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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8022656 No.8022656 [Reply] [Original]

I tried eating less no it's horrible.
I'm so hungry.
I'll just keep getting fatter until I'm fat instead of skinnyfat, won't I?

>> No.8022678

I starve myself until it hurts so bad I pass out and wake up a few hours later feeling normal

I was skinny as fuck (like you could make out my rib cage) but being an alcoholic made me fat but just in my stomach and now it won't go away even though I eat far less and run a mile everyday. There's no use.

>> No.8022683

idk man but I'm with you

I ate more vegetables and I was full for like...10 minutes, then I was hungrier than I was before

I ate less, broken up in smaller meals like the doc said "so you don't get hungry all the time" fuck that, I was hungry all the time

I don't resent putting in effort, it's not that...I just wish there was some way to make my body understand that it doesn't need all these fucking calories. it's so frustrating, I just blow up all the time from being hungry

also I think my resting metabolic rate is lower than what it's calculated but I have no way of knowing what it's supposed to be without going below it, which everybody says you're not supposed to do. so wtf

polite sage for no contribution

>> No.8022686

Maybe try keto.

The high protein intake helps build muscle, and it has helped my appetite immensely.

>> No.8022704

Try getting some exercise you lazy fucking sharts.

>> No.8022713

y'all motherfuckers need to lift

>> No.8022721

Never snack.
Only eat 2 meals a day.
Eat a as little fat as possible
Eat high carb, high fiber foods. But avoid rice and pasta. I mostly eat beans (veggie bean chili) and whole wheat bread.

>> No.8022723

I have a blue collar job and a physical hobby.

>> No.8022725


Can you not read? I said I cut back on food and run a mile a day and slowly moving the distance up. Also lifting is for faggots

>> No.8022726

Try eating 2000 calories of steamed bok choi and broccoli, OP. You'll find it would be super fucking difficult.

>> No.8022728

>a mile a day
Like I said, you're a lazy fucking shart.

>> No.8022732

It's easier to eat less than it is to move more. Clinical evidence points that dieting without exercise is as or even more productive to weight loss than diet with exercise. Especially if it makes you hungrier.

>> No.8022734

yes i can, and that’s why i told you to lift. your belly isn’t going anywhere if you just run, you cocksucker.

>> No.8022736

>Clinical evidence
*citation needed

>> No.8022737

>eat nice nutritious balanced meal, baked seasoned chicken breast or thigh, a goodly portion of steamed veggies, a half cup (maybe more but under a cup) of potatoes or rice
>eat just to satiation
>feel great because ate healthy
>hungry 2 hours later

>do same but leave out starch because lol atkins
>hungry 1 hour later

>well you just have to wait a couple weeks til your body gets used to it
that's great and super and all but I still somehow have to get through every single hour until that happens
>drink more water
I do, it helps a bit but nowhere near enough

the hunger seems ok for a while, can deal with it, but it grates on me every day, and it's cumulative. ups my stress level and anxiety level. usually I can manage anxiety w/o meds but with constant hunger I can't. and if I take the meds I get munchies so that's out
>switch anxiety meds
switched a bunch of times already, stuck with this one, can't take the others b/c side effects

I can do it, really I can, I just need a fucking rubber room a few times a week is all

that makes the hunger worse, and I'm not sure what you think you're accomplishing by calling people names? not saying exercise isn't a good idea, it is. it just does nothing for hunger. and it doesn't make me lose weight.

>> No.8022740

I started lifting twice and it only lasted about 6 months each time. It got harder and harder to force myself to do it until it became impossible.

>> No.8022750
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>> No.8022758

two options:
1) keto diet. watch the fats though. and no cheating eith carbs. noticeable sideffects such as tiredness though. be sure to take nutritional supplements alongside.

2) go full vegan. problem is you will have to consume huge platefuls as well as checking you are getting the full spread of nutrients. Plus younwill get hungry again, fast.

I recommend keto. There are some concerns about its effect on the liver, but if you stick to the diet, and excercise, you should drop weight fast and be able to return to a normal balanced diet (once you figure out what that is, fat fuck).

Also, drop the sugar sodas. Never again except on special occassions.

>> No.8022768

Hmmm this made me realize that in lucky. I can go an entire day without eating and doing stuff and even when I'm hungry I can fight it without much fuss

>> No.8022773

Try chewing gum? Not a meme suggestion.

