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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8009291 No.8009291 [Reply] [Original]

hey /ck/

What do you guys like to add to fried rice?

>> No.8009314

Mushrooms, chopped kale stem, green onions, brown onions, and broccoli.

>> No.8009322

Hot dogs and ketchup

>> No.8009345

seafood- small scallops, shrimp, crab meat
meat- beef, chicken, pork
vegetables- diced bell pepper, green onions, bean sprouts, thinly sliced bamboo shoots, mushrooms

eggs are always good too. I don't care much for peas though.

>> No.8009352


>> No.8009357

Check em and oniom

>> No.8009359

cabbage, onion, garlic, tofu, soy sauce, curry powder

>> No.8009368

No, check these.

>> No.8009374

Bok choy, scallion, a bit of seasoned vinegar, soy sauce, egg and fried pork belly.

>> No.8009581

frozen peas and scallion

>> No.8009588

Fried rice is a nu-male food.

>> No.8009589

I like to fry rice in the drippings I get from roasted chicken.

>> No.8009605

Do you call things numale to hide your insecurity as a male?

Because odds are you're a usual 4channer who's ugly, outcast and downright weird, or if you browse >>>/fit/, homosexual

>> No.8009612

fish sauce eggs sweet peas diced carrots onions sour cream

>> No.8009617


Please have sex.

>> No.8009626

Please have sex with me.

>> No.8009631

Do you think the majority or even half of males are virgins or something? Stop projecting cuckle

nein kameradin

>> No.8009639

I want your salami

Inside me

>> No.8009642

I was thinking about picking up salami from the deli recently, any suggestions on what type or brand?

>> No.8009655
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>> No.8009659


>> No.8009661


>> No.8009780

Eggs, green onion, mushrooms, bean sprouts, cabbage, soy sauce, sesame oil, and sometimes sriracha.

>> No.8009799

Kecap manis, seasame oil, oyster sauce

>> No.8010181
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My recipe:

3-4 dl white jasmine rice
150 g meat (bacon, pork, beef, chicken, shrimp)
150 g vegetables (cubed carrots, peas)
3 eggs
Soy sauce to taste
Fish sauce to taste (optional)
Sesame oil (crucial!)
3 cloves of garlic
1 tsp white pepper

Boil the rice. I use 1.5 times as much water as rice with great success. After boiling for 17-18 minutes your rice is ready. Spread it out on a baking sheet or something similar to let it cool down.

Fry the meat, add garlic. When meat is done, add vegetables. Now is a great time to add soy sauce and some fish sauce. Move all contents of the pan over to one side, leaving room for your eggs to scramble. When scrambled, mix everything well together. Now add the rice over high heat, mabye some more oil. Fry it untill it starts to change colour just a little bit.

You may need to add more soy and fish sauce now. Add pepper. Add sesame oil, but not too much. Mix well together.

>> No.8010191

Fried egg
Mushroom soy sauce
Oyster sauce! Very important.

>> No.8010249

cut fried tofu
cut mushrooms
cut potatoes
cut broccoli
grated cheese
soy sauce
sriracha/ranch mix (80/20 mix)

>> No.8010261

Chunk pineapple with the juice drained. Toasted unsweetened coconut shreds on top.

>> No.8010262 [DELETED] 

Close, but no fazoli's

>> No.8010982

what the fuck dude, plain rice is nu-male.... fried rice is like regular rice but even more calories for real men

>> No.8011059

sounds like shit.
I detect a faggot vegan or veggie.

>> No.8011063

Stop recommending recipes if you don't even know to use day old rice.

>> No.8011116

human meat chunks

>> No.8011140 [DELETED] 

>cook meat until it's done
>now cook it for atleast 5 minutes more :^)
>Don't use a wok because fuck slants :^)
>No sugar because i don't actually know how to cook :^)
>shovel it into your face with chopsticks like animu :^)

>> No.8011146
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>fresh rice
>cook meat until it's done
>now cook it for atleast 5 minutes more :^)
>Don't use a wok because fuck slants :^)
>No sugar because i don't actually know how to cook :^)
>shovel it into your face with chopsticks like animu :^)

>cut fried tofu
this nigga knows what's up

>> No.8011401


Because I mostly buy poultry, I like to make a separate meat stir fry (with bigger cuts of vegetables).

