just absolutely amazing.

The med is called Hydroxyzine if you are wondering.., maybe talk to your doc about it.....note though, it highly intesnifies alcohol

>> No.8053606

Nobody says anything because it's awkward and they like you/feel sorry for you enough they don't want to see you get fired. Be careful though, if you piss the wrong person off they'll drop a dime on you quick. Trust me, if anyone has been within 2 feet of you they can smell the booze. My boss thinks he gets away with it all the time, it's pathetic really.

>> No.8053621


Lulz, it's probably because they don't fucking shower daily, don't wear deodorant (I apply to almost all of my body), and drink very aromatic drinks. Also, when talking, it's important to make sure you are directing your mouth in a way that it won't hit anybody or to have conversations at a distance.

>> No.8053630

has anyone ever used a little bit of hot sauce as a chaser? i'm drinking vodka. it's like a bloody mary without all the extra ingredients

>> No.8053684

Wow ofrucking Kay well I gues im fimucked allarenetly I texted my boss and called him a fucjin retsdd and now imfucking firrd hoe thru ugh do I stop drinkng

>> No.8053691

If i could call my boss a fucjin retsdd, that would make me soo happy

>> No.8053701

I've been sober for two months after daily binge drinking for 5 years, and I'm trying to figure out if I can ever try drinking responsibly again. I'd love to have an IPA after work on a Friday and not think I'm betraying the sobriety. But then again I'm scared I wouldn't have the discipline to stop after one...

>> No.8053713

Seriously get help. I was in that same place, the stomach issues, blood, shakes, depression, passing out every night, while trying to hide it all from family and work and it was destroying me. Go to urgent care, be absolutely honest about all the symptoms and you can probably get into detox today, depending on where you are. You are at the point you can get DT's or other nasty stuff if you come down on your own.

>> No.8053714

Why dont you guys just drink one or two nights a week (on the weekend) like I do?
I used to binge every day but quit for a good three or four months after having my liver examined
Now I only drink on the weekends, my ATL levels are back to normal and I dont feel like I "betrayed" anything. I always thought quitting completely is kind of stupid, everyone drinks, but it sounds like you guys have enough control to at least just drink a couple times a week, which is pretty normal

>> No.8053724

Wrong. I've drank pretty much every single night for about 8 years now to the point where I black out drunk nearly every time. It's destroyed my fucking life m8. There's no "casual" drinking in it for me. There never has been and probably never will be. I have very little control over this shit and this recent attempt at sobriety has sent me through hell and I'm still there.

>> No.8053735

I'm aiming to go one year with nothing, and then try to reintegrate it in a healthier way. I like alcohol, I just fucked up five years overdoing it. Also detox really helped me start over, even if I'm still paying off the med costs.

>> No.8053738

>Buy handle of vodka on friday
>tell myself I can finish handle friday night and saturday, then sober up sunday
>sunday morning comes and I'll have a few shots worth of vodka left
>say I'll just finish those since it's there
>get slight buzz from last shots, say fuck it and go buy more
>wake up monday morning with remnants of bottle I caved in and bought sunday
>finish those so I don't feel like shit
>rinse and repeat for the rest of the week

>> No.8053749

Hello darkness my old friend...

>> No.8053757

Anons looking to quit or slow down, drink soda water with bitter or sour stuff in it, like lime juice. Makes you think it's a booze drink. Helped me stop drinking during the day or when anxious.

>> No.8053764

Oh hey, it's me.....except my liquor store is closed on Sunday in TN

every Saturday I tell myself, "im going go buy double on saturday so I can last through sunday"

Well, how it goes in real world is I end up drinking 25-30 shots in one night/early morning and have to go spend a ton of money at local bar for drinks on sunday.....god please kill me soon

>> No.8053768

>Anons looking to quit or slow down, drink soda water with bitter or sour stuff in it, like lime juice. Makes you think it's a booze drink. Helped me stop drinking during the day or when anxious.

