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8023678 No.8023678 [Reply] [Original]

Should I go vegan? And why/not?

>> No.8023684

>Should I go vegan?

>And why/not?
I want you to have the worst life possible

>> No.8023692

>Should I go vegan?

>And why/not?
I want you to have the best life possible

>> No.8023723

Do you want to be called a faggot everywhere you go? If you do then go for it.

>> No.8023730

You should go dead

>> No.8023752

There's nothing wrong with being vegan, but people will essentially prosecute you for it.

>> No.8023755

Not really from hillbillyville. Hipstertown here, room for everyone.

>> No.8023765

Unless you live in some flyover shit hole, or your idea of "people" is retards from 4chan and "prosecute" means saying dumb shit, this isn't true.

There are vegan restaurants all over the place, my office has 2 within the same block and dozens more within a short walk.

It's pretty easy to get an adequate supply of legumes and grains and so on, this isn't the 1980s where all you could get was some shitty expired tofu and some fake meat substitutes in a plastic package.

Gone are the days when veganism was "just a fad" for teenagers and college kids. I know people in their 50s and 60s who are vegan. It's pretty normal.

>> No.8023774


Ethical reasons:
No unnecessary killing/horrific mistreatment of tens of billions of animals just for enjoyment
Vastly less destruction of habitat/arable land
Vastly less water use
Huge reduction in anyibiotic use (ie less antibiotic resistance in bacteria etc.)
Huge reduction in diseases jumping species to us, so fewer new diseases
Less runoff of hormones/steroids/organic matter into our water supply.

Health reasons:
Much less risk of obesity
Much less risk of heart disease
Much less risk of many types of cancer
Longer lifespan overall
Improved brain function
Your sweat and cum no longer smell terrible

>> No.8023780

Yeah, just do it right. The downsides are pretty much all related to poor meal planning

>> No.8023785

>Should I go Full Faggot? And why/not?

>> No.8023792

no, youll eventually binge on animal products and fall to temptation desu. just eat majority vegan meals and limit consumption

>> No.8023802

Cool. Thanks
Funny, the not sayers reason is " faggot"

>> No.8024095

There's a middle path. You can get most of the benefits of "going vegan" by eating a vegan diet most of the time (say, five or six days a week) but not adopting veganism as your religion. You eat plant based at home, and choose the vegan options out when they are available. When there is no reasonable vegan option you eat whatever's good and enjoy the fuck out of it.

It's kinda like what old hippies used to say about the Grateful Dead: "Great band, shitty religion." Vegan is a great way to eat most of the time, but it's still a shitty religion.

>> No.8024190

Be a superior person and go vegan for the rest of your life, reproduce only with vegans.

>> No.8024202

Not that this is a real choice anyone has to make, but I'd rather hang out with only vegans than only carnists.

Vegans are just generally more open minded and use their brains more. That's what led them to veganism to begin with.

>> No.8024248

I don't know about that, but I understand why a reasonable person without blinders on would seek to avoid industrially produced meat and dairy. Most of that shit is gross even if some of it tastes good. But I'm not a monk, so every now and then I'm willing to eat something gross that tastes good.

>> No.8024257
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> Are you an annoying faggot?

> Have you run out of ways to annoy others while drawing attention to yourself?

> Do you like salad?

If yes to 2 out if 3, veganism may be for you.

> Mfw vegans afoot.

>> No.8024300

Do you post faggot inuendo post?
Do you like sausage?
Do you like cream in your coffee?
3 of 3 =faggot

>> No.8024309

That's some nice anecdotal evidence you've got there. In my experience, I've met two vegans who were friendly enough to have a conversation with. The rest ranged from sort of annoying to shove-their-words-down-your-throat unbearable.

Don't be so open minded that your brain falls out.

>> No.8024315

Serious question: what do you expect to get out of going vegan?

>> No.8024321


>> No.8024329

>Your sweat and cum no longer smell terrible
so THAT'S why my wife's son is so delcious

>> No.8024330

have fun good luck i'll see you in a week then.

>> No.8024345

>Don't be so open minded that your brain falls out.
Good point. But if you live in a 1st World country many of your norms are pretty absurd to begin with. Questioning them makes sense, regardless of the fact most of your peers do not, and some are downright hostile to the very idea, because they feel invested in maintaining them. You can live in the same place but not be in the same place philosophically at all.

>> No.8025205

>You can live in the same place but not be in the same place philosophically at all.

Hah, anon I think you just described the USA completely.