>> No.8022778

Are those two treatments even significantly different? It doesn't seem so.

Obviously exercising and building muscle mass while losing fat is going to result in a smaller net weight loss.

Also, this is assuming weight loss is the most important metric of health. Losing weight while leading a sedentary lifestyle is clearly not healthier than doing so while keeping active.

>> No.8022781

Eat once every two days.

>> No.8022784

just eat rice fatso

>> No.8022837


first of all diet is important, need to stop excess eating.
second, excercising induces weight lose alongside improving health (muscular and cardiovascular.
third, muscle training is the most efficient way to come out of it all, with a far fitter body than before, whilst also using the nutrients in the now rational diet effectively and with relatively little exertion (compared to running for example).

What throws a lot of fatties off, is them seeing their weight isnt dropping (cos a) takes a while b) some of it is converting to muscle mass).

But if they stick with it, there comes a moment when the muscle training and diet shed the excess fat, and they realize they actually have a rather well functioning musculature and flexibility hiding right underneath it.

There is a definate hump to get over, and I personally am convinced some people genetically or biologically otherwise retain more fat, but once you pass a threshold, its a much easier ride after that and much more motivating once you see the results.

Losing weight is, above all, a huge lifestyle change. Much more so than just the simple mechanics of diet and excercise.

>> No.8022842

Mate, you're aiming this at a bunch of Shart in the Marts.
They're not going to go for physical exercise.

>> No.8022848

>muscle training

>> No.8022887

>go full vegan
You do not have to go full vegan, but six days a week is a good way to lose weight. And while eating lots of vegetable fiber will leave you feeling full the feeling wears off more quickly than a belly full of meat, so you want to stick to regular meals on this diet.

But the truth is your body fights efforts to lose weight, so whenever you're losing weight you will feel hungry and miserable. The advantage a mostly vegan diet offers for weight loss is you still get to feel full some of the time when you load up on vegetable fiber, so you only feel a little hungry part of the time. The disadvantage is that the weight loss happens slowly, which is healthier than just losing 10lbs in a couple weeks, but annoying when you want to see results.

>> No.8022978

I couldn't control my appetite but lost 30-40 lbs this summer by riding a bicycle constantly. It's tons of fun, I don't pay for gas, and my thighs are huge now. Only problem is a sweaty ass. Now my mom is concerned about a possible health problem because of the rapid weight loss. When I came back to my fall classes some other students and coworkers commented that I look thin. My appetite has somehow magically shrank too. Depression over a more lonely than usual summer helped me eat less also and more motivated to ride many miles every day.

I still need to lift but I don't see how that well help me lose weight.

>> No.8023009

>They're not going to go for physical exercise.
Probably right. But its going to be almost pragmatically impossible for them to lose weight simply by dieting. Exercise is required.

meaning weight training.

The advantage a mostly vegan diet offers for weight loss is you still get to feel full some of the time when you load up on vegetable fiber, so you only feel a little hungry part of the time.

i disagree. first of all, a fatty going onto a vegan diet is a massive system shock. most fatties cant remember when they last ate a fresh vegetable or fruit. they have no fking idea what vegetables/fruits are, except as decorations on chocolate cake desserts.

Second, a vegan diet, even if they can get their head around it, will leave them feeling hungry almost 100% of the time, no matter how much of it they eat.

Im a strong proponent of going full keto for fatties. Its something they are more used to and excites their palate more. If they also exercise alongside it, by the time they get truly bored of the diet and start craving carbs, they hopefully will already be past the hump, and have a small chance of adopting a normal diet (balanced in nutrition and with nominal caloric intake) as well as an established regimen of exercise alongside it.

Its too much to ask for a fatty to go vegan. I listed it only for completions sake. Fatties fking hate vegetables.

>> No.8023014

>The advantage a mostly vegan diet offers for weight loss is you still get to feel full some of the time when you load up on vegetable fiber, so you only feel a little hungry part of the time.

correcting the above. this was a quote. not from me.

>> No.8023075

Why does anorexia make your breath stink?

>> No.8023625

Are you thinking bulimia?
I mean, anorexics could have bad breath due to the amount of coffee they drink, but there's no direct correlations between the ED and the breath.

>> No.8023627

No. Bulimic breath smells like sour milk. Anorexic breath smells like something rotting.

>> No.8023666

Anorexia is simply not eating, isn't it?

