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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 19 KB, 177x310, mug-root-beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8021582 No.8021582 [Reply] [Original]

the fuck is root beer

>> No.8021598


>> No.8021602

had it once as a kid

was so disappointed when it turned out to taste like toothpaste or somekind of cough medicine.

>> No.8021616
File: 19 KB, 150x259, mountain-dew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is mtn dew

>> No.8021645

IDK, it used to contain safrole, but Ed Meese [or insert the name of similarly insufferable authoritarian shit-heel here] is a faggot.

>> No.8021675

a soda that runs out of carbonation in 30 seconds

>> No.8021676
File: 56 KB, 723x599, dumb mugs will drink this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like poison to me.

also notice the caramel; usually comes from wheat so likely has gluten in it.

>> No.8021689



>> No.8021690
File: 52 KB, 136x375, large_47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its a europoors have shit taste episode

>> No.8021701
File: 283 KB, 720x720, wild-bills-root-beer1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hook line, and sinker. Contest over. Best rootbeer on the planet.

>> No.8021704


Root beer is a tan sweet beverage traditionally made using the root beer tree sassafras or the vine sarsaparilla as the primary flavor. Root beer may be alcoholic or non-alcoholic, come naturally decaffeinated or have caffeine added, and may be carbonated or non-carbonated. Most root beer has a thick foamy head when poured. Modern, commercially produced root beer is generally sweet, foamy, carbonated, and non-alcoholic, and is flavoured using sassafras.

>> No.8021714

It rots your teeth and causes root canals

>> No.8021730

The worst drink I have ever tasted. Tastes exactly like mouthwash

Absolutely fucking vile

>> No.8021732


>reverse image search OP's image
>click first link
>scroll down
Maybe it's showing .au prices based on importing from the US or something.

>> No.8021753

Wild Bill's. Mug a & w are abominations. UBC is worse. Stuart's is tolerable so is fitz. None of them can touch wild Bill's

>> No.8021775
File: 195 KB, 900x900, mad shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cough medicine. thats what all the aussie folk i gave it to said, it tasted like cough syrup. but they LOVED the koolaid. i could of sold those dolla packages for like 5 bucks each and made mad bank

anyways, in line with thread: What the fuck is /v/. man this drink ruled, leave in in the freezer and turn it every 5-10 minutes till you get a slurry consistency

>> No.8021793

>slurry consistency

the only thing that could cause that is if it contained enough sugar that ice crystals literally could not form properly. Thats so much sugar you could effectively make icecream out of the stuff.

>> No.8021797

>What the fuck is /v/
a miserable place without videogames

>> No.8021799

It's Pepto for me.

>> No.8021801

Was that a question, OP?

>> No.8021802

fuck, v ice cream. why did we never think of this

>> No.8021808
File: 113 KB, 294x280, 1470892094058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it, it's like the modern version of sarsparilla

>> No.8021810

diet a&w rootbeer is great.

>> No.8021844

A miserable pile of secrets.

>> No.8021862

Delicious. Never understood the European hate for it. Sprechers is best

>> No.8021864
File: 119 KB, 326x352, 2015-float-14oz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a root beer float like this and then you will know

soooo good

>> No.8022397

>likely has gluten in it

>> No.8022450
File: 36 KB, 500x500, Barq's root beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step aside

>> No.8022475
File: 4 KB, 344x326, 1336365696909.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People hating root beer is by far the most alien thing to me.

This shouldn't make me as upset as it does.

>> No.8022490


There are more shitty root beers than good ones and it's generally foreign to non-burgers, so it's naturally going to end up with a mixed reputation abroad.

>> No.8022511

This. I had my first taste with A&W last year and I honestly thought the same. Disgusting.

>> No.8022526

Top Tier

>> No.8022531

This. I've never met a person who doesn't like root beer. It's very odd

>> No.8022555

But still nobody answered what the fuck is root beer.

I mean really, what is it? Are we talking about sobe weird ass beverage that tastes kinda like beer? An actual beer?

Like, definitions please.

>> No.8022566

Soda anon.
It's soda, don't let any of these beetus ridden cretins tell you otherwise.

>> No.8022581

Root beer is a tan sweet beverage traditionally made using the root beer tree Sassafras albidum (sassafras) or the vine Smilax ornata (sarsaparilla) as the primary flavor. Root beer may be alcoholic or non-alcoholic, come naturally decaffeinated or have caffeine added, and may be carbonated or non-carbonated. Most root beer has a thick foamy head when poured. Modern, commercially produced root beer is generally sweet, foamy, carbonated, and non-alcoholic, and is flavoured using sassafras.

>> No.8022597
File: 66 KB, 299x299, love-heart-sweets-messages-i1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awful, terrible shit.
Taste like these disgusting, chalky nightmares.
Fuck these, fuck root beer, and fuck the people that claim to enjoy them.