I agree that a lot of first world norms are stupid, and that one needs to question the validity of what goes on around them. I just didn't like the tone of assuming vegans are smarter inherently because of their diet. Those are the kind of people that cause the reactionary response of WE'LL I'LL EAT MEAT 5 TIMES MORE THAN I HAVE TO JUST CAUSE YOU WONT and other stupidity when they confront meat eaters.

Though he's a namefag, Meat Minimalist has a kernel of truth in his name. Eating meat at every meal isn't really necessary. I usually have several vegetarian or vegan meals a week.

>> No.8025340

i don't care what you eat

>> No.8025419

Since there seems to be a lot of vegans in this thread, can i get your opinions on two meat eating exceptions.
eating fish.
feeding your child meat for those important early years of development.

>> No.8025426

>Should I go vegan?

>And why/not?
It'll be impossible for you to get protein

>> No.8025430


>Should I go vegan?


>And why/not?

Because being a pescatarian is far more superior. I am not meming either. Following a pescatarian diet is objectively one of the most healthiest things you can do. You still get tons of protein/omega 3's and other healthy stuff from the fish without all the crap that is in meat particularly cured/processed meats. The health benefits are numerous. Bonus points. When you go out to eat with friends or a girlfriend you don't look like a total fag.

>> No.8025431

? are you retarded anon?

>> No.8025436

Why would you ask random anons on a chinese cartoon forum about a significant lifestyle change such as going vegan? Are you daft?


Pescatarians aren't vegans.

I'd assume most vegans give their kids supplements or protein through some other means. There have been reports of vegans giving vegan diets to their pets, but I'm going to assume they're a very small minority.

>> No.8025441

>Afraid of what his friends or date/GF will think of him when he orders.

Sounds breddy beta if you ask me :^)

>> No.8025444

this. I am vegan and I agree.
pesca is besta. If you wanna get hard into vegan cuz animal cruelty fish the fish yourself. Honestly, I don't feel there's anything wrong with killing an animal yourself. It's factory farming that's wrong. Go take the time to go fishing and if you're smarter than the fish, than you deserve to eat it. If the fish are smarter than you then eat lettuce. Also, remember to thank any animal you eat for it's life
PS If I could go kill animals to eat in my area and learned how to correctly kill eat and preserve etc I would.

>> No.8025448
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>Being a misfit in society
>Not wanting to fit it
>Being vegan and calling yourself a "man"

Sounds pretty autistic if you ask me :^)

>> No.8025451


Agreed. I only eat wild fish, none of the farmed crap.

>> No.8025453
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>It's factory farming that's wrong

Why not just get meat from a trusted local farm then? Then you have no reason to ever go vegan unless you somehow don't like the taste of any form of meat.

>> No.8025510
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>ethical reasons
plants are lifeforms too, you fucking faggot, and now you are taking food from other animals away, fuck
not to mention how much space it takes to grow enough food for everyone
less water? where the fuck do you live in, in a middle east or a fucking africa?

>health reasons
just eat less you fucking fatass

>> No.8025947

>cows are plants
Besides, degenetarians still use up more land than vegans to feed the same population, and those livestock wouldn't have to suffer to begin with had it not been for your exploitative habits. Also, you are wrong.

>> No.8025962

>thinking you have to eat meat to be a "man"

you're the autistic sounding one to me

>> No.8025963


No because your health will suffer and you'll enjoy your life less.

>> No.8025978


You can be a man without eating meat. But you're an effeminate bitch boy and women will view you as a lightweight faggot. I don't eat meat, I only eat fish though so maybe I'm half a fag.

>> No.8025985

You seem pretty insecure to me anon, why are you so worried about how girls see you?

I have no trouble getting girls whatsoever and I'm openly vegetarian. Maybe you don't do as well with girls but I think it might be something other than you not eating other animals...

>> No.8026002


I'm very secure. In fact I am so secure that as a 30 year old straight male who has been with 9 women I frequent gay bars to chat with friendly men and have them buy me drinks. I think the real insecure one here is you.

>durr lol i gots nooo problemz getting girls

You know who was vegetarian? Hitler. Congratulations, asshole.

>> No.8026021

>9 women
Woah, impressive. I get my dick wet every two weeks, nofapped for few months so shut your hole. Of course you casually frequent gay bars, n-no homo right? Just a casual dip in the glory hole, yeah?

You know who ate other animals? Stalin, Mao, all the Kim Jongs, Pol Pot, etc.
Really dazzled me with your intelligence there

>> No.8026024
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this to the English language

>> No.8026085


>What are long term relationships

I've had 2 ltr's and 7 hookups. You clearly pay for sex.

