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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.99 MB, 300x168, McDonuts Glazed Fish Sandwich.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8024187 No.8024187 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever ate something that was just too disgusting to even swallow it?

share your stories please

I'm talking more specificaly about fast food items, but any dish in general applies.

>> No.8024212
File: 2.38 MB, 3000x1600, Jalapeno_and_Cheddar_BK_STUFFED_STEAKHOUSE_-_Split_highres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's between the doughnuts?

I once ordered a BK stuffed burger that was pretty bad. Still ate it because I'm a fatass.

>> No.8024231

a filet o fish

>> No.8024249

Remember when that fat shit tried to diet and it lasted all of a few weeks?

>> No.8024254

Oh fuck that sounds terrible

>> No.8024295

That fermented soy stuff... I think it's called natto.
>tastes terrible
>smells terrible
>awful texture

It should not be considered food.

>> No.8024307

Al's Italian Beef sandwich in Chicago. Took one bite, couldn't believe how bad it was. Took another just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. Nope. It went into the trash after that.

>> No.8024825

What was his excuse for stopping?

>> No.8024855

a fruit drink with shit tons of cinnamon

i hate cinnamon which is why i also spit out an apple pie when i first tasted it

>> No.8024891
File: 388 KB, 628x428, 3453737.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brussels Sprouts

I know somebody's going to post that meme video of the fat lady almost vomiting, but that's basically the same thing for me, I can't go near the shit.

>> No.8024893

you dont know how hard dieting is for people who've made a bad habit of eating lots of fast food
it's common for people to go to the extremes when dieting
when it's much safer to just tone down your caloric intake and cut on your carbs a bit but you either get lucky and learn that through your struggle, or relapse back into unhealthy eating habits

>> No.8024897

Idk if it counts, but some kind of mexican candy that tasted like spicy skin, like a salty-iron-capsaicin thing.

I can't really recall anything else other then my own failed dunken "i am out of food so ill try something stupid" ideas, which don't really count either.

>> No.8024902

You have to be 18 to post here anon.

>> No.8024906

Your dick

>> No.8025351

fermented greenland shark, i tried but gagged then threw it up

>> No.8025372

he couldn't let down his "foodie senpai"

>> No.8025391


have you tried cooking them differently? with sprouts it's important to not overcook them because it makes them taste like sulfur

I quarter them so they cook more evenly and steam them for 10 minutes ish or until they're soft enough to eat and then eat them with cheese sauce or dress them with olive oil, balsamic and salt/pepper.

>> No.8025392

i cant handle gristle

the gnarly texture starts an autonomous gag reflex.

>> No.8025417

I once made a tuna sandwich for work and didn't drain the tuna enough so by the time lunch time came around the bread was extremely soggy on the bottom half and despite the fact that I was desperately hungry, one bite into that mother fucker and I was dry puking.

I hate olives, avocado and ripe papaya but I would eat all of those before I can consume soggy bread

Even thinking about it makes me sick

>> No.8025429

watching my mate take a bite of some baked Camembert in in a pub when I told him to just try it. the gag reflex was hilarious.

personally I've never actually had to scoop food out of my mouth that I didn't like.

>> No.8025432

Anon I feel you. I try a lot of food, firmly believe in and support bugs as the future of protein, but I CANNOT eat Brussel Sprouts.

>> No.8025442

Wasabi is indigestible in any form. I also went to a "real" Chinese restaurant and couldn't finish anything because the food was so unbelievably bland.

>> No.8025445
File: 74 KB, 430x287, Bottled-Minced-Garlic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never really had it happen that badly. I've tasted some things I don't really like but I didn't spit it out. The most recent was some shitty pizza place in North Carolina and their "white pizza". I was stuck at a hotel on a job and wanted to try some new pizza stuff and ordered a white pizza from this place. I went and picked it up and it smelled super garlicky. It had like an alfredo sauce or something, not the normal white pizza sauce I'm use to from growing up around Rochester, NY where white pizza is like a garlic oil sauce not alfredo. But that was not the issue. The issue was it had ricotta on top of the mozzarella and the ricotta was mixed what seemed to be half and half with the store bought garlic in a jar minced up and I took a bite and it felt like I was about to die. I swallowed the bite but didn't take any more.

>> No.8025452
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>> No.8025455
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>> No.8025479

egg salad

>> No.8025608

Roast them

>> No.8025859
File: 29 KB, 500x290, vomit bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a few things that I can't remember, but this stands out in my memory. Never occurred to me that chocolate could be disgusting so I was taken off guard too. Vile.