>> No.8022612
File: 20 KB, 250x234, birchbeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

root beer is everything birch beer isn't
>>birch beer master race reporting

>> No.8022632

I literally have no clue what you are talking about.

>> No.8022651

What about Spruce beer?

>> No.8022661

That's any meme double or triple IPA.

>> No.8022748

Europeans. They associate the taste of root beer with toothpaste and other dental products.

>> No.8022753

came here to post this

>> No.8022786

Root beer is shit, cream soda all the way

>> No.8022803

I like both.

>> No.8022809

OP said Root Beer, not Dr. Pepper.

>> No.8022864

How can somebody's tongue be this retarded?

>> No.8022882

>What is /ck/
a miserable pile of hamburgers

>> No.8022886
File: 17 KB, 768x614, humble offerings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>41 posts and 11 image replies omitted.

Not a single fucking mention of IBC Root Beer either.

What is wrong with you people?

>> No.8022890

Nor Sioux City Sarsaparilla master-race

>> No.8022891

I can taste it in my brain just from looking at the can

>> No.8022895

>there are people who dislike the taste of root beer
I bet you fuckers hate ginger ale as well

>> No.8022909

Shit root beer, like that, is like most low-tier soda: carbonated water with HFCS, color, and artificial flavor.

Decent root beer is a (generally) sweet brewed drink flavored with woody spices (primarily sassafras and sarsaparilla , but also often anise, clove, cinnamon, vanilla, and wintergreen, among others).

>> No.8022954

Weird. I hated it as a kid and liked it as I got older. Anyone else like this?

>> No.8022957

can you name a product it tastes like

>> No.8022981

Root beer is fucking disgusting. Taste like some cheap cough medicine or something among those lines.

>> No.8022995

>root beer is everything birch beer isn't

>> No.8023004

Do they flavor cough medicine with sassafras and anise in Europe or something? That would probably be better than the shitty grape and cherry flavors we have.

>> No.8023010

Man, you're just better off buying sarsparilla soda for the most part. Things like Mug or Barq's are just imitations.

>> No.8023017

You are an idiot. Bottled water turns to slush when you open it if you get the temperature just right.

>> No.8023020

Beer made from roots.

>> No.8023024

isnt sarsaparilla illegal to include in a beverage?

>> No.8023027

This. To me it just tastes like listerine mouth wash. I really tried to like it when i was in the US but just couldn't.

>> No.8023029
File: 10 KB, 480x360, tpbcyrus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF is this cough medicine meme?
Tastes nothing like cough medicine, it's fucking delicious.

>> No.8023046

in yurop, medicines often have a root beer-like flavor, whereas in america they often have a mint flavor

>> No.8023047
File: 6 KB, 194x259, barqscreamsoda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I paid 40 dollars for some Rice Krispies Treats cereal since it hasn't been available in Canada for 20 years. Importing food is damn expensive.
Root Beer floats>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Cola floats
pic related is God Teir

>> No.8023086

Not sure, the batch I got as a gift had the following ingredients: Made with Sarsaparilla, birch root, wintergreen, ginger, wild cherry bark, licorice and fresh spring water

>> No.8023230

IBC is shit

>> No.8023236

>whereas in america they often have a mint flavor

fuck right off, i've never had a minty medicine, they all get bullshit cherry-ish

>> No.8023238

it's that other pepsi.

>> No.8023248

Yeah fuck cherry. That's the biggest medicine association I have as a burger

>> No.8023249

you are fucking lucky men, most of people in russia can't drink with beer!

>> No.8023257

Canadumb here, Its all cherry flavoured here too.
Gets gross when I'm trying to do some DMT

>> No.8023277

yuropoors detected

>> No.8023286

Go Shart in a Mart, fatty.

>> No.8023299

nice taste

>> No.8023326


PA anon reporting in. Birch Beer is one of the few sodas I'll drink. It is the best. It's also fun to watch it get made, I know the Kutztown Folk Festival does that.

>> No.8023334


The flavor varies considerably, but a lot of better brands are reminiscent of a spicier black licorice.

>> No.8023341


What in God's name is a cola float? Can you leafposters do nothing right?

>> No.8023350

The highest folder in the beer partition.

>> No.8023359

I thought it was a regular thing.
Like I said, rootbeer floats>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Cola floats

>> No.8023369


I assume it pairs nicely with ketchup chips.

>> No.8023438

so it's like bitter sweet soda

>> No.8023453
File: 115 KB, 500x500, missvickies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate ketchup chips.
Only flavour I like is pic related.

>> No.8023477

mouthwash? What the fuck are you talking about? Rootbeer is my favorite beverage and its not even close.

>> No.8023509
File: 411 KB, 480x640, cheerwine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have never experienced volatile soda until you've purchased a 2 liter bottle of this shit right here.
Only available in North Carolina as far as I know.