I'm very happy that worked for you to be honest.....but that just won't help 99% of people unfortunately that have a problem like us

>> No.8053788

Sometimes I feel fortunate being Canadian. If I can restrain myself long enough until the stores close then I won't be able to drink that night.

Usually I end up just spending the 2-3 hours before the stores close looking at the time every now and then and thinking "Only x amount of time left, you better go now before it closes." But then I'll sit there and wait it out until the very last minute and then I either go, or I just don't.

Fuck man, I hate this shit. Really just want control back over my goddamn life and for this crap to not constantly be on my mind every day.

>> No.8053795

Sober september here? Anybody?
I used to get drunk quite a lot, for me anyway, and now i'm trying to cut down. binging 3-4 times week was pretty crappy. 10 - 12 per average binge.

My liver has now been able to cope with 14 cans as if it's nothing. Which made me feel like a real shit whenever i woke up and remembered i had drunken so much.

It's green tea and water this month. It's going to be really fucking boring.

>> No.8053798

The way I've been keeping off is I drank myself nearly to death. Breathing stopped becoming manual. No longer felt good but I wanted to pass out. I couldn't even throw up on my own for some reason. I was going cold and thinking that this was not how I wanted to die. Thankfully I had help or I'm certain I would've kicked it that night. I feel okay about that, but I'm very slightly tempted every so often. That was a month and a half ago.

>> No.8053808

I should mention that I was pretty bad off before and that drinking myself to death was not my intention. I just drank most of a bottle of rum while dwelling on sad things. Do not try.

>> No.8053809

>Breathing stopped becoming manual

Fuck, I always get that for a few days after long benders. Especially when I'm trying to fall asleep, I'll have panic attacks as I begin to drift to sleep thinking if I fall asleep I'll stop breathing and die. Then worrying about it just makes it worse

>> No.8053812

Yeah, I do this.
I get drunk friday, rest sat, then drink again sunday.

Also, does anybody here actually try to detox their livers in the week?

I drink 2 cups of green tea a day just for flushing out the shit. And then i'm back in on friday.

>> No.8053813

>I'll have panic attacks as I begin to drift to sleep thinking if I fall asleep I'll stop breathing and die.
Shit is this common among us? I'll jerk right back awake in a slight panic when it happens.

>> No.8053814

>Really just want control back over my goddamn life and for this crap to not constantly be on my mind every day.

Man, I hear ya.

My first thought waking up is, "fuck yeah, only 2-3 hours before I can have my first shot on my lunch break"

My lost thought before going to bed is, "so drunk, wish I had one more shot but I drink all 15-20....guess I'll open a beer"....then I pass out after having a few swigs

rinse and repeat every day for 5 years

>> No.8053817

>I get drunk friday, rest sat, then drink again sunday.
thats pretty much my schedule except I do thursday and saturday nights. Dont drink fridays because I always feel like my body could use the rest and no sundays because I have to get back to work on monday
works out pretty well

>> No.8053836

Same. I think it doesn't help that when I'm in periods of heavy drinking I'm more aware of every little thing that feels wrong with me since I know I'm hurting my body. I kind of become a hypochondriac. The only way to sleep is to just drink a shitload until freaking out about stopping breathing becomes "you know, dying in my sleep wouldn't be too bad, my life has come to this anyway"

>> No.8053843

>tfw wouldn't bat an eye at paying $100+ worth of smokes and booze in a couple weeks
>tfw felt queasy spending $150 on something I need to begin a rewarding hobby

Top kek

>> No.8053962

>most of a bottle of rum
>almost dead
Do you weigh 90lbs?

>> No.8053966

this, what the fuck? Unless were talking about a handle or something here

>> No.8054018

This past weekend I had the urge to visit a bar

I drove to the bar mostly sober with my flask filled with whiskey

Parked in the post office parking lot because literally every other parking spot near the bars are kiked out with parking meters

Sipped my whiskey flask discreetly while finding beers scattered about the bar from retards who spend $6 for a beer to take one sip and leave it

Chatted up some fat chick coz low self esteem atm

Got pissed when she told me she was gay after wasting 2 hrs of my time

Bar closed, was too pissed from fat gay girl to sober up before driving home (contd below)

>> No.8054033


Walked the decent way to my car which didn't require me to pay to park.

