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8045803 No.8045803 [Reply] [Original]

Monsanto is a chemical company that was started in the year 1901. They created DDT and Agent Orange. Many people aren’t even aware of their existence and that needs to change ASAP. They’re absolutely huge and own a majority of agricultural production WORLDWIDE (India currently having many legal issues with them). (See link-http://www.truth-out.org/buzzflash/commentary/make-monsanto-pay-for-swindling-farmers-in-india)) (yes source is a blog, but she’s a doctor and you can easily google her). I’m sure many of you have heard of GMO… guess who made those? MONSANTO. They are the ones who directly poison our food and encourage the use of chemicals in/on our food.
More than just health effects, (see link by New York Times about lawsuits against them) [http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/01/business/monsanto-could-benefit-from-a-chemical-safety-bill.html] this company bullies and threatens farmers into producing their GMO crops. (see free doc- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvkNda-_jdc)) . It’s important to note that GMO crop are to be made on a mass production scale and require heavy and expensive machinery (in order to keep up production) that poor farmers- especially 3rd world farmers- cannot afford. Unlike normal, natural plants, GMO crops (seeds) do not come back every year and must be repurchased from Monsanto with money that farmers do not have! There was a mass suicide among farmers in India over a ten year span that started in 2005 simply because they, as poor, 3rd world farmers, could not meet Monsanto’s requirements and fell into financial ruin! The farmers that produce food don’t even have enough to eat themselves- this is so sad!

>> No.8045806

To make things worse, Monsanto has sued farmers and have won in court! Monsanto has patented (copyrighted) GMO seeds, making them illegal to use/ sell unless paid for. Many crops, such as corn, are wind pollinated and can easily contaminate a neighbouring farmer’s organic crop (via wind).
When their crop tests positive for GMO and they don’t pay Monsanto- they sue the farmers and succeed in doing so! See how they can scare farmers?!
These crops, because of how large the sale is, must be maintained with the use of chemicals. (Chemicals synthesized by Monsanto as well). As stated before, Monsanto’s use of pesticides and fungicides contain chemicals that are very harmful to us and the environment. It’s odd how a chemical can kill all the plants (weeds) around the crop but not the actual crop itself. When it rains on these crops, its causes a toxic runoff that drains into bodies of water and pollutes them! Hence why it’s only recommended to eat fish once a week, as their mercury levels are so high (and for some reason we take that as fact and we’re all okay with it!)
The only financially reasonable way we can help is to spread the word and raise awareness of this company and what’s its doing to us and our planet. As a company that only cares about revenue, when people become aware, their sales will go down! When more people find out, Monsanto will only have two choices: either change their ways or go out of business.
I’m not debating whether GMO crop is good or bad. My focus is on the health effects of pesticides on us and the environment. And also, the hardships of famers (especially 3rd world). Here are some scholarly articles that are a better source than the blog (Blog is written by a doctor though).

>> No.8045808

www.researchgate.net/publication/7302066_Aquatic_Toxicity_Due_to_Residential_Use_of_Pyrethroid_Insecticides (click on PDF, is 8 pages).
Thanks everyone for your time reading this and perhaps together we can discuss environmentally sustainable agriculture such as polyculture (see google lol)! I appreciate everyone’s feedback, negative or positive. A quick reminder that not everyone will agree (even some farmers), so remember to be patient and respectful of everyone’s opinion… as change does not happen overnight!

>> No.8045876

These kinds of posts have gotten me banned in the past. Enjoy your productive time away from 4chan, op!

>> No.8045890

I don't care.

In fact you've made me aware of these guys so I'm going to buy their products just to spite you.


>> No.8045937

>implying that would entail a change
The only people not eating Monsanto products are the people going out of their way to avoid them

Nice try at being an edgelord, though

>> No.8046006

Who the fuck doesn't know who Monsanto is?

OP, if someone's retarded enough to not keep up to current events to that degree, I don't think you're going to be able to convince them to do much of anything.

>> No.8046017

it's fine
all my food is halal

>> No.8046051

can I have that image of the scientist putting da poison in the food please?

>> No.8046286

Monsanto was the first company to make GMO, but there are dozens of seed companies doing it now. All future innovation will come from it.

The people against it are like people in 1930 who still think the car will never replace the horse and buggy.

>> No.8046304

Monsanto only prevailed in about 10 cases.

And hundreds, maybe more farmers are illegally reusing GMO seed.

The standard defense is to claim cross-pollination, but that is bs.

Source: I worked on a farm for many years.

>> No.8046315

This post is complete misinformation. Lawsuits were only against farms whose crop production was more than 50% Monsanto seeds. That doesn't happen due to some wind pollination.