>> No.8023518
File: 52 KB, 450x453, healthy-soda-virgils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people complaining that root beer tastes like toothpaste and such
>not one of them has drunk real root beer like pic related instead of "root beer" flavoured water like mug and A&W

>> No.8023551

Barq's is the best out of all the shit tier sodas
like A&W or Mug

>> No.8023606


It's illegal to use sassafras in mass-produced foods, so you can't get the real thing unless you go microbrew.

>> No.8023639

Its because you never had it as a kid.
Think about it.

I loved it as a kid but ever since I left the US (24 years ago) I cant stand it, which is odd because it tastes like childhood yet dental shit just like Europeans. I'm Brazilian but grew up in CA, Calabasas.

>> No.8023702
File: 125 KB, 238x238, 1390526470521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love root beer
>easily my favourite fizzy drink bar lager
>really hard to find
>only reliably found one is trash tier carters
>reminisce about visiting Canada and chugging mug after frosty mug of A&W
>friend gets me a bottle of Virgils and I nearly cream me knicks
>with dark rum it's goat
>mfw people say they don't like root beer around me

>> No.8023936

But why?

>> No.8023951

I love it. Shame it's so hard to come by in the UK.

>> No.8023957

I'm American and I wish cough syrup and mouthwash tasted like root beer desu. Maybe I could order some European root beer mouthwash online. What's the most root beer-y mouthwash, eurobros?

>> No.8024299

the fda claims it causes cancer

>> No.8024512


The only way I can buy rootbeer where I live is to order it from those US food import sites.

>> No.8024524

in europe they flavor medicines differently, it's a common complaint for europeans who try root beer.

>> No.8024552

>Only available in North Carolina as far as I know.

It's available everywhere. You can find them in any grocery store. I live in Florida and have gone through Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Carolinas and Virginia and was able to buy a twelve pack at a Walmart

>> No.8024601

I like quality root beer from time to time.

>cola made with kola nut
>ginger ale made with ginger

>> No.8024608

Root beer is coke and pepsi mixed together

>> No.8024616
File: 72 KB, 700x350, ale8_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maryland here.
I can get a case of those from Wegmans.

Now if only they would start carrying these.

>> No.8024622

No, anon. It was information for educational purposes.
Just because you get triggered by something doesn't mean it's intentional 'bait'.

>> No.8024628

That's not a mug. It's a can.

>> No.8024666

Remember when it came with the tattoos?

>> No.8024671
File: 11 KB, 132x355, I buy this shit often, like my scnd favorite brand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michigan anon here, why haven't I seen pic related at all. It's like none a y'all have ever tried it.

>> No.8024674


Sprite Floats>>>>> Crush Orange, C-Plus or Fanta>>> Root Beer Float >>>>>> Cola

>> No.8024685
File: 474 KB, 1455x1576, IMG_1852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just don't know.

>> No.8024686

tfw an actual A&W opened in my shithole of a town and they do the frosted mugs

its pretty enjoyable.

>> No.8024699

>cola made with kola nut

I have a bunch of cases of this stuff but the fuckers used stevia which literally ruins the flavor of anything because I find it so off-putting and strong.

>> No.8024813
File: 82 KB, 387x452, 1456819357927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8024867


Virgils is great, but I don't really like the licorice flavor they've added. It can be nice, but it doesn't taste like what I imagine a root beer to taste like, so when I'm in the mood for a root beer I tend to avoid it.

>> No.8024933

went to school with a chick that was a Barq's family member.
went to their house one day...
barqs root-beer as far as the eye can see.

Favorite root beer ever.

>> No.8024947
File: 34 KB, 391x299, Garak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me captain, If the federation is so amazing, why is Rootbeer the fizzy drink of choice in the 23'rd century.


>> No.8024991

Most root beer traditionally had some anise or licorice flavor to it, it's just not common in mass produced root beers like A&W, likely because anise is a somewhat divisive flavor.

>> No.8025057

At first the comparison to mouthwash sounded absolutely insane, but I just used some before bed and I've realized the similarity. It's the the sort of...I don't know how to explain it, numbing feeling? Root beer leaves the same feeling in my mouth, but to a far lesser extant.

>> No.8025463

My brother's Chinese wife says the same thing. Certain kinds I can see it (Barq's has that shitty minty flavor).
Then again those gooks also eat stuff like chickens feet and dog. So to each their own I guess.

>> No.8025471

stop swearing. this is a blue board.

>> No.8025481

was she cute. thic? cute feet? phat ass? c cups?

>> No.8025769

This is my favorite, right here. I have a friend who claimed he hated root beer. Once I had him try a Virgil's and he was like "oh... it's actually good".

It turns some folk off. I find Virgil's uses just the right amount for me. I tried Bundaberg once and it was like drinking liquid licorice.