Stock from chicken and turkey often turn the rice soggy if I throw it in with it. With or without corn starch.

>> No.8011737
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Your frying process is way too long. it should be high heat all the time, five minutes tops.

>Add pepper.
>Add sesame oil.

Sesame oil is not a garnish. It should be added right before the rice (to coat it).

>> No.8011771

Diced carrot, mushroom, bean sprouts, chilis, fish sauce ...

>> No.8011876

I like to add hot dogs to mine
ketchup if I am drunk

>> No.8011891

You would have a faggot detector

>> No.8011913

Cubed spam.

>> No.8012190

Eggs, butter, chicken

>> No.8012208

oyster sauce, minced garlic, curry powder, and sambal oelek

>> No.8012596

Omit the rice, use shredded and cooked cauliflower instead.

All the texture, with practically no cauliflower taste. Plus lots of extra nutrition.

>> No.8012788

My fried rice is so lame:

>frozen peas and corn
>onion and garlic power

Fry in canola oil then add soy sauce at the end. Meh.

>> No.8012811

How do you fry rice? Do you just make it and then add some oil and whisk it in a pan?

>> No.8012815

Pls no.

>> No.8012823
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Is it wrong that I typically don't bother with any other ingredients in my fried rice other than meat, green onions, and egg?

I have added extra ingredients before, but I typically don't see them as necessary for good fried rice.

This is a much cheaper and simple way for me.

>> No.8012826

you're not supposed to use fresh rice but yes that's essentially how you do it.

It's a stir fry dish really.

>> No.8012840

How do you unfresh the rice?

>> No.8012858

Just put it in your fridge and cook it the next day

>> No.8012862

At the very least by leave it sitting at room temperature for at least three hours, ventilated.

But mostly by refrigerating it.

>> No.8014125
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The toasted sesame oil that is used in east Asian cooking is a seasoning though. It has a very strong flavor and a low smoke point. It should be used sparsely at the end of cooking because it does not stand up to wok hei.

You are thinking of poo in loo sesame oil which no one cares about.

>> No.8014134

>leave rice sitting at room temperature for at least three hours

wwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thanks for your advice on getting food poisoning jack

>> No.8014167

...you can leave rice out overnight without having any real detriment to its quality. Do you not leave a loaf of bread out on the counter because of your germophobia?

>> No.8014255

You might want to look this shit up retard

>> No.8014263

The fact that I do it on a regular basis and have a healthy immune system?

I mean, not all of us are pregnant geriatrics. The entire eastern hemisphere says you're retarded.

>> No.8014275

Nasi goreng

>> No.8014302

My step-mom would put bacon in hers, while I found this addition a bit adventerous it did taste all right

>> No.8014308

How do you make fried rice crisp? Is that where the day old rice comes in?

>> No.8014315

all the Chinese restaurants leave rice sitting out overnight to dry it out, if that's true then i'm sure everyone would be diseased

>> No.8014323

I either do it with leftovers or egg + a vegetable, usually cabbage. I also use light soy sauce and a little vinegar.

>> No.8014330

If you leave rice in the fridge overnight, it partially dries out. When it's like that, frying it in oil makes it pop about and fry rather than getting a bit mushy like freshly cooked rice can.

The dangers of old rice are pretty overstated I think. As long as you properly reheat it by frying it in a very hot pan or in boiling water as a porridge, it's safe.

>> No.8014334

Do I need to do anything special if I want to use brown rice?

>> No.8014340

flavor with tomato broth, carrots and other veggies. corn and potato too. chicken and beef if possible

>> No.8014342

I don't know, sorry.

>> No.8014346

>adding broth
Are you making fried rice or risotto?

>> No.8014347

Chinese restaurants used to do this, so much so that food poisoning from it is called fried rice syndrome. In the 70s the health department went on a crusade to stop them doing it and now most are well informed and don't. You would fail a health certificate if caught doing it.