>nofapped for few months

lol. I am beginning to think this "getting my dick wet" business of yours every two weeks is just dipping your limp dick into a warm apple pie while watching tranny porn.

> Stalin, Mao, all the Kim Jongs, Pol Pot, etc.

None of these were as bad as Hitler. Tyrants, yeah, but Hitler was the worst.

What's wrong with being straight and going to a gaybar? Does talking to gay people and having a beer with them all of a sudden make you homosexual? Sounds like you might be a bit insecure and homophobic.

>> No.8026097

>Should I go vegan?
If you want to
>And why/not?
If you do/don't want to.

>> No.8026118


I started eating vegan this month. 25th day in.

It's not that bad. Just expensive.

>> No.8026152

>None of these were as bad as Hitler. Tyrants, yeah, but Hitler was the worst.
Hardly anyone outside the west thinks this way, and don't fucking devolve this discussion about your degenerate habits into politics.
It's one thing to visit a gay bar and another thing to frequent them.
Beyond that, the fact you connotate the consumption of other animals to anything sexual really shows your desperate obsession about something casual like intercourse.
>I've had 2 ltr's
Damn that really worked ou-
>7 hookups
Why the fuck are you talking about long term relationships?
>You clearly pay for sex
Everyone pays for sex, indirectly through dinner, dressing yourself properly, hitting the gym or directly through service you dumbass.

>> No.8026164

>Should I go vegan?

If you think you can swing it sure.

>And why/not?

Reducing environmental harm and animal suffering are the two biggies. I say start phasing animal products out of your diet than rather quit cold turkey.

>> No.8026187
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lol at all this edge

>Implies Hitler was the least bad dictator
>Likes to play armchair psychologist
>Clearly homophobic and thinks associating with gay people makes someone gay


In between my 2 long term relationships I had casual sex with women. Can you not use your brain?

>Everyone pays for sex, indirectly through dinner, dressing yourself properly, hitting the gym or directly through service you dumbass.

Context, you fucking idiot. Going to dinner with a potential partner vs going directly to an escort service is very different. But given how you're so mad I can already tell you definitely stick it in hookers because you're probably a manlet loser who can't get a girl to sleep with you without paying.

>> No.8026205

only if you hate food

>> No.8026212

The feeling that vegan eating takes all pleasure out of food lasts for about three weeks until your taste adjusts to it.

>> No.8026231

why would you cut out an entire food group though?
yeah sure veggies can taste delicious but
>no milk
>no fish
>no meat
>no cheese
might as well eat a bullet

>> No.8026246

I never saw the point honestly. I don't eat meat very much anyway, like 2/3 times a week. Other animal products go the same for me.

>> No.8026256
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I didn't imply jackshit you strawmanning thick fuck, I merely pointed out shitty figures who also ate other animals just like how you do.
>armchair psychologist
Did you save this outdated term in your notepad file for future use?
>Clearly homophobic
Oh yeah, everything is clear to you it seems, it is also clear to you that I must be a person allegedly paying for sex services, all this knowledge after trading few posts on an imageboard. This level of clairvoyance can only mean you have to be a metaphysical transdimensional fucking shaman or something, you tremendous retard.
>Going to dinner with a potential partner vs going directly to an escort service is very different.
You're right, you pay for someones dinner without getting pussy making you a whole lot worse than someone who pays exactly for what he wants.
Don't pretend like this little "potential partner" matchmake isn't fueled by sexual desire.
You reek of desperation and dried spunk.

>> No.8026314
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>Being THIS mad because someone insulted his fairy dust diet

Millennials hard at work! Did you work up a sweat typing that out?

>> No.8026330

Why give up milk, fish, meat and cheese? Because industrially produced examples of these foods (which is most of what's available to you) are not only of poor quality and dubious health value, but the way they're produced is an ethical grey area at best. (It's some pretty ugly shit most people would not want to be a part of if they really bothered to think about it, and great effort is made to keep people from having to think about it).

If you had access to milk, fish, meat and cheese that was not industrially produced it would be much tougher to make a case for vegan eating. It only makes sense as a reaction to the horror of how almost all of our animal products are produced.

>> No.8026337
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>haha lele fuckin millenials
Don't expect my tax money to pay your pension fuckpa.

>> No.8026338

>which is most of what's available to you
sorry I don't live in a third world country where I have to eat toxic waste

>> No.8026347

>If you had access to milk, fish, meat and cheese that was not industrially produced

Who doesn't have that, anon?

