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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 630x354, ikea-concept-kitchen-2025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8040185 No.8040185 [Reply] [Original]


IKEA recently collaborated with university students to envision what kitchens would be like in 10 years.

>> No.8040192
File: 246 KB, 640x360, IKEA Concept Kitchen 2025.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The smart table displays the nutrition content of food, suggests recipes, and even walks through how to make it.

>> No.8040217
File: 511 KB, 640x360, IKEA Concept Kitchen 2025_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also makes use of induction to cook food and charge mobile devices.

>> No.8040222
File: 73 KB, 1000x750, IKEA-Kitchen-2025-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waste is sorted and vacuum packed, and the sink has a composting system. The kitchen is fridgeless to be more economic.

>> No.8040228

>can scan through a bowl
hello skynet!

>> No.8040241
File: 106 KB, 1000x609, IKEA-Concept-Kitchen-2025 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I thought at first too. It actually uses an overhead camera to recognize different foods. The text is projected on to the table.

Honestly, it seems like the kitchen for guys who miss their mom cooking and cleaning for them. It really does dumb down cooking for even the most incompetent.

>> No.8040259

>the kitchen is fridgeless
hahahahaha are these cucks fucking serious? They think fridges will be over in 10 years? People won't like cold drinks in 10 years?
To be economic? Are we hitting the second great depression?

>> No.8040263
File: 839 KB, 640x360, IKEA Concept Kitchen 2025_3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I mean by oversimplifying.

>> No.8040372

>no fridge
Fuck that shit. Fridges are an essential part of a functional kitchen, not just for preservation and storage but cold drinks, setting things, drying things...

>> No.8040586
File: 76 KB, 985x768, Actual Sony patent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I'm scared of the future.

>> No.8040668

You're not the only one, anon.
There is also a VR headset one, where the viewer has to nod their head to a message on their screen that says, "Do you like McDonalds," before the commercial will end.

>> No.8040687

I was under the impression that sony patented this to keep the idea/ability to produce this technology away from more malicious companies

>> No.8040702

You need an oven too

>> No.8040703
File: 218 KB, 1457x1032, mUfbBfn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, suuure.

>> No.8040705

Given the fact that we now have SmartTVs in market circulation, and they could easily do what the patent describes now, I'd say that that sounds pretty plausible. Were fucked if the patent ownership ever falls into the hands of google.

>> No.8040706

I think the general public response would be 'fuck that', people would just put a fridge in their goddamn house.

>> No.8040713
File: 14 KB, 302x225, 1463473963696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesu Christi, his nipples are hard!

>> No.8040715

Now, think about the younger generations. The ones who trust the gubbernment. The people that are unironically voting for Shillary. The extremely low-information, msm poppets.

>> No.8040720
File: 195 KB, 1436x674, 1384172006688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being this BRANDED
Guys, no corporation is good. Corporations are selfish in nature. They don't act out of good will, to support some ideological principle, everything is about making money. Naturally they wouldn't spend thousands of dollars working to patent something they will not profit from.

>> No.8040722
File: 73 KB, 800x517, Face of facism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people unironically voting for a narcissist fascist

>> No.8040740

It's still a huge stretch to think that anybody's going to go without a refrigerator. Meats and dairy need to be refrigerated. Tendies and Hot Pockets need to be frozen.
Vegetarianism might become a lot more popular but veganism is always going to be an extremist minority.

>> No.8040752

Even vegans need frozen veggies
No fridge/freezer literally only works in a world with matter replication

>> No.8040758

>fridgeless to be economic
>an overhead projecter and computer to tell you what you're looking at
pick one

>> No.8040768

>completely impossible to tell if the surface is hot just seconds after you cook on it
>Space where you're supposed to eat is dirty as fuck and hot
This is some full retard shit
you tried/10

>> No.8040769
File: 61 KB, 758x518, trump w rosaparks muhammad ali award.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who still believe anything the MSM tells them
I bet you think he's a racist, too. Has he ever done or said anything racist that you can name, or are you just parroting the media and the entire two-party establishment that has tried to destroy him multiple times over, and failed? I'll wait...

