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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8049700 No.8049700 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/

long time /b/tard here with a question. So for dinner i decided on fish. I live in Spain but im American so i just bought whichever fish was "wild caught." in this case it was a fish called "Perca." So something happened while it was cooking and id like to hear your opinion:

1. I bathed the fish fillet in the juice of 2 lemons for about 2 minutes

2. I heated coconut oil in a stainless steel skillet on an electric stove at "7/9."

3. Once it got hot (oil did not smoke) i threw my fish in there along with the lemon jews and seasoning (old bay thats it)

4. i cooked it uncovered for a while and bumped the heat up to 9

5. covered it after about 5 minutes and when i went to check on it after another 5 i went to flip it and it just fell apart.

6. at this point because my idea of a fillet was ruined i cracked an egg into it, threw some havarti cheese in there, some powdered garlic and start rolling it around in the pan and cooking it that way.

7. After ~4 minutes cooking like this i threw a table spoon of tomato sauce into it and mixed it up.

8. Now im eating it and i think its pretty good, but i think presentation wise it looks like shit.

TL:DR, is a mashed/shredded fish an acceptable meal anywhere that you know of? what would happen if someone tried to serve this to you? I think it tastes great but yeah ive never had shredded fish with cheese before. Thanks for the input.

>> No.8049716


>> No.8049724

what a waste of time to come here to you snide fucks.

>> No.8049762

It's a slow board anon, calm down.

and yeah, there is such thing as a tuna melt here in the US. Although personally I don't mix cheese and fish, I don't like the combination of flavor.

>> No.8049764

/ck/ is a slow board. Threads can stay alive for days on end. Getting pissy because no one responded to a /b/tards fishbortion within 10 minutes isn't going to make anyone want to post.

As for a response, I would not pay for that mess. If someone I know had made it and offered me some, I would try it. I wouldn't make it on my own because it doesn't sound appetizing. Also, lurk more before posting.

>> No.8049775

>mashed/shredded fish an acceptable meal anywhere that you know of?
No. Though I have seen minced raw fish used in various preparations. There was certainly no cheese involved.

>>what would happen if someone tried to serve this to you?
Depends on the circumstances. But I probably wouldn't eat it.

>> No.8049784

thank you /ck/ im sorry for raging.

dubs get.

>> No.8049785

>waaaa nobody responded for 8 whole minutes

/ck/ is a slow board, dipshit.

As for your dish, it's shit. According to your post, you cooked the fish for an absolute minimum of 9 minutes, probably more. I'm surprised it wasn't a disgusting dry mess.


> perca
It's called perch.

> using coconut oil
> ever
Enjoy your heart disease.

> covering fish
Fucking why

> bumped it up to 9
I'm going to let you know that that really doesn't mean anything. I'm guessing your stove goes up to 10, which means you cooked the fish on high. You pan fry fish (most kinds, including perch) on medium. In fact, you almost never want to go over medium on stainless steel.

If it tasted good, good for you I guess. Just don't ever do that again.

>> No.8049788
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this is now a foodporn thread. no softcore.

>> No.8049790

I guess you don't know how to cook

there's no need to flip the fish also

>> No.8049791

>/ck/ is a slow board
>autistic holier-than-thou posts at a rate of 3 per second

>> No.8049793
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>> No.8049808

It's definitely slow as compared to /b/
If you want to be autistic you can say "slower" but honestly who cares

>> No.8049810

If this was /b/ this thread would either have fallen off page 10 or hit the post limit by now.

Also OP would have been a dickpic and some variation of "rate my junk", "The hormones are working", or "fuck you /b/ jelquing broke my cock"

>> No.8049841
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>> No.8049859
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>> No.8049950

>waaaa nobody responded for 8 whole minutes

/ck/ is a slow board, dipshit.

>As for your dish, it's shit. According to your post, you cooked the fish for an absolute minimum of 9 minutes, probably more. I'm surprised it wasn't a disgusting dry mess.

how could the fish be dry if it was simmering in coconut oil and lemon juice?

> perca
>It's called perch.

Well where i live (in Spain) its called Perca. The worlds bigger than Glasgow, UK anon, go outside.