>> No.8025867


Honestly, fast food. I don't know how people can stomach it. I have never eaten McDonald's in my life, but I have tried a few other fast food establishments and I have never been so disgusted in my entire life. The burger meat taste like shit. Enough mayo slathered on there to kill a white suburban family, weird tasting bacon. Needless to say I don't eat fast food anymore, period.

>> No.8025870

Brussel sprouts
Anything with cilantro
All melons
Anything sweet and sour
Black coffee and unsweetened tea
Red peppers
Anything with fennel seeds

>> No.8025871

Can confirm, Al's IS terrible. Source: lived across the street from their original location in little Italy for several years. Had their beef once, and never again. Fries are also repulsively limp and greasy.

>> No.8025880

Jesus, you sound like a faggot picky eater. I bet your a fatass.

>> No.8025882

Fry them with bacon, add roasted walnuts

Sure it might not be healthy, but fuck me if it isn't delicious

>> No.8025883


>Black coffee and unsweetened tea
>Red peppers
>Anything sour


If I were dining with you I'd punch you in the face and run away

>> No.8025889

I once sucked someone's dick, it smelt horrible and I think there wss smegma, threw up within 5 minutes and my hands smelt for hours, even after washing 4 times

>> No.8025910
File: 685 KB, 574x555, asboutly disgust4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orange hostess cupcakes
>kale grown in summer
>sunny side up eggs
>mfw the watery yolk
>Costco rotisserie chickens after they have been refrigerated
>tamales with too much massa
>one lb peanut butter cups
>triple stuffed oreos
>aunt's nasty cooking but you say it was good not to hurt her feelings

>> No.8025921

i hate milk yogurt and this fucking sauce

but i do eat loads of cheese, mostly goat and blue.

>> No.8025927

I don't know man, I just boil them (or steam them if I'm making other vegetables) for like 7 - 12 minutes and they always taste delicious to me

>> No.8025931

I feel like the name adequately describes the taste

>> No.8025933

what else would you make yoghurt out of?

>> No.8025951

>when you have to take another bite just to make sure your immense level of disgust is justified.
Oof. Been there.

I had some the other night just to make sure I still hated them. They have this sharp bitterness that is almost metallic, every time I have them. It's funny, because beneath that, they have a similar taste to a lot of other greens I actually like. I think I'll just stick to asparagus.

>> No.8025952


What's wrong with the orange ones?

>> No.8025967

I see lots of non-americans post this about Hershey's

I don't really get it, whats so gross about it

>> No.8025973


Probably because we use processed sugar for our chocolate.

>> No.8025988

>whats so gross about it

It tastes bad compared to other types of chocolate.

American chocolate is made by a different process than European chocolate. It's more efficient, but it tastes worse. There are chemicals present in Hershey's, such as butyric acid, which are the exact same chemicals present in vomit which give it that nasty smell.

>> No.8025991

I'm American, and I think it's gross. It has a sour vomit-y aftertaste.

>> No.8025992

Glad I don't have that problem and have been raised on factory produced slop, because I can enjoy a delicious Hershey's bar and you can't

>> No.8026083
File: 70 KB, 960x552, mattak2_2732a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mattak. Fat from whale, taste awful, like chewing rubber.
Apparantly very popular in Greenland.

>> No.8026743

I just got a job that that has me doing physical stuff and started doing coke, and the lbs have been coming off.

>> No.8026823

It's an acquired taste, anon.

>> No.8026992

I bet you weight 300 at least.

>> No.8027041
File: 74 KB, 577x350, okra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit, it's absolutely disgusting regardless how you prepare it

>> No.8027186

>Anything licorice flavored


That's it. If you have more than a handful of foods on your list you're a true pussy.

>> No.8027850

This. Hardest thing I've ever had to get down.

>> No.8027871

Pickled, fried, or in gumbo. Okra is delicious.

>> No.8027873

The taste of freedom is off putting to Muslim converts and inbred Socialists

>> No.8027891

Natto's not as bad as it was hyped up to be. Still not something I'd eat on a regular basis.

>> No.8028339

Beef Stew

>> No.8028474

i'm a vegan you retards. the full list of things i don't eat would take me all day to list. those are just the things i think are too disgusting to eat. COOKED meat is delicious, but i don't eat it and yeah i am a super picky eater but that extends to all food. i really don't like food in general and am one of those people that "forgets" to eat so i've always been underweight.

>> No.8028483

Guava fruit, i cannot.

>> No.8028579

Anything with caraway seeds. Barf city.

>> No.8028741

> i really don't like food in general and am one of those people that "forgets" to eat

Then why the hell are you on a cooking board?

>> No.8029124

Isn't it naturally marinated in urea while the shark is alive? So basically you'd be eating rotten piss-meat. Sounds pretty fucking gross.

