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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8049341 No.8049341 [Reply] [Original]

I've been working at Mc Donald's for almost a year now here in the UK, Northern Ireland to be precise. And time after time I find myself frustrated at all my co-workers, some of them are alright but most of them don't even follow proper procedure or just half ass it.

I mean they can't even neatly dress a burger properly, the sauce goes all over the bun when its meant to be centered. Simple shit like this gets on my nerves, maybe it's just that the company hires stupid people I don't know.

>> No.8049360

Do you actually, really actually think that the people who work at maccas give half of a flying literal fuck about whether or not the food is correctly prepared beyond all the ingredients being present?

>> No.8049377

Not really, but there's a reason the store has such a shitty score. Heck the other stores are much better and food isn't so badly made because they actually have competent staff

>> No.8049379

>competent staff

>> No.8049387

They know how to run the store properly unlike the half wits I work with

>> No.8049512

Shit is, you almost have to try to fuck up a burger. If you cared enough to show up to work then you should care enough to make a burger, it takes more effort to get up an dressed and a ride to work than to make a burger. I would think main reason people hal ass things is they're pressured to roll out made burgers in an unreasonable amount of time and need to rush the job.

>> No.8049755

McD's is a bigger company than just one store senpai.

>> No.8049767

Find another job you seem to be too dedicated to work at a McDonald's.

>> No.8049806

Maybe so, but you are accountable for messy products. Especially when the guy who owns the stores shows me which he did, been in since the store had a makeover to the made for you system.

I know but the employees are stupid

This is the only full time (barely full time) job I can find in Belfast that isn't a call center job. Though I could work two part time jobs instead but I don't want the hassle that'll come with it.

>> No.8050045

You know,for all the shit we give McDonald's,I've never once seen them hire a non-Irish person in my town. I've never seen a Pole or a Nigger in there before. I gotta give em credit there.

>> No.8050072


Congratulations OP, you have standards. Most people don't. In fact, most people are lazy shitbags. This is the root of the never ending cycle of bullshit that is the Employer-Employee relationship, wherein both parties attempt to exploit the other for as much as they can. The Employer, confronted with the fact that people are SHIT and LAZY, see's no purpose in investing in the Employee, and instead does it's best to milk as much productivity out of the halfwits as it legally and practically can. The employee, seeing that the Employer does not give two shits about them and has no interest in investing in them, feels no obligation to do any sort of quality work for the employer, nor to go above and beyond the absolute base minimum requirements to get their check.

This is the vicious circle that exists in some form or another in most any job.

As you say, it's better than a call center job... maybe. I suppose it depends on your tolerance for different kinds of bullshit. At least at McDonalds people are, hypothetically, not pissed off at you when they first come through the door.

>> No.8050096

too big to fail

>> No.8050291

>maybe it's just that the company hires stupid people I don't know.

Not necessarily stupid, but also not qualified for other work let's be honest.

>> No.8050345

Mcdonald's and other fastfood jobs are considered entry level jobs therefore most of the workers are usually teenagers experiencing their first job. They usually don't care because the job doesn't pay well and gives them poor social status among their peers. But kudos to you OP for giving a shit about your job, I wish more people in the food service industry did.

>> No.8050377
File: 84 KB, 694x455, Fuck You $15 Min Wagers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to the day when we finally automate our restaurants.

you want $15 an hour just so you can complain, bitch, whine, and spit in my food?

fuck you.

enjoy unemployment, unskilled faggots

>> No.8050380


pretty duh answer, cause people keep buying

>> No.8050384

They did have a few polish in the one store but they have left since Brexit, shame since I kinda liked them

Yeah, that's what big places are like. When I worked in Marks and Spencer I never had any of the kind of problems I've had at Mc Donalds. They have proper training for one thing.

I guess that's why they work at Mc Donalds, though all staff need some discipline or proper training. Training consisted of on the job training and being told to watch online video's and tutorials. What kind of company works like that?

A lot of the staff are under 20, they treat the place like it's weekend football club. Too much banter and not enough work.

And yet they don't complain, I wonder why

>> No.8050402

>And yet they don't complain, I wonder why

Sorry, I didn't read your actual post, just the title; thought you were talking about customers not liking the food

>> No.8052349

I'm seriously thinking of taking on a second job because I'm full time yet I'm given under 20 hours half the time since they've hired new staff again. I've heard that they do this for force you to quit. And I know if I take on another job they'll start complaining.

>> No.8052356

Are you meming mate?

You pay a quid for a shitty burger smaller than your palm. Of course it's shit.

