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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8017080 No.8017080 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the next food craze? Has anyone had one? Is it good? Please describe?

>> No.8017094

That's been a thing for a year and a half, anon.

>> No.8017102

isnt a sushi roll basically just a burrito already?

>> No.8017149

It's just sushi they didn't cut?

>> No.8017151

I've had one and it is what you'd expect, an enormous sushi roll. I really liked it but it was too much of a really rich food so I think the method of serving is kind of silly. It'll depend on whether the place can make good sushi but if they can then this is like an extra large portable version.

>> No.8017177

Bleck, I would pass. I'm completely satisfied after 6-12 pieces of sushi; that just looks like it would give me a stomachache.

>> No.8017179

i like the simplicity of sushi and that it is bite sized pieces. why the fuck would i want a giant roll of raw fish to chew my way through i have no idea. keep sushi sushi and burritos burritos.

>> No.8017194

Sushi Burritto is to Sushi what Chicago Pizza is to Pizza

>> No.8017199

so its the same thing?

>> No.8017211


So a 'shi 'to?

>> No.8017225

It's good.
You can't really go wrong with sushis unless you try really really hard and intentionally to mess it up.

Nothing beats the combination of Sushi and Philadelphia in the middle for me 'tho.

>> No.8017227

Had this a few months ago near Riverside, California. It's really not good.

>> No.8017269

that looks disgusting, and that's coming from someone who enjoys sushi

>> No.8017290


>> No.8017293

Fucking hell this makes me wish the Japanese kept fighting the US in WW2.

This is the third atomic bomb to hit the land of the rising sun.

>> No.8017303
File: 1.90 MB, 500x550, 1470622310853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruining sushi by turning it into a burrito


if the sushi isn't delicious enough to be eaten on its own then it's probably shit in the first place

>> No.8017647

>it's just a large hand roll sushi for amerifats

>> No.8017678

good god that looks terrible

>> No.8017698

If it's just hitting NYC now, the fad has passed already.

>> No.8017706

Sushi is overrated in any case.

>> No.8017707

Well, I don't blame them, NYC's been flyover for the last 3 years.

>> No.8017709

I can't imagine the texture of that without throwing up in my mouth. Mush on mush on mush on mush, wrapped in a piece of seaweed that is instantly soppy and impossible to bite through without it shredding into pieces because everything is fucking mush.

This is food for fat weebs who don't want to go through the trouble of chewing, isn't it?

>> No.8017732

Can I get some deep dish sushi?

>> No.8017748
File: 62 KB, 570x542, poke-bowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NYC ruins everything
they cant even get a poke bowl right.

>> No.8017749

Yeah but these aren't cut, it's trendy anon

>> No.8017761

>poke plate lunch
>seaweed salad instead of mac salad and iceburg lettuce with two shredded carrots moonlighting as regular salad

NYC really is full of retards

>> No.8017788

>Eating raw fish in a fucking desert
You reap what you sow

>> No.8017796

It's less than 50 miles from the ocean, you snap pea

>> No.8017810

That's 49 miles too far.

>> No.8017816