You have the internet. You can therefore acquire literally anything from anywhere.

I am not a vegan, but I hate industrialized ingredients on both a moral basis and I simply think they taste worse than the alternative. I haven't had any problem finding exceptions from factory farming. It is usually more expensive, but I save so much money by cooking from scratch that it balances out.

>> No.8026352

>comparing plants to animals

>> No.8026405

I'm in more or less the same boat, but I find eating like a vegan most of the time (even though I'm still an omnivore) is the easiest way to avoid that shit.
Toxic waste vs garbage - the epic battle of shit quality food.

>> No.8026425

Because meat tastes fucking good

>> No.8026442


Haha millennial confirmed. No surprise you suck horse cock and major in Peace and Conflict studies.

>> No.8026447


You have probably never even paid taxes you faggot.

>> No.8026544

you lost Bro

go eat some lentils and cry

>> No.8026740

>comparing cows to humans
See? Ethical reasons for veganism are entirely hypocritical. The only acceptable reasons are health and environmental ones.

>> No.8026971

Don't you mean entirely subjective?

Giving a fuck about animal welfare, the environment or hell evnen your health is a matter of personal beliefs.

>> No.8027466

Does being vegan make a real difference? I found an article on this recently that makes good case for it making a difference.
Our teacher showed us food inc in high school and I haven't been able to enjoy food since then. It's been two years. My biggest problem is knowing that I'll never be able to enjoy pastry again since it's 100% based on eggs. I'd have to give up my biggest passion/hobby. But then again, that's no excuse to contribute to so much abuse...I just feel like whether or not I go vegan, either way I'll never enjoy food again. At least until someone makes an artificial egg.
The article: http://reducing-suffering.org/does-vegetarianism-make-a-difference/

>> No.8027522

>i dont want to better myself or the environment because it requires effort

well, aren't you a treat.

>> No.8027544

It's a personal choice, just as the supposed "moral" aspect.

>> No.8027556

you are personally not the animals or environment so it is not a personal choice.

>> No.8027588

Plants don't have brains. Cows and humans do, and they're both animals. So yes, cows vs humans is a better comparison than plants and animals. There is less suffering involved in eating plants as plants can't suffertherefore it is the more ethical choice. Also most plants don't die when harvested.
if I hear one more "plants have feelings too" meme...
Not even vegan but you can't seriously believe your own shit.

>> No.8027602


>Daily reminder, vegan diets are not healthier than a balanced diet involving meat and vegetables etc.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20479151/http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23497300 - Processed meats are bad, red meat isn't, just like most things that are processed; they would be worse than the natural product.

http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/early/2010/01/13/ajcn.2009.27725.abstract/http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9635993 - meta-analysis concluding that saturated fats, generally from meat have no effect on CHD health.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19364995 - System review of dietary factors influencing your health tl;dr, vegetables etc are good for you but so is a balanced amount of meats/eggs/diary.

Contradictions to China study, one of the most refuted studies that vegans use to claim their lifestyle is healthier, two contradictory follow-up studies proved otherwise - http://www.cholesterol-and-health.com/China-Study.html/https://rawfoodsos.com/2010/07/07/the-china-study-fact-or-fallac/

>So what is the different between a vegan diet and a balanced diet?

Lower testosterone levels in vegans - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2526906

Vitamin deficiencies leading to hormonal imbalances - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1435181 - most notably B12 and Vit D.

>> No.8027614
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I've eaten food like that.

I'll bet mine was better.

>> No.8027630

Aren't non-industrialized eggs/ milk still morally dubious?
Eggs: even just buying the chicken supports an industry that kills male chicks. Unless the chicken was found in the wild this is the case. Also producing eggs is very strenuous for the chicken and she will eat her own eggto make up for the nutrients lost in laying it. Farming eggsmakes thechicken produce more eggs than its body is meant to even if it's not industrial.
Milk: kills bulls same as above, necessitates rape.

>> No.8027680

>Eggs: even just buying the chicken supports an industry that kills male chicks.

No, the only industry that kills male chicks is that which supplies specially bred egg-laying chickens to the factory egg farms. Other sources of chickens don't do this.

When a normal person buys chicks from teh country store you have no idea how many males and females you're going to get. It's random. And, of course, there's the option of getting your chicks from a private breeder or a friend/neighbor who has chickens.

