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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8049025 No.8049025 [Reply] [Original]

How does /ck/ like their coffee?

Where do you get your coffee usually? What's the best coffee you've ever had?

I just cold brewed some coffee at home for the first time, and I can't see myself ever needing to go somewhere for coffee again. Cold brewing your own stuff is far too good!

>> No.8049072

If you don't just eat spoons of instant coffee powder your a fuckin poof m8

>> No.8049079

>crawl out of bed
>pour 5 cups of water in the coffee maker
>stuff a filter in
>pour in some pre-ground from the store brand tin
>add 4 packets of yellow sweetener
>pour heavy cream until it's a creamy light brown

>> No.8049082


>> No.8049084

* u r

>> No.8049088

>Cold brewing

Don't you mean throwing some ice cubes in there?

The fuck did the meme come from

>> No.8049089

I was watching some videos on how to cold brew recently, I think I might give it a go.

>> No.8049091


>> No.8049097

I concede defeat

>> No.8049102

thats not what cold brewing is

its putting grounds+water in the fridge

>> No.8049197

>The fuck did the meme come from
You live a very sheltered life if you think an objectively better way of drinking iced coffee is a "meme". Get your head out of your ass

>> No.8049204

I only drink coffee at the office out of a Keurig with 2% milk and Sugar in the Raw. I love triggering my coffee loving friends.

>> No.8049216


Fellow cold brew at home anon here, can confirm it's pretty great.

>> No.8049226
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It's very worth it anon, it detracts from the bitter taste of coffee that not everybody is a fan of.

You take one sip and it's so smooth and cold against your lips, it's wonderful

>> No.8049241

What's your cold brewing method?

>> No.8049251

I grind up beans to fill 3/4 of a cup, then put four cups of cold water into a pitcher (I did a smaller amount because it was my first time doing it - go with these measurements). Cover that pitcher with cling wrap, and let it sit at room temperature for 12 to 14 hours. I prepared mine at 1pm yesterday and filtered out the grinds this morning with a sieve and two paper towels, so it's okay to leave it for an entire day if you wanna just forget about it til the next morning.

>> No.8049268
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>tfw the convenience to quality level is irresistible

>> No.8049274

You're missing out anon, those machines are for fucking fools

>> No.8049279

Had coffee at a Turkish embassy once, probably the best I ever had

>> No.8049287

Missing out on what, a proper espresso setup?

>> No.8049292

Craft espresso from the palms of your hands you fool, you're gonna go your whole life without putting them to use

>> No.8049306

Do you use a mortar and pestle, anon?

>> No.8049317


lately for my cold brew i've been adding cinnamon, cocoa powder, vanilla, and cayenne pepper, then steeping it. it's tasty, if i do say so myself.

also, i can't pass up any coffee beverage with sweetened condensed milk, like vietnamese coffee, cuban coffee, etc. it's instant diabetes but worth it

>> No.8049324

You don't?

>> No.8049333
File: 51 KB, 640x356, greek-frappe-santorini[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frappe or bust. Granted, only during summer, but it's objectively the best way to drink coffee. What's even better is that you can fill it up with cold water once you're half way through it, and get the most out of the coffee foam on top.

Great way to ensure that you drink enough water throughout the day if each coffee leads to you drinking more than half a liter of water.

>> No.8049534

The Vietnamese restaurant near me has god tier ice coffee, is sweetened condensed milk really the secret?

>> No.8049573

Every vietnamese coffee recipe I've seen has sweetened condensed milk, so probably?
And this is tea not coffee, but Thai iced tea is also god tier. I think the tea is dried with vanilla or something

>> No.8049677

it's still shitty instant coffee, just lukewarm

>> No.8049723

The coffee beans I bought taste a little weak so it's not that enjoyable right now.

I got over drinking coffee with milk and sugar so I tried something a bit different this time. I had some extra baking chocolate lying around so I melted a little of that in the double boiler with some cream and then added in the coffee at the end. This is probably some kind of drink they make somewhere with a name.

I can say it's slightly better than having it black. At least it was fun to make.

>> No.8049746

if i were at an office job i would be happy to have this instead of a keurig, but if you're using either at home you're truly an idiot

>> No.8049749

its served cold

>> No.8049754

it's still shitty instant coffee desu and needs sugar to be tasty

>> No.8049760

frappes always have sugar. nobody said it isn't shitty instant coffee

>> No.8049801

Generally just black. I want to just pour it and drink.