>> No.8040779

He said that blacks are inherently lazy and that he does not trust blacks handling his money (he only jews which /pol/ would have a field day with if it were anyone else)
The man is a fucking retard. Both choices are awful

>> No.8040782

>gets mad at someone for parroting
>is literally incapable of reading a short post
No one brought up racism here mate. He said fascist, and Trump is on the record for supporting further surveillance, expanding police power and secret prison bullshit like Gitmo

>> No.8040806

Right? They show kids reaching over grabbing shit, well the stupid ones still touch the red hot stoves NOW, imagine if it looks like a fucking table.

>> No.8040829

Usually when people bring up Trump in a negative aspect the first thing they say is that he's a racist. Considering fascist was the first thing to pop out of their mouth, I figured racist wasn't too far off.
Since I know you're not gonna click the link, I copy and pasted it for you.
Fusion, the struggling millennial-centric news outlet, wrongly attributed a racist quote to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday.

An article that was featured on the very top of Fusion's home page described an application for a web browser that supposedly attached real past quotes from Trump to mentions of his name found online. "To be extra-clear: these are all real quotes that Donald Trump actually said..." read the article, written by Patrick Hogan.

One of those quotes said, "Laziness is a trait in blacks."

That line, however, is not directly from Trump. It is found in a 1991 tell-all by a former Trump employee, who alleges in his book that he heard Trump say those words to a black accountant at a Trump-owned establishment, according a 2011 article in the Huffington Post.

The Fusion article links to the Huffington Post piece, but does not say that the quote is second-hand from a former Trump employee, and not directly from Trump himself.

Hogan and a spokesman for Fusion did not return a request for comment.

In a statement to the Washington Examiner media desk, Trump said the book with the alleged quote was "written by a fired and totally disgruntled employee who was terrible at the job he did and who I hardly knew."

It's a baseless allegation that is pure democrat-tier mudslinging.

and you honestly, unironically, believe that Hillary isn't? Someone who has no scruples whatsoever? Trump still has his health. Hillary obviously doesn't. Health deteriorating = Leader of country demanding more security against citizens.

>> No.8040853

>and you honestly, unironically, believe that Hillary isn't? Someone who has no scruples whatsoever?
Holy shit you two party monkeys are retarded, just because I think trump is a cunt doesn't mean I don't think Hillary is

>> No.8040901

>two party monkeys are retarded
Evidently the retardation is not limited to the two parties, then. I voted for Ron Paul last election. I saw the independents fail then, despite enormous grassroots support. I've danced to this tune already, man. Johnson is a fake libertarian who I can't support because he wants open borders in a libertarian society. Literally full retard. Jill Stein is decent, but lacks the political backing needed. Which means she will likely fail, just as other independents have before her.

Trump is the only one, only one, who had both parties trying to actively destroy him, right from the start. The same two parties that have actively destroyed this country for years upon years, with their mutual political backscratching that has been fucking over the taxpayers forever now. Of course they are scared of him. He refuses to "play ball' for them.

>> No.8040904

Jill Stein is also batshit craY and wants to put a moratorium on GMO food. She must browse /ck/

>> No.8040918

I said one and you brought up the other unprompted how am I supposed to think you weren't a two party monkey

>> No.8040922

this, i voted for Bernie faggot

>> No.8040929

>Trump is the only one, only one, who had both parties trying to actively destroy him, right from the start. The same two parties that have actively destroyed this country for years upon years, with their mutual political backscratching that has been fucking over the taxpayers forever now. Of course they are scared of him. He refuses to "play ball' for them.
So what? he still supports the same authoritarian bullshit they do

>> No.8040934

>induction on a ceramic mug


my kitchen is fine as is
bullshit nigger tier garbage wont make it better

>lemme charge my phone next to this boiling pot of pasta

>> No.8040948 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 357x362, the hat man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>there are people who still believe anything the MSM tells them
>I bet you think he's a racist, too. Has he ever done or said anything racist that you can name, or are you just parroting the media and the entire two-party establishment that has tried to destroy him multiple times over, and failed? I'll wait...

>> No.8040976

No goddamn way is a fucking table ever going to tell me what to eat.

>> No.8041044
File: 225 KB, 480x270, 1446225900752.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not having to drag out 12 different ingredient bowls and my kitchen scale

>> No.8041144

You green texted all that, but then still say "so what?" You really don't get it, do you? You've swallowed the MSM bullshit full line and sinker, haven't you?

Trump is literally your only option that has ANY chance of making things better. Everyone else(except Stein) is just another route to NWO kicking off. However, Trump would keep us strong enough against outside enemy forces. Stein, would probably gut the military, which would lead to NWO.