>>Also producing eggs is very strenuous for the chicken and she will eat her own eggto make up for the nutrients lost in laying it

I've raised countless chickens over the years and this rarely happens. I have heard of it, but it's never happened to me.

>>Farming eggsmakes thechicken produce more eggs than its body is meant to
No. Chickens just lay eggs. They lay whether you collect them or not.

>> No.8027701

If an egg breaks in front of them, they will lose their shit and go cannibalistic, male or female. Seen it a couple times, but the eggs were broken in front of them.

>> No.8027710

>Ethical reasons:
>No unnecessary killing/horrific mistreatment of tens of billions of animals just for enjoyment

Animals that wouldn't have been born at all if not for their food status with humans. Yes, the death of an individual creature for food is morally debatable, but a species' value to humanity will ensure its continuance as long as humans can keep breeding them.

>Vastly less destruction of habitat/arable land

The world already makes enough food, anon. We just don't distribute it correctly. We're not running out of arable land.

>Vastly less water use

Water is a closed cycle on this planet. Localized shortages will happen regardless of crop.

>Huge reduction in anyibiotic use (ie less antibiotic resistance in bacteria etc.)

Ethically farmed meat doesn't have this problem. You might want to look at places such as China, India and Thailand where Western last-ditch antibiotics are sold over the counter.

>Huge reduction in diseases jumping species to us, so fewer new diseases

Once again, these incidents occur primarily in places like China and Africa, not in the West. So a westerner going vegan is going to precisely fuck-all to stop it from happening.

>Less runoff of hormones/steroids/organic matter into our water supply.

See comments re China, water etc above.

If you want to really help the planet, the best thing to do would be to kill about 4 billion people across Africa and Asia.

Failing that, eat more veggies and legumes, and if you must eat meat, ensure it's ethically farmed.

But this idea that white European derived Westerners can go vegan to offset the damage done by all the other races is bullshit.

>> No.8027815

I got this information from bitesizedvegan initially though I've seen it on many other sources.


"What not everyone knows is that chickens will cannibalize their own eggs. This is an important practice that returns vital nutrients to their system lost with egg production. Making an egg is a serious endeavor involving an extreme loss of calcium and pressure on the hen’s body.This is part of why hens in the egg industry die so early. In addition, taking a hens egg away sense the signal to her body to make a replacement. So the more eggs we take away the more she’ll produce, thus continually depleting her body.If your friend’s hens don’t seem interested in eating the egg, they can always crack it a little, which usually let’s the hen know it’s not going to turn in to a baby and is available for eating. This is something I did when I volunteered atSASHA Farm Animal Sanctuary. And trust me, there was nothing left."

also says a similar thing

Honestly if it's true that nonindustrial eggs can be humane, I think I'd be the happiest person alive. Please for the love of god, I just want to be able to bake again. Vegan desserts make me wanna kms.

>> No.8027824
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Veganism is basically neo puritanism.

>> No.8027870

I have bred silkies and a few other breeds since I was a bitch ass kid 15 years ago and I have NEVER had a hen cannibalize eggs. That's purely a product of intensive commercial production.

Hens just lay a bunch of eggs and only sit on them if they're broody. Absolutely nothing exploitative about it. I always encourage vegans to get their own chickens and eat the eggs hens leave, bury the dead with a fucking funeral or whatever.

Also chickens are true omnivores. They can provide about 25% of their energy from grass/etc but they can't survive without more nutritionally dense food. They may do ok for a few years on a pure vegetarian diet but their egg production drys up, they become sickly looking and disease takes them. If they do survive their offspring are not viable. Chickens eat insects, fish, frogs, mice, rats, cockerels will try to eat fucking cats.

Let your chickens free range and give them any house hold scraps you like except whole eggs (mash them first).

>> No.8028046

Where can you go to get a chicken from an ethical source? This article says
"Even a neighbor could have purchased the chicks from a feed store or from mail order, thereby giving money to the cruel hatchery industry and subjecting new born chicks to the horrors of being shipped through the mail. The only ethical way to obtain a chicken is to rescue her from a sanctuary, humane society, or from a bad situation."
Doesn't raising your own chickens need lots of money and land?

>> No.8028092

Literally no girl worth giving a fuck about will care how much meat you eat. This petty cult of masculinity circlejerk shit is something only men made up and only men care about. Many if not most women actually prefer men who care about animals.

>> No.8028103

How do you even cook without eggs and butter?

>> No.8028107

So it's not true that hens only lay more eggs because taking them away from her sends her body a signal to lay more? What about the claim that chickens in the wild only lay 10-15 eggs a year? Source is second link in the post you responded to.

