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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 286 KB, 1200x790, REU-GERMANY-OKTOBERFEST__003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8047715 No.8047715 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, if I were to host an Oktoberfest-themed party, what sort of food should I prepare? I was thinking of something along the lines of:
How does that look to you guys? I was thinking of doing schnitzel, but I don't think there will be enough people to warrant another main dish and I'd like to get some input on German side dishes I could do to keep everything from looking golden and diversify the colors and tastes on the plate.

>> No.8047761


>> No.8047840

Pig hocks are a nice meat on the bone treat.

>> No.8047881

turkish cuisine

>> No.8048066

Was in the catering game for a bit and one of the clients was German, so put up a German themed menu. What your suggesting for your menu is Westernised German, if you want the real deal I suggest:

>Eisbein (pig hocks on the bone)
>Rouladen (Like a beef roll up)
>Donauwellen Cake

Of course schnitzel, perhaps a variety of German sausages to please the fussy eaters.

Eisbein isn't difficult but it tastes amazing. The cake can be a little tricky if your not into baking.

Good luck!

>> No.8048071


>> No.8048077

Just host it on a football sunday and grill a few different types of sausages. Heat some sauerkraut up in the microwave and tell someone else to bring the potato salad. Buy two cases of Natty Lite. Everyone will say it was an awesome party.

>> No.8048111

>no halal

Enjoy your time in purgatory

>> No.8048131

Don't forget to hire a refugee who will, at some random moment during the party, storm in and start shooting while yelling "ALLAHU ACKBAR"

>> No.8048171


It's a bratwurst whose end has been untied, where a 100% pork hotdog injected with pureed onion, pickle, sea herring and beer is stuffed into the brat and re-tied, then cooked oven an open flame. However, the fuel for the fire MUST be comprised of ox bone and seal fat or the whole thing is just for show. You either do it right or don't do it at all. Once done, you stick it in between the hardest, stalest bread you could find. I'm talking about cutting the inside of your mouth hard, because Germany.

>> No.8049015

as a guy from munich, i tell you that the oktoberfest basics are:
roast chicken (parsley+paprica+salt+pepper - sit overnight)
potato salad (vinaigrette made with broth)
"radi" - large raddish, cut into very thin spiral and salted very heavily
white sausages+sweet mustard+pretzel - probably not possible to fnd where you live.
Pork knuckles slowcooked in beer on vegetables under alu cover, oven cranked high in the end for crust.
Also, pretzels are usually bought in the giant version, like 8 times the size of a normal one

>> No.8049232

Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte.

>> No.8049240


>> No.8049361


Thank you! Unfortunately I'm living in a small apartment right now so I'm not sure how much of that I will be able to make. I definitely want to do the pretzels but I have never done roast chicken before so that will be a learning experience.

>> No.8049794

maybe opt for pork knuckles if all thats available is a commercial oven, its by far the easiest thing to get right and its very delicious+feeds a crowd.
If you feel more comfortable with shoulder or if you lack the time to slowly cook the knuckle, go for "schweinsbraten" - pork shoulder roast with dark beer sauce and fast coleslaw (white cabbage shredded,salted rested, seasoned with vinegar salt pepper caraway), im sure youll find a recipe online.
as a dessert id recommend something easy to prep in a large amount in advance, bavarian creme with berries or compott seems like a prime choice.

>> No.8049835
File: 97 KB, 600x600, tegernseer_helles_schweinshaxe-e1299015493955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic

>> No.8050221

I was leaning towards applestrudel for dessert. This shouldn't be a crowd of more than 8 people so I don't need a major batch recipe and I've done strudel before.

>> No.8050230
File: 112 KB, 800x501, Bigos_13735[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bigos, mang.

can't forget about those polacks desu senpai

>> No.8050234

if you don't pick up some german mustard you're fucked.