>> No.8029453
File: 1.10 MB, 1290x1290, Basil+Pesto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fastest way to ruin any dish

>> No.8029465
File: 3.82 MB, 2592x1944, img_6939-wm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever had fried unbreaded okra?
They are like a vegetable crouton.

>> No.8029475

Lasagna with corn in it.

>> No.8029493

I love natto. The texture is more annoying than anything. The smell is neutral.

>> No.8029499

I cringed

>> No.8029507
File: 131 KB, 1300x987, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aspic cant remember what was in that one i tried to eat but i almost puked

>> No.8030467

This shit right here. Prepared exactly like this. It's amazing on salad.

>> No.8030475
File: 25 KB, 600x512, nick-young-confused-face-300x256_nqlyaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8030477

>and am one of those people that "forgets" to eat

Keep forgetting so we don't have to deal with you anymore.

>> No.8030480

This happened a few months ago.

>move from Tennessee to new city on the coast for new job
>executive and his colleagues happen to be arriving from Europe that week for business
>I get invited out to dinner with them with 6-7 other guys in the department
>We go to a very upscale seafood place
>I end up seated next to Mr executive
>He asks if anyone wants to share oysters
>I knowing nothing about what I'm doing, volunteer
>Mfw they brought out 14 raw oysters
>Mfw the first time I've ever seen white people prepare raw food on purpose
>Mfw I had to choke down 7 of these slimy cold disgusting blobs of seafood boogers to save face in front of the directors

That's how I learned I hate oysters.

>> No.8030484


Fast food.

>> No.8030839

How does anyone not like pesto?

>> No.8030890

>so many sprout white knights itt

enjoy your listeria you fucking retards

>> No.8030923

>i really don't like food in general

Oh look, a Soylent faggot

>> No.8030976

i went to bk once and got, i think, the angriest whopper

it was drenched in mayo and some kind of super sweet sauce, it was fucking repulsive
but that was money spent and i was hungry so i finished it regardless

but yesterday i was chewing 3 sticks of mint gum and took a sip from energy drink and everything turned to fucking window cleaner in my mouth

highly unpleasant

>> No.8030977
File: 65 KB, 600x315, starfruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks sweet as fuck
>Actually watery and bitter

>> No.8030988


Your first mistake. Easily the nastiest chain around except maybe KFC.

>> No.8031000

I learned that very, VERY quickly on that trip

i did like the fries though

>> No.8031008

The orange hostess cupcakes are the only good product they make

>> No.8031009

Blue cheese.

I'm an American, so I don't have the same cheeses as Euros do, but I always thought that cheese would by my thing. I love most cheese that are common here in the US (except for American cheese, which I only like on burgers), but I feel physically disturbed when I try blue cheese. It tastes like a chemical, like maybe someone poured bug spray into it. I can eat most things I don't like, but if something has blue cheese in it, I simply can't eat it. It feels like my body is telling me no.

Now I'm not sure if that's what a lot of European cheeses taste like, but if that's the case, then I guess I'm not a cheese person. Which sucks.

>> No.8031014


>> No.8031030

why do burgers do this?

the fuck is bleu other than blue spelled wrong?

>> No.8031055

Once when I was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that had strawberry preserves and it, a long string of sliced strawberry got stuck in my throat.

I mean a clump was dangling down past my uvula while the other half was still on my tongue. It was the most disgusting feeling I've ever experienced and I instantly puked hard.

Ever since then my body is unable to trust strawberry preserves. I gag at the sight of the stuff now and I require my strawberries to be in either jam or jelly form. I can eat The Preserves of other fruits though.

>> No.8031059

>It feels like my body is telling me no.

That's because All of the blue streaks, spots and chunks are literally mold

>> No.8031062


Except it's the french that do it.


>> No.8031078


>> No.8031090

We all know he ate it when the cameras were off.

Chubby dindu's don't let food go waste

>> No.8031098

When I went to McDonalds for my first time, I ordered a Big Tasty Bacon. I threw up after 1/4, because it tasted like shit and was greasy as fuck.

>> No.8031114

Poor Daym. He stepped out of his containment zone and his net worth took a hit.

his last few videos have been erratic

>> No.8031122

What is it with people moving from NY and rejecting everything that isn't made exactly how it was back home? I had a retard coworker from Buffalo send back nachos at a mexican place because they were covered with meat, cheese and vegetables instead of neon velveta processed cheese product. It was beyond his comprehension that nachos could be any other way.

>> No.8031135

When I was a lad I put caffeine-free Diet Pepsi in coffee thinking it would sweeten it. It was horrifying.