>> No.8028112

Flax eggs and margarine.

>> No.8028124

Never heard of flax eggs though. Do they taste anything like eggs? Can you cook them like eggs or are they just used as an emulsifier?

>> No.8028136

Vegan butter exists and is from what I can tell one of the better examples of vegan substitutes.
Vegans use tofu as a scramble instead if eggs. Black salt can be added to simulate the sulfur flavour of egg. There are some fake vegan egg yolks out there too that vegans place over fried tofu "egg whites".
Chickpea flour made into a pancake is a common vegan substitute for omelettes.
Vegans use a milk dip instead of an egg dip for deepfrying.
As for how vegans make desserts (ice creams, custards, mousses, pastries etc) or sauces ( hollandaise, béarnaise, mayonnaise* etc), they don't, or they make a tofu version that looks like the real thing and pretend it tastes like it too. I don't mean to be a dick to vegans but this is what I can tell from 2 years of being into veganism.
*I've heard vegan mayonnaise isn't bad, but I can't imagine it tasting or feeling as good as the real stuff

>> No.8028137

Vegetarian for 2 years and not a college faggot until my mid twenties. Recently started eating meat after a biochemistry class and a couple other chemistry classes.

You don't make an impact in western civilization as much as you'd like to believe. It's a difficult lifestyle to maintain with friends that make dinner plans because that's all you have time for later in life and in the end it's all just chemicals moving around in a relatively closed system. If you want to invest any time in keeping the planet nice try to keep your carbon footprint lower by using less energy unless you know that energy spent isn't increasing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Remember products bought at stores required energy to produce. There is also no such thing as truly clean energy. Be healthy by cutting down calories and increasing fiber in your diet if you have an average American diet. If you eat the right amount of fiber your poop will always be one wipe perfects. This reduces wasteful paper use as well which might make a minimal impact on the atmosphere.

>> No.8028144

>that's all you have time for later in life

Your life sounds depressing.

>> No.8028150

>China caused global warming but muh White "Race" didn't

wew lad

>> No.8028163

Lmao flax eggs are just flax seeds soaked in water. They don't taste anything like eggs.
The water left behind from soaking flax seeds has a similar consistency to egg proteins and can be used to replace to an extent some of the functions of eggs in baking. I think it can also be used as a binder due to its viscosity. I've heard it impartsa nutty/earthy flavour in baking though. Idk aboit that but flax seeds in bread makes it taste like dick.
"Flax gel can work as a mild structure builder, low foaming agent and emulsifier in vegan baking applications."
From veganbaking.net, the only decent site I've ever been able to find about vegan baking.


>> No.8028174


>People who eat meat can't care about animals

I have a dog, but I like to eat fish. Oh my god I am SUCH a monster.

>> No.8028190

Why don't you eat dogs?

>> No.8028198
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This is my first time on /ck/ from /k/.
I stumbled in because of the "can a bullet cook an egg" thread.
That said, why not go best of both worlds, and only eat what you hunt? Then you don't support factory farms, get fitter, have fun, and learn self-sufficiency.
Bonuses all around!

(This is all assuming you live in the US or Canada. Europe has pretty slim pickings for hunting. You're probably SOL if you're a Euro.)

>> No.8028212
File: 68 KB, 486x720, 10276997_10153090825879298_2312873656068254305_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would go vegan but i like bacon too much :)
you can be a mc faggot sandwhich and go vegan if you want just please dont be like all the other vegans and preach how "muh lifestyle" is killing me because eating meat.
yes there are different kinds of vegans. there are vegans then there are ones that dont eat animal by-products (milk, cheese, eggs etc)
i was born a omnivore: i will die a omnivore.
if you want to be a herbivore thats all on you

>> No.8028229


Because dogs are nicer and more affectionate as well as intelligent than fish. My dog is probably smarter than you.

>> No.8028244

Should I buy some hens, /ck/?

>> No.8028259

Octopi are considered some of the most intelligent animals. Do you make specific exceptions for animals that rank high enough

>> No.8028321

What about insects?

>> No.8028336

The day will come when it's a staple food. Pickled, deep fried, caramelized. As flour, bread spread etc...

>> No.8028337

People do, for whatever reason.
No one will eat their intelligent, talking parrot,
Nor your dog ot cat, even rabbit.
Its feelingz, not rationalized.

>> No.8028341

>The day will come when it's a staple food in the West


Insects are eaten in various parts of the world already, and regularly.