If I'm on the road I'll get mcdonalds coffee. It's okay and a buck fiddy.

I do like coffee shops when I have the time, though. They look at me in deep confusion when I just get black house blends. The role reversal is amazing. I'm the hipster now because I just want black coffee.

That said I get a sweet tooth and go for the coffee flavored milkshakes sometimes.

>> No.8049804


where do you live

>> No.8049814

Too many people still drink instant coffee here in the UK. It's disgusting.

>> No.8049820

Kentucky but I tend to be in pretty gentrified places.

>> No.8049828

Only instant I fuck with are those single bags from folgers. Basically a tea bag with coffee grounds in them. They taste okay and good for when I just want a cup. Fuck Keurigs.

>> No.8049838
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>Wake up
>Turn on water kettle
>Put 20g of freshly ground beans in my aeropress
>Add more water
>Wait a minute
>Plunge it
>Dilute water from kettle
>Rinse and repeat

>> No.8049843

consuming refined sugar is degenerate to be honest

>> No.8049864

r u a lexington fag or a louisville fag

>> No.8049876
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Spiced coffee is a really nice occasional treat. Your mix sounds great. I like making some with cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and ginger. Sort of pseudo-chai.

>> No.8049879

turks make great coffee!

>> No.8049897

Any tips for getting a good cup of coffee from a pour over? Should I be stirring it at all? It feels like I should be stirring it.

I bought one with very little research into the subject so I'm kind of learning as I go.

As a side note there's quite a few videos on the subject where the guy doing it is wearing a funny hat.

Should I be buying a silly hat?

>> No.8049908

I just bought three from the store, I got a problem. I did find a much cheaper store though.

>> No.8049911

>How does /ck/ like their coffee?

The opposite of how I like my neighbors: black

>> No.8049920

which one do you have?

>> No.8049934

I believe it's called the bodium something-or-other. It's got a stainless steel-like mesh dealy on it so I don't have to worry about all that filter business.

I got the black colored one if that helps.

>> No.8049978

I like to order from roasters who are fairly close to me. Little amps in Harrisburg and reanimator coffee in philly are my favorites to buy coffee from. I brew at home in a v60 usually.

>> No.8050048

don't know nothing about that sorry

>> No.8050183
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>tfw I have been drinking dunkin cold brew all week

>> No.8050522

one of you elitist tell me which grounded coffee to order from Amazon. I like mine with a bit of sugar.

>> No.8050560

for you i recommend buying k cups in bulk and emptying them into a container

>> No.8050794
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Aeropress is great

>> No.8050829

I inject it directly into my scrotum two or three times a day.

>> No.8051044

I run water through a keurig, use it in my french press, and drink it black.

>> No.8051301

Requires a $600 machine

>> No.8051311

that must be false advertising. surely you can't get that much crema from a fucking pod.

i'm telling!

>> No.8051507

Just made some aeropress.
Wew lads that's some good shit

>> No.8051584

Personally, I just have a relatively inexpensive burr grinder and a French press. It's an easy way to get decent coffee at home. If I want espresso I just go to a coffee shop.

And I'm certainly not above a cheapass drip machine or cowboy coffee, either, but that's a totally different ritual.

I've never had a frappe that wasn't shit. I'd much rather have a good, cold-brewed iced coffee.

>> No.8051588

home brewed in a pot, usually, then wait for it to cool and drink straight up. no baby bullshit here, just honest black coffee.
I usually get mine, when I'm out, at Kahwa Coffee. Local chain.

>> No.8051606


>> No.8051808

preferred coffee: Costco Columbian coffee by coffee maker
preferred style of coffee: black and bitter like my soul
>fuck sugar
>fuck milk
>fuck cream

>> No.8051811

A dab of cream in good coffee is like a dab of olive oil on a good mozzarella. If you don't like it, you don't respect your mouth

>> No.8051920

>Coffee in cup
>Boiling water in cup
Aand it's done

>> No.8051930
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Got a bag of this right now, really good stuff. Bought it at the source, even met the Luwaks that shit the beans out

>> No.8051948
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Tried cold brewing some time ago. If I hadn't made it myself, I probably would've thought it came from a can or pic.