Hillary? Evil unscrupulous witch with failing health, that is just a puppet for the elite globalists. Johnson? Muh open borders with libertarian policies. Stein? This election's closest thing to Ron Paul. Which sad to say, means that she doesn't have a snowflake's chance in hell.

Out of whats available as options, who is the only candidates against the TPP? Trump and Stein. Who has a larger chance of winning the popular vote AND the electoral vote? Trump.

Search your feelings. You know this to be true.

>> No.8041148
File: 42 KB, 645x368, alexjonesrandpaul-jones911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You green texted all that, but then still say "so what?" You really don't get it, do you? You've swallowed the MSM bullshit full line and sinker, haven't you?

>Trump is literally your only option that has ANY chance of making things better. Everyone else(except Stein) is just another route to NWO kicking off. However, Trump would keep us strong enough against outside enemy forces. Stein, would probably gut the military, which would lead to NWO.

>Hillary? Evil unscrupulous witch with failing health, that is just a puppet for the elite globalists. Johnson? Muh open borders with libertarian policies. Stein? This election's closest thing to Ron Paul. Which sad to say, means that she doesn't have a snowflake's chance in hell.

>Out of whats available as options, who is the only candidates against the TPP? Trump and Stein. Who has a larger chance of winning the popular vote AND the electoral vote? Trump.

>Search your feelings. You know this to be true.

>> No.8041150

Guess you have to be a millenial who never cooked anything to think this crap box is even remotely practical.

>How will we behave around food in 2025?

>> No.8041161

Typical tactic. Le epin alex jones comparison.
Faggot, I'm not trying to sell you water filters.
Alex Jones is controlled opposition, but it doesn't mean everything he says is false.

You ever hear of the phrase, "Truth is often sprinkled with lies," and "hiding in plain sight?"

No, of course not; or perhaps, you just haven't considered everything that such words apply to...

>> No.8041167

Do you even know what induction is?

>> No.8041172
File: 518 KB, 1700x1000, 1387257330030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8041234


Ever since the 40s has there ever been even a single accurate prediction in these world of tomorrow type shows

>> No.8041251

ster trek cell phones.

>> No.8041253
File: 234 KB, 450x361, Star-Trek-Previsao-Futuro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8041281

>I don't want to use my full name
post full of SHIT

>> No.8041431


did they have flip phones in the 70s? and what's the last one supposed to be?

>> No.8041435

no they had land lines in the 70s and the last one is the google glasses I think.

>> No.8041455

i weep for our race

>> No.8041498 [DELETED] 

>did they have flip phones in the 70s?

No, the first flip phones came out in the 1980's

I think what the person was trying to illustrate (but picked a misleading picture) was the invention of the cell phone, which was indeed in 1973. However that date is also misleading because it was a) fucking enormous and b) several years before cellular networks were built and installed.

In my opinion, the best match for a phone that resembled the original Star Trek communicator would have been a basic flip phone from the 1990's.

>> No.8041553

wow who knew we had matter replication in the 1000 years ago

>> No.8041557

I love post-/pol/ 4chan; you can't even discuss kitchens without the culture wars derailing.

>> No.8041559 [DELETED] 

>No fridge/freezer literally only works in a world with matter replication

Lol, what? You can preserve foods in plenty of ways without a fridge:
-pickling in vinegar or by lacto-fermentation

>> No.8041573

fuck off ikea

>> No.8041579

google glass was a massive failure but then again it came from deep shit 9, a garbage ST spin off

>> No.8041588

Sure, but those require a fair bit of extra equipment and effort, and fundamentally change the product.

Plus, are they seriously trying to say they have no fridge for economical reasons while also having a table with an overhead scanner, computer, and projector?

>> No.8043367

Induction works through magnetism. If you've ever used an induction stove, you'll know that you can take a boiling pot away and put your hand down on it.

>> No.8043377

I would say something about the Jews being responsible, but I'm pretty sure Jews still want us to buy refrigerators.

>> No.8043488


>As we become more conscious of the environmental impact of household waste, we’ll recycle and reuse far more. Cities will encourage that too, charging residents for non-recyclable rubbish by the kilogram.

fuck the future

>> No.8043632

This looks fucking insanely depressing.