>> No.8028347

Of course, thanks. They are nutritional, lives of scraps and have short life cycles. Question is, is it moral to eat them?

>> No.8028375

You want to reduce your footprint on this earth? Don't have kids. Think about all the resources your kid will use in their lifetime.

>> No.8028409

I specifically won't eat octopi. I SCUBA. I've watched those clever little bastards at work. I'd rather eat monkey, for fuck's sake.

When I was teaching a group, I watched as this little octopus spent nearly 45 minutes slowly herding crabs into a little circle of stones it had clearly dragged there. The crabs scuttled into the gaps in the rocks figuring they were safe. Eventually it was literally crawling with crabs. Suddenly the octopus descended on it, ripping crab after crab into bits. Several crabs escaped, but the majority were so thoroughly dismantled that the octopus created a cloud of meat around it.
Why wouldn't it have just hunted crab one by one? Would have taken less effort. Would have taken less time, and none would have escaped. Less meat would have been wasted in the carnage.
I am 100% sure that octopus was just having fun. It was almost unsettling.

Squid are retards though, eat em up.

>> No.8028524

Jesus said its ok to eat meat so thats good enough for me

>> No.8028549


I don't give a fuck I don't have octopi sleep in my bed and cuddle with me, treehugging fag

>> No.8028560

Jesus walked on water, so its ok to spike my scotch up with water.

>> No.8028876

this is all wrong and your sources are stupid. Read and understand what you are linking to. You are wrong

>> No.8028891

>there are vegans then there are ones that dont eat animal by-products (milk, cheese, eggs etc)
You don't know what the word vegan means. At least have some idea what you're talking about before you post.

>> No.8029356

People who contribute to the slaughter, torment, and abuse if animals can't care about animals
yeah that's pretty much what I'm saying

>> No.8029386

But monkeys are funny.

>> No.8029401

Veganism is literally just vegetarianism + homosexiuality

>> No.8031299

I don't think you know what literally means.

>> No.8031339

The willful ignorance in this post is amazing.

>> No.8031353

Oh, it's Mr. White Power guy. Do you just lurk /ck/ for vegan threads so you can complain about the death of the white race due to veganism?

>> No.8031501


Hating vegans is a meme. The shrill masses screaming at vegans is irritating. They are the butt of jokes used in fast food ads. I eat meat but I don't give a fuck if other people want to or not.

>> No.8031513

do it. there are vegan equivalents to everything so you can still have tacos or a chicken sandwich. this really eases the transition. personally, i like field roast celebration roast and chao cayenne slices. earth balance makes a really good butter too. tvp is very cheap and a bag of bob's mill makes 3 batches of sloppy joes.

you'll still probably eat the same things like salads, soups, sandwiches, burritos, etc. so just keep doing that. the idea that a vegan diet is alien or difficult to manage is grossly misguided.

>> No.8031525

Oh and try to get complete proteins like bread+peanut butter, quinoa, or corn+beans.

i put vanilla rice protein powder in oats and eat a quinoa salad most days. i know i was intimidated and confused at first and totally ate like shit, but a little research goes a long way. cheers.

>> No.8031530

>vegan equivalents

Do it right or do something else.

>> No.8031539

that's a really cool black and white way to look at the world. and the cool kid finisher quip really put me in my place. you really convinced me to change my ways with your hot opinions.

;) sent

>> No.8031543

if you're asking an online community if you should or not, i would have to say no

>> No.8032183

You do realize there is a huge market for vegan pastries and lots of cool alternatives to egg in baking like syrups fruit creams and nut butters

>> No.8032222
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I mean, sure, go vegan, but good luck.
>pic related

>> No.8032465

An excellent refutation, bravo sir.

Always nice to meet a fan. Say, would you care to argue my actual points rather than strawmanning?

I'd say you're attacking what you think are my political beliefs because you can't attack the substance of my argument. But that's just my take on it.

>> No.8032514

OP feel free to go vegan, but just realize that in addition to eating vegan you'll be committing to a lifetime of telling everyone you meet that you're vegan. Are you ready for that level of commitment?

>> No.8032538

No, im not. Not sure i have to, tho

>> No.8032548

It's not optional

>> No.8032553

Most people could cut down on meat, but excluding it and other animal byproducts entirely is tricky. Unless you're really dedicated it's easier to just cut down and buy sustainable farmed shit

>> No.8032556

a lot of those products only use animal products because we have such an abundant supply of cow corpses and if we had a lot less it is not unlikely that they find other means when possible

also the goal of veganism is to reduce animal suffering as much as is practicable

>> No.8032567

Oh yes
I. Bisexual, being vegan will make you skinny and give you a cute rounded ass for me to fuck

>> No.8032646

Whoah, don't go bringing common sense into a vegan thread. Their B12 deficiencies rob them of the power of reason.

