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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8012452 No.8012452 [Reply] [Original]

What is /ck/ drinking?
How does /ck/ brew their tea?
My method:
Yorkshire (red)
No milk
No sugar or sweeteners
Tea bag left in for 5 minutes then squeezed a few times

>> No.8012473

Smashed it in one there mate.

>> No.8012544

thanks lad

>> No.8012548

>No milk


>> No.8012559

>not Barry's

poofter innit

>> No.8012571
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Bought this recently, I drink it plain. It's pretty good.

I couldn't get into those popular British teas, they're very bitter. I tried that one, and also PG Tips.

>> No.8012586

2bh, the trick is to steep those types of teas for only 1 minute, meaning really cheap bagged black teas, although Twinings isn't any better than YShire and others.

It's much better if you only steep 1 minute because the tea is so fine and powdery, its flavor diffuses quickly, and actually doing 4-5 minutes is just too much. That said, it's best to stick with tea that can actually hold up to a full steep, but good to know in case that's the only kind of tea available.

>> No.8012615

Curious abut this, i use no milk since i tried once and tasted gross, only use honey to sweet it down. Theres some particular trick for milk? Or i just dont like it

>> No.8013099
File: 1.24 MB, 1600x1220, twining white tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is /ck/ drinking?

White tea.

>> No.8013775


>> No.8013795

Usually have some blend of loose leaf black tea. Been having a supermarket loose leaf black tea recently that's been surprisingly good; mostly Assam.

Anyway; four teaspoons of the tea in a five cup pot, water on a rolling boil poured on top, left for four or so minutes before first pour and drunk with a dash of homogenized full fat milk.

>> No.8013807

>tea bags
Smh fucking British savages.

>> No.8013813

I only drink loose leaf myself. Every Asian person I ever knew used teabags; usually these plastic ones.

>> No.8013819

Real chinamen drink loose leaf. They must have been Americanized Asians.

>> No.8013820

And by Asian, I mean South East Asian; Korean, Thai, Cantonese, Japanese, they all used teabags even when they could get loose leaf.

Personally I'll always choose loose leaf if the option's there. The teabag's probably one of the worst inventions ever made by man. The only time it makes sense to use them is if you're travelling or camping and don't want to lug around a teapot and a tin of loose leaf because you want to save weight. And even then you're probably better off doing so.

>> No.8013824

Right now ice tea. Jasmine actually. I gave up on soda and coffee w/sugar a few months ago and turned to unsweetened tea. I forgot why I stopped drinking it.

>> No.8013826

Nope. They weren't American. It was at boarding school and they'd always come with all sorts of odd glass teapots (I just used my brown bess teapot) but they'd always use teabags. Always.

>> No.8014143
File: 57 KB, 537x955, teh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Jasmine tea, just got back from a trip to Indonesia and made sure I bought plenty

>> No.8014149
File: 185 KB, 2048x1536, pokka-jasmine-green-tea-10134-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For something quick this is good jasmine tea. I love I can get it at my standard grocery.

>> No.8014156
File: 373 KB, 850x850, teh-pucuk-harum-melati-350ml-karton-isi-24-2283-9400201-1-zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've not personally tried that brand, but if you ever get the chance grab a bottle of teh botol or teh pucuk, cant recommend them enough

>> No.8014163

Drinking some cheap dusty Kenyan tea with milk. It smells a bit like Lipton but thankfully it doesn't taste like it. It isn't bad for what I paid, but I'd like to blend it with some CTC Assam to see what happens.

>> No.8014293
File: 10 KB, 537x376, Germanic_tribes_(750BC-1AD).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>south east asian

>> No.8014299

I read somewhere that all tea is from the same plant, if this is true are the different types really that distinct? I've only ever tried ice tea and Earl Grey, any recomendations on what to try next?

>> No.8014309


>> No.8014736

It's kind of like beer, even though beer is typically made from the same 3 ingredients you can get very varied styles of beer like stouts, pale ales, lagers, lambics, trappist ales... the list goes on. Just like with tea, it mostly depends on the processing.

>> No.8014741


>> No.8014948

Absolutely disgusting
PG Tips
Milk (just enough to make it a builders)
no sugar
stew for 2-3 minutes, no more

>> No.8014969

>itoen master bottle teas race

>> No.8015005

I tear open 5 bags of orange pekoe/black, throw it in a filter and put it in the coffee maker with 8 cups of water like the american I am.
It literally takes me 30 seconds to make tea for the day. Everyone should just do this.

>> No.8015035
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>All these countries are in the South East of Asia.

>> No.8015037

It's like tobacco as well. Yes, it's the same plant, but plant it somewhere differently, tend to it differently, different varieties of tea, etc and you get much different flavors.

>> No.8015438


>> No.8015506

milk seems best when the tea is very strong and dark, imo

>> No.8015679

Any fruity tea, in the winter it's usually apple or apple cinammon. whole pieces, none of that teabag shit
No milk.
No sugar.
Brewed to taste. Usually 5-8 Minutes Due to large chunks and stiff leaves.