> using coconut oil
> ever
>Enjoy your heart disease.
Care to explain how an LDL free fat is going to lead to heart disease?

> covering fish
>Fucking why

To keep it moist after it got shredded and to cook the egg faster.
> bumped it up to 9
>I'm going to let you know that that really doesn't mean anything. I'm guessing your stove goes up to 10, which means you cooked the fish on high. You pan fry fish (most kinds, including perch) on medium. In fact, you almost never want to go over medium on stainless steel.

Thanks for the tip, i usually grill my fish but i wanted to try something different. My stove maxes out at 9, i cooked it at the highest temp available just to see what would happen.

>If it tasted good, good for you I guess. Just don't ever do that again

Thanks, yeah this shit was really bad. ALTHOUGH it would go great as taco meat or a grilled cheese filler, or on toast.

>> No.8049970

>how could the fish be dry if it was simmering in coconut oil and lemon juice?

Because overcooking.
When you heat animal protein--fish meat, poultry, beef, whatever--the fibers in the muscle contract. That contraction squeezes out the juices from within the meat. Sure, there might be liquid in the cooking pan, but it's not actually inside the meat itself. This is a classic noob cooking misunderstanding.

>> No.8050364

this is why you leave your pan on medium, bring the oil up to temp before adding protein, and don't overcook. broiling is a good method of high, dry heat environment that produces crusty and moist fish.

>> No.8050606

check em

>> No.8050637
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>> No.8051813


You just implied a fish fillet has muscles...

>> No.8051819

Perca is spanish for Perch, which while edible it's a low quality fish to eat compared to the likes of catfish, trout, and whatnot

>> No.8051825

I usually eat salmon but shit its all farm raised. Its hard to find wild caught high quality fish here in spain.

>> No.8052019

my mom makes dish similar to that, sans cheese. she will buy a whole fried fish from the asian market, usually tilapia, separate the meat from the bones, pan fry some onion + tomato and make scrambled eggs with it.

>> No.8052041
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Fuck man, I'm sure most of us started out on /b/, but were we all as cringy as this?

I've never felt such a strong mixture of embarassment and relatability all at once. I know in my heart that the first time i'd try to post here I would have tried to getroll and make a jew reference. But seeing it actually happen in real-time is just.....cringy.

It's like watching the first few episodes of American Idol. I know I can't sing either, but watching someone else fuck up just makes me furrow my brows and shake my head.

>> No.8052303

Seems like a fish cake, although I don't think cheese is a common ingredient. I make them for sandwiches using leftover fish, since I don't think reheated filets taste very good.

>> No.8052317

fish sticks (nuggets)
fish cake
crab cake
surimi / kamaboko / takoyaki / other weeb food
fish ball

the list goes on.

>> No.8053338

I think this counts as shredded and is slightly close to what you are saying.


>> No.8053654

what the fuck are you talking about? shut up.

>> No.8054621

I didnt realize you fucking /ck/ asscucks were so retarded. You got one guy over here saying fish fillet has muscles, you got another guy saying that coconut oil will give you heart disease. Fuck me i should have made this thread on /b/ lol even /r9k/ would probably be less retarded about it.

>> No.8054628
File: 70 KB, 640x371, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8054702


>> No.8054950

>You got one guy over here saying fish fillet has muscles
What the hell do you think meat is made out of?

/ck/ memes seem ridiculous, but they're some of the truest on the boards.

>> No.8055521
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>long time /b/tard

>> No.8055557
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nigga, its food. you arent going to EVER get the same answer. its literally applying heat to a piece of meat using various types of fat. want to crunch the numbers on how many different answers you can get for a topic like that?
fuck you lazy asslard.

first of all, it sound slike you used to hot of a heat.
second, you cooked it for 15 minutes? no wonder it fell apart. especially if you left it at that heat for so liong.
from the sound of it, aside from some lemon, there were no liquids in the pan you cooke dit in, so not only did you cook al the moisture out of it, but you basically boiled it in lemon juice.

aside form that, you recovered well, but itd probably be a better dip than a dish by itself. if you want to keep the recipe, serve it as a dip.

first question if you want nay answers though, is what the fuck were you going for when you began cooking?
like, you had to have had something in mind. what were you going for?