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File: 149 KB, 2000x1333, southern-cornbread-horiz-a-2000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8023138 No.8023138 [Reply] [Original]

"Americans don't bake bread at home" - some guy I talked to once

I suppose corn bread does not count?

>> No.8023148


Corn bread seems more like a Southern thing. Up north it's all about biscuits n shit.

>> No.8023149

corn bread is more of a cake.

>> No.8023166

Even still, biscuits are a type of bread aren't they?

>> No.8023170

If you put sugar in it, perhaps. But most people don't put sugar in their corn bread.

>> No.8023186

The cornbread I had in the US tasted like a fucking dessert

>> No.8023194

yeah, thats corn bread.

>> No.8023197

I have a bread maker that I use semi-frequently, but that's cheating

>> No.8023201

I thought you said desert, cause thats the corn bread I know.

>> No.8023205

>be me
>looking for cheap meals
>read about hoe cakes
>corn was food for poor people since forever
>try to find a recipe
>1/2 lb of sugar
>1/2 butter
>1/2 shortening

Literally just a corn pound cake. Luckly I found this:


ALso I'm gradually increasing cornmeal in my usual bread but the dough won't accept much before it starts falling apart.

>> No.8023218

If it tasted sweet it wasn't proper corn bread.

>> No.8023231

He is correct, probably more than 99% of Americans do not know how to make well made bread.

>> No.8023240


don't even fucking try to claim it's "incorrect" or some bullshit

cornbread originated here

>> No.8023241

You don't don't need to do anything as complicated as this. Just buy a bag of cornmeal and follow the instructions on the bag.

>> No.8023244

At least half of the country knows how to make good corn bread. Is it not bread?

>> No.8023274


>> No.8023303

Baking bread is a pain in the ass, you have to eat the whole loaf quickly or mold attacks it like ISIS attacks historical landmarks, and bread has shit macros so I wouldn't eat it anyways.

>> No.8023354

Ahaha, no. Over half of the country doesn't know how to make good ANYTHING.

>> No.8023368

>corn bread
Doesn't even taste good yet it has like 10000 calories

>> No.8023373

not american, but THIS.
No one can cook anymore.

>> No.8023393

idiotic statement

get out of college and see the world

>> No.8023427

learn to cook, you useless tit

>> No.8023975

I know how to cook and so do a lot of other people in the US.

>> No.8024016

ITT: youngsters in the "I'm smarter than everyone" phase

>> No.8024019

It is Devo

>> No.8024083


Thats a regional variation, which might why people are having a hard time wrapping their minds around american cornbread since there isnt really a single american cornbread

>In the United States, northern and southern cornbread are different because they generally use different types of corn meal and varying degrees of sugar and eggs.[5] Southern cornbread has traditionally been made with little or no sugar and smaller amounts flour or no flour, with northern cornbread being sweeter and more cakelike. Southern cornbread traditionally used white cornmeal and buttermilk


>> No.8024108

Yeah its called cornbread but its really more like a cake. Real delicious no matter what you call it though.

>> No.8024112

Don't you fucking try to claim biscuits as northern, you Yankee piece of shit.

>> No.8024117


'zas looking a bit dry there brah

>> No.8024145


in my experience there are two general kinds

southern cornbread (vague line somewhere in east texas--->east: sweet

southwestern cornbread (west<----vague line somewhere in east texas) savory, spicy

Honorable mention: Northern cornbread, mostly in the midwest, is very sweet, just like the beans.

>> No.8024155
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A lot of people dont bake at home, but some of us still do.

>> No.8024405

Dont know shit about your point of reference, not a texan or even been to texas, but in the deep south/southeast aka alabama, georgia, mississsipi the cornbread is not sweet, im sure some add sugar but its fairly rare. if you order cornbread in this region you expect something savory, thick, overbearing to a degree, you use it to sop up bean juice or buttermilk and the like and flavor it with sop.

>> No.8024417

bread is fuckin easy to make and overrated

i feel like most people could follow a simple recipe and make decent bread

it's just not worth it for the effort though.

>> No.8024434

georgian here, I've never had sweet cornbread in my life. it just sounds wrong.

on another topic, what's everyone's opinion on crackling corn bread?

>> No.8024639

never heard of it. Am I missing out?

>> No.8024643

its more like polenta

>> No.8024659

No, cornbread is not bread. It is unleavened. and unleavened "breads" are either crackers or tortillas. or in this case, really dry polenta.

>> No.8024672

Most Mexicans make their tortillas from scratch, which is almost like baking bread and Mexico is definitely in America (until they build the wall).

>> No.8024677

But my family has fresh bread every time we all get together. It's one of my Grandma and moms favorite things.

>> No.8024681

Isn't it technically a muffin? You use the muffin method when mixing the ingredients.

>> No.8024695

>most people don't put sugar in corn bread
Most people must have themselves.

Also, jalapenos.

>> No.8024768

Delta cornbread (starting roughly SE AR and following the Mississippi south to the gulf) is generally not sweet, although usually not as savoury as the spicier southwestern varieties, at least as I've found. This is because it's made with only cornmeal, salt, water, butter or lard, and (sometimes) baking powder.

The corn meal and butter does tend to give it a slightly sweet aftertaste, but I wouldn't say that it's as sweet as, say, Georgian cornbread, where they usually add a little sugar.

>> No.8025814
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Corn bread is chemically leavened with baking powder which makes it fall into the "quick bread" category.

>cornbread is not bread

Dont be fucking retarded
Pic rel, yall fags gon be jelly of my organic blue corn meal, sweet Georgia, cornbread.

>> No.8026903

This corn bread would be put into a bowl of pinto beans, so it the dryness is intentional.

