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File: 724 KB, 1240x839, Malus-Fuji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8032659 No.8032659 [Reply] [Original]

Apple General.

What is your favorite variety and why?

Fuji masterrace reporting in, perfect texture, perfect spot between sweet and sour. Runner ups are Pink Lady and Opal

>> No.8032667
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I went to the store the other day and they were selling honeycrisp for $4 a pop


golden delicious master race

>> No.8032728

I prefer apple juice, I can make the best drink with it but it must be fresh and made from green apple

>> No.8032959

Cox orange pippin.

>> No.8032975

pink ladys are amazing.
also when i was in japan they had these huge goddamn apples that were five dollars (500 yen whatever) and were amazing. Imagine a big ass apple INJECTED with apple juice concentrate.

>> No.8032994

I'm an idared fan, like the tartness, good for cooking with and good for snacking. If you're hungry and a little thirsty it kills two birds with one stone

>> No.8033007

pink lady and pacific rose (if they have them)

>> No.8033009

Cortland are the best all around apples. Good for eating and cooking.

>> No.8033020

Gala apples. Also get a corer, I don't care what anyone says about unitaskers. This one in particular is so handy.

>> No.8033336

Plus you won't chip a tooth cutting it into slices, seconding.

People for whatever reason chip a tooth biting into an apple more than most foods.

>> No.8033422
File: 35 KB, 331x349, grannysmith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Granny Smith is my favorite now. Nicely tart. I used to like Fuji the most, but after a while thought they were too sweet.

Also, I much prefer to get organic apples, then I can eat the peel.

>> No.8033442

Braeburn, granny smiths tend to be too big to eat easily and anything else that's commonly available in my part of the world is flavorless/too sweet/bred to look good on a display instead of taste good

>> No.8033463

If it's too big to eat in one go, I'll put half submerged in a bowl of water, it stays fresh for a while like that without much loss of flavor.

>> No.8033476
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I stopped eating apples when I read that they can be stored for a very long (months) before you get them in the store.

>> No.8033616

Granny smith


More like little girl Smith

>> No.8033622


>> No.8033623
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I like cripps pink/pink lady.

Not too sweet and not too tart.

>> No.8033635



Anyways I'm allergic to apples but love them anyways.

>> No.8033640

Same, the same reason I refuse to drink water, use flour and refuse to use salt.

>> No.8033643

Granny Smith

i'm into Tart apples.

>> No.8033748

A crisp, Red Delicious that hasn't been sitting in a warehouse for months on end and becoming a mealy piece of crap.

>> No.8033774

Gala! I eat one gala apple every single day. I could never get tired of them.

>> No.8033777

Cooking Apples/Granny Smiths
they don't fucking stick to your teeth

>> No.8033791

I got bored of every other apple. most recently pink lady.

gala is always my goto apple for snacks or crumbles. I don't like acidic or tart apples much.

>> No.8033838
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In the U.S. apples generally ripen between August and September. They pick the apples when they're slightly unripe, treat them with a chemical called 1-methylcyclopropene, wax them, box them, stack them on pallets, and keep them in cold storage warehouses for an average of 9-12 months.

>> No.8033863

It depends on freshness. right off the tree, MacIntosh and Cortlands are the world beaters, but even one day or sitting around and they start getting soft.

Empire's are god-tier for about 2-3months in cold storage, although best in the first few weeks. Cripps Pink and Fuji are both long holders, and very good apples well into the winter, Braeburn are 1-2 months at best. Granny smith are reliable all year round because of there high acidity but otherwise pretty mid tier. 'Organic' Granny's can be surprisingly good, but it's hit or miss.

Honeycrisp are good holders but too sweet for me

>golden delicious master race
are you retarded
>A crisp, Red Delicious that hasn't been sitting in a warehouse
I wholly agree with this but will add that modern(~25-30yr) Red Delicious are inferior to older strains, if you can find them from an old orchard or a grower using those older trees as source, a fresh Red Delicious apple is possibly the best thing you can put in your mouth. This apple benefits a HUGE amount from 'organic' growing too, meaning minimal fertilizer and pesticide, keeps the skin from being too thick and the flesh from getting watery.

Red Delicious have a bad rap because it's easy to plump them up into massive apple-tanks that can be shipped easily without damage, don't lose their color and are very consistent, but they universally taste like shit after about 3-4 weeks of cold storage at the outside. Elder God tier if fresh and 'organically grown' tho.