Was kind of fun though. Rigging up contraptions that would drip a few times per minute, and modifying it so the water would be more evenly distributed over the grounds and such. Need to try it again some time.

>> No.8051960

>no cream, sugar, or milk
Someone is lying to himself about liking coffee. I suggest you spare yourself the trouble and drink instant, inb4 some britbong says no you should totally get starbucks wealthy patrician coffee

Drinking Colombian San Jose Pedregal from an aeropress this morning, 8/10 would probably buy again

I don't really do the "best coffee ever tasted" thing, I get bored easily no matter how good it is

>> No.8052056

Long black 2bh

Only if the beans are good tho

>> No.8052073

At home i usually drink french press. My sister has an aeropress and a pourover thingy though, i should try those.
At work i'll usually make an americano or a cortado.

>> No.8052162
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Be bros and post the ratios of said spice ingredients for us trying this at home.

Also, what do you think of coconut cream? I hear its what viets use.


My somali neighbors make that turk shit and the whole hallway smells like the building is burning down. Literally trash.

>> No.8052425


The crema is suprisingly good desu.

>> No.8053645

saw a bialetti french press in the supermarket, is it any good?

>> No.8053685

Cold brew is objectively the best kind of coffee. Less acidic, the unique flavors come out more, delicious. I like to drink straight concentrate but anything higher than a 2:1 ratio is also acceptable. Sometimes milk, sometimes not.

Pro tip: eat a chocolate chip cookie and cold brew cut with whole milk instead of water. when the chocolate from the cookie melts on your tongue take a sip of coffee. magical bliss

>> No.8053823

Coffee in cup
Fill up with milk and stir well
Maybe a little bit of sugar, brown of course, won't need a lot because a little goes a long way in these.

Microwave for 2 minutes.
And that's a Mongolian.

>> No.8053835
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Before I thought I should make coffee with pic related.

But now I'm hearing about cold brewing. What makes cold brewing good in comparison to the contraption I posted?

>> No.8053848

Got my order from happy mug in.

>Enchanting India (med/dark roast)
>Ethiopia natural processed
>costa rica honey processed
>Uninhibited Malawi

>Gentle bear blend
>Kenyan AA
1/2 pound each.

Burr grinder, french press, water boiler (one that keeps a constant temp of 208)

>> No.8053871

>Requires a $600 machine
That's just a plain lie. I have a ~250 USD machine that, while not as good as a professional machine makes, makes a perfectly acceptable shot of espresso.

>> No.8054281

How much for a bag and can you describe the taste?

>> No.8054355

One is a tried and trusted brewing method that originated in homeland of espresso and often gets handed down through generations.
The other is a hipster meme.

>> No.8054549
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Help coffee bros.. I can't decide between the Lido 3 or the Lido E/E travel manual grinders.

Both are stepless and have the capability to go espresso comparable to the Precisio and Vario.

Any ideas bros?

>> No.8054712

I'm going to try cold brew. I read somewhere that it has reduced acidity and is easier on heart burn.

>> No.8054992

I drink coffee for the coffee not the shit added to it

>> No.8055034

E-T is the best Lido. It can do everything any of them can.

But it still sucks for espresso. The adjustment mechanism is awful.

Get a feldgrind instead.

>> No.8055074

moka has highest extraction rate for beans. all that matters really.

>> No.8055104
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>Cold brew... I read somewhere that it has reduced acidity
Literally just 8 posts up: >>8053685
>Cold brew is ... Less acidic

I don't care what you do but summer in your part of the world is almost over (I think) and the people raving about cold brew will soon be raving about the next new way to brew hot coffee that you simply HAVE to buy. And buy. And buy. And buy. And a fool and his money... And buy. And buy...

>> No.8055110

So you say, but do you really like coscto '''coffee'''? Or have you just convinced yourself that you enjoy it and that drinking it black is the way to go, because you read about black coffee on the internet or something?

There is really nothing wrong with dairy and sugar in coffee, it's a time honored way of making a not-so-good product into something delicious.

>> No.8055116
File: 79 KB, 497x750, meme and booger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you think about it:
>cream and sugar
...sounds like...
>meme and booger

>> No.8055171


Sorry for the late reply, but it cost me 125,000 IDR. That's around £5

The taste isn't all that different from the rest of the coffee you get in this area, a faint chocolatey aroma and an earthy taste.

