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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8047302 No.8047302 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /b/, recently, I was browsing through my local supermarket, and of all things, I ended up picking up some monosodium glutamate. I had heard that it makes food taste amazing, so to test this, I brought it home and sprinkled some into my meal. I immediately fell in love when I discovered that it brought out the food's flavor immensely and made it taste incredible! It was some of the best tasting food I had in a while.

However, I felt a bit guilty for using it on my food, as I heard that there is some controversy regarding its use, so I thought I would check it out for myself. Upon further research, I discovered that MSG is a form of glutamic acid, which is naturally found in the body. Also, The FDA recognizes it as safe. Furthermore, I can not seem to find any studies that could correlate moderate MSG use with headaches, nausea, or any ill side effects that were reported with other cases.

Why has MSG been given such a bad rap? Do any of you guys also use MSG? What is all this controversy about?

>> No.8047304

>Hello /b/

Babby's first thread?

>> No.8047330

>Do any of you guys also use MSG?

I don't need to. I brown my food, use appropriate salt. And, if I want some umami, I use tomatoes, mushrooms, anchovies, or whatever the dish needs, without shaking on some chemical that contributes nothing else to the party but the chemical.

I have a dehydrated reaction to it. I wake up the next morning with a split lip when I smile, if I consume MSG the night before. Been this way for 30 years, so I always know if I was dosed in a restaurant..

>> No.8047342
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Nothing wrong with using MSG, just don't let it be a crutch.

>> No.8047345

I prefer salt.

>> No.8047371
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>Do any of you guys also use MSG?

Yeah, but in a soy sauce that contains it. Only a little bit though. 2 tsp is enough for one dish.

>What is all this controversy about?

Stir frying became trendy during the 80's and a plan was set in motion to keep that trend in check.

>> No.8047384

Tomatoes are savory. Savory is umami. Tomatoes have glutamates.
I'm not sure what point you're making.

>> No.8047397

It is fine OP, just make sure you know how to cook without using it. There are quite a few people allergic to it and that is why it is going out of fashion.

tl;dr make your dishes delicious already, then in theory just substitute salt for MSG to make it taste even better.

>> No.8047400

Yeah, I wasn't thinking clear anon. Fresh tomatoes that are bright and acidic was what popped into my head.

>> No.8047404

it's just another in a long line of bullshit food myths, like with gluten now

>> No.8047417

So many retarded fake food allergies these days.
When we were kids, the only thing any of the kids at school were allergic to was bee stings.

>> No.8047422

>There are quite a few people allergic to it and that is why it is going out of fashion.
These people are 100% lying

>> No.8047426

I would not believe it if I had not seen it first hand.

Someone ate some popcorn with it and later developed hives.

>> No.8047449

>>There are quite a few people allergic to it and that is why it is going out of fashion.
>These people are 100% lying
I think rather that we don't understand why they have symptoms, not that the symptoms don't exist. That's how proof works.

To this day, there are still diseases which are diagnosed by process of eliminating other explanations, aka diagnosis of exclusion, such as MS, fibromyalgia, and nearly every psych disorder. Fever of unknown origin is an diagnosis that can cost thousands of dollars of testing to come up empty, but the fever IS there and persists until it doesn't. There's no reason why someone who gets a slamming headache, tachycardia, or other symptoms from MSG is lying. All that you know is no one has found the mechanism or explanation as to why MSG caused a reaction.

So, try using your brain next time. I could understand being doubtful, but you should know we don't know everything yet in medicine or science.

>> No.8047453

another BS disease

>> No.8047504


>> No.8047548

>latest article: "What In The Hell Is Trump Doing On Immigration?"

I am not discounting her on the basis she is wrong.

I am discounting her on the basis she does not report medicine.

>> No.8047584

the controversy is about racism in america. MSG fear is a thing for the same reason wonderbread is.

>> No.8047585

>Hello /b/

MSG is fine, but it is possible to be allergic to it. Not a problem for 95+% of people though.

>> No.8047932

Lol, fuck off, I'm still learning.
I agree, It just makes me angry about how information is often misinterpreted, twisted, and blown out of proportion many times.

All I know is that it makes my meals taste really good. I will continue to use it in moderate amounts. It improves my quality of life, lawl.

>> No.8047942

A lot of fine dining restaurants use MSG but you wouldn't know because they're not serving chinese food. 99% of people saying they get headaches or are allergic to MSG are straight up lying.

>> No.8047981


>> No.8047996


>Someone ate some popcorn with it and later developed hives.

They're called zits. That happens when you eat popcorn coated in fat and hydrogenated oil.

>oh lawdy I just ate 6000 calories and 90g of salt at a buffet and feel like shit as I lay on the couch.
>must be the MSG

>> No.8048002

its just like the "gluten free" fad. its not bad for you

>> No.8048176

I use it for fried chicken and in my dumplings. thats about it. First time I used it in my dumplings I didnt notice a difference at all I should do a control.

>> No.8048203

is this stuff realy safe guys? it seems like every other time I go to a restraunt that has chicken made with it I get realy sick..and I've heard people say it makes it so fat is alot harder to get rid of when u eat it with something b
through some chemical process and it's addictive/stays in u a bit..that may be some conspiracy shit but red pill me on msg /ck/

>> No.8048573

>without shaking on some chemical
all food contains chemicals

>> No.8048594

Back to tumblr, retard.