>> No.8033869

not if you live in northern new york or vermont.

>> No.8033953

Pink Lady is my waifu but holy shit she's expensive.

>> No.8033960

You some kind of queer for apples anon? You're really sperging out right here

>> No.8034075

>pink lady's
This nigga knows

>> No.8034084


I grew up in a region full of orchards and worked in them since childhood. |I can't really say there's an apple I don't like. They all have their place.

Well, newer strains of red delicious don't taste much like anything, but their thick skin puts a lot of tannin into a cider blend when you don't have any cider apples to work with

>> No.8035271
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The only answer. All other types are awful, especially soft ones.

>> No.8035290


I am a bit obessed, and I eat apples in season every day and seek out orchards for 50-100 miles around on weekends. When the season ends and the last of the holder apples are no longer excellent and/or the start coming in from fucking New Zealand and whatever(January usually) I get moderately clinically depressed and don't eat another apple until the next harvest.

i highly recommend orangepippin.com and am io frequent contributor and there are other apple enthusiast forums out there that are a wonderful resource. This is my time to shine, anon.

>> No.8035339

That's awesome. What Apple should I buy from the supermarket today?

>> No.8035350


Where are you located

>> No.8035362

Los Angeles

>> No.8035405

Been digging Gravensteins lately. Nice fragrance, a little tart. Not as crisp as modern apples but not mushy either.

Fuji is my standby though. Honeycrisps are well meme'd and I'm over them now.

>> No.8035411
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Has anyone tried the Pink Pearl Apple or any other type of unique apple?

>> No.8035431

All apples are unique, shitlord!

>> No.8035437
File: 460 KB, 1024x683, cool pink center.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah actually
i picked a pink pearl up on a whim once several years ago and for some reason decided to cut in half before i ate it

took me totally by surprise it was awesome

>> No.8035450

also, good old granny smiths.

great texture, great flavor. i'm all about that sour. fantastic with twang, tajin, chamoy, peanut butter, you name it

>> No.8035464

>granny smiths.
>great texture, great flavor. i'm all about that sour.
you're a drooling retard

>> No.8035480

i'm sorry you've only ever had shitty green apples, anon

>> No.8035499


try the fresh Washington Red Ds but dont bet on them, a Wash Gala or a Braeburn should be on point for you.

>> No.8035553

Granny Smith, love that crispiness and that perfect balance of sweet and sour you get from a good one.

Anyone else eat the entire apple, core, seeds and all?

>> No.8035573

My dog

>> No.8035823

pears are superior

>> No.8036796

anyone have apple trees on their property?

aside from the hornets and mushy windfalls they seem like they'd pull double duty as looking good and supplying some cheap eats

let's not pretend apples are cheap

>> No.8036837

Do Americans have to wash wax off their apples before eating them?

>> No.8036845
File: 5 KB, 313x161, tmp_5520-images(6)1024299310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in maine and feral apple trees are everywhere. I for the most part live of free apple during the fall.

>> No.8036847

apples are very cheap where I live
what are you doing anon that your apples are more than maybe a dollar a pound\

>> No.8036881

The true patrician's answer

>> No.8036893
File: 405 KB, 2052x2052, boskop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no boskop
bitch please, do you even apple?

>> No.8037419
File: 267 KB, 1536x1513, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like cider as well? Its really blowing up in the states, so there are a ton to try. There's one nearby that creates cider that they treat like wine, describing the apples used and teeroir and everything. Seems like something you'd appreciate.


>> No.8037431

Pink lady yes lad

>> No.8037450

Be seasional! Now is a good time to pick some James Grieve. Also go for the sour ones. Kronprinz Rudolf is a good Allrounder, can you get them in Murrica? Golden Delicious is just sad. Definetely loses to Cox Orange and every Renette.

>> No.8038566

>all these pink lady plebs
Elstar masterrace

>> No.8038750


Yuropeans pls go America Apples Best Apples

>> No.8039094
File: 881 KB, 1920x2560, 0828161757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my haul from today. fresh harvest, included that Red D. days old at most

>> No.8039098
File: 891 KB, 1920x2560, 0828161758a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck its so good. perfect crunch, perfect flavor.

>> No.8039107

>tfw never had a good Red D

>> No.8039167

Now is literally the only time they are good. By October all the Red Ds in the store will be mealy and crap.