Really excellent coffee, I've actually got about a kilo of the run of the mill stuff too, and that cost half as much as the luwak

>> No.8055208

>have blood pressure problems
>give up on coffee

It's fine now, but I havent drank coffee in about 3 years

>> No.8055259

I use a half teaspoon each of ground ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg, with five whole cloves, stirred well into 40 grams of ground coffee. Pourover recommended. It's pretty strong, but it goes nice with milk. To make it more palatable black you can just use a dash of each and 3 cloves.

>> No.8055407
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as a child a fine young woman neighbor offed me some incredible coffee which was cold, sweet, creamy and I can only enjoy coffee like that since .... was it cold brewed, what sort of recipe did she use .... all I recall is that she had travled to europe and shared this treat with me .... I hate the bitch now cause she spoiled me and would love to have some of her coffee again reminder this treat was shared with me close to 33/34 years ago

>> No.8055435

I completely forgot about that luwak coffee. A rich chinese businessman once offered me the chance to try some but I declined because it sounded stupid.

Thinking back, I'm glad I didn't try it. I'm sure I'll never know what it tastes like personally but I think I'm satisfied with people describing it.

>> No.8055479
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>Try an aeropress for the first time today

>> No.8055973

>in the fridge
don't do this, it slows down the brewing process
use cold filtered water and leave at room temperature for at least 12 hours

>> No.8055984

Always with a mocha pot, occasionally do cafe con leche if I'm going to put some effort into breakfast.

>> No.8057132

any advices for a new moka brewer? there should be a pasta with resources in the op

>> No.8057153

Like everything that has come out of Indonesia, it fucking sucks

>> No.8057158


>> No.8057174

I always brewed it with cold water and only washed my pot with water so the oil from previous brewings would prevent the coffee to have a steel flavour. Guess I'll try what this guy says and see if it turns out to be true. Thanks by the way!

>> No.8057186

Black with sugar if I'm brewing it myself. If I go out to a coffeeshop, I get something with an embarrassing amount of shit in it. There's this one place near me that makes a latte with curry powder and ginger in it and it's pretty good.

>> No.8058812


>butthurt malaysian detected

Found that plane yet mate?

>> No.8058844

tried aeropress
still prefer cafetiere desu

>> No.8059053

I have just a regular coffee machine in my apartment but I want some good beans and a grinder instead of buying the pre-ground packaged stuff. Any advice?

>> No.8059070

Brehs, it was not a meme. Grinding your own beans really is noticeably better and takes a second.

>> No.8059082


This, I'm not exactly a coffee snob and will drink whatever you put in front of me, but I can tell the difference between fresh-ground and pre-ground.

>> No.8059149

i just bought a burr grinder and buy some java beans from a local deli. use a french press or an aeropress, both work fine. just experiment with ratios until you like what you try.
bretty good so far, cold brew every so often too. i find it stays far better in a flask for me to bring about.
by the way, any recommendations on beans? i like quite a strong cup, i'd like to experiment with a few other varieties

>> No.8059379

Its cheaper at Hardy's in Sanur.

>> No.8059656

Rancilio Silvia is definitely the minimum.

Otherwise you might as well just have regular coffee or illy pods which perform like a 1k machine for $100 bucks a machine.

>> No.8060238

Black but only because I'm lactose intolerant and don't like the idea of putting sugar in my drinks. It's good for dieting anyway, literally a 0cal appetite suppressant.

>> No.8060558


>> No.8060880

My skin literally falls off if I have large amounts of dairy. Eat a dick.

>> No.8060928

If I'm feeling lazy and it's a work morning, set the drip machine to brew at 7am so by the time I'm done getting ready I have a few cups waiting.

Otherwise I use muh aeropress.

I tried cold brew but I'm just not the biggest fan of the taste of it compared to other brewing methods.

>> No.8061222
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I get my coffee from a tin can such as folgers and the like and a cheap coffee machine, been pretty sick of the taste for a while now to be honest. mayhaps the best I had was tim horton coffee or mcdonald. Been thinking of trying to use one of those french press things

>> No.8061258
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>french thing
Get a moka pot instead. Much better quality with less effort.

>> No.8061293

I use an aeropress to make most of mine. I have an espresso machine but I don't have space for it in my kitchen right now.

I grind coffee when I get up, enough for a double dose, and start my electric kettle heating up to 175°. Dump the coffee in the aeropress (I use a metal mesh filter), slowly pour in water until it hits the right line, stir, then press, all slowly.