Hop in, start driving home

Still in nigger city, pull up to stop light next to nigger blasting jungle bunny music

Roll down window, scream "fuck you nigger!"

They drive up to the next red light, get out of car fuming, I swerve not to hit the dindu and blow past 3 red lights, with dindu punching my car (doing no dmg) as I drove by

Pretty lucky no cops were around to see me fly past 3 red lights probably over the limit

Either way it's a nice little fuck you to niggers and BLM scum from the silent white guys of the world

>> No.8054045
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>doing well, albeit exhausted as all hell from nosleep.jpg
>about a week sober now
>come to al/ck/
>start getting really depressed and reminded of shit
>now 4 shots in
fuck my life

I love you guys, but I think we need to break up.

>> No.8054066

go back to /pol/ you're not wanted here

>> No.8054071

>Got pissed when she told me she was gay after wasting 2 hrs of my time

I am just so perplexed as I have buddies like you.

How in the fuck do you not know within 15-20 minutes if she's actually into you....fucking christ

a+ for trolling with the dindus though

>> No.8054073

>doing well, albeit exhausted as all hell from nosleep.jpg
>about a week sober now
>come to al/ck/
>start getting really depressed and reminded of shit
>now 4 shots in

>I love you guys, but I think we need to break up.

You can checkout anytime you want, but you can never leave

>> No.8054076
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Sounds exactly like something an abusive relationship would say.

>> No.8054079
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>tfw often pick up food on my way home from work. Only to start drinking, and forgo eating until ive reached my comfort level
>always is like 2 hrs later, food is ice cold
>probably less than 1/3rd of my meals are eaten within an hour of cooking/purchasing
>eating without alcohol upsets my stomach, usually dont eat at all at work

>> No.8054087

that picture is hella gay

>> No.8054093

I always never eat hours before I intend to drink because I just want to get shitfaced as soon as possible and don't want any food prohibiting that.

Then I end up pigging the fuck out while I'm wasted.

>> No.8054095

I do that all the time, not because my stomach gets upset without alcohol but because I wanna get drunker quick without food in my stomach. I'll do something like get 3 tacos or whatever on my way home, eat one as I start drinking, then reheat the other 2 hours later after I'm solidly drunk

>> No.8054100

literally just googled drinking heavy and picked somthing off the first page

>> No.8054101

I don't eat while drinking at all. That was the first reason, but then when I hit my late 20s and started gaining weight for eating anything at all with my alcohol consumption, I stopped. Now I've trained myself to never touch food when I start drinking.

It's funny because that means I don't eat ever. I probably eat around 100-300kcal of actual food a day, if I eat anything solid/non-liquor at all.

>> No.8054104


fucking splendid sir

>> No.8054106

Well, the soda alone won't do it, I did detox and now do meetings once a week, but the sour carbinated drink helps me with urges. It probably helps that I previously drank vodka and sprite all day, so my mind thinks it's getting its fix. But finding a substitute helps. Has anyone tried chugging non-alcoholic beer as a placebo?

>> No.8054110

I get so wasted that I black out when I'm drunk, so I don't even remember the food I eat. It's not really about controlling my intake, it's that I can't control my booze intake to the point where I black out and eat anything I can get my hands on.

I'm actually a pretty small person too. Weird.

>> No.8054115

Careful, that's starting down a serious path of vitamin deficiency that can make it even more difficult to quit safely. And if you have no intention of quitting will lead quicker to other health issues.

>> No.8054116
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choke on a chode nigger

>> No.8054119

I'd spend all my evenings drunk playing vidya by myself until I passed out, and would often wake up with partially eaten bread on my couch.

