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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8003150 No.8003150[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is he losing his mind?

Is this dude on the run?

Also Wings thread

>> No.8003180

what a cuck

>> No.8003198
File: 58 KB, 540x531, hackerman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda want to fuck with him

>> No.8003210

I am fucking with him lol I don't have a job or shit to do and he's easy


Oh and hey john if you read this thread how do you like my new green car? Hope you enjoyed that Carl's jr yesterday

>> No.8003213


Did you take pictures of him?

>> No.8003218
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>> No.8003220


Does he even post on/lurk /ck/ anymore? I thought he left because you guys were being assholes to him.

>> No.8003221

Pls leave reviewbrah alone he is a beautiful person who brings joy to his many fans.

>> No.8003231

i kinda want to fuck him

>> No.8003233
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Pls dunt stale

>> No.8003520
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he does seem like a fucking nut job but he's also autistic af. he talks about having "good days" and "bad days" so he's probably schizophrenic too

>> No.8003541

>he talks about having "good days" and "bad days"
What a fuckin' psychopath..

>> No.8003591
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>> No.8003597


why don't you stalk jack instead if he stops making videos maybe the circle jerk cancer here will stop

you can do the autistic kid later but please kill jack first

>> No.8003609

Is the reason all his suits are ill fitting, that he buys them at goodwill? I bet he'd look like less a weirdo in a fitted suit.

>> No.8003611
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>> No.8003640

I remember watching some old videos by Jim (InternetAristocrat, MisterMetokur, etc.) about some guy who made Youtube videos while believing he was being gang stalked, and you could see the guy's gradual descent into insanity. I imagine it's the same with this kid, being fueled by a forum of other deranged fuckers and trolls. The guy in the videos eventually stopped making them and all the content disappeared entirely so it's only a matter of time now.

>> No.8003660

People have posted pics parked outside his house/his car etc maybe someone like anon up top is fucking with him

>> No.8003664

after all that has happened with cwc over the years I believe him when he says hes being stalked by weirdos on the internet

>> No.8003668

Anyone know where they are? I'm a former amateur boxer and have a CCW and wouldn't mind kicking the shit out of green van anon for reviewbrah.

>> No.8003669


fuckin kek holy shit this is gold

>> No.8003675

People now like to pretend they are celebrities by posting shit online and they are surprised when they receive negative attention IRL.

>> No.8003677

That was on /pol/ some guy with a Japanese flag was posting them but probably a proxy

>> No.8003683

>people shouldn't be so surprised when other people stalk them! I mean it's only natural to stalk people who post things that you don't like on the internet

>> No.8003689

Those fucking SLUTS deserve to be RAPED for rejecting me!!!!

>> No.8003709

Yes dipshit, it's what entails being a celebrity, youtube or not.

He also posted on 4chan as himself, tell me that wasn't one of the most dumbass things you could've done.

>> No.8003729

What's wrong with posting as yourself on 4chan?

>> No.8003739

You go first.

>> No.8003741

This brings up a thought. Has anyone ever stalked a stalker? It sounds like fun.

>> No.8003745

I mean as an internet celebrity. No one cares who I am. But this guy was already known before he posted on 4chan right?

>> No.8003890



>> No.8003892


So apparently the reason he got kicked out is because he was hallucinating people breaking into his house (again) and he threw a fucking dart at his mom lmao there's a thread on /pol/ right now his stalker and someone else who went to school with him are in it posting with proofs


>> No.8003914

His head looks even bigger when he was on tosh hahahaha ha wtf


>> No.8003917
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>> No.8004829

I have a feeling he's gonna get suicided soon

>> No.8005133
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I would watch a show about a stalker stalking a stalker

>> No.8005192

Basically Dexter.

>> No.8005208


I liked Dexter, where the later seasons really as bad as everyone said?

>> No.8005327

are you that one fucking retarded canadian that keeps making threads about it on /pol/? you're actually pathetic. i hope you get shot.

>> No.8005407

Most were unhappy with the way the show ended and there was a general feeling of tiredness towards the end as the show lost its uniqueness.

>> No.8005422
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