>> No.8046334

>see google lol!

>> No.8046338

>That doesn't happen due to some wind pollination.
...how do you know that? maybe it was strong wind.

>> No.8046347

Roundup is not made from mercury.

It also breaks down in the soil immediately, If it doesn't absorb in the plants on contact, it's gone.

There were a lot more dangerous chems before Roundup Ready.

>> No.8046358

You know very little about crop production.

>> No.8046359

How does poisoning our food benefit Monsanto?

>> No.8046367

I've proven my knowledge as much as you buddy

>> No.8046384

>GMO crops don't regrow every year and must be rebought every year
>GMO corn spreads it's seeds with the wind

At least keep track of your own arguments. Heck, I bet you mainly have a problem with the pesticide use which is what most anti-GMO people seem to be against. It's a totally reasonable standpoint which I agree with, but don't take it out on GMO in general.

Do you for example want to ban golden rice?

>> No.8046394
File: 14 KB, 262x263, 1472054950848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes source is a blog, but she's a doctor
So if someone is a doctor, I should believe everything they write?

>> No.8046396

>patented (copyrighted)
...those are two different things

>> No.8046401

I'm the other guy here:>>8046304
I was on a farm both before and after GMO.
We used a shitload more chems before.

>> No.8046402

I guess you've never been to a commercial scale organic farm. The only difference between organic and non-organic farms are a certification and the pesticides they use.

Development of GMO crops REDUCES the amount of pesticides that are used on crops. If we take a fungi resistance gene from barley and put it in peanuts (highly susceptible to fungus) and develop a fungi resistant peanut, then that crop does not need a fungicide applied. Make sense? Same goes for corn ear worm.

GMOs reduce fertilizer inputs.
Dwarf varieties of wheat and corn produce the same amount of grain with less foliage. Less foliage= less nitrogen input required. Less required= less applied, less runoff. Fertilizer is expensive, farmers don't apply it willy nilly and hope for the best.

It's quite obvious you know very little about agriculture.

>> No.8046412

1. What is HGT?
2. What is pollination?
3. Golden rice isn't even in production.
4. Increasing the populations in highly politically unstable countries lacking proper infrastructure, hygiene, healthcare, water access, etc. is not doing them or mankind a favor.

>> No.8046418

>chemicalc chemicals chemicals
>muh chemicals
>guys chemicals are bad

>> No.8046423

>GMO crops (seeds) do not come back every year
This is utterly, and absolutely false. Monsanto developed a "terminator gene" which would cause this, but never implemented it. Probably had to do with liability they could incur because of cross pollination.

>> No.8046427

>It’s important to note that GMO crop are to be made on a mass production scale and require heavy and expensive machinery (in order to keep up production) that poor farmers- especially 3rd world farmers- cannot afford.

Bullshit. You can grow either conventional or GMO on a big or small scale.

>> No.8046433

>monsanto thread
>already at 18 replies

Before I even clicked I already knew half the posts would be shills.

Monsanto has god-tier internet shills. It's nearly impossible to discuss Monsanto without shills showing up, no matter how obscure the website.

Even asking simple questions, with zero GMO hate, will bring on the legion of trolls.

>> No.8046439

>Hugoton Royalty Trust was created on December 1, 1998 when XTO Energy Inc. conveyed 80% net profits interests in certain predominantly gas-producing properties located in Kansas, Oklahoma and Wyoming to the trust.

You first said they need to buy new crops every year and then you said the crops spread naturally. Choose one and go with that argument only.

So should the development be banned or not?

What does that have to do with whether or not GMO is good or bad? With that line of thinking we should stop all foreign aid to developing countries.

>> No.8046442

>Monsanto developed a "terminator gene" which would cause this, but never implemented it
Exactly. Do you think they would individually gene splice the trillions of seeds every year?

They make some, and then multiply them over many generations of crops.

>> No.8046444
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Corn is easily avoidable. Potatoes, cabbage, wheat or rice for the win. And there are also buckwheat, beans, peas, oats... GMO list is tiny and it's mainly that your average American eats. Some cheapo oil in pre-cooked food and instant ramen, and corn. Who cares.

>> No.8046447

>Before I even clicked I already knew half the posts would be shills.

No shill here. It's our dumbass government's fault they let them patent a life-form. But they are just doing what is legal now.

>> No.8046451
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, 1470254262959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol no one could possibly disagree with my viewpoint so anyone who does is a shill XD

Yeah I'm sure Monsanto cares about the opinion of the few hundred people who use this board

>> No.8046455

>few hundred people who use this board
You're a bit optimistic, mate.