You know science is a thing right? You're anecdotal evidence doesn't mean anything. Seriously, look this shit up. It is universally accepted SCIENCE and i challenge you to find a source saying that bacillus cereus in rice isn't an issue and leaving rice out overnight is a good idea.

>> No.8014350


>> No.8014351


Here's some scientific research for you simpleton

reheating it doesn't always kill the bacteria though

>> No.8014390

If you don't properly reheat it, it's dangerous. If you do properly reheat it, it's safe. Visit an Asian country and see how little rice is wasted. The amount of rice wasted in western countries because of this hysteria is atrocious. No shit you'll get ill if you don't properly cook something.

>> No.8014402
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>love fried rice from restaurants
>try to make fried rice at home with all the necessary ingredients
>comes out basically as vaguely tan-colored rice with virtually no flavor

What's the secret?

>> No.8014409

I agree that it's probably not completely safe to do, but I eat rice (and chicken/beef) that has sat out on the counter, in the bag it was delivered in, a few hours after it has been delivered.

Is it true that you can get a higher tolerance for bacteria if you do stuff like this? Oftentimes I leave a frozen pizza out on the counter overnight, and have it for breakfast

>> No.8014448
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>> No.8014460

Please don't ever cook rice again

>> No.8014463


>> No.8014464

Probably a lot of nut oil
I think they use a lot of white pepper
Star anise
Some type of curry powder

>> No.8014468

High heat, low cook time.

It's stir frying, but with rice thrown in.

>> No.8014471

>oh no germs because its sitting out
>ignoring the fact that it will soon be frying in extreme heat that will sanitize it
Why are you so worried about germies?

>> No.8014517

you plebs dont even put kamaboko in your fired rice?
get on my level

>> No.8014519

Well this thread isn't about fired rice.

>> No.8014529

>no shit you get ill if you don't properly cook something.
I want you to understand that the bacteria grows after the rice is cooked.
You can't leave it out and let the bacteria grow, you should be putting it in a fridge.

>> No.8014534

Good soy sauce is the secret.
You should really be using day old rice that was kept in a fridge and put on the pan cold.

But as for your point, not many people can generate the heat of a wok. In fact I cook my meat and vegetables high, cook my rice medium, and my eggs on low heat, all in that order.

>> No.8014538




>> No.8014541

I don't understand this logic at all. If you left meat out overnight and it grew dangerous bacteria, could you fry it with some soy sauce and be all good?

t. left rice out a few times and got the shits

>> No.8014543

ive eaten 4 day old spam musubis and been fine.
maybe it's because youre a haole that you get sick

>> No.8014544

No one misunderstands that. I was talking about the second cooking. And honestly, even leaving it out of the fridge for a good part of the day isn't going to turn a bowl or two of rice into a festering pile of bacteria. The dangers are way overblown.

>> No.8014552

Meat rots quickly when left out at room temperature. Rice doesn't; instead, it can, under certain conditions, grow a dangerous bacteria. The problem is that those conditions are almost never met yet people throw away shitloads of rice in fear of it.

>> No.8014564

Meat isn't rice though
Also, grow a fucking immune system jesus christ. If rice left out for a few hours gives you the shits you must have an immune system made out of a coffee filter.

>> No.8014568

Well spam contains a lot of salt and other preservatives so it's not going to go off quickly.

The danger is a reasonable chance of getting the shits which isn't the end of the world, but it isn't great either. Some people probably just see that as an unavoidable normal part of life.

Why would you not refrigerate leftovers? I don't see the downside.

>> No.8014575

Obviously refrigeration is better. I was trying to make the point that some people worry way too much about cooked rice spoiling and this leads to excessive waste.

>> No.8014580

Why would you have to throw out rice? Why not just refrigerate it or keep it hot with the keep warm function on a rice cooker?

This is like you're proud of having poor sanitary conditions. I get it that they shit in the street in india and wipe their ass with their hand and you're just like that. Good for you, you ignore science, refrigeration and behave like someone from the dark ages. Congratulations.

