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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8012654 No.8012654[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is he ok /ck/?

I'm scared for him. Has he finally gone off the deep end?

>> No.8012659

He went off the deep-end the moment he entered this cruel world

There is no hope for him, he will always be in an eternal downward spiral.

>> No.8012664

are you the same guy spamming this autist on /r9k/, /pol/ and even /v/?

>> No.8012677

a-are they going to kill him? will he kill them first???

>> No.8012682
File: 2.27 MB, 640x480, reviewbrah.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he will be fine

>> No.8012685

He seems kind of bright...But, I do wonder if he is in fact a fetal alcohol syndrome baby as someone else pointed out. He's got the facial features for it.
So, if so, then he might be kind of vulnerable out in the big cruel world on this road trip,with some cognitive limitations, esp since sleeping the car, oh man.

>> No.8012687

Is it true that he went crazy because of /pol/?

>> No.8012719

wow what a nazi.

>> No.8012809

some nutjobs are pulling the same shit on him people did to CWC only this guy isn't a retard so he called the cops

>> No.8012931

Are you saying the young man that wears suits he gets from Goodwill while eating fast food out of his car for a living is not a retard?

>> No.8012995

Well you'd know better than I would, considering you're a retard.

So is he one of you? A retard I mean. You being a retard you can probably smell you own kind, retards. Is he like you? A retard?

>> No.8013014

Pol has some legit stalking threads on this guy. He may be retarted but his paranoia is justified.

>> No.8013024

You sound angry that I've correctly identified a retard as such. So much so that you have nothing left to say but empty insults.

>> No.8013061

What can the police do for him?

The first thing they tell stalking victims is to change their number and get offline. Delete accounts. End the contact. It's kind of his job to be online, though, I think.

Reviewbrah if you can see this, go read The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker. He's the nations stalking expert. You're not supposed to have any contact with stalkers...none whatsoever. It's all positive reinforcement to stalkers to keep it up. I don't know the details of whatever you were talking about in the "How am I doing" thing you posted, but I'm concerned at the "gathering evidence" comment you made. Anyone that would mock someone online to the point of repeated and incessant, organized with several people, yea, they're not normal. Get their asses thrown in jail but are you using yourself as bait to do it? Ack. That concerns me.

>> No.8013067


So you're telling me he's being paid to dress properly, drive around and eat food?

Sounds like he's living the life tbqhf

>> No.8013076

Literally no one thinks he dresses properly, he is overdressed and outdated for every contemporary scenario outside of funerals. If being paid shekels to eat shitty food and make boring videos is your idea of success then I have nothing but pity for you.