>> No.8043633

>stock photo from 2008


>> No.8043762

This looks like what Back to the Future or 2001 A Space Odyssey or something thought the future would be like. Maybe even those 40s posters with ridiculous car alternatives.

>> No.8044994

>To be economic? Are we hitting the second great depression?
yeah, probably

>> No.8045031


The choices are between the guy who says he'll commit war crimes or


the woman who already has.

Vote Third Party.

>> No.8045063

No, I wouldn't want to cook in IKEAs new kitchen. What kind of fools would ask college students' opinions on cooking, or redesigning a kitchen. Sounds like someone got some free grant money, and decided to "act like they care about college kids" the core demographic of IKEA shoppers, well, to just keep the brand relevant, which mind you isn't so awful.

If I wanted a kitchen remodel at my house, I guarantee if some dude showed up, whether from a top design school or just gifted, I can be assured he would know exactly zip about a work pattern, and other things that only make sense through a good two decades of kitchen experience. Any kitchen that doesn't have overhead cabinets, with doors, is a show in stupidity. I don't want dust on my glasses, spoons, plates, and bowls before I use them, every damn time. Did no one take microbiology...ever? Oh, look at that cool food just sitting out on a shelf, plastic bags all cute. What is that, 3 items on each shelf in the pantry? Try having to squeeze 20 items there, like a real pantry, and see how fun a bunch of clear bags all tossed on an open shelf is to organize. You can't. It'll look like a hoarder lives there. Recycle holes on the wall cabinet near your food pantry dried beans....in a drawer...WTF. Let's get some roaches and ants right there to sip the last bit of sugary water residue in that bottle. Know what I think of a table with adjustable height? Not enough work surface to actually work in the kitchen, that's what. Send that idea over to Tokyo or something ,but it's not going to fly anywhere else, not even in a hotel suite. Let's drip shit on the floor all day between the multipurpose table and the stove top and sink. Awesome idea! ROFL.

Anyone taking any look at this idea beyond the "value our college student customer" motivation behind this, should wake up and smell the marketing.

>> No.8045072

>anti-vaxxer or the guy who would normally be the Republican nominee that I wouldn't vote for because I disagreed with his policies

>> No.8045075
File: 205 KB, 1500x1500, 71ep4m+lnTL._AA1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what you get when you take kids whose only experience in a kitchen is a toy mommy bought them.

>> No.8045117
File: 222 KB, 1364x984, Tage_Erlander_1960-tal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We had artistic conceptions of it in the 1870s and working prototypes as early as the 1920s.
It was fully functional in the 1940s with limited availability, and individual commercial units have been around since the 1960s.

>> No.8045126


Are those wheels on cheese on the bottom shelf?

>> No.8045142

I want a window in my freezer now.

>> No.8045157

>IKEA recently collaborated with university students
>table suggests recipes
Great, I can't wait for it to suggest Captain Crunch, Kraft Mac 'n Cheese, and some sort of sickening millennial meme food slathered in bacon and sriracha.

These dipshits cream themselves over lukewarm chickenwings in the campus careterias. Why would anyone take their input on what a kitchen would or should look like?

>fridgeless to be more economical
Yep. Kid's cereal, Kraft Mac 'n Cheese, and microwave meals as far as the eye can see.

How are they going to store chicken as seen in>>8040217 without a fridge? Do they expect you to run down to the store and cook the chicken as soon as you get it home? Wouldn't it be even less economical to have to drive down to a store every time you need perishable food items? Or since it's IKEA and college students, do they assume everyone is a non-American that will live within walking distance of a store, or live in one of those micro communities built around a shopping center?

>> No.8045190

People in big European cities don't buy meat in bulk.
Some don't buy anything in bulk, they get a small bag of fresh groceries every day.
Also they wouldn't drive down to the store, they'd walk or ride a bike because the city is four hundred years old and cars are impractical in the narrow streets.

America is a hellhole and they are right to ignore it when planning for the future.

>> No.8045198

>How are they going to store chicken as seen in>>8040217 without a fridge?

The pantry is the fridge. It's cooled, and there are induction cooling containers to sort and store foods that need to be kept cold at their optimum storage temperature.

>> No.8045204

This reminds me, when Ikea uses the word 'economical', I don't think they mean money. They're talking about space. If they can make their technology work, I bet it'll be absolutely huge in Tokyo.