>> No.8032656

What would take to make a vegan snap? They are naturally aggressive because their body is begging them to consume meat but at what point does the hunger manifest into violence? When does the needs for meat become strong enough to consume fellow humans?

>> No.8032727

>What would take to make a vegan snap?

Normally all it takes is "Why are you telling me you're a vegan? I couldn't care less".

>> No.8032742

No; it's retarded. You not wearing leather isn't going to save the cow that gets turned into my leather jacket.

>> No.8032745

>also the goal of veganism
Your goal. Your goal of veganism.
Any asshat can invent whatever reason they want for doing it. I've seen people do it because of spiritual reasons entirely divorced of animal suffering, for health reasons, for weight management reasons, for reason of personal taste and flavor preferences; you're not part of any cohesive movement or special club that has its shit together just because you say you're vegan. You're not all chasing the same altruistic goal or any goal at all for that matter. You can be 100% vegan and crush living dogs' skulls under your foot on the weekends just because you think it's funny to.

>> No.8032757

>open minded
An open mind is like fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded

>> No.8032970

>Ethical reasons
Anyone who would want animals not to suffer would buy from a local small farmer instead out of a supermarket.
This way the better way gets supported otherwise the megacorps would still make business small farms could not compete with

>> No.8032977

no. you don't care about animals or your health.

>> No.8032992

In my opinion there are too too too many reasons why or why not you'd go vegan. A lot of people live really healthy lives simply by reducing certain meats, sticking to lean cuts and fish, veggies and little dairy. But hey, if you like to indulge and can still handle a balanced diet by upping your anti oxidants, blood healthy foods and good healthy bunches of greens go for it.

I'm a nihilist in many ways, and to be honest with you... this planet is virtually fucked regardless. The vegan population is so fucking tiny... its not making an impact and it never will and for that reason; wouldn't make a huge environmental impact. Concentrate on health and your priorities. Do your research and care about what you put in your body with balance and love <3

Oh, and fuck the animals too.. If you love eating them then stick with it, but if you think a low fat vegan lifestyle could really put you in a good direction (hello rising amerifat population of heart disease and diabetes) then maybe continue researching and go vegan?

all in all, meat is fucking tasty, food from all walks of life is great to try, indulge in and experience in moderation and if you can live a healthy balanced lifestyle and make it to your 50's without coronary heart disease... I think you're doing a pretty good job.

research research research, lifestyle + fitness and balance.

>> No.8033021
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and cmon, look at that southern bbq. Could you really turn that down your entire life just because of veganism?

>> No.8033065

>not to suffer

death is suffering, its unavoidable. There's no nice way to die lol.

>> No.8033071

there are lots of nice ways to die and death is probably not suffering at all it's probably just nothingness. the dread of death is the suffering.

>> No.8033078

prove to me what's nice about death please. What is so pleasant about dying? The gold star rating approved by the FDA to kill pigs is literally co2 poisoning. Wow, nice way to die right? lol

>> No.8033093

are you retarded? I never said death was nice or that dying is always pleasant. I said it was not necessarily suffering and there are plenty of painless ways to die. death by helium is painless. death by heroin overdose is probably fun.

>> No.8033094

>there are lots of nice ways to die
oh, sorry you never said that.

>> No.8033095

and there are... you're the retard saying there are NO nice ways to die which is objectively wrong.

>> No.8033096

oh, and choking on your own vomit after a really nice high, yeah super fun way to go while gurgling on your fluids.

>> No.8033099

>implying they know what's happening

they're high as fucking kite. probably having more fun than you've ever had in your life.

>> No.8033100

Alright. I guess death is nice, MY BAD. LOL

>> No.8033101

you're a fucking retard. i'd tell you to kill yourself but I don't want to spook you.

>> No.8033104

>saying implying right after using a symbol used for implying.

>> No.8033105

how will I ever recover from this embarrassing moment

>> No.8033106

yep im a retard. you're right i'm wrong.

>> No.8033110

you're probably being sarcastic but that's actually completely accurate.

>> No.8033307

do you enjoy food? if so, why abstain from a great part of it?

if you don't enjoy food, go ahead.

>> No.8033309

eating shit food is your decision, not hours.