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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 220 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8014551 No.8014551 [Reply] [Original]


Tomato, gooey,garlic, healthy goodness.

Literally the perfect light breakfast item to start a lazy weekend with.

>> No.8014556
File: 152 KB, 668x972, invented_by_jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the most authentic experience enjoy with a fresh glass of real Israeli orange juice

>> No.8014559

nice meme breakfast

>> No.8014562

Israeli products are hard to come by in northern europe.

>> No.8014574
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Bubbling away.

>> No.8014577
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I find that difficult to believe considering here in America we have a vast selection of them and we're much further away. Pretty much every grocery store has a ton of Israeli stuff.

If I was prone to bizarre conspiracy theories I'd wonder if something drove out all your Jews. As if there had been some kind of organized attempt to eradicate them from your continent.

But that's crazy, it's probably just something silly like tariffs.

>> No.8014586
File: 19 KB, 479x270, p02c8bdm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US is closer to Israel then you'd think (Not literally of course)

The jewish community is small up here, for evident reasons, so yea. There isn't any middle eastern shops in my city either.

>> No.8014604

But Anon, America has one of the largest Jewish populations in the world. I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood in Ohio. Also, New York is a beacon of sorts. You have a large Jewish Diaspora community in the Americas, especially in the US but also in both Canada and in Argentina. I'm not surprised there aren't a lot of Jews in Northern Europe and elsewhere in the polar region, because depending upon where they live Shabbat can become a pain in the ass to celebrate as it coincides with the setting of the sun and so forth--that whole all dark or all light thing throws a monkey wrench in things...but not entirely. That's why Alaska is such a pain for Jews, although there are rabbinical precepts to celebrating Shabbat in the polar regions of the world, but it's just what I have heard from Jewish friends. That being said, I didn't mean to write a blog post and I don't mean to sound like a dick at all, which apologies if I did. Just food for thought.

>> No.8014630

Nigga what

>> No.8014678

That's a fine lookin 'go 'za my man!

>> No.8014861

Supermarkets usually shelve them with the "exotic" stuff.

>> No.8014923


>> No.8014988
File: 1.71 MB, 4160x2340, 14720510700401586948209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Chroizo & Eggs do the job for me. Upon realizing I only have 1 egg, i'm going to throw some potatoes and shit in this bitch

>> No.8014996
File: 8 KB, 222x225, mein kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not surprised there aren't a lot of Jews in Northern Europe
>Shabbat can become a pain in the ass to celebrate
>the setting of the sun and so forth

>> No.8014998
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I'm still drunk

>> No.8015017
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>> No.8015027
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And then throw a bunch of cheese in the bitch so you cant taste the soap that you forgot to wash off the pan.

>> No.8015032
File: 2.07 MB, 4160x2340, 1472052581371-103249035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flip that shit like a man.

>> No.8015036
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And make your pissed off gf roll that shit into a burrito

>> No.8015048

damn, she is handsome

>> No.8015051

disgusting tbqh senpai

>> No.8015057

ayy lmao

>> No.8015089

Do you have a cat? You should post pictures of it

>> No.8015125

tbch family shes ugly af

>> No.8015193
File: 94 KB, 1024x683, f1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a dude

>> No.8015199

not with those knockers he's not

>> No.8015206
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that CWC?

>> No.8015211

any combination of tomato and egg makes me vomit

>> No.8015223
File: 2.04 MB, 2340x4160, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That isnt a very good burrito anon....
>it could use some of this BBQ sauce I bought from the store
>come on anon... its the best BBQ sauce you'll ever taste
>it'll make that burrito taste beaautiful
>it just isn't very juicy anon
>unlike my ass anon
>you won't get any of this juicy ass if you don't try this new sauce anon haha
>grr... this jar is hard to open anon
>I'm squeezing harder than when I choke out our son
>but it won't open
>maybe a nice strong man can open this can of the best BBQ sauce you'll ever taste from Wal Mart?
>come on anon
>I hear it is an Jackrodisiac
> it'll get my juicy juices flowing
>my tongue hasn't come out 10 inches from my mouth today
>maybe your balls could be the lucky recipient when it does ;)

>> No.8015336

I love you. I wish my gf understood ck. She would like this

>> No.8015688

Recipe pls

>> No.8015700

You're a beautiful person,Anon.

>> No.8015765

Looks like your average railfan from /n/

>> No.8016131


Tell your GF that Revolution 60 looks like shit and >she could scrap the PC port

>> No.8016144
File: 87 KB, 320x314, dingus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make sawse
cook eggs in sawse

>> No.8016165

>man clothes
>fat roll hanging over waistband
>OMGWTF expression
>spingebab mug
>social justice snowflake hair
>probably a pre-op tranny

He gets 1/10 for rolling your burrito bro. Good thing he's about to dump your ass.

PS I hope you're not too drunk to strip EXIF data off your photos.

>> No.8016174

Woah look out everone we got a 1337 h4x0r over here! He knows about exif data, better watch my ass!

>> No.8016190

4Chan strips the exif prior to hosting the picture.
First day here, is it?

>> No.8016193

How do I prepare that heart attack in a pan Schlomo?

>> No.8016214

What are you gonna do with the exif data? Steal his identity??? KEK! Gtfo you faggot.

>> No.8016244
File: 149 KB, 685x313, animu doubt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to believe but. . . .

>> No.8016508

Oh no, somebody might see where/when the pic was taken and maybe even the type of camera! His life is ruined! Gee you sure are clever!

>> No.8016636

Yes. Someone might see exactly where the photo was taken, such as ANON'S PRIVATE FUCKING RESIDENCE.

I make zero fucking apologies for getting drunk/new posters to think a bit harder about their anonymity.