>> No.8039172

when it's apple seaon and you can go directyl to the trees in new england, nothign beats a nice crisp and just enough tart in a nice macintosh or cortland

>> No.8039177

NZ rose, it's just fuji but sweater and less hard

>> No.8039204

pink lady is great. honeycrisp also good, love honeycrisp cider. i also like cameo and sweettango. washington state fag here, so local apples are awesome

>> No.8039206
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Has to be Macintosh.
I don't usually eat apples, but goddamn if I get a bag of macintoshes I can mess those things up.
I'm not a fan of hard apples, I like em soft, sweet, and with a bit of tang.

>> No.8040577
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>> No.8040660

Johnigold also Gala

honeycrisp only when the orchard near me has them in season.

>> No.8040669
File: 144 KB, 1000x600, CMI-Kiku-Pouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiku apples are my favorite. They're pretty expensive, but they have the best texture and have an awesome tart-sweet flavour that good MacIntoshes have

>> No.8040672

Smitten. If I cannot procure those, then I would say Fuji.

>> No.8040692

Grannysmith, McIntosh, Braeburn, anything with enough tartness to keep me interested.

>> No.8040741
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he eats apples
Pears are objectively superior in literally every single way

>> No.8040744

>he only eats one kind of fruit
Confirmed for someone who thinks fruit are born in the grocery store, and has never seen them on a tree before.

>> No.8040754
File: 312 KB, 487x310, 1456386577148-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not both?

>> No.8040755

>implying I said I only eat one kind of fruit
I just said I don't eat apples, because they are shit.

>> No.8040777

>perfectly ripe for 1 hour, then mushy
>objectively superior
pick one

>> No.8040879

Or maine and new Hampshire.

>> No.8041275

or in new england in general

>> No.8041453


hard fact. Washfags BTFO

>> No.8041480

>73 posts
>not a single mention of Kanzi or Jazz

why even live

>> No.8041482

I like red delicious from kinnaur .I don't eat apples other than that.

>> No.8041577


tell me more of your pajeet apples, Dinesh. I am interested in your lore

>> No.8042877


>> No.8043021
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>getting this asshurt about apples

>> No.8043166
File: 479 KB, 1920x1171, Topic Images_Green Plums_YUxgSWI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because apple skins are so thin and permeable they one of the fruits you should always try to get organic.

Grapes, strawberries, and other fruits fall into this category.

>> No.8043175
File: 318 KB, 486x421, Pings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since this fruit that has permeable skin, you should get the type that has deadlier and more harmful pesticides sprayed on it

>> No.8043178

Neem oil is deadly? Read a little more.

>> No.8043385

A red delicious is my favorite. When it's crisp and a deep red colour all over.

>> No.8043454

I use to hate eating apples. Then I tried the pink lady apples. My god it's like eating some kind of fruit candy.

>> No.8043455

Red Prince! You can only get them from one farm in Ontario and they are only at stores for 8 or so weeks in the spring. I look forward to them every year. Pink ladies are my next favorit.

>> No.8043568

empire apples are pretty much the best

>> No.8043642


>mfw yanks love their monsanto (((fruits)))

>> No.8043675

i have a tree in my yard and nobody can tell me what kind of apple it is. this pic is the closest ive ever seen.

>> No.8043685

This. I like plain jane granny smiths, sweet and tart, also the cheapest.

>> No.8044448
File: 27 KB, 600x316, NEDFE5F6RQrGHG_2_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating something named after a woman

>> No.8044465

Anon do pink ladies trigger you?

>> No.8044473
File: 12 KB, 270x220, honeycrisp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme apple coming through

>> No.8044482

Everybody else I know always sings praises about honeycrisp but Fuji is masterrace for me. Especially coming from the fridge on ahotday.

>> No.8044587

Ambrosia Apples will always be my favorite, but I like Pink Lady, Pacific Rose and Honeycrisp a lot as well. Granny Smith are good for cider and pies but too tart for my taste to make a good eating apple.

>> No.8044916
File: 1.81 MB, 2816x2816, yellow_transparent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an orchard near where I live and transparents are in season right now. They're really good.

>> No.8046532

have you seen didi conn lately?

>> No.8048309

but they're sooo sweeeet

>> No.8048331

>tfw allergic to raw apples

>> No.8048517

Now we're fucking talking