>> No.8014593

Peas, bacon, spring onions, sometimes prawns/shrimp.

>> No.8014609

But obviously lots of people do waste rice, and a lot of it, and that is in part due to people taking extreme examples of things that can happen in certain conditions when storing rice in the wrong way for the wrong length time, and blowing them way out of proportion.

It's also not about being proud of being dirty or whatever you're saying, but this culture of trying to avoid all bacteria and keep everything absolutely 100% sanitary is actually harmful, both in terms of the waste caused and possibly to people's health.

>> No.8014615

Spam, pineapple, egg, and a little MSG. Something my mom used makes. Delicious.

>> No.8014622

you need to add Lap Cheong (Chinese sausage) to your fried rice.

>> No.8014625

Do you know what conditions you're talking about or is this coming out of your asshole?

You're right about our negative culture of cleanliness. Antibacterial soap shouldn't be used outside of hospitals. Kids should be allowed to get dirty.

However the orignal post was;
>At the very least by leave it sitting at room temperature for at least three hours
If you want to do that, fine, it's not a huge risk and the consequences aren't dire. It's terrible advice to give though.

>> No.8014651

In that same post the guy also mentions refrigeration as the normal way to store the rice, and since then it has repeatedly been recommended as the ideal way to store rice.

And what I can tell you is that it is absolutely, perfectly safe to leave rice unrefrigerated for a few hours. It will not become poisonous and give you the shits. It just won't. You can fry it up or boil it again and it will be perfectly fine. Go to any country where rice is regularly consumed and see for yourself how few shits are given about this hyper-sensitive western hygiene advice.

And speaking of bad advice, my point is that alarming people with over-the-top warnings and thus causing them to systematically waste rice (they do) that could've been the basis of meal after meal has gotta be far worse.

>> No.8014682

Ok well i linked a scientific study but i guess that is just western nonsense. Next time i want to know something i guess ill write some options on the ground, cut a chickens head off and see where the corpse comes to rest.

>> No.8014683

You can keep the rice in a container or pot to cool slowly.

No one said anything about exposing it to the elements.

>> No.8014690

Man your autism is flaring something fierce

>> No.8014695

pick 1

>> No.8014697

>Frantically shit-posting on /ck/ for an extended period of time.
I think I'll pick autism.

>> No.8014703

enjoy your runny poos

>> No.8015293
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I tried cooking the rice in beef stock. It's okay but I wouldn't do it again. I added eggs, edamame, broccoli, walnuts, soy sauce, and sriracha. Came out pretty good overall.

>> No.8015712

this nigga knows where it's at
add some egg on top and it's FUCKING PERFECT.
Made this, it was just so amazing.

>> No.8016592

Is this bait?

>> No.8016618

if certain bacteria leave toxins; those are way more heat-stable and will not be killed by reheating unless it's to the point where it's inedible and overcooked

>> No.8016631

Why are you supposed to use old rice?

>> No.8016634

What's wrong with corn?

>> No.8016647


It's just asians and weeaboos being autistic.

>> No.8016692

You may scoff, but hotdog fried rice with onion, ketchup and scrambled eggs was a staple of my childhood. Dad would cut a hot dog into quarters lengthways, then chop into dice, stir-fry it with onions, add day-old rice and toss about, add ketchup, salt and a little water, toss about to mix through and, once the excess liquid has been absorbed into the rice, scrambled egg.
Off the heat, stir in some chopped scallion/green onion and lunch is ready.
>i added a squirt more of ketchup before eating

>> No.8016700

this is coming from the guy that says "take my word for it, this happened in my single undocumented, uncontrolled experience"

guess I might as well start doing detox cleanses and subscribe to acupuncture :^)

>> No.8016717

im a mulatto, and I'm not a weeb.

>> No.8016719

I like to make breakfast fried rice. cook coarsly diced bacon in the pan, start frying peas & carrots in that shit, throw the rice in, then lots of eggs, soy sauce, siracha, and garlic

>> No.8016723

it lacks moisture

>> No.8016789
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post it to /soc/, plz

>> No.8016867
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