>> No.8053047

I work at Mc Donalds, read the thread

>> No.8053485
File: 328 KB, 2000x1133, McShit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why you shouldnt eat there

the food is always shit
pic related

>> No.8053490

Yeah because everyone is trying to do everything as fast as they can

>> No.8053492

>his is the only full time (barely full time) job I can find in Belfast that isn't a call center job. Though I could work two part time jobs instead but I don't want the hassle that'll come with it.
You in the mickyD's across from primark or the one in Victoria square?

>> No.8053494

Across from Primark

>> No.8053497

Why's it always so busy in there? Seems like anytime I want to go in, it's packed to the fucking hilt with people.

>> No.8053505

Because people don't know what to do, everyone runs around like a pack of headless chickens. That and people pile into the place like there's a gangbang going on, they must really be hungry. We've also been getting tons of tourists recently.

Ask away, I can tell you lots about the store.

>> No.8053517

>Ask away, I can tell you lots about the store.
Anything I should avoid ordering? Just wondering.

>> No.8053519
File: 2.92 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20141128_111813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause they put too much green shit on my burgers

>> No.8053532

Chicken products, generally some idiot does not wash his fans (half an hour handwash rule which isn't followed half the time) when he puts food in the vat it gets contaminated by his germs which gets transferred to the UHC (machine which keeps food warm) which will make you sick if you have a weak stomach.

Also never get food at peak hours, products are made half assed and are generally nasty. Look at your food when you buy it and you'll know whether it's fresh or not, it's generally not.

>> No.8053538

Bap is different, you stateside

>> No.8053543
File: 24 KB, 480x516, 1458251601263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, senpai. I mainly stick to the double cheeseburgers tho, best thing outta McD's.

>> No.8053552

I agree, that and quarters are the only thing they don't fuck up. Besides the placement of cheese that is

>> No.8053585

This. Here in Burgertown they do two double cheese for $2.50. I'll do that and a fry if I'm looking to eat for really cheap and don't want to cook for myself that evening. Sometimes if I'm feeling brave I'll sub in Big Mac sauce but I'm worried that I'll get extra spit seasoning if I make the order anything more than what it normally comes with. Double cheeseburgers are their best offering to me though

>> No.8053831

It's literally baby food.

>> No.8054906

I read it, I don't know what to tell you.

You're working with people who don't care because it's probably their first job - it's beer money to them and they're being paid next to nothing in a shitty job.

I worked there myself and all the girls were put on the tills and I was stuck in the back with a load of heroin addicts.

Quickly packed that in and went to work in Curry's. Of course this was 2007 and you could back then.

>> No.8054916

Maybe you should just get autismbucks like all the other autists.

>> No.8054920

>not going a bit further and just giving the customer full use of a restaurant kitchen, the ingredients and recipe how to make the dish

I would actually go there.

>> No.8054922

McDonalds makes me want to vomit if I have more than one item in the course of 24 hours. I'm fairly convinced they just put rat poison in it.

>> No.8055015

Sounds like a desperate situation, luckily no druggies where I work

Wish I could but I like to work for a living

Considering that staff don't wash their hands enough they might as well

>> No.8055083

they have those kinds of restaurants and it doesnt work because half of the people dont know how to cook and no one does dishes or cleans up. Its like a student house where everyone just leaves all their shit on the kitchen counter and if you want to cook you just shove away some filth to work on your little spot

>> No.8055093

Here in Latvia, the bigmac looks pretty much as advertised desu

>> No.8055555

Most products look like advertised (most of the time) in other stores, just our store is too fast to do stuff right

>> No.8055583

Maccies is wank mate

the uniform looks wank

the food tastes wank

the staff are wank

the only redeeming feature is the filet o fish

>> No.8055944

Got an argument to back that up?

>> No.8056136

I worked at McDonalds too and I fucked up shit on purpose, bitch I ain't gonna try my best for minimum wage, fuck that shit, and fuck the bourgeousie

>> No.8056491

At least take pride in your work, it reflects poorly on you

>> No.8056516

Is it privately owned?

>> No.8056551

Their business model is selling food as fast and cheaply as possible. All of the "cooking" is automated, and not just are the ingredients the absolute cheapest available, but the people hired to assemble them into the final product are paid as little as possible.

The way to get workers to take pride in their work is to pay them well and give them some autonomy. McDonald's does neither, so the people who work there tend not to give a fuck.

So you have people who don't really give a fuck cranking out food made from the cheapest possible ingredients as quickly as possible. That's very unlikely to result in quality product.