>> No.8054149

My problem is that I actually enjoy the taste/sensation of alcohol. So that even when I've reached my ideal drunkenness, I keep pouring more and more to sip on and that's usually when I get into bad drunkeness/passout/hangover drunk. I've tried mixing so I'm drinking a similar volume but with less actual alcohol, but I haven't found something that doesn't dilute it too much or makes it taste better and I just end up drinking faster. Does anyone have suggestions? I'm guessing something sour or acidic might work?

>> No.8054185

>>>8054033 (You)
>>>8054018 (You)
>>Got pissed when she told me she was gay after wasting 2 hrs of my time
>I am just so perplexed as I have buddies like you.
>How in the fuck do you not know within 15-20 minutes if she's actually into you....fucking christ
>a+ for trolling with the dindus though

She was kissing me grinding on me and was into me

Her dyke friend showed up and was all like "I'm gonna kick her disgusting fat hairy pussy tonight"

Bitch had a cute face but was lardo

>> No.8054189

We all enjoy it, m8. To an extent. It's that sweet release we desire, the ability to not give a flying fuck anymore that's addictive. Instead of feeling irritable and miserable you feel happy, fun, calm, talkative, whatever it is you get from it, alcohol gives you that you're no currently getting. That tacked on with physical dependency after a while makes for an insanely dangerous combination.

My point being, more often than not if you're an alcoholic and you want to get drunk, you will regardless of what you're drinking if you have enough of it.

>> No.8054205

>he's never lived in a black majority city

>> No.8054232 [DELETED] 
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you're an anus

>> No.8054317

>2 months no booze no vidya
>literally have dreams of getting drunk and playing vidya every night
why me?

>> No.8054321

have a drink pusslord

>> No.8054360

you sound like a winner.

>> No.8054364

>tfw when eating honey mustard pretzels after an IPA

OP here, didn't drink at work today

4 mini bottles of stoli down and 2 sierra nevada torpedoes, feeling COMFY BABY

>> No.8054436
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How did it come to this?

You start off as a child where your quick fix to happiness is junk food and television.

In your teens, you move on to masturbation, pornography, and caffeine. Oh when I smoked my first hit of weed it was a revelation. After all this time, I've found the shortcut to happiness. And of course, the parties with alcohol.

Instant gratification has become a daily fix. You have never learned discipline, or developed your brain to accomplish long term goals over pressing that joy buzzer to fire the happiness neurotransmitters.

Now you find yourself drinking more than 15 standard drinks a day, using opiates weekly, cocaine every other, and anything else that floats by on the occasion. Your social skills are undeveloped, and you can only find company in like-minded acquaintances. Your life is pure hedonism, and you have no motivation or goals for life, just wandering aimlessly to the next silver lining of one more night of feeling something.

I went to work yesterday, got home, worked out, mowed the lawn, made dinner, and it was only 8:00. I decided to drink whiskey, play video games, and have a few more beers on top of it while watching TV and posting on 4chan at the end of the night. This was a Thursday night. I can't even help myself to escape...

>> No.8054450
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we have no other reason to live

we have no nation to be proud of

we have no tradition to hold onto

we have nothing but the soulless dollar and the quick fix of dopamine

>> No.8054487

I only work so I have money to buy food, electricity, internet and videogames.

>> No.8054566
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Every goddamn time any woman shows interest in me I feel like im tyrion lannister and shes just playing, getting paid to feel emotions

>> No.8054570

This fucking Reddit faggot

>> No.8054593

What a bunch of pussies in this thread.

>> No.8054611

OP here looks like I was banned for posting a naked Asian girls puss
And anus

>> No.8054616

Whoever is reading this I'm sorry

I try to be respectful

>> No.8054642
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We forgive you bro

>> No.8054656

Right on yah

>> No.8054663

we're all drinking cider

>> No.8054680
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Bar owner here, thanks for paying off my mortgage. Although most of you seem too pathetic to handle bar drinking, you just crawl into your cucksheds alone and get blotto on cheap vodka and fireball.
This guy is the most pathetic, just go buy it by the handle ffs. Or better yet, neck yourself.