>> No.8015704

This. Weak tea and milk just doesn't work.

Strong black tea blends on the other hand really shine with a small bit of milk put into them.

Try and get unhomogenized milk if you can.

>> No.8017449
File: 50 KB, 344x288, 1447642720504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gimme sum dat lapsang souchong

>> No.8017914

>anything other than Lyon's

What the fuck is happening

>> No.8020402

Anyone got any suggestions for a good breakfast tea? Preferably one that's good all of its own accord, with no milk and a minimum of sugar.

>> No.8020508

Ghalami bulk from Achmad Tea.
Got a bulk vac cannister for it too.

>> No.8020649
File: 32 KB, 640x480, 58-teeth67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tea general
>no pastebin
>fucking bagged shit in the op

>> No.8022658

I love green tea and want to try some matcha. What's a good source for this? Should I look around locally (Boulder, CO) or order online?

>> No.8023156

Who cares? The old tea threads die within 2 days anyway, either /ck/ is much faster now (which it is) or people aren't posting in the tea threads anymore (also true).

>> No.8023215

Just regular earl grey. Sometimes I add a little milk, but it's fine without as well.

>> No.8023224

There's no herbalist sort of shop in my town.

What's a good site (in 'murica, preferably in California) where I could buy some strong caffeinated loose-leaf tea?

>> No.8023694

buy it from china like evryone else

>> No.8023724

I start by boiling water, and throw in fennel seeds, cinnamon and crack open a cardamom seed and throw everything in there. Once it gets rolling and the fennel seeds spread to the outside of the pot, I drop in some orange pekoe tea with 2 spoonfuls of brown sugar and let that bubble down. After 3-4 minutes, I add milk until the colour lightens up slightly, to a brownish mocha hue, and let that boil over, taking it off the heat just before it overflows. I sometimes put it back on and boil it again. But yeah. Its weird but thats how I do it.

>> No.8023797

Pretentious and wrong.

>> No.8023830

What? He basically described chai. Do you think Indian food and drink is pretentious?

>> No.8023836

Nope; but they're serving it out of huge urns into polystyrene cups and selling it for 10 rupees a cup.

>> No.8024610

opinions on starbucks tea?

>> No.8024629

Bags in coffee pot
Turn on Coffee maker
Come back in 5 minutes
Pour into a pitcher
Ice pticher

>> No.8024726

its shit
you are digusting

>> No.8024751

>What is /ck/ drinking?
Turkish black tea
>How does /ck/ brew their tea?
put the tea in a coffee filter and use it like a tea bag

>> No.8024760

and I typically put 1 teaspoon of sugar, no milk

>> No.8024802

matcha is the best way to kick start me

>> No.8024804

you could look around, but I like o-cha. get their cheap.

>> No.8024810

Drinking some cheap sheng right now. it's actually really good, not a bad one.

>> No.8025209

Buying tea is a rip-off.

>> No.8025757

dude just buy Turkish tea
it's cheap and it's high quality

>> No.8025979


>> No.8026040

I've never really liked tea, always preferred coffee, but I recently tried earl grey (no milk or sugar) and I really liked it.

>> No.8026059

>>8013819 (You)
you must be a scottsman

>> No.8026105

>squeezing the tea bag

stay pleb

>> No.8026120


>nips all use teabags

nigger just admit youve never been to fucking japan

ever seen a matcha teabag? get the fuck out..

high grade sencha is like one of the most common presents among distant family/business partners/for ceremonies or public events. its always loose leaf.

the japanese do use teabags, but mostly as testers so u know which tea to buy more of.

as for koreans, its true. im in sk right now, hard to find loose leaf at all.

as for sea you really cant generalize.. a lot of vietnamese families drink loose, a lot of thai or taiwanese drink loose leaf oolong.

>> No.8026130

>ever seen a matcha teabag? get the fuck out..

Lol. Matcha is not an everyday drink in Japan. It, and other high-grade teas are consumed for special occasions. People aren't going to tea ceremony for their daily fix. They use teabags for everyday tea (home, work, school).

>> No.8026136
File: 926 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-08-25-08-41-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of boba places have been opening here, and while I usually find boba too saccharine these have had very good real teas as bases and with % sweetness as an option.

Had a nice cream top tea with no sweetness and it was perfect. Do oolong, jasmine, Earl Grey, etc.

>some other person on yelp

>> No.8026225


actually yes, people do tea ceremony daily. they just use high grade tea for special occasions as you said.

obviously not every family, but everyone in my gfs extended family does.

so did random people we visited. every time there is a guest there is good tea.

I know plenty of japs n half japs whose mothers served them loose leaf for every breakfast....

>> No.8026464

Been on vacation in Helmsley last year. Great place, awesome people, food was great. This Tea (from your picture OP)... I fell in love with it. And those sandwiches that you can choose from in that Coffe/Tea shop maaan I've gained like 5kg of weight after one week.

From time to time we get a package with that tea stuff doesn't stay for long. Too good.