>> No.8016645

No EXIF on 4chan, stupid. It's not 2008 anymore.

>> No.8016654

Cute girlfriend, who fucks who?

>> No.8016658

Pick none.

>> No.8016669

>a bunch of vegetables and a few eggs
You're telling me that's bad for you now? Jesus, what won't give you a heart attack these days?

>> No.8016674



>> No.8016683

You have to eat all the eggs.

>> No.8016697

>baba ganoush

>> No.8016741

>although there are rabbinical precepts to celebrating Shabbat in the polar regions of the world

Either follow your fucking religion or don't. I hate all the fucking exceptions jews make to try to get out of their beliefs when it becomes and inconvenience for them. Quit playing fucking lawyer jew and play devote jew or just quit being a jew.

>> No.8016923

That's strange, the rules for /p/ specifically state that EXIF data remains encoded in posted images. Must just be for that board only. I'm sure you'd be comfortable posting a pic with time stamp from inside your kitchen right now, and not manually stripping EXIF data... Right?

>> No.8016983

>literally a board for posting photography

Of course exif data isn't removed on that board, it lets people see each other's technical info/settings. Even if exif was allowed on every board you're acting like you're some big fucking detective for finding an address. What are you gonna do, go to his house and suck his dick? Stop being an autist you goober.

>> No.8016990

What would you even do with the information? I don't understand what advantage you think you would have over a person you've never met on the internet by just knowing where they live. I mean obviously SOMEONE lives in that house. If you want to harass them, all you're doing is harassing a random person. You might as well just pick a random address out of the phonebook.

>> No.8017006

/p/ is the exception, so they let people know that it doesn't apply there.

>> No.8017017

even there GPS coordinates get stripped to the best of my knowledge

>> No.8017032
File: 777 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_0722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done it before, and I'm doing it now. It's not a new pic, but I took it on my phone, and I'm posting it on my phone. I haven't done anything to it.

>> No.8017040


Ahhh, yes. The only things the Jews have done right.

>> No.8017045

>Came to /ck/ today for some good jackposting
>Found it hidden in a random thread
Love you anon

>> No.8017047

the jews do everything right, thats why they control the world for their shape shifting lizard masters

>> No.8017048

That looks tasty. What is that and how can I make some?

>> No.8017053

Literal retard. Stop posting you fucking cuck.

>> No.8017059

It's paella. Step one is buy an expensive paella pan. Or, if you have a dutch oven, you can just make jambalaya with saffron and paprika, and chorizo instead of(or in addition to) andouille.

>> No.8017065

>he thinks every website is reddit

>> No.8017069

I can't just make it in a normal pan?

>> No.8017104

I guess, but the dish is designed around the pan. It won't be as good, but if you get quality ingredients, it can still be great.

>> No.8017313

Light breakfast? 10 eggs in there, mate.

>> No.8017399

Not everyone is going to die alone and miserable like you, anon. Many people have family/friends to share food with and therefore cook meals meant for more than one.

>> No.8017433
File: 124 KB, 1600x1063, uovainpurgatorio_02562528est2529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eggs, tomatoes, some garlic and a pinch of herbs

Honestly dissapointed in how bland the recipe I tried for this dish was. It looks great in photos. uova in purgatorio is really good and looks similar, but has the advantage of italian sausage to give the dish substance.

>> No.8017445

Which I now realize is probably pork so no wonder.

>> No.8017704

When I made it I put some peppers in it. One green, one red, and one jalapeno that I should have left the seeds in, but didn't. The recipe also suggested mushrooms, which I probably should have added. I highly recommend doing all of that if you make it again. Oh, also I caramelized a diced onion in there before adding the tomatoes, which is when I should have added the mushrooms. It was really good.

>> No.8017714

Literally just garlic, onions, chopped tomatoes and eggs.

Use any amount of anything .Super flexible.

>> No.8017722

You forgot the chili.

>> No.8017727

Thats just the basic recipe.

You can also add pepers, chorizo, mushrooms, any herb, chicken, ham, etc etc

>> No.8017730

I make it with leftover red sauce. If you don't have an hours-long, tended, and stewed sauce, then I don't know what you'd expect out of poaching eggs in it.

Also a good, crusty garlic bread to serve it on.

>> No.8017738

Correct. you're not supposed to make boiling tomato water.

>> No.8017769


That's not a fucking paella, that's rice with things. Looks tasty tho.

>> No.8017777


I think the word you're looking for is fried rice.

>> No.8017786

>fried rice.
That's two words, anon.
>also, checked.

>> No.8017881

This thread is full of contrarian assholes. Fuck it, I'm out.

>> No.8017884

I havent laughed this hard in weeks

>> No.8018347

>that's not a paella
yes it is

>> No.8018387

A cold shower to start my day then down to Mcdonalds to order 12 hashbrowns. I eat them in bed watching youtube washed down with OJ and valium then drift off to sleep again.

>> No.8018391

made shakshuka for a bunch of friends once
they loved it
should have made it spicier

>> No.8018473

How watery did you make it?

>> No.8018482

not at all - simmered for longer than anticipated, so maybe a bit dry.
why watery?
It had a bit of heat, just not enough. maybe in stead of chili flakes I'd use fresh chili

>> No.8018495
File: 118 KB, 640x360, aceventura2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8018498

Needs lots of smoked paprika, lots of chili and a shit-ton of Zaatar. The yellow/brown kind (Syrian) not the green kind (lebanese/palestinian).

>> No.8018501

Oh and you forgot the bell peppers too.

>> No.8019027

Since theres alot of water in tomatoes, it can be watery. So i was just wondering how much other people let theirs simmer :P