>> No.8048607
File: 24 KB, 613x533, 1367788398023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is a chemical you fucking retard.

>> No.8048612
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atoms aren't made of chemicals

>> No.8048619

Hey Vasquez. Have you ever been confused for a man?

>> No.8048639

Why do you discriminate between MSG and salt? I don't see why you couldn't use naturally salty ingredients to season your food.

>> No.8048648

So many people claiming they know they're allergic to MSG, and the reason is that every time a restaurant makes them sick, they assume there was MSG in the food.

>> No.8048661

light is not, sound is not, quarks are not, shadows are not, the list goes on and on

>> No.8048667

but atoms are broken apart and re-arranged into chemicals, which our body stores/uses.

>> No.8048677


I too avoid chemicals put in "for taste".

There have been many studies on the adverse effects of sodium chloride, which everyone seems to rave about, so I simply don't use it at all.

Chemical free ftw

>> No.8048697

>Be educated individual
>Read up on MSG, including major studies
>Realize all conclusions are shoddy correlations at best
Been eating/cooking it for years with no regrets

>> No.8048775

it's probably the restaurant, not the MSG, although you may be allergic.
as to it being addictive, it might be, but no more addictive than HFCS.

>> No.8048785

It can add a very pleasant note to savory food, but is also very noticeable. Use it sparingly, but it's great for seasoning meatballs or gravies and such. I have a jar of seasoning salt with msg in it, and you really don't need much. If you use too much your shit just tastes like bad Chinese food.

>> No.8048786

>atoms are broken apart
Complete and utter retard.

>> No.8048791

This makes absolutely no sense.

>MSG contains about one-third of the sodium found in table salt and is commonly added in small amounts to food. According to the European Food Information Council, when MSG is combined with salt, it enhances flavor and lessens the need for salt, potentially reducing your intake of sodium by 20 to 40 percent.


Dehydration would require you to intake MORE sodium, which is what happens if you stick strictly with salt as opposed to a blend of salt and MSG for the same amount of "salty" flavor.

Why are you so retarded?

>> No.8048794

>but atoms are broken apart and re-arranged into chemicals


>> No.8048796
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Fuck off, there's literally nothing wrong with using msg when appropriate, it doesn't belong in everything savory. You better stop using salt if you really think this way. Many better chefs than you use MSG.
This, people are fucking retards, their favorite restaurant probably uses msg.

>> No.8048800


>> No.8048802

MSG health risks are overblown, it started with people feeling sick after eating 20 grams of fucking salt in their soy sauce soaked chinese food and blaming it on the spooky chemical name

it's like the gluten free of last decade, the only people still flogging it are oil pulling homeopath alt-medicine """doctors""" and 99.9% of the human race can eat it with no issue

>> No.8048812


I find if you use it wrong the food gives kind of a "thick" mouth feel after you eat it that is unpleasant

A pinch is GOAT on roast vegetables though

>> No.8048826

that's nuclear fission, you are thinking of metabolization. nuclear fission is what made Hiroshima a thing, while the other is constantly occurring in our bodies.

>> No.8048985

There's some glutamate naturally in fish sauces and soy sauce.

>> No.8049118

My body is a fission reactor

>> No.8049576

shadows aren't exactly a thing, tho. they're just the absence of light.

>> No.8050361

They're not lying, they're just wrong. Chinese food does make you dehydrated and can cause you to feel ill afterwards. The problem is just that take-away Chinese food is very salty, and thus causes these symptoms, people wrongly assume it must be the MSG alone, when it's just that they've had way too much sodium.

>> No.8050696
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It's mostly scientifically illiterate people (often women/mothers) who are scared of "chemicals" and MSG.

They are the same people who say things like "so called scientists - what do they know?" and have never looked up at the stars and wondered what's out there.

>> No.8050762

I worked briefly in a high end restaurant and they had jars of random shit and one was pure MSG crystals and I had a pinch and shiiit nigga it's weird. It does taste meaty. it was like a metallic meaty saltyness, but not quite salty like real salt. Now that I am typing this, it reminded me of the juice from a steak kind of. very interesting, and not at all what I expected.

>> No.8050831

it can't be worse for you than sugar

>> No.8050847

this. sugar is one of the worst things you can consume on a regular basis.

>> No.8050853

What's so bad about sugar? I find it really hard to give up sweets and soda.

>> No.8050857


Asked and answered.

>> No.8050859
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>> No.8050867
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They are so ignorant. It's the same type of shit as the "if you cant pronounce it, dont eat it" rule. Most retarded thing I have ever heard.

Lots of things cannot be pronounced, it doesnt mean you shouldnt eat it. Take an apple for example. It has tons of scary sounding "chemicals" but nobody bitches about that do they?
The ignorance is real.

>> No.8051994

>Tomatoes are savory
Honestly, they taste like bitter shit to me.

>> No.8052037

It increases cancer chances in linfocytes(at least probed in vitro).


And high concentrations can become dangerous for the retina or the nervous system.

>> No.8052088


How much should you put in a recipe?

Wikipedia says that the margin between "too much and too less" is quite low, so I'm interested.

>> No.8052091

>Take an apple for example. It has tons of scary sounding "chemicals" but nobody bitches about that do they?

Like cyanide - but it's natural so they don't mind.