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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8004953 No.8004953 [Reply] [Original]

just got my first cast iron pan

what do you like to cook with your cast iron pans?

>> No.8004963

post a picture of your cast iron pan instead of grabbing one from online

also, give us an inventory of the stuff in your fridge RIGHT NOW

because if you're just here for recipes and suggestions, you shouldn't have made a thread
you should have just made a google search

>> No.8004970

I like to fry fatty breakfast sausage. I like how it bubbles as it cooks, and gets nice and golden brown on the bottom.

Get out of here, faggot.

>> No.8004973

woah little buddy, why so angry?

i just want to know what my /ck/ friends like to use their cast iron for

the pic is the same pan i bought (lodge, 8 inches)

>> No.8004984

i use it for pretty much anything i'd use a regular saute pan or a griddle for

>> No.8005029

It's great for pancakes

>> No.8005136

Corn bread

Since that's the extent of the /ck/ diet, it's good for everything

>> No.8005160

Cast iron is great for high heat fat cooking. If you're frying something cast iron is your friend. It's also good for dry toasting nuts and spices.

I don't use it for dishes that call for acidic components (wine, tomatoes) because that reacts with the iron. That's when I break out the stainless pans.

>> No.8005347

Steak obviously.

>> No.8005348

corn bread

>> No.8005381

Steak is where the cast iron pan really shines. Heat it up in your oven as hot as your oven can get, then heat it even more over a burner. Sear the fuck out of a steak.

It's also versatile enough that it can handle most tasks that call for a pan.

>> No.8006302

You'll need three of those though.

>> No.8007490

its good for delicate sauces and cream gravy

>> No.8007561


>> No.8007884

Tendies of course.

>> No.8008252

Everything except boiling water/soup (obviously), and tomatoes.
I have 4 pans (one is a deeper/fryer type), and don't use much else for cooking. I do have a difficult time cooking at friends houses who don't have cast iron, because it is so different.

>> No.8008255

Cast iron meme is pure distilled REDDIT

lmao cooking eggs on a cast iron skillet, fuck off

>> No.8008258

>I have no cooks in my family

>> No.8008259

>using the meme meme

buttblasted mouth breather can't figure out how to plasticize/polymerize fat so eggs slide around in his cast iron pan.

>> No.8008263

>I must defend muh skilletfu

numale faggot cucks. How much do you weight? Are you still virgins?

>> No.8008270

Fucking nice projecting, cast-iron-fag. I bet your dragon dildos are cast iron too.

>> No.8008274

>both grandmothers cooked with cast iron
>mother taught me to care for her pans like newborn babies
>plus I'm a badass wife/ mother/cook
Sorry buddy, you arecalling this wrong. Just learn how to do it right, and you too will enjoy the benefits of cast iron.

>> No.8008275

I don't think yo uread very good.

>> No.8008277

I don't think you cook so good faggot.

>> No.8008289

Stir fried veggies
Grilled cheese
Not fish (hard to get the smell out)
Not turmeric(ditto)

>> No.8008291

>Not fish (hard to get the smell out)
Nonsense. There is nothing for the smell to get into if your pan is properly maintained.

>> No.8008309


>> No.8008458

excuse you but there's no za' on that list of yours pal

>> No.8008490

Fried rice

>> No.8008498
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>> No.8008500

Sear a steak

>> No.8008566
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Kill yourself.

>> No.8008643

I make scrambled eggs all the time in my cast iron pan.

Don't hate something because you can't figure it out.

Literally fox and grapes the post.

>> No.8008898

Scrambled eggs.

>> No.8009281

Why would you not use a nonstick pan to cook eggs? You're literally just making things harder because lolcastironmeme

>> No.8009300

Why would you not just make eggs in a carbon steel pan? You're literally buying a pan buying a non-stick pan just for eggs because lolnonstickmeme.

>> No.8009644

If the pan is seasoned properly there is nothing for the "fishy" stuff to stick to.

>> No.8009664

Seasoning is a meme. I put my pan in a dishwasher and it's fucking fine.

>> No.8009735

I've been seasoning my cast iron over the last few days but eggs are still sticking, although not as much as before. What foods are good to cook in it that would help build a seasoning but not stick too much?

>> No.8009767

How do you niggers care for your cast iron pans? Wash them out with water, season, etc.?

>> No.8009788

>Season when you get it
>Avoid fucking up the seasoning
>Never leave food in the pan, ever
>Wash with hot water as soon as pan has cooled enough
>Don't let anyone else touch them unless you know they can handle them without fucking things up

>> No.8009925
File: 120 KB, 1545x1084, skillet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still using cast iron memeware

>> No.8009951



Get a pound of bacon. Put a few strips in your new pan and turn the heat to the lowest setting. You want the fat to render out of the bacon completely without forming any kind of fond. This is gonna take a while, so be patient.

Once the majority of the fat is rendered out, remove the bacon from the pan and turn your heat up as high as it will go. When the bacon fat just begins to smoke, turn the heat off, remove the pan from the burner, and wipe the fat all over every surface of the pan with a paper towel. Drain out any excess fat and return the heat to the lowest setting. Repeat the process until you run out of bacon.


When you're done cooking with your pan, put it on the burner on high heat. Give it a few minutes to fully heat up, and dump in a cup or two of warm water. The water will instantly boil and help to loosen any stuck on food. While the water is still boiling/simmering, use a stiff plastic brush to scrape the cooking surface. Dump out the dirty water, wipe the pan down with a tiny bit of vegetable/canola oil, and leave it on the stove to cool.

>> No.8009973

>wipe the pan down with a tiny bit of vegetable/canola oil, and leave it on the stove to cool.

mmmmm rancid oxidized oil. Yah sounds great!

>> No.8009981


People have been caring for cast iron this way for decades. Don't be a faggot.

>> No.8009986

You learn to appreciate the nuanced flavors of rancid fats as a user of cast iron cookware.

>> No.8010003

I've had cast iron for over 10 years and I've never put oil on it at the end of cooking. Just wash and heat again to evaporate any trace of water. I can slide fried eggs out onto my plate.

>> No.8010037

>People have been caring for cast iron this way for decades.
I bet that's the reasoning Warren Jeffs used on his 20 wives

>> No.8010055

Op. Everything.