>> No.8026910

I sometimes make biscuits, does that count?

>> No.8026911

In the loose sense, but then you have to count cakes, muffins, donuts, etc as "bread".

>> No.8026931

I think it's better to make muffins and biscuits and cookies because you can make them "individual" sized.

Unless you have a family of 6 or more, the nature of bread-making means that you'll make way too much bread to eat. But if you make biscuits or cupcakes or cookies, you can eat half yourself and distribute the other half among friends and co-workers.

>> No.8026947
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The greatest corn bread is

>no sugar
>green onions

Baked in a cast iron skillet. To prepare the skillet you should put bacon or sausage grease in the skillet and heat it up in the oven beforehand. When it is very hot you remove the skillet and pour the batter in. This will fry the outside of the cornbread while it finishes baking in the oven.

If you can find wild green onions in the American south to add to your corn bread instead of store bought "scallions" all the better. The wild onions have a stronger taste.

>> No.8027053

Post your recipes /ck/

>> No.8027188
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I would put it in the cake category as well. And not just because the leaven is chemical.

A bread dough is a living thing. It starts out much like cornbread batter, but then it changes. The gluten forms and turns the structure into more of a clay. The yeast spreads and multiplies, making the dough ever more reactive and fragile the longer it sits. You can't mix a bread dough after it has rested, you have to knead or fold it. This is the biggest difference.

Where bread has a surface tension as it goes into the oven, cornbread just bubbles up a bit.

This has serious effects, not just on flavor and mouth texture. Cornbread must be made fresh as it gets stale in hours. This is also true for baguette, but a sourdough rye will keep a week easily without getting dry or stale. Cornbread is brittle. Bread has a complex structure that protects it from evaporation and which can make it much more fluffy than a "quick bread".

>> No.8027230

it's pretty good, and no harder to make than normal cornbread. you pretty much just add pork cracklings (the bits that are left after rendering lard, skin and a little fat)

>> No.8027366

>Not making 'bama bread
Using some cheesy cornbread without much sugar to complement greasy bacon and other meats.(usually poor and exotic like gator and armadillo.

>> No.8027695
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Yeah, its basically the definition of quick bread, and is probably the most common quick bread in the south.

From wikawikawiki:

Quick bread is any bread leavened with leavening agents other than yeast or eggs. An advantage of quick breads is their ability to be prepared quickly and reliably, without requiring the time-consuming skilled labor and the climate control needed for traditional yeast breads.

Quick breads include many cakes, brownies and cookies—as well as banana bread, beer bread, biscuits, cornbread, muffins, pancakes, scones, and soda bread.

>> No.8027708

edward lee has a few cornbread/cornbread related recipes. havent tried them all, but i like the guy

if anyone wants to, try the cornbread milkshake. tell me how it comes out

>> No.8027726


I bake bread every single week.

>> No.8027757


I grew up in Louisiana and didn't realize cornbread could be a dessert until I moved to Hawaii. Louisiana cornbread is dry and used to finish off gumbo or red beans and rice.

>> No.8027796

Thirding this.

Grew up in southern Alabama near the Gulf Coast. My grandmother would get an oiled skillet really hot in the oven, pour the buttermilk batter into the hot skillet (should sizzle), put in oven. Then you take it out, let it cool a bit, them flip it. Slice, place plate under skillet and flip back upright to serve.

Now I live in Colorado and cornbread I find with Southern food at restaurants is ALWAYS this dry sweet cakey shit that needs a sip of water with every mouthful.

The kind I grew up with was always buttery and moist. Savory with the only sweet from the fat.

>> No.8027821

Only retards add sugar. Honey and blackberries, just don't blend the berries. Fold them in to keep the bread from changing color

>> No.8027826

Honey and blackberries in cornbread muffins actually sound pretty tasty for dessert or breakfast.

>> No.8027840

That's just it, cornbread doesn't have a singular composition. It's as silly add saying bread can only be one texture or flavor to be bread. Cornbread has some unifying ingredients, but after that you can do what you want. Most Texans put jalapeño or green chile in it for dinner with Bbq

>> No.8027852

Whats thats guys address imma kill him everyone i know makes some type of bread i myself have my own sour dough mother that ivd been using for 11 years

>> No.8027855

Corn is sweet are you some kind of retard?

>> No.8027892
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What's its name?

>> No.8027912

There are different varieties of corn with various fructose levels. Many different farmers raise them for different reasons.

>super sweet corn varieties (silver king/queen, peaches n' cream etc) which is meant to be eaten, or scraped off the cob and eaten/canned.
>field corn for hfcs
>field corn for distilling spirits
>field corn meant for grinding in meal and grits/hominy
>corn grown for animal feed
>corn grown for ethanol

>> No.8027918
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>> No.8027922

If you want to be even more technical and accurate, maize is the term.

Corn can apply to pretty much any grain that can be taken off in a little kernel. Wheat corn etc.

>> No.8028003

Cali here. Have had cornbread but quite rarely. All my bread is store-bough for 2 dollars a loaf, whole-wheat (roughly 16 slices)

I don't waste time cooking bread because 2 dollars a week is far for my mental health than 2 hours wasted a week, materials like flour and leavening, and not to mention the bread coming out all misshapen and easily spoilt

no, I am quite fond of my suburban commodities

>> No.8028059

>2 hours
Holy cow, how many breads do you need each week?! Making a proper bread takes 20 minutes at most if you discount waiting. And if you don't it takes 2 days.

>> No.8028078

Cali central American here. Tortillas are made fresh every 3 days. I do make cinnamon rolls on Sunday and maybe every 2 weeks I'll make a loaf of bread for sandwiches and french toast. Dinner rolls when roasts are roasted.