Haven't you ever noticed that your breath smells bad after not eating for a while?

>> No.8023690

6'7" 450 pounds here... why stop eating? eat, get big, enjoy your life... why eat less when you can eat more? Enjoy being among the top 8% of people on the planet who can actually afford to eat whenever they want to with many choices...

>> No.8023693

Like morning breath?
But that goes away with brushing. Don't anorexics brush?

>> No.8023703

It doesn't go away for the whole day. The only reason most of us don't have bad breath after brushing in the morning is that we eat and drink every few hours.

>> No.8023718

It's one of lifes big existential question.
Hungry! You eat
Eat, you get fat
Fat, you die

>> No.8024027

>Fatties fking hate vegetables.
I guess whether a vegan diet will work depends entirely on why someone got fat. You're right, if someone is fat because all they eat is pizza, burgers, fries, mac & cheese and chicken nuggets a vegan diet would be no help. But some folks get fat eating a completely reasonable variety of foods but having no concept of portion control. If they told you what they ate for dinner you'd think that sounded healthy. But then you sit down to eat with them and realize they're eating two meals' worth of food at every meal.

That's the kind of fatty the vegan diet works for. They're used to eating a lot of food, so have them just fill up on greens while keeping them away from calorie dense meat and dairy.

>> No.8024043

spotted the fat

>> No.8024050

or just have one morsel of self control

>> No.8024054

so just brush two or three times a day

>> No.8024818

Don't eat less, eat smarter.

>> No.8024904

Fug bruh, I know that feel

Chicken in a pan and steamed veggies with fruit is easy as shit but when you can't actually eat as much as you WANT to the hunger sticks around like a fucking bitch

But I'm making some progress. Can't work out as much as I'd like but it's happening, slowly

>> No.8024913

Okay, have fun with that.
You do you, buddy.

>> No.8025036

This is some mum science tier bullshit.
Worst advice ever.

>> No.8025093
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You retards aren't hungry.
Hunger is a physiological respons to needing calories, which you clearly don't if you're overweight. The problem is you've taught your body that food is abundant and there is no work to do (because you sit on your fat ass all day and do nothing) so the body says, well lets pack some more in anyway for later, in case of less abundance.

So what you do, is start working out. It's the only solution, since clearly you have shit all for self control.

Once your body realizes there's work, it will start to want more protien, and carbs in the morning, a lighter lunch and dinner. Like a normal human.

This is in your control, and if you do nothing about you're lazy and shitty. Every fucking one of you fat slobs thinks YOUR fatness is a fluke and can't be solved, but it's because you always misrepresent both the amount of activity you do and the amount of calories you consume.

If you followed peoples advice and didn't constantly "cheat" and lie about it, diets WOULD work. It's conservation of matter, they WOULD work.

tl;dr excercise and eat less, stop lying (to yourself and others) about how much you're eating and exercising.

>> No.8025102
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you know how I fix this?
powerlifting to be specific
now I eat like 8,000 cals a day, and I sit at 275 at 5'9''
but I squat 545 for 5 sets of 3 reps,
I also deadlifted 475 for 3x3 today

go for the gold baby, also I pretty much do this so I can eat pints of ice cream and fried chicken and make an excuse to do so. I am hoping at some point though I will learn self control so I can stop this shit.

>> No.8025108
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>> No.8025150

you weight over 2x as much as I do at the same height anon
what is wrong with you?

>> No.8025155

You're 85lbs heavier than me and 5" shorter.
You can lift more, but you're still fat.

>> No.8025299
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yeah its cool, I don't even care, thats kinds of the point, I don't care right now, my plan is to put on as much muscle mass naturally as possible then start a long ass cut, I am hoping that my discipline when it comes to strength training will eventually carry over to cutting

>> No.8025304

Best of luck man.

>> No.8025307

>inb4 le manlet detected XD

>> No.8025308
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thanks its good to hear some encouraging words for once from 4chan honestly, too many people on here are calloused from the years of surfing the chan.

>> No.8025309


>> No.8025310

Can we see pics for inspiration?

>> No.8025321

Oddly enough I sort of lost my appetite when I became a heavy weed smoker. Maybe you could try that. I've also heard that coke, meth, and adderal can reduce appetite. Try replacing your food addiction with a drug addiction. It works for models and rock stars, right?