If I'm experimenting with new beans I do the grounds and water parts on my kitchen scale to dial in what's best.

I add a bit of sugar, and then milk and ice. (skip the ice when I want hot coffee of course.)

>inb4 tastebudless memesters that apparently can't taste coffee through milk and sugar and assume everyone is as crippled as they are.

I mostly use the Colombian blend from CostCo because it's like a third the cost per pound of supermarket coffees, which makes it a sixth the cost per pound of fancy Internet roasters or local roasters.
It's not my favorite, but it does alright.

When I do espresso it depends on my needs, but my favorite for breakfast coffee is cuban cortadito (cafe Cubano is espresso is brewed directly onto demerara sugar, a cortadito is basically a cappuccino made from that).

In the early afternoon I'll usually make a second iced coffee or an American style cafe latte.

I'm actually moving to a place with a larger kitchen in less than a month, can't wait to set up the old machine again.

>> No.8061296

Oh, I'm also really thinking of getting a coffee roaster and roasting my own beans. Even more control and less expense in the long run.

>> No.8061302

Baratza Encore refurbished is about 100$ and will fit your needs for anything that isn't espresso; though buy the Virtuoso if you can afford it.

Hario Coffee Mill is a much cheaper hand grinder that will beat any electric grinder at several times the price, if you can stand the time and effort involved.

>> No.8061304
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I like that 500 calorie coconut macchiato shit from Starbucks.

>> No.8061397

I usually french press pre-ground coffee. Best cup I had was when I got lucky while french pressing pre-ground coffee. Worst cup I had was when I got weak/watery american coffee at a franchise shop.

What even is cold-brewed coffee? Do you drink it cold, or heat it up after brewing?

>> No.8061457

I always drink my coffee black, no sugar. When it comes to food and beer, I'm quite open minded about new and different tastes, but every time I tried a fancy milky sugary kind of coffee, I find myself wishing I had ordered black.

Yesterday I bought a pack of decaf for the first time. It was at a discount and I had been considering trying it out for a while now, because I like a hot drink in the evening without it jeopardising my sleep, and rooibos every night gets a bit dull. I drank a cup yesterday night and I didn't quite like it. But it cost me two whole euros so I'll finish it goddamnit.

I might use it to experiment with making spiced coffee, as I haven't tried that yet. Whatever works, I'll use in my regular coffee for some variation in the morning. In fact, I'm going to make a decaf with cinnamon and chili right now. I once drank a stout beer with these very spices and it immediately became one of my favorites.

>> No.8061467

maybe use up the decaf by making after dinner desserts?

>> No.8061515

It's much better this way. Might use more chili next time. I say it's a success. I thank this thread for planting this idea in my head.

I'm generally not too big on desserts, and I'm trying to lose weight, but thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.8061556

the best coffee i ever had was in detroit of all fucking places

>> No.8062435

In the mornings if it's too hot I make some coffee, and put it in the blender with ice, 2 tbsp of heavy cream, and pumpkin pie spices (cloves, cinnamon, etc), then blend it up.
I don't eat breakfast though so I use this as a substitute or I come in under my calories for the day.
Sometimes I'll mix in some protein powder.

>> No.8062559

All I do is use my bur and put them into my moka. Nothing more, just pure black Brazilian coffee.

But I do have French Presses sometimes. And I think about trying cold brewing one day.

Also, what's the appeal of Hario and Aeropress? They are all watery and have no taste at all.

>> No.8062576
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>not just taking caffeine pills

>> No.8062621

Just go to your nearest hipster cafetorium and buy some beans from them.

If you don't know what you want, they'll usually recommend one, and grind it if you like

>> No.8062850

I'm so obsessed with coffee, I've tried everything. I think more so than most people too:

>hole-in-wall coffee shops with a few new interesting roasts on every other day
>standard starbucks/javahut type coffee joints with only three standard brews and everything else has sugar syrup
>expensive coffee haus type joints with imported coffee beans and snobby hipster chick waitresses with home-done 50s style haircuts and weird relationships with older men
>30,000$ two-spout, built in grinder + steam wand espresso bars (made by the same company that makes starbucks in-shop espresso bars)
>1200$ mr coffee single spout personal coffee bars with built in steam wand
>250$ sharkninja coffee bar
>100$ martello espresso machine that uses pods
>80$ hamilton beach flexbrew, uses pods and coffee grounds
>50$ french press
>10$ stovetop classic italian espresso brewer
>every single type of coffee bean you can get in your local store or ordered off line
>same, but with the pods
>i've worked at most generic coffee houses like starbucks (when i was younger) and a coffe bean farm
>have made my own coffee blends and pods

ask me anything lol

>> No.8062871

>how does /ck/ like their coffee
just with milk when I'm making it for myself
I usually just get a latte when at cafes though.

