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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 109 KB, 1011x909, grocery-tax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8043407 No.8043407 [Reply] [Original]

yo cu/ck/s

how do you feel about the grocery tax?

>> No.8043409

Strong supporter.

>> No.8043414

nope, i buy those and im not an obese fuck who needs healthcare to survive. im not going to let deathfats ruin my sweet drinks.

>> No.8043425
File: 1.91 MB, 3264x2448, based grandpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oppose. The less government interferes in my life the better.
Oakland is a godforsaken city inhabited with dindus.
They'll literally use the revenue to give themselves a raise or give a bunch of delinquent shoolchildren iPads.

>> No.8043431
File: 6 KB, 202x250, watermellun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taxin' muh kool aid

If you live in Oakland just eat healthy and you won't be paying that tax.

Imagine if they taxed Newports.

>> No.8043439

I support it because the "cost" of grocery stores doing business in a community isn't free. And by "cost" I am talking about the infrastructure that makes the grocery store possible such as the roads and impact on the environment.

Taxing the grocery store isn't a solution, either. It's just going to create higher grocery prices and we're back where we were. Or, even worse, they'll pack up and go somewhere else.

The real problem is how the government choose to spend the tax dollars.

>> No.8043443

it won't work, people will just import soda from mexico instead

>> No.8043448

>being this servile
Did you even read the op image?
It could be applied to a wide variety of products.

>> No.8043456

Right, but I'd bet my left leg they won't spend it on infrastructure or the environment.
Knowing Oakland, they'll waste it on administrative costs.

>> No.8043461

I like how the image doesn't say how much the proposed tax would be.

>> No.8043475

Pump up the tax on everything besides beer, cereal, and onaholes, that's what I say.

>> No.8043478

It's a penny per ounce.

>> No.8043481

Grocery taxes tax a basic need. My position is
>prepared food
should be subject
>non-prepared food
should not be subject to tax

as one of very few areas, I feel that NY state has this right. with few exceptions
>if you buy something to eat at home, it's non-taxable
>if you buy something ready to eat (either because it's actively heated or sold in a scenario where it's much more likely than not you would consume it immediately), it's taxable

>> No.8043487

If it's applicable only to beverage with certain contents (e.g. high sugar amounts), then it's a potentially helpful nanny tax that may disproportionately affect certain juices. If it extends to food, then it could be a regressive tax that punishes the poor and restaurants with smaller margins/better portion sizes.

>> No.8043497
File: 862 KB, 500x500, 1349463623871.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soda taxes actually work really well at reducing consumption. Berkeley supposedly saw a 20% reduction in consumption. I wanna see if it works out in Philly because they promised the money would all go to Pre-K programs.

If it works there, I'd honestly want it in my city.

>> No.8043529

The price of cigarettes (not any other form of tobacco) increase by like $2 in Pennsylvania, but when I suggest to my friends and family who complain that they stop smoking it's like I suggested jumping off a bridge.

>> No.8043544

Perhaps it's addictive or something?

>> No.8043964

I eat my whole foods and eat sugary shit. I shouldn't have to be punished because some fatasses can't be bothered to count calories.

Punish their healthcare costs or something. Leave people that can moderate intake out of this.

>> No.8044031

This, this right here. They aren't taxing the drinks, they're taxing the sellers. The sellers will slap the tax on some other grocery, keep the soda cheap so the addicts won't consider quitting and the obesity problem will be unaffected.

>> No.8044113

Wait there are still places in the US with tax free groceries?

I think my city gets it right. Fast food and prepared food are taxed at something like 10% and groceries are taxed between 2 and 5 depending on what it is