>> No.8045207

Hahahaaaaa I'd love to see you do that. heats get transmitted through contact and all the induction cooktops I've sold have warnings about this. Granted they cool down relatively quickly but they are still hot after you take the pot off.

I'm a kitchen designer and the concepts Ikea have shown are mainly crap. No fridge/freezer, not much working surface, poor storage and looks crap.

Built in cooking and measuring on working surface exist already.

Technology will play a larger part agreed. Fridge/freezers will become more efficient. Ovens will all be combi microwave plus conventional and the sink area will become more efficient as when it's not being used as a sink, it will become storage or prep area - think of a combined sink/dishwasher/garbage disposal.

It will be a lot more environmentally friendly from the point of view of energy and water use, waste disposal and more use of recycled materials for benchtops. Other than that, I wouldn't speculate because we are ALWAYS wrong when predicting that far ahead.

>> No.8045220
File: 42 KB, 550x412, produce-fridge-in-dining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are ALWAYS wrong when predicting that far ahead

I remember reading speculation that home fridges would be more like produce fridges in ten years. That was twenty years ago.

>> No.8045225

>induction cooling containers
>delicious food that is ice crystal on the bottom and soggy on top

>> No.8045236

>People in big European cities don't buy meat in bulk.

Fucking cityfags

Fuck them

I even have a supermarket right next door but I'd rather have a fridge than go there every day for meme reasons. What do I do with leftovers? Let them go off? They talk about efficiency then are wasteful as fuck.

>> No.8045240

>wash your dishes and fruit with grey water
E.coli, E.coli everywhere. Thanks IKEA and design students, truly the future is at hand.

>> No.8045241

1998 invented negroes?

>> No.8045249

Speaking of wasteful, why are you cooking food that you aren't planning to eat?
You don't need six weeks worth of leftovers rotting in a walk-in fridge you dork.

Besides you'd be eating out for most meals anyway since bistros and cafes are everywhere and dirt cheap.

>> No.8045254

Because I would be planning to eat it. Are you incapable of planning to eat the same thing more than once? I hardly throw out anything, why should I? I only throw shit out if it actually goes off, which hardly happens if you know what's in your fridge and when it needs to be used.

>> No.8045255

>Because I would be planning to eat it.
No you aren't, else it wouldn't be left over.

>> No.8045258

>what is a 'freezer'
>what are meals with the convenience of a frozen dinner but the flavor and loving care of homemade
>what is a huge time savings by doing all your cooking for a few weeks in one weekend

Don't bullshit. I've lived the big-city lifestyle. It's not cheaper to eat at cafes, people do it because their tiny miserable home kitchens depress them.

>> No.8045261

Nigger when I cook I'll usually have another full meal in what I've made, that goes into a tub and goes into the fridge for the next day.

Even then, fuck, suppose I make a ham I'm going to make a big one and then use it for sandwiches later. I don't live by the meal. That would be fucking stupid.

>> No.8045270

>built-in kitchen scale
>whole surfarce is work surfarce until you need to cook something
Totally worth it.

Tough on the other hand
>hot fats all over the wooden surfarce
clearly this seemed like a good idea to people who do not cook

>> No.8045297

If there's one thing I've learned in life, it's that the people designing something and the people using it are very, very disconnected.

>> No.8045314

>destroying your food by freezing

Might as well just eat ready made shit

>> No.8045319

When man experiences his most horrible nightmares when awake, he will sleep like a baby at night.

Swedish cucks collaborating with idealists that want to look green and ecologic, but can't cook or really understand technology or even ecology.
Worst part is that it might set trends.

I will sleep like a baby tonight.

>> No.8045334

>might as well overpay for oversalted food made with inferior ingredients

You think you're being a quality snob, but you're really just being a moron.

>> No.8045335

don't think hillary will not do these things as soon as she is in power. both are establishment puppets. 3rd party or forfeit voting if you are not part of the establishment yourself is the only rational choice.

>> No.8046246
File: 15 KB, 342x386, 1464800367338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Sweden, I swear to god

Meanwhile wealthy Americans are putting walk-in fridges in their homes (swag)

Also, anybody that has ever bought a piece of IKEA furniture immediately learns how IKEA is definitely not the future. You could kick a hole in most items from their catalogue.

