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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 89 KB, 600x500, 051128032-01-twice-baked-potatoes-recipe_xlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8030319 No.8030319 [Reply] [Original]

I love baked potatoes. It just take a helluva time in the oven. I'm eating it with butter, salt and ground dill.
I think I'm missing something out.
How do /ck/ enjoy their baked potatoes?

>> No.8030327
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It only takes like an hour? I usually bake a dozen potatoes at a time and freeze them. Then they just reheat in like 2 minutes in the microwave.

I like eating them with sour cream. Strangely it's pretty much the only time I ever actually eat sour cream.

>> No.8030367

Once you freeze and microwave to reheat, why not just microwave one time to start? You're going to miss out on the crispy skin, so why use the oven at all?>>8030327

>> No.8030380

Never thought of freezing them down, will try.
I did microwave them before, I didn't like how they came out.

>> No.8030391
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>> No.8030418

I wrap them in foil, I don't like crispy skin.

And microwaving baked potatoes to cook them (for like 10 minutes) makes the skin very chewy and tough in my experience.

>> No.8030419

I stab some holes in a raw potato, put it in a plastic grocery bag and tie it up tight. Then I microwave it for like 10 minutes. It's better to do two or three at a time.

If you keep it in long enough, it even has a crispy skin to it.

>> No.8030439
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>tfw I can't eat potatoes because I've got kidney failure

>> No.8030469

Why do you have kidney failure

>> No.8030491

i steam potatoes in a pressure cooker. sliced length-wise it takes 15 minutes to cook.

>> No.8030758

Potatoes are great because you can add just about as much or as little as you want to it and it will be awesome. One of my favorites that i dont make very often is baked potato stuffed with chicken and broccoli covered in cheese sauce.

>> No.8030767

>plastic bags in a microwave

not so sure about this. i use a damp paper towel if i'm gonna nuke a "baked" potato in the microwave

>> No.8030779

black pepper and a fried egg. Runny yolk of course. The yolk firms up in the soft potato and in the process firms up my cock.

>> No.8030785

pro-tip: nuke your taters for a couple minutes before baking to save time

>> No.8030786

>in the process firms up my cock.
>using these types of phrases in 2016

can /pol/ and /r9k/ stop spilling into my boards reeeee

>> No.8030794

wtf. i just microwave them for 4-5 minutes and they turn out fine.

>> No.8030816

reheated potatoes aren't the same

>> No.8030861

Bro. Bake a potato in aluminum foil and refrigerate it afterwards. A cold, plain baked potato has a certain magic to it.

>> No.8030935
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his kidneys didn't study hard enough

>> No.8030949

I could never get a microwave that baked potatoes in a short amount of time. They never taste fully done. I always find it better to bake them in the oven.

>> No.8030968
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Stick a nail through the middle before you throw it in the oven. It will cut down cooking time and get the middle good and hot.

>> No.8030969

I love baked potatoes, myself. I'll eat them with all sorts of toppings, even just butter and s&p. But, my favorite baked potatoes are when I have leftover bbq brisket, and I stuff the potato with chopped brisket, minced scallions (including the white part), and either cheese or sour cream. Fuck that's good.

>> No.8030972

Put 'em on a wooden spoon and slice them, making sure it stays in 1 piece

Now cover it in cheese

Bake it in the oven (it should go a lot faster) and enjoy!

>> No.8030983

Yeah? Interesting. Will try.

>> No.8031001

What exactly does the spoon do?

>> No.8031016
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disgusting "cheese" and bacon bits

>> No.8031048

>>>8030779>in the process firms up my cock.>using these types of phrases in 2016can /pol/ and /r9k/ stop spilling into my boards reeeee

This level of social justice loserism on 4chan

>> No.8031275

Easier to remove and place onto the plate, that is unless you have little oven plates

>> No.8031305

I think that way you dont cut all the through the potato.

>> No.8031315

Remove the potato from the oven to place on a plate? Are you baking the spoon? I don't understand.

I don't see how that would help. The spoon is just taking the place of literally any other cutting surface.

>> No.8031319

Crème Fraiche makes for GOAT baked potato

>> No.8031325

No, a spoon is hollow. Place a potato on it, slice down, due to spoons convexity, knife will not go all the way through.

>> No.8031330

Salt pepper and a wad of butter.

>> No.8031342


>> No.8031345

never microwaved

olive oil

I'm not american though.

>> No.8031357

You probably don't want to microwave foil.

>> No.8031366

You can leave out probaply of that equation.

>> No.8031372

I know I was replying to
Pointing out his obvious flaw

>> No.8031396

I wrap them in foil before baking them.

>> No.8031403

I assumed you microwaved the foil. My bad anon

>> No.8031413 [DELETED] 

I responded to his questions out of order, not your fault.