>> No.8056567

Well you take what you can get, but that does not mean you have to half ass a job

>> No.8056603

Are there actually prospects to move up in McDonalds, or is it all just a squeeze from above, managers not giving a fuck and 2/3 retardation rate for the staff at the bottom?

>> No.8056625

Depends on the staff, the kinda care but mostly don't. Everyone does not treat it as a serious job, though moving up does get you paid more but they factor you into their labour costs more

>> No.8056656

Shift supervisors, assistant managers, and even store managers really don't get paid that much more than minimum wage. Getting promoted to shift supervisor is like an extra dollar an hour.

>> No.8056658

It's a question of motivation. What motivates people? Money and autonomy. Pay them well and they'll do a good job. Give them their own little kingdom to rule over, and don't breathe down their necks and they'll also do a good job, Put the two together and you have the cherry jobs like plumber, electrician, race car mechanic, investment banker and day trader. People who have jobs like that tend to take lots of pride in what they do.

But in jobs that offer neither of those things (and not even the respect of your peers) people are far more likely to just phone shit in. Because their job is not a source of pride for them.

>> No.8056680

You mean evidence?

>> No.8056820

I guess so


>> No.8056840

A new billboard went up near me recently. It was catering to the "foodie" crowd -- talking about a sriracha big mac, which I can only imagine is the last thing any smarmy fuck who identifies as a foodie would actually want. Last time I went in for a cheap chicken sandwich, they nearly gave me one that costs $7. SEVEN DOLLARS. It's almost embarrassing.

>> No.8056864

Then I guess that makes you an idiot for not being able to read prices?

I love when they release new flavor-of-the-month sandwiches, because I can ask for their sauce or ingredients (like jalapenos or habanaero ranch) on cheap stuff like mcdoubles and mcchickens.

>> No.8056885

You illiterate fuck -- I said chicken sandwich and had to clarify between the one dollar and seven dollar choice for the young gentleman working the till (probably you), it had nothing to do with me.

>> No.8056903

To be honest I completely forgot Northern Ireland was in the UK.

Speaking as a former art student and mother, those colourful murals on houses look nice.

>> No.8056919
File: 723 KB, 2240x1344, hawtdawg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're like me. I wasted 7 years of my life at two bad failing MCDonald's here in the US. I got hired as a janitor at In n Out and I feel happy as fuck. Plus, I make more as a beginning in n out janitor than I did 7 years working at McDs.

My advice would be to abandon ship. McDs is failing as a company, and all its branches are coming down with it.

>> No.8058095

Except when they started painting over them

>> No.8058462

>I know but the employees are stupid

Yes, you are. Certainly if you are over 18.

>> No.8058513
File: 11 KB, 500x334, [explanation needed].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't come to McDicks to take pictures of my food, I come there to eat when in a rush and I forgot my credit card and only have a couple $ in cash.

>> No.8058516
File: 31 KB, 313x286, [citation needed].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8058517

No. You eat at McDonald's because you have no respect for yourself.

>> No.8058519
File: 111 KB, 739x657, the.wire.s04e07.720p.bluray.x264-reward.mkv_snapshot_53.37_[2016.08.29_22.39.01].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a troll thread right?

>> No.8059002

You sound fucking stupid as fuck, my friend.

>"give me a chicken sandwich"
>get chicken sandwich
>"this isn't the one I want"
Well, then maybe you should specify...

Why don't you go to KFC, ask for "chicken," and then be pissed when they don't give you popcorn nuggets.

>> No.8059020

Oh, no, u shouldn't eat those green stuffs. They r poisonous.

>> No.8059078

I like the Chicken Popcorn

>> No.8059310
File: 2.39 MB, 2800x1620, McD-McChicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the McChicken

>> No.8059327

If you have McDonalds on your Resume, in Australia anyway, anyone will employ you.
It means you can follow dress codes, strict policies and take shit.
Its a stepping stone OP.

>> No.8059345

Well, they just aren't paid enough to care! If we raised their pay like they want then those burgers would come out perfect, right?

>> No.8059359
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 1470792702902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another norn irish anon?
whereabouts do you work mate?

>> No.8059365

>but most of them don't even follow proper procedure or just half ass it

welcome to the world of minimum wage, where motivation is doesn't exist and the threat of being rendered obsolete in the face of automation is just around the corner

>> No.8059578

its the best

>> No.8059628

mcdonalds is best

>> No.8059730


Double rude

Obviously not

City Center

Yeah most of the young people either don't like it or see it as a steeping stone for university