>> No.8046250

>but can't cook
It's supposed to help with that

>or really understand technology
if you don't think today's youth understands technology, then what age group would you expect this to be for

>or even ecology
food safety isn't a huge issue

>> No.8046261

>food safety isn't a huge issue

not him but what did you mean by this

>> No.8046379

>Naturally they wouldn't spend thousands of dollars working to patent something they will not profit from.

That's not how patents work. Patents are arsenals for companies to establish themselves as The Big Guys of the industry, they're not by default expected to be used. The actual full blown active use of a patent is sicking your lawyers onto people, which is an effective weapon, but it is fuckexpensive, so just constantly polishing your cache of patents is a bigger preoccupation of companies than swinging patents around.

>> No.8046415

>if you don't think today's youth understands technology, then what age group would you expect this to be for
But they clearly don't.
That's not a fucking selling point for anyone that understands technology beyond popsci magazine wanking faggots. Induction charge for cellphones is literally meme tier shit now and likely will still be so even in the next decade.
>fraction of the amp capable of a standard cable
>excess heat that will have an effect on the mobile device battery's MTTF

>> No.8046424
File: 7 KB, 300x168, botnet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to make aunt myrna's party cheese salad
>smart table won't turn burner on unless I run a nonfree javascript app
>tfw the botnet wants me to starve

>> No.8046449

Disposal of food is a safety issue
But the countertop assists that
see >>8040222

>But they clearly don't.
you didn't answer the question

>> No.8046454

Kitchen? More like cuckchen.

>> No.8046463

Well, Ikea is Swedish company...

>> No.8046524


If I can't afford to run a fridge I'll be cooking with rendered human fat on lumber scavenged from the houses they lived in.

I won't need any Ikea.

>> No.8047047

This is some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen.

>> No.8047194

>wealthy americans have walk in fridges
I hear wealthy Germans used to have walk-in ovens. Wonder why that fell out of fashion.

>> No.8047196

Nah, I heard that's a myth.

>> No.8047632

>Are we hitting the second great depression?
I thought we hit that sometime during the second Dubya era.

>> No.8048734

>design a kitchen
>with people who mostly cook instant noodles or rice with tuna out of a can

>> No.8048742

Why collaborate with students who can't cook? They should have worked with homemakers

>> No.8048963
File: 181 KB, 900x675, 1462519143636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm using an extension that replaces "millennials" with "snake people" which makes this shit thread way better and fits the crazy fucks posting in it

>> No.8049105

>There is no such thing as university education chefs or dietitians
Why are you stupid on purpose?

>> No.8049116

>why work with people who don't cook to figure out ways to make cooking easier and more relevant to them?

Who the fuck cares what luddites think? They're probably still upset that wood stoves stopped being a thing.

>> No.8049119

The people who use the kitchen every day know what changes need to made better than those who dont

>> No.8049153


Yes. But that's irrelvant to the goal.

Ikea (or whomever) is in the business of making money. Their goal is to appeal to their customer base. And there are far more inept students buying their stuff than there are traditional homemakers. They are focusing on the wants of their target market.

Think about who buys Ikea furniture. It's cheap stuff, so the main customer base is young people moving out for the first time and needing to furnish their dorm room or first apartment/house. Those people (for the most part) are inept cooks, not practiced homemakers.

>> No.8049165
File: 54 KB, 800x804, 7809962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cities will encourage that too, charging residents for non-recyclable rubbish by the kilogram.

>> No.8049189

These are obviously design students, or some other equally useless degree.

>> No.8049257
File: 1.17 MB, 1403x1408, 1470741259561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I would just go out and throw my garbage in the street during nighttime if they ever enacted that policy

>> No.8049310

No, they don't. They are set in their ways. It doesn't even occur to them that better ways could exist, and they will obstruct those new ways if you demonstrate them.

>anon why is my induction-cooled food storage unit blinking 12:00
>help I think the recipe projector has a virus
>why can't I just use a stove with a fire on it, I can't tell if the cook surface is hot
>I put the ingredients into the waste compactor again

>> No.8049319
File: 94 KB, 306x243, 1471553448589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's fucking depressing

I mean, it might be just the lighting, but holy fuck

everything is made out of that drab, dingy, wobbly particleboard. No cold drinks unless I want to put the container into a double glass individual cooler unit. Fuck that shit.