>> No.8046459
File: 588 KB, 1240x1753, ingredients-of-an-all-natural-strawberry-english.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hai guize da CHEMICALS r soooooo EVUL Rait? ??!!!...

>> No.8046470

>They have poisoned the food supply through negligence, and undermined the farming system through monopolization.

>> No.8046493

>When people become aware their sales will go down
You have been saying that about everything for over 50 years now

>> No.8046510

OP here. In order to avoid unnatural foods, I have decided to switch to an all-semen diet. This is more convenient as well, since now I can consume nutrients with my ass-pussy as well as my mouth-pussy.

>> No.8046525

Reminder that Monsanto is being villainized for trying to feed the millions of people that are starving to death worldwide.

>> No.8046533

What if I told you that chemicals are inside you RIGHT NOW?

>> No.8046534

Want me to name some other seed companies with GMO?
Gold Country
This list could go on a lot farther.

>> No.8046560

Yet another reason GMO seeds can be replanted just like regular seeds.

>> No.8046562

You missed the dwarf (GMO) wheat memo, didn't you?

>> No.8046700


It's our dumbass government's fault they let them patent a life-form. But they are just doing what is legal now.


>> No.8047024

you have to buy seeds and pesticide from the company

>> No.8047186

Thank you OP. I myself have posted countless threads warning people about the dangers and side effects associated with synthetic chemicals. Monsanto specifically has a large interest in humans continuing to consume toxic substances.

>The illuminati bloodlines are related to hitler and they are continuing his/their depopulation and genocidal efforts via proxy through companies like Monsanto, DOW chemical company, McDonolds, Pfizer, Coca-Cola company, ect....

>It's that obvious. You can google search agenda 21. The goal is stated as global efforts aimed at depopulation.

The fucked up part is the 1% has enough of the resources and has the connections necessary to rearrange the resources and share the wealth instead of killing everyone.

>they are that narrow minded and fucking greedy. They don't even want to share... Tisk tisk.


>> No.8047217
File: 224 KB, 851x315, 1468947632316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look it's this copypasta again

>> No.8047226

Biggest pharma companies in the world started out as chemical companies in germany before ww1, making poison gas. Many peole are not aware of this. Remember - when you take your diabeetus meds you're ingesting mustard gas.

>> No.8047230

Scientific consensus is that there is nothing dangerous about GMOs

aside from the fact that they can melt steel beams #staywoke

>> No.8047269

Monsanto also had dirty accounting books. Just today, a whistleblower got $12mil from the SEC thanks to their whistleblower program.

>> No.8047830

>this company bullies and threatens farmers into producing their GMO crops.
Is it possible that this 'company' (with the financial backing of the US gov't) has plans to take over the world? By forcing agricultural farmers to grow their patented crops (and bankrupting neighbouring farms when those patented seeds 'accidentally' spread into those fields and then taking over that field) and then eventually claiming ownership of the farm and land by forcing their own farmers into financial hardship and then offering to buy that farm (and land) and have the farmer work on that land for a wage.
Then as Monsanto claims more and more land around the world they will inherit the power and economic strength that comes with it.
Eventually, through orchestrated civil wars, they'll argue for, and win, the right to defend their property around the world with an army. Begining with localized armies which will eventually be recognised as a common or global army.
Fast forward to the future and you have a single organisation which owns a large percentage of land across all continents with it's own army that will most likely have close ties to the US military, which has nuclear capabilities.

In short; the US using Monsanto as a trojan horse to take over India, followed by China and eventually the most powerful country in the world; Tasmania?

>> No.8048355

Very this.

Genetically modified organics are good. They're a product of intelligent manipulation with a purpose, not the "throw at the wall and see what sticks" bs that evolution is.
If you're afraid of it, you're misguided and probably afraid of the boogey man and nuclear power without reason, too.

>> No.8048398

Monsanto seems to have paid shills everywhere.

>> No.8048403

Not an argument

>> No.8048560

Of course it's not an argument. It's a statement of fact.
Maybe you need to lay off the gmo grains if you see everything as an argument, because clearly it's effecting your mood swings.

Maybe gmo grains are the root cause of mass shootings. Seems likely now.

>> No.8048565


>> No.8048589

>people aren't listening, time to change strategies
>starts insulting people with obvious nonsense

>> No.8048595

First year at liberal arts school?

>> No.8048599

I didn't see a roll call on people who are listening.

But you still seem intent on starting arguments.

>> No.8048617

That was the first time I replied to you, but you need to stick to actual arguments.

>> No.8048808

I really don't see what you're arguing. I was talking about the "terminator" gene. Not Patent protection.