>where do you get your coffee usually?
the cafes around me

>What's the best coffee you've ever had?
a sip of black coffee at this nice restaurant my parents took me out to for my birthday. Never expected them to have mind blowing coffee, but it turned out to blow everything away.

>> No.8062987

>French press coffee
>let it cool overnight
>put in blender
>1/2 cup milk
>tbsp of cocoa powder
>1 scoop of proton powder
>1/2 cup dry curd cottage cheese
>tsp of cinnamon

Fucking amazing

I use it as a preworkout

>> No.8063022

mix that with a bit of 85% liquid codeine are its golden

>> No.8063024

What's the best way to make a moka pot coffee over ice? I have a stove with the metal coils btw

>> No.8063030

>taking a painkiller preworkout


>> No.8063057

Depends what kind of coffee, like if you'll be adding anything in? If not, the simplest way is to brew the coffee like normal with the tiniest bit of sugar, then let it sit in the fridge, never the freezer even to save time. and let it chill in the pot you made it in too.

Coffee houses will then add the ice and sugar and cold coffee together, let that sit for a bit, then add milk or cream. Coffee hauses do ice first, then cream or milk and either sugar or a flavorless sugar syrup to give it body and keep everything separated, then the coffee. I do recommend you give condensed milk a try, with no other milk or cream or sugar for a thai style iced coffee. they sometimes add whip cream and orange zest too, and a cinnamon or vanilla bean stalk

And it's also good if you chill the glass before hand, obvi. Dip it in water continuously and keep it in the freezer between dips.

>> No.8063069

Its stupid to buy a refurb Encore from Baratza. By the time you add in shipping its about the sme price as a new one from Happy Mug which comes with a free lb of beans and ends up being cheaper than the refurb.

>> No.8063216
File: 164 KB, 1662x1108, Mojo-Original-Unsweetened-Black-Magic-Cold-Brewed-Coffee-0041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this local brew at a local market

>> No.8063219

Had a Greek place near me that did em. Not bad. Prefer just regular Greek coffee / espresso. Out at a Greek place tonight. Will probrably get one.

>> No.8063360
File: 119 KB, 640x480, 20160904_193318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah. That's the stuff.

>> No.8063371
File: 75 KB, 480x640, 20160904_193718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mud, mud, I love mud.

>> No.8063393

Got an apple and cinnamon roast from the local roaster, it smells wonderful, tastes amazing with irosh cream and will be even better in a cold brew I think

>> No.8063543

What do you guys consider a "bad" coffee?

I have only been unsatisfied with coffee once and it was because it was decaf. I use italian brewer btw.

Oh and I'm peruvian

>> No.8064642
File: 181 KB, 822x1500, 91F3CmanXaL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best electric burr grinder to get? I have a hario skeleton mill but am too much of a lazy shit to constantly grind every time I want to brew a cup.
should I look for ones that use ceramics?

>> No.8064643

Drink it black, fag.

>> No.8064655

Yea but with milk.

>> No.8065296

im about to go to trader Joes lads

what kind of coffee beans do I get?


tell me the patrician shit ck

>> No.8065455
File: 76 KB, 600x418, hario-mini.jpg?v=1399472358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the best electric burr grinder to get?

It depends on how much you're willing to spend.

The Baratza Encore is just as consistent as a Hario Mini Mill, but it's electric. Hence the affordable price tag.

>should I look for ones that use ceramics?

If you're willing to spend more than $200, sure. The higher in price you go, the more you start seeing variations of ceramic burrs.

>> No.8065659

>drinks garbage

lmaoing at your life

>> No.8065827

>force myself out of bed
>dump water in my Mr Coffee
>put in a tablespoon of Maxwell House original per 2 cups of water, plus a little extra
>turn it on
>take a shower
>drink coffee black because I'm not a homo