>> No.8049448

Your OP and I are taking issue with the designers, not the end market like you are.
This shit wasn't planned with a target market in mind, this isn't something designers handle and Ikea doesn't have a target market beyond "Who wants cheap as shit furniture?" (Of which this kitchen does not fall into). Ikea assembled a """"""""think tank"""""""" with a bunch of fucking students of design not engineers. Designers are there to cobble together ideas, no matter how stupid. Marketers figure out how to convince people they want the stupid idea. Engineers make something practical which marketers later fuck up.
This kitchen of the future is purely designer trash, much like solar panel roads and OLED flooring. Induction surface is a "this sounds cool" idea, a...Bayesian recipe assembler is a "this sounds cool" (not really) idea. Some dumbass with money will probably early adopt this shit and hipsters will follow suit because clearly the dumbass was a tastemaker, not a dumbass. This isn't a kitchen of the future, it's a hypothetical kitchen for the iphone generation who want something cool, but don't care about its purpose. Anyone who gets this kitchen is just going to go buying take out and ready made meals.

>> No.8049586


Swear to god so many kitchens are horribly designed. Why don't cooks design these things?

>> No.8049603
File: 145 KB, 640x360, miku_s_derp_face_by_jewelotaku-d6l4f41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would like to chop these vegetables
>Get down on my knees and work under the microwave

>> No.8049634

I live in an apartment in one of those meme countries you speak of. I walk to one of the 4 grocery stores within a mile of my house and buy the ingredients for the food I make every day. Fresh meat is so much better.

I own two fucking refrigerators and use the fuck out of them because who the fuck wouldn't use a refrigerator.

>> No.8049640
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>> No.8049722
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mfw I live 50 miles outside of Tokyo. Stores have huge sections devoted to clever storage. A lot of thought and love has been put into developing plastic containers and devices that use space efficiently. Japan loves small things everywhere, but only city centers are cramped. Once you get 30 miles from Tokyo station the average house is about 1500sqft. They just have a fetish for efficient storage.

This would fail spectacularly in Japan because the designs are a terrible and inefficient use of space. I can already see the middle aged housewives pointing and laughing. Also most Japanese people actually cook. The kitchens here are wonderful.

>> No.8049782

>Why don't cooks design these things?

As was posted above: The target market is not cooks.

>> No.8049822

>I can already see the middle aged housewives pointing and laughing

At you, you disgusting weeb

>> No.8049837

>induction stove on a counter look a like
>suggests shitty recipes but doesn't let you know that the surface is hot

>> No.8049884

Holo technology sure needs some work, but the computer could probably fit into 1 Watt even with today's technology.

>> No.8049885

>The kitchens here are wonderful.

I was kind of curious about that. I've never lived in Japan any longer than a business trip, but all the pictures I see of Japanese apartments and homes suggest that the average Japanese kitchen is very very small and the typical range has only two hobs. That sounds like a nightmare to me! Am I wrong in this interpretation? What are the facilities in a typical Japanese kitchen?

>> No.8049896


It's more than that though. It's the cost of building it in the first place. If I wanted to remodel my kitchen or design a kitchen for a house I would be buying and I was price-concious, the last thing I would want is a fucking projector in the kitchen. Those sorts of things are always a hassle:
1) They're expensive to being with
2) After a few years, when something breaks, it's a major pain in the rear to find a suitable replacement.

>> No.8049919

You are completely right, but this is not how the majority of consumers think.
And the corporations know that.

>> No.8049941

>but this is not how the majority of consumers think.
>And the corporations know that.

Agreed 100%. I've posted twice in this thread already that the target market is not practical-minded experienced cooks.

It's the same shit when buying cars. The salesmen love to talk about how cool the sunroof is on that new car. All I'm seeing is extra expense up front, a higher center of gravity for the car, high repair bills, and a potential for roof leaks down the road.

A lot of modern ideas are great. But many of them (sadly) are nothing more than a pain in the rear (and or bank account).

>> No.8050008


I understand the idea of adapting to a depressing future with less free shit and less basic resources like water, but why do you have to make things so cuck ? I was about to go do some grocery and cook but now i just want to have a cigarette and think.
fuck you IKEA.

>> No.8050113

>major food hygiene issues
no thanks

>> No.8051572


We /cyberpunk/ now

>> No.8051600


I like solid wood as a material, but not everything has to last for centuries. I don't kick my furniture, so laminated MDF or even particle board still lasts decades inside a modern home.

>> No.8052986

Umm, megachan is deeaaaaaaad.