>> No.8025328

Starvation-induced ketoacidosis. Extreme form of ketosis, that is the smell of acetone on their breath as a byproduct of cannibalizing metabolism. It's a weird, fruity-fish nail polish smell. Very unhealthy.

>> No.8025416


>> No.8025423

Maybe there would have been a point in what you wrote if you didn't base it all on a false assumption.

>> No.8026046

It takes at least hundreds of morsels.

>> No.8026551

When it's mealtime, assess your needs. Are you hungry? The antidote to this is protein and sometimes water. Are you tired? Carbs are for energy. Are you sickly? The more carbs that come from fruits n vegetables the better. Now round out your proteins with variety such as nuts, eggs, cheese, beans so your not leaning too hard on meats. Only you can determine what ratios yer body is asking for. Go get em, tiger.

>> No.8026569

nuts and beans aren't complete proteins

>> No.8026632

Round out = Supplement

>> No.8026661

>When it's mealtime, assess your needs. Are you hungry? The antidote to this is protein and sometimes water. Are you tired? Carbs are for energy. Are you sickly? The more carbs that come from fruits n vegetables the better. Now round out your proteins with variety such as nuts, eggs, cheese, beans so your not leaning too hard on meats. Only you can determine what ratios yer body is asking for. Go get em, tiger.

This is bretty tight after you add the 2000 calorie a day reference point. Eh, and the significance of regular meal times.

>> No.8026669

it fucking works. I was just like him. I had ravishing hunger all the time. It was caused by a high fat diet.

>> No.8026750

that doesnt mean you should not eat fats at all.
nuts advocado and fatty fish contain very healthy essential fats. just eat a balanced spread of macro nutrients like 40% carbs 40% protein and 20% fat at a calorific deficit and work out in some way. stop searching for special snowflake miracle methods and accept that it is going to take a while to achieve your goals.

>> No.8027125

I was in similar shoes so I have some tips, if you want them.
Firstly, ask yourself, does this drink have calories? If yes, switch it for something else. If there is a lower calorie substitute for anything, try it.
There are some natural appetite suppressants. Coffee and strong tea are good suppressant, and the caffeine helps both boost energy and burn extra calories. Apples, although not truely appetite suppressants, are good for in between or before meals.
Calorie wise, if you want to feel bloated from stuffing yourself but dont want the guilt of feeling like a pathetic turd not worth the fat he's made out of, bulk up the volume of your food with greens. Low in calories but high in vitamins and fiber which means you'll have less time for your body to wring out the calories before you poop them out. Switch out breads and starches with greens whenever possible. Only indulge on startches before work or exercise. Make some bitchin stir-fry. Take pizza topping and put it on a massive salad with tomato-basil or pesto sauce. Get creative.
Spices are your friend. This or that sauce has a lot of filler calories. Look at the spices and seasoning in it and imitate the flavor. Make your own if you have the skill.
Popcorn is your secret weapon. Straight, it has very few calories. Apply some moisture and uses your spices on it for flavor. Garlic, cinnamon, and light chili pepper are best.
Lastly if you can, try alittle weightlifting or other muscle and endurance building sports. It takes a lot of calories to build and maintain muscles. /fit/s a good place to learn the basics so long as you dont mind wacky memes or homos. Being too tired to cook helps makes pillows more appealing than forks.
I went from an obeast to a lumpy chump, and still losing weight steadily with a full belly.

>> No.8027167

Coping with hunger is a skill anon. I was put into a situation where I only had one cup of rice (after cooking.) a day. It was painful at first, but eventually you learn to ignore or at least cope with the hunger pangs.

Then again, I could just be extremely resilient.

>> No.8027379

Jesus, were you a prisoner of war or something?

>> No.8027509
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>he isn't using amphetamines

>> No.8027515

there are two types of nerds in this world

nerds who eat a shit ton
nerds who never eat

in this thread : nerds who never eat insulting nerds who eat a shit ton

t. nerd who doesn't eat

>> No.8027697

>out of 7 billion humans mine is the only body where excercise and dieting don't work.
uh huh
You're fat and lazy and it won't change until you change it.

>> No.8027720
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I eat an middle amount.

About around 2500 calories a day. I'm 6' and 180lbs.

I used to weight well over 250, I just started riding my bike and the weight slowly started to recede. So I rode it harder and longer and lost more weight. Now I love riding my bike, and I eat more food than I did before but my weight stays static.

The only real answer is exercise. The fat fags and "I'm always hungry" fags that claim they exercise, just don't.