>> No.8025776

Hey Song is a popular Chinese drink. It's Sarsaparilla flavored.

>> No.8025894


>chickens feet

Chicken feet is actually fucking delicious

I mean when prepared wrong its just a gelatinous mound filled with bones but I had chicken feet with some spicy black bean chink sauce shit I dunno and I was sucking on those things like a czech deviant to the feet of his realdoll

>> No.8025932

Tastes like weird medicine, not recommended.

This coming from a person who like dandelion and burdock

>> No.8026706

fuck off clown

>> No.8027806


>> No.8027833

This makes me feel like I take root beer for granted. There's a place down the road that has over 100 different brands of the stuff. I'm going there tomorrow

>> No.8027904

Root beer should come in energy drink sized cans. Its the only soda that gets gross if you have too much. Kinda like milk.

>> No.8027933

cream soda > root beer > orange soda > ginger ale > dr meme > mt dew > cola > lemon lime > some other fruity soda > grape soda > club soda > a slurry of cat puss and grass clippings > strawberry soda > pepsi blue

>> No.8028242

>cola made without cocaine

>> No.8028269

>pepsi blue in last
Kill yourself, best pop ever

>> No.8028275


lol you're probably mexican trash.

>> No.8028296

True, but why drink that when you can drink PUMA COLA.

>> No.8028323
File: 302 KB, 1024x768, 1438867756358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there's a sprecher sale at menards
Their cream soda is GOAT

>> No.8028335

Shit is pretty GOAT senpai

>> No.8028380

I buy that in Detroit all the time.

>> No.8028424

We have it in Tennessee

>> No.8028442

No, Canadian trash

>> No.8028509


>> No.8028559

they have it in glass bottles in california

>> No.8028651

Also available in Texas.

>> No.8028678

No one actually ever explained that to me. Thank you.

>> No.8028691

Either no one got the joke or it's simply not funny.

>> No.8028707

Tastes like vanilla to me.

Love root beer.

>> No.8028802


>> No.8028809
File: 43 KB, 480x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8029149

>This coming from a person who like dandelion and burdock
Frankly, I'd say that makes your opinion less valid if anything.

>> No.8029170

underated post . although most faygo drinks were pretty good

>> No.8029172


>> No.8029174

Jesus this picture alone is like 8 layers of irony

>> No.8029180

The flavor of some rootbeers is somewhat similar to 'wintergreen' mint flavor. I fuckin' love wintergreen mint though, so no problem for me.

>> No.8029204

Birch beer is better.

>> No.8029211

Awww shit nigga

There's a cough medicine and toothpaste that tastes like rootbeer? What brand?

>> No.8029213

another name for moonshine


>> No.8029257

A float is a dessert made using a dark soda and ice cream, typically vanilla. Variations are up to the drinker. They became popular in the 1950s and 60s during the advent of commercially viable refrigeration and soda shops.

To describe root beer? Its taste is most comparable to Dr. Pepper.

>> No.8029831

I think birch beer has a more wintergreen taste to it. The one I had did I guess

>> No.8030717

britbong here, whats the hangover like with these?

>> No.8030757


This better be a shitpost.

>> No.8030859
File: 83 KB, 476x700, 1420953092106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's not it at all, it's the actual flavour Methyl Salicylate a primary component of winter green oil which is used in mouth washes in Europe and where I live (New Zealand)

I thought A&W tasted like listerine at first too, but i've grown to enjoy it. Still prefer doctor pepper though, or L&P but Americans don't have that.

>> No.8031667
File: 179 KB, 182x576, 4671497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of the way plebs. God tier coming through.

>> No.8031683

A drink made using the root of the sassafras tree.

>> No.8031698

Basically, when you're too retarded to offer logical criticism you just spout something completely fucking retarded that makes no sense instead.

For example, if you were on /fa/ and somebody posted their shit haircut in a hair general you call their hair "greasy". It doesn't matter if their hair looks bone dry with the texture of hay. If a male posted a picture of their hand and they had mildly long fingernails, despite being clean, you would call them "disgusting", despite it being completely normal and often preferred for the opposite gender to have long fingernails.

retards offer absolutely zero meaningful criticism.

>> No.8031703

>I thought A&W tasted like listerine at first too, but i've grown to enjoy it

You say that like Listerine isn't supposed to taste good.

Also, Root beer is only worth getting if you buy the glass bottles. Same with Cream soda.

>> No.8033669

So basically euros just have shit palates?

>> No.8033750
File: 118 KB, 241x250, 1436558745810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kiwi's and Aussies aren't European.

We're from Oceania.

>> No.8033840

I like it, but it does smell a bit like dettol.

>> No.8033857

>entire thread's a bad taste circlejerk

>> No.8033870

By God tier you mean the worst right?