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8042566 No.8042566 [Reply] [Original]

which of those two pops is a men's choice and which one is for kids?

>> No.8042572

coke was invented first. pepsi was and will always be a shitty knock-off

>> No.8042579

thanks. just as i though. mods, you can delete thread now.

>> No.8042581
File: 86 KB, 496x500, 20_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say Coca Cola, but they took the cocaine out of it ages ago. They're both for kids. Moxie is the only pop for old farts.

>> No.8042582


Fucking fat headed mid west white boy

>> No.8042632

All pop is for kids but that doesn't stop me from having some occasionally.

>> No.8042636


>> No.8042648

Pepsi is the sweeter of the two. Coca Cola has a more nuanced flavor. Coke for men. Pepsi for kids.

>> No.8042673

neither, soda is fucking poison

>> No.8042808

sprite is the thinking mans soda pop

>> No.8042824

Niggers coopted sprite in the late 80's. Now the cans have rap lyrics on them.

>> No.8042827

All sugar water is for kids, dum dum.

>> No.8042829

Coke is for women and Pepsi is for kids, Dr Pepper is the one for men.

>> No.8042837


>> No.8042839

The only correct answer.

>> No.8042840

Really? Is this an American thing? I've never seen that before.

>> No.8042843

only kids think that either of those makes a man

>> No.8042848

Must be. Go to sprite dot com and you'll see for yourself.

>> No.8042884

I know one of the lemon lime drinks became the drink of blacks and hip hop but that didn't occur until after 2000 or the earliest would be the late 90's. It was definitely not the late 80's. Mountain Dew went extreme long before that and that transformation didn't occur until the 90's.

>> No.8042933

>liest would be the late 90's
Heavy D and Kid n play did sprite commercials in 1990.


>> No.8042939


>> No.8042947

Except I don't recall sprite commercials through out the 90's promoting rap or black culture. That seems like a one time thing.

>> No.8042952

"Pop" is the nomenclature that kids use
Call it soda like a respectable adult

>> No.8042955

maybe in the 50's....

>> No.8042959

>Coke for men. Pepsi for kids.


>> No.8042961

Coca-Cola is undisputedly the best soft drink ever created. Pepsi is a very, very distant knock-off enjoyed by Midwesterners (inb4 LE FLYOVER meme - I live in Ohio and the vast majority of people here prefer Pepsi) and very young children.

>> No.8042974

Na man. I can go on and on but I digress.


>> No.8042990

Coke and Dr. Pepper are what adults drink. 3 times a month tops.

>> No.8042994


Adults drink water and alcohol...

>> No.8043010
File: 38 KB, 340x255, custom_1225739833938_faygo_tribute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me? I prefer a delicious Faygo pop in one of their many delicious flavors. It's the best pop to drink with a delicious Little Ceaser's Hot-N-Ready Deep Deep Dish Pizza!
Here in Detroit we are so lucky to have delicious Faygo Pop carried in every store as well as a clean and beautiful Little Ceaser's on nearly every corner. I even have one right next to the trailer park that my entire family and I live in!!

Sometimes for fun we head over to the Little Ceaser's Arena for entertaining concerts from one of the MANY local Detroit favorite music acts like Insane Clown Posse, Kid Rock, and others!! And of course there's plenty of Faygo Pop and Hot-N-Ready "'za" (as we like to call it here on fourchan where I'm quite the senior poster myself) to be had for cheap!!!

Man I love the sweet and tangy flavor of delicious Moon Mist Pop. it really compliments the savory and luscious flavor of the pizza.

>> No.8043874


Moxie tastes like someone was trying to make root beer but didn't know how and fucked it up really, really bad.

>> No.8043944

I don't drink pop terribly often but root beer >>>

>> No.8043945

Check the ingredients. Whatever is made with real cane sugar rather than high fructose corn syrup.

Of course, real men don't drink soda anyway, unless it's in a gin and tonic or a scotch and soda

>> No.8043957

Why has Mtn. Dew become the "gamer" drink?

Is it because it has the most caffeine among sodas?

>> No.8043977

We call all soda "coke" here in Texas, and my favorite coke is Dr. Pepper, drink it a couple times a month.

>> No.8043987
File: 209 KB, 801x1500, pibb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plebs all of you.