>> No.8054697

nigga are you aware that the major portion of alcoholics drink alone at home. were not supporting your shitty bar. you're making money off of bar girls and pretend alcoholics

>> No.8054704

does anyone else like ginger ale/beer/cola with cheap blended scotch like 100 pipers, j&b, cutty, or for a higher price, jw red or dewars white label?

>> No.8054726

I just drank like eight shots of the cheapest vodka I could get, and I'm feelin lonely

>> No.8054808

>first meal for 4 days
>immediately vomit

>> No.8054812

our guy

>> No.8054813

>wine on the ceiling
damn i thought i was the only one. happens almost every time i buy that stuff too, which is rare. makes me wonder how much invisible beer stains are all over my ceiling.

>> No.8054837

I havent had any drink in a week now. Should I keep going or have 1 or 2 beers? Is there any benefit to being completely sober?

>> No.8054844

what did you eat?
you cant just dive into it nigga

>> No.8054847

when you hit 30 the hangovers will start and booze will take the driver seat REAL FUCKING QUICK

>> No.8054851

banana and mushroom omelet. which btw is under-rated af.

>> No.8054855

im gonna be honest that sounds fucking digusting but to each his own. Did you take small bites and let them sink in? 4 days without food is not good. you have to let it settle. You have to drink a lot of water and have small bites of stuff like oatmeal or toast

>> No.8054860

>sounds fucking digusting
i know anon, i know... but TRY IT, it's amazing. i thought exactly the same thing. now i've seen the light.
i took small bites, im just very ill.

>> No.8054863
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If I'm a little bitch that just drinks vodka mixed with gatorade/juice/black coffee, should I bother getting anything other than the cheapest shit? Sometimes I splurge and get Seagram's for $20, but I could get the shit vodka and have 50% more for the price. I'm a poorfag btw.

>> No.8054867

stinky anime retard

>> No.8054873

nah I chase my shit and always by the lowest cheapest grade vodka. not drinking this shit for taste or for accessibility nigga

>> No.8054883

What are some good tequila drinks?

>> No.8054889

tequila is shitty in cocktails drink it straight with a citrus back. I like tomato juice.
Even better google sangrita, make some of that shit up and o shots with that as a back, will change your life.
Yeah did you not see the part of my post where I immediately acknowledge that? Fuck off.

>> No.8054947

Another whining post. Boohoo booze. This is my favorite liquor.

>> No.8054973

>his asda isn't 24 hrs
Why even bother?

>> No.8055119

Usually go on 2 week bingers on 5ths of black velvet because it's cheap or captain

I prefer to drink alone because I wont make an ass of myself, when I get shitfaced I get really roudy and do just stupid things thinking they're fun, also lose my filter and say really shitty things.

Plus I like to just play video games, listen to music or watch movies alone when hammered. Prefer someone else there but I'm embarrassed as fuck of my habbit

>> No.8055129

You all could quit at any time

I used to be a smoker but I really don't get the satisfaction of getting drunk every weekday. It clouds your mind

>> No.8055196

switch to strong beer or wine, no liquor. it made the difference for me. its like doing a little bit of powder cocaine or hitting a crack pipe and selling your asshole and stealing from gas stations

>> No.8055295

Kek. Those beers will get ya.

>> No.8055338

why does alcohol have to be so toxic? :(

i love being drunk, but my body REALLY pays for it. especially 'cause i'm a diabetic.

i'd say i shave an en entire year off my lifespan every time i get drunk.

>> No.8055346

As edgy as this may sound,
same when I have to deal with my coworkers. :|

>> No.8055364

"quids" i reckon everyone is British in here

>> No.8055398

can you get on SSRIs anon? maybe better than becoming a piss head

>> No.8055402

in the uk a shot(25ml) of 40% spirit is one unit and apparently it takes one hour for the body to metabolise one unit.

>> No.8055427

Man quitting drinking feels weird, this is like my first time in 4-5 years going 24+ hours without a drink or six

I'm bored as fuck and everything is hyper lucid and realistic

>> No.8055429

I'm 22 I've been drinking a lot since I was 17 but I'm not an alcoholic, I've never *craved* liquor in the "I can really use a drink" sense of it, like I do smokes. That said I've been through withdraws once or twice just from bingeing for too long.