Fat people misrepresent how much food they eat, and how much exercise they do to save face.


>> No.8029080

>I eat an middle amount.
>About around 2500 calories a day.

>> No.8029089


How much water are you drinking?

Drink a liter or two in one five minute session and you won't need to eat period.

>> No.8029127

Eat more and lift, problem solved you fucking loser.

>> No.8029133

>average loss of 10 pounds in 20 weeks
I lost 10 pounds in month and I only started going to the gym 3 weeks ago. Your table is idealistic bullshit. /fit/ lay it down simple.

Thermodynamics motherfucker.

Kinetic energy exerted becomes an equal amount of absorbed energy of a different type. You eat more then you burn off? Gain mass. Eat less? Loss mass.

Make portioning and working out a habit and your life changes forever. Just dont lose track and make sure to count your fucking calories and dont drink fucking soda, diet too.

>> No.8029138

That was stupid, I drink 6 liters a day and am still hungry...

...for beer

>> No.8030961

Hey don't worry Anon, we're all gonna make it. I'm on the keto diet myself right now, but one medication I take gives me crazy carb cravings so it makes it kind of difficult. Provided you don't have any major anxiety issues like I do, you can get some caffeine (tea or coffee still works, drink it black though) and some bronkaid from the pharmacy. Riteaid and Walgreens should both have bronkaid, just need to ask the pharmacy for it (it was like $14 for a 60ct I think when I got some). Look into the EC or ECA stack, it works really well, can speak from experience but it just had side effects I couldn't deal with. You might be different though, best of luck, friend.

>> No.8032430

i don't want to be fat but exercise and dieting sucks

>> No.8032451

Some of you might want to look into liraglutide. It was originally a diabetes drug, but you can get it for appetite control too. I got on it earlier this year and it finally quieted the voice in my head that made me nearly always hungry. It's really changed my life. I can actually eat 3 reasonable meals now and feel good.

Willpower is still a thing, and physical activity is important, but if you feel you just cannot control your appetite on your own, it's worth a shot.

>> No.8032485

Eat more satiating foods. Eat more foods that are large in quantity and small in calories.

Exercise, to help you establish healthy eating patterns through proper macronutrient ratios and timing.

And just plain get over your hunger. Like wow, you're a little bit hungry, oh no, it's the end of the world. You NEED to eat that food right this second, can't just wait a few hours.

Master your hunger and master your yourself.

And a suggestion to everyone in this thread who can't control your hunger: become genuinely hungry again, if only for a time. You dense motherfuckers are eating based on impulse, not based on need. I grew up upper middle class, then my family basically lost it all so I learned about starvation real fucking quick. Once you know what hunger feels like, it's so much easier to eat when you are hungry, not just when you want to taste something or when you're bored.

Another suggestion: learn to measure your bodyfat, not your weight. Once you measure your success based on your body fat percentage you will realize when you are making real progress and when you are just becoming fat/skinnyfat.

>> No.8032603
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>> No.8032613

>lifting was hard, so it's impossible
Jesus fucking christ, how pathetic can you be?

>> No.8033252

I do this to fill my stomach, but hunger comes back fast when the body does not detect any calories going in.

>> No.8033266

this makes it look like it's impossible to starve to death lol

>> No.8033310

>vegans eat tons of vegetables
bread and oil every day nigga

>> No.8034154

>slightly chubby
>want to be skinny
>2 hours after I resolve to eat less, get hungry, eat the entire kitchen
>only saving grace is I'm too autistic to eat out or get takeout, and too cheap to buy a lot of groceries, especially junk food

Yesterday I ate so much I went to bed bloated and gassy and was miserable.


>avoid rice/pasta
>eat bread

Same shit you fucking retard.

>> No.8035058

Fitizen here. Go to /fit/ and read the sticky. Good luck fatties. We're all gunna make it.

>> No.8036498

The tiredness from keto is from low sodium, magnesium, and potassium. Watch those levels and you'll be fine.

For OP I would suggest keto. Carbs give a lot of short term energy but once the energy is used up you get hungry again. Fat burns slower, so you end up with a steady amount of energy over a longer period of time i.e. it helps keep you full.

Been on keto for three weeks, and lost 10 pounds. Doesn't sound like much but it's a lot to someone who's been obese for years.
Be sure to read up on the literature though, you don't want to fuck around with your health.