>> No.8043991

trick question, both are for kids. real men don't drink fucking sugar water

>> No.8044177


>tips Starbucks drink

>> No.8044190

i drink water and tea and occasionally alcohol
i go to starbucks maybe once a month

>> No.8044195


>> No.8044227


>> No.8044565

Bepis for the soul, Coke for a bowl.

>> No.8044598

which is for the little girl in all of us?

>> No.8044912

Diet coke is for women, anon. Coke is for everyone.
Dr. Pepper is one of the only drinks where I go out of control and drink like a 6 pack in one night. I can avoid buying it for a year at a time though, I don't really buy much soda at all for home drinking. I mainly stick to unsweetened iced tea, water, and the occasional booze.

>> No.8045302
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>> No.8045327

>Fucking fat headed mid west white boy

>> No.8045336
File: 21 KB, 326x326, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fanta doesn't get enough love on this board. It's the perfect soft drink for when you're hungover and eating your first and only real meal for the day. Otherwise I don't really drink soda.

>> No.8045343

Fanta is the true choice of the alt-right and the European white male.

14/88, brother.

>> No.8045349

>current year
>soda other than san pel

c'mon guys

>> No.8045354

Straight up though, those are amazing.

>> No.8045357
File: 67 KB, 500x491, sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i personaly have never seen a kid drink pepsi. makes sense since coca cola spots are more family and kid friendly overall. coke in general is a shitty softdrink which you only buy when you need that sugar rush, thus the rational adult chooses the cheapest brand, which is pepsi.

>> No.8045368
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Fellow patrician

>> No.8045770

both are for kids. soda is for kids

>> No.8045854
File: 11 KB, 480x360, chris chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fanta is good with da special ingredient!
goes down salty :D

>> No.8045983

They both taste like battery acid unless you get diet

>> No.8045987

That ain't fresca

>> No.8046111


>Faygo Pop carried in every store as well as a clean and beautiful Little Ceaser's on nearly every corner

You mean just like every other city in the States?

>> No.8047740
File: 38 KB, 263x350, image_fantapomaranczowa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is european fanta so much better than american? actually tastes like oranges as opposed to neon orange bullshit. i'd drink it every day if it were the same here, pic related

>> No.8047749

Men drink water. Boys drink soda.

>> No.8048339

Idk, never tried American Fanta

>> No.8048346

this is a trick question; soda is for children and the disabled. It's essentially poison. If you're old enough to recognize the cause and effect of your eating habits and still consciously decide to drink soda, you're a hopeless degenerate. The only excuse for drinking it is literally not knowing any better

>> No.8048377

They're both for fat fucks, man or child.


>> No.8048386
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>> No.8048433

coke is so much better. people tell me they cant taste a difference. I could pick them blind folded 10 out of 10 times. Coke tastes more natural whereas pepsi seems like over flavored

>> No.8050266
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>> No.8050283


>> No.8050307

You mean, there are people who cannot taste the difference in an instant?

>Walking inside a mall, just minding my own business
>fuck, not this shit again
>wait, they're giving away free snacks, might as well waste those 3 minutes
>guy gives me two cups of cola
>after a single sip from both cups I instantly recognize which one is which
>point to the Pepsi cup saying "this one's shit, way too sweet", not even because it tastes worse (both are shit), but just because I wanna fuck around with the Pepsi guy
>he looks visibly disappointed
>"Maybe the sweetness would at least make it the better one for mixing with liquor?"
>"No, it's terrible"
Waste of time but at least I got a bag of BBQ chips.

>> No.8050363

>drinking cola at all
>not sipping the paternal soda type, ginger ale

>> No.8050538

white trash bastards. it doesn't get love because it doesn't deserve it. like the people who drink it.

>> No.8050601
File: 449 KB, 598x597, Screen Shot 2016-08-31 at 2.19.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crystal pepsi

>> No.8050614
File: 215 KB, 902x600, carbonated-beverage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need to nuke all the flyover states.

>> No.8050632

Im more a man than this poster will ever be.
Listen son, I dont drink this shit.
I got a brain i know facts. Read up, or die fat and sad.

>> No.8050664

What the hell was going on at the end of that vid?

>> No.8050675
File: 52 KB, 450x453, healthy-soda-virgils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8050903

>a little bit of sprite
what?It's fucking just like Pepsi.It's just fucking with your mind that it's clear, thats the gimic.Theres no coloring.It's not a new flavor.

>> No.8050912

Bith are shet if yuo drenk them jost kell your shelf lmaoe