I guess going through withdrawals is a literal indicator of addiction but even as it was occurring I didn't want any alcohol because I knew that was the reason I was feeling like that.

Do I just not have the gene? Did anyone ever feel like this as a younger person, only to succumb to the stuff later on in life because you thought yourself 'immune' or something? Serious question.

>> No.8055466

Why do you drink nigger booze if you're rich? Why do you think you deserve to be rich if you have nigger taste?

>> No.8055524


Sober life is really fucking boring isn't it?

I have cut back a lot recently and feel all the better for it, but I still drink daily. Got the long weekend off work so had a couple of beers at around 11am today, but realised I had to make sure my new flatmate didn't see which felt strange. I am not used to living with people, I am sure he would think it was weird for me to do that. Oh well.

>> No.8055525

I had a cousin who was diabetic and still liked to drink. He had a heart attack at like 35ish and died so you arent far off in thinking it's killing you lol

>> No.8055559

What kind of liquor should I pick up for the long weekend m8s

>> No.8055574

I'm going to get drunk at the office again boys

>> No.8055596


Bulleit is £22 in Tesco if you are in the UK, I have a bottle of that and a bottle of gin too. Crate of beer in the fridge to dip in and out of, I am looking forward to it.

>> No.8055598

Don't do it anon. It's not worth it.

>> No.8055642

It's better than being hungover at the office

>> No.8055671

How far down the rabbit hole are you already?

>> No.8055672

Just had my first bathroom stall stoli of the day

>> No.8055704

I have two hospital detoxes under my belt

Also two years sobriety

I've only been drinking hard as fuck like this for like 6 days though

I just hate my job

>> No.8055725

Is there a reason why you upped the dosage the past 6 days?

Sorry to hear you hate your job.

>> No.8055736

I hate my job and I hate my girlfriend but she's chubby and ugly and loves me and if I break up with her she will be super depressed

>> No.8055751

Isn't it better to be alone than to be not alone but with someone you don't even like?

>> No.8055806

trying to convince myself not to go out and get that boze lads, climbing the walls a bit desu

>> No.8055836

Nigger who are you kidding go get the booze

>> No.8055840

Yes it is

Unfortunately when I'm alone I get really neurotic and people think I'm gay cuz I don't have a girlfriend

>> No.8055851


kek, you've twisted my arm

>> No.8055857

That's my big boy. Way to go.

>> No.8055879

I can't believe I'm banned until September 5th

>> No.8055923

why do you care what people think?
Social acceptance is supposed to bring you happiness, but you're defeating the purpose by making yourself unhappy to be accepted by people who probably don't think about you 2 mins after you are not right in front of them.

>> No.8056099
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Fuck im hungover
but isnt it amazing how much better a shower can make you feel? I woke up feeling like death but hopped in a hot shower and now I feel much better, im even making something to eat which I probably wouldnt have done if I hadnt showered because I felt so shit

>> No.8056141

To all those who believe they've gone to far:

Nobody else may not believe in you, but a random anon who has never met you, half way round the world, believes you are strong enough to make the first steps of change

You can do it

I'm not saying it will be easy

Just that you can do it, because you're stronger than this and you know it

>> No.8056244
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I feel right at home here already.

>> No.8056254

drinking malt liqour today because my ex who im still in love with is now banging multiple guys who dont give a shit about her. i know shes a whore and all but i cant change the way i feel. i hate this

>> No.8056265
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bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks
screw her. you need to find some prime pussy thats better than her

>> No.8056292

i know man i just need to fuck somebody else. dat oxytocin.

>> No.8056325

Well I had five fucking shots at work

>> No.8056333
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Why does alcohol do the job so well? I was drinking heavily for 2 years then I was like enough is enough im gonna taper down. I stocked up on benzos and was determined to get off it.Then I started drinking again after. Did another benzo taper. Still fucked. Then i started smoking weed every day of my life. then went back to booze. then started doing heroin and oxy. then went back to booze. Back to weed. Now, wew lad, Im back on BOOZE! WTF. why do I need to be high all the time? My life is fine. I just hate being sober.

>> No.8056338

because existence is a joke

>> No.8056340

Bro you gotta live your life. Dump the girl if shes not cutting it. No one thinks ur gay m8 just bcuz ur single

>> No.8056344


>> No.8056351

Yeah! Reality is fucking BORING. I think its the ultimate unfairness in life that we cant be high/drunk/whatever all the time without consequence. What else is there? Loving someone? Ok i can love someone... but i still wanna be high/drunk. Raising a child? Yes ofc thats wonderful but.... I need to drink m80. Having a good career? The pinacle of self worth... but no matter what I achieve, it doesnt make me feel good. the only thing that makes me feel good is ethanol/marijauana/opiates/benzos

>> No.8056361

>Only alcoholics drunk alone.
>I get hammered every day at the bar, I'm not an alcoholic. Even if I have to start the day with a "petit blanc" to stop the shakes.
>Momo is a fucking asshole, he'll go to the bar and not drink. But I'll never admit I only hate the fact that he remembers me my own inability to abstain from drinking.

Petit blanc is French for a "small" glass of white wine, especially in the morning. Not that they have different wine glass size, the "small" is only to lessen the implications ordering one at 6 am has.
And Momo is short for Mohamed.

>> No.8056364

You speak the truth my friend.

I'm going to go over to her place tonight and take a shower with her and rawdog that pussy though.

It's hard to break things off.

>> No.8056381

Happily drinking alone on a Friday night here, flatmate went out to the pub to undoubtedly try and pull. Very glad I gave that a miss, better whiskey here and better music. No one to interrupt either.

Anyone else get semi reclusive when they want to have a few drinks?

>> No.8056392

I only drink alone

I fucking adore drinking alone

>> No.8056396

I drink alone 90% of the time. Its usually for the best

>> No.8056401

mostly 'cause of sibernation,but for this site it's about nihilism

>> No.8056406

I prefer to drink alone in case I black out and decide to go out later and call someone a faggot or whore or something. I am normally very reclusive for this reason. >>8056381

It just all comes out when I'm drunk. It used to be funny, like drunk pirate funny but now it's just sad and embarrassing.

>> No.8056409

I drink alone 100% of the time
0% of fucks given

>> No.8056416

I drink 15 drinks a day and I have a 3.9 GPA in a good college. You're just a sad sack retard.

>> No.8056420

Cheap bottom shelf liquor makes me feel worse and makes me a worse person, but everyone's different. Vodka in general makes me more irritable and shitty than other stuff.

>> No.8056422

>my alcoholism is better than your alcoholism!

>> No.8056425

>using opiates weekly


>> No.8056521

not everyone has been indoctrinated into your social religion, idiot.

>> No.8056544

You can't buy class. If I made 120K, it'd be nothing but Scotch and cognac with a few liqueurs here and there.

>> No.8056557

don't mean to sound like a fag, but try reading some Buddhism and Stoicism. It's good shit. I partially agree with you. Opiates especially feel amazing, and sobriety can be boring and monotonous, but I don't think it's so boring you need to constantly get high. I think that's a bit melodramatic and reflects some buildup of inaccurate thoughts about entertainment, boredom, pleasure, etc. That is, you've convinced yourself that you need to be high to enjoy life, rather than that being an objective condition.

Occasional substance use is fine of course.

>> No.8056638

You only reset the strict AA counter. Your health don't go back to years of daily abuse in one night.

The only danger with relapsing one day is going on the following days until you have to go through withdrawals again.

>Brand Name: Atarax (and others)
Ah, the one that sounds like an old heavy metal band.
They gave that as sleeping pill to some patients in my last rehab. (And another one that sounds like Skilrex or some dub step band) They insisted on the fact you have to lie in bed right after you take it.
According to one guy who was there for poly-addiction, if you try to stay awake, it give you hallucinations and gets you in a pleasant high.
Yeah, only consider it if nothing else works, side effects tend to be really shitty. And don't misuse it.

>You can hide ethanol in your breath with memes
Why the fuck do you think they make breathalysers?

You should try adding some food colouring to your beer. For science, for art, for posterity.
And post pics, obviously.

You got my curiosity. Care to post a more detailed recipe?

>> No.8056647

I drank all day at work because fuck it and had such a good time talking to people
>normally really shy and introverted
I think i'm better friends with a few of them now

>> No.8056734

I'm pretty much in the same boat. Got way too drunk a couple weeks ago and made an ass of myself for what I hope I can say is the last time. I fucking love drinking too much to let it go completely, even though I understand it may be what I ultimately have to do. Been two weeks since I've been DRUNK drunk. Just a few beers here and there, cut out hard liquor quite a while ago. Hopefully I can keep it this way forever, not counting maybe my birthdays.

>> No.8056761

I was heavy drinking for years and fucked my life up, even did a few months in jail (4th dui), crashed tonnes of cars, theft charges, was literally stealing to feed my habit

eventually switched to opiates, as in i just added opiates as well, being addicted to opiates is not even as bad as alcohol and it really opened my mind to basically alcohol addiction is just like opiate as in you're literally a drug addict, this is a drug habit

anyway I got myself on methadone, got kicked off bla bla

anyway the key to my soberiety success was getting an opiate case manager guy who said he'd script me suboxone but i must take antabuse with it

so i got hooked on pharma suboxone (must go everday) where they watch me take the antabuse

drinking on antabuse is fuckin awful and literally stops me. and you can't just not take the pill for a day and dirnk it works for around 4 days in my experience

so basically, what's going on is if I want to drink ( iI crave it a lot), I have to come off suboxone and go into deep withdrawals for 4 days until the antabuse wears off, and only then can I drink

would highly reccomend this. I have even decided fuck it I need to drink and took 2 days off, but the wthdrawals were so bad I went back on, and on the antabuse again

my life is a lot better now, have a good job, help people with intellectual disability, go to gym have som friends now that aren't just drug using buddies etc

this could be an option for you guys? it's real easy to fake an opiate addictino you just got to ask your doctor to put you on antabuse as well. the opiate addiction will force you to take it

of course this is last resort end of line type shit, but something to think about.

for those don't know antabuse basically makes you allergic to alcohol I drank one beer on it and spewed everywhere my face went bright red had all this pressure got massive vertigo my heart rate shot the fuck up honestly felt so fucking awful, and i didn't even get any alcohol effect (9%) beer

>> No.8056800

Questions? Usually two days a week, tend to be Sunday and Monday.

No offense, but your opinion means almost nothing because you haven't even left academia and entered the real world yet to experience an extensional dilemma.

>> No.8056805

> No melatonin, valerian root, herbal teas, NyQuil, zzzquil, Ambien, Xanax, vallium, any anti depressant ive been on as helped. I dont have nightmares, too anxious to sleep, etc. I just can't

try doxylamine dude, best sleep med I've ever had it's otc here

there's always diphenhydramine (benadryl), or promethazine

seroquel as well



tonnes of sleep meds to try man don't just drink yourself to sleep the quality is awful and your anxiety is through the roof the next day

>> No.8056811
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>> No.8056867

Yeah, shower really helps me as well. Taking a dump helps even more. It's like I'm literally shitting out the hangover and evil.

>> No.8056880


>> No.8057211

Any of you guys gone to aa?
They seem like nice people. met a few today, didn't actually go i was helping somebody i know set up the room.

These threads are really great. Can really relate to some. Drinking alone is 100 percent the best.

2 days into sober. Weekends are really hard.

>> No.8057501

Think I might be outgrowing this stuff lads. I've caned two litres of rum and I'm still just sat here thinking about what I need to do tomorrow. If it can't make me feel then it's a waste of time and I might as well be bored and sober.

>> No.8058391

7 months clean :)
sorry for you

>> No.8059171

Been drunk for 24 hours straight give or take a few