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File: 44 KB, 447x340, scoville_chart_buffalo_sauce.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8001778 No.8001778 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favourite hot sauce?
I need recommendations what to put on my pizza

>> No.8001784

Tapatio is my go-to, especially for something like pizza. Very versatile but still a solid flavor.

>> No.8001799
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Encona is hotter than all of those, much cheaper, and available from most UK supermarkets.

>> No.8001831
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My boss runs an orphanage in Belize and brings this stuff back all the time. It's really good, still has that vinegary taste that I like in my hot sauce.

Aside from that, there are numerous foods that I pretty much don't enjoy without plain Tabasco sauce. I like the Chipotle one too, but ironically it doesn't go well with a burrito from Chipotle.

>> No.8001970

I only ever used sauce or ketchup when the pizza was shit, I now just avoid it, but I do recomend some grounded chili pepper from time to time tho

>> No.8002011

My favorite way of making a pizza spicy is using grounded dried chili pepper, though I also like a fresh chili pepper chopped into little pieces (a whole chili is a bit much for me though).
As for hot sauces in general, I like sambal. I like it in most sauces I make, and through rice. Not sure if I'd put it on my pizza though.

>> No.8003185
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Still have the bottles of my favorites left.

Not much more left but a few drops, I gotta order some more soon. Thanks for reminding me, OP.

>> No.8003236

Tapatio isn't my go-to hot sauce by a long shot, but it's probably unbeatable on pizza

>> No.8003704

how is that ironic? the two aren't related

>> No.8003714

Fiery Hot is the best variety. Girl that rents my basement is from Belize and has a case of the stuff

>> No.8003747
File: 207 KB, 850x1123, Secret_Aardvark_Habanero_Hot_Sauce_Front_HEATONIST__90611.1391706807.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also like valentina, tapatio, and jalapeno tabasco

>> No.8003751

A place called Chipotle sells burritos and has Chipotle Tabasco as a condiment that doesn't go well with it.

How is that not ironic? Does Chipotle even have Chipotle peppers as an ingredient in any of their stuff at all?

>> No.8003766

I love the gold label or the Beware personally. I was in Belize in 2012 and apparently there's another Bleizian sauce company called Hot Mama's or something. It's shit in comparison. Marie's goes so well with the shitty Chinese restaurant called Happy Family or something in Belmopan.

I had a few friends actually tour the Marie's factory and met Marie from Marie Sharpe's.

>> No.8003768

>how is that ironic
Didn't pay attention in class, I see

>> No.8003801

fiery hot is the gold label yea

>> No.8005452
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>habanero tabasco
Only recently bought that and realized that they manage to remove the bitter/unpleasant component of habaneros leaving mostly the nice fruity components intact, something I struggle with every time I try
how do they do it? It's so depressing

>> No.8005636
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I put gringo bandito on everything. Or ass kicking (or whatever the name with the mule on the bottle) Habanero if I'm trying to sweat.

>> No.8005642

Also you guys should check out the hot ones interviews on youtube they interview celebrities while they both eat gradually hotter hot wings most people start sweating around the 6th wing which has the bomb hot sauce. Pretty funny.

>> No.8006587
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>> No.8006596


Have you ever ate one raw its not bitter friendo

>> No.8006659

I love chilies but what are you supposed to eat hot sauce with? Do you just carry it around and pour it over food when you're eating at a restaurant?
Habanero's are fruity and very sweet though you might not appreciate that if you have a low heat tolerance.

>> No.8006686
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>> No.8007055
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>have friends round for bbq
>encona is one of the sauces we put out
>m8 of mine puts it all over his hot dog like it's ketchup
>pic related

>> No.8007071


aldi sells it for $1.70. Can't beat that.

>> No.8007770

I did eat one raw. Maybe it's the ones sold here but they have a bitter component, like the white parts of a bell pepper but stronger.

>> No.8007920

I eat Encona like ketchup. It's only hot by supermarket standards.

>> No.8009674

you easily can beat tapatio

>> No.8009886

sriracha is good on pizza

>> No.8009896
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This is the best brand of hot sauces.

>> No.8009903

Love some 'cha on my 'za for hot taste.

>> No.8009904
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Sauce is dumb and ruins the texture of food. Powder is god tier.

>> No.8010121

Green Yucateca is the shit.

>> No.8010133

Do you have to order this online? Ghost peppers have the best damn flavor of any pepper, close second is red bell.

>> No.8010134

I'm partial to sambal. My favourite type is ulek as the slight sweet taste of it is absolutely divine when mixed with spinach.

>> No.8010143

It appears to be $9.31 with free shipping, but can you get it in stores?

>> No.8010961

Australian sauce, Diemans Hot Sauce
Fucking amazing, uses local pepperberries which is like a smokey earthy tang

>> No.8010986

i like cholula

is this wrong?

>> No.8010989
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kutbilik is best though. they got this at my local grocer for like 2 bux a bottle.

>> No.8011238

it's ok anon

i like the cholula with lime

>> No.8011248

I'm boring, so I stick with either Texas Pete or Louisiana Hot Sauce. T-Pete reminds me of my Navy days and Louisiana is fairly tasty but lacks a kick

>> No.8011307
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>> No.8011315
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>> No.8011319


>> No.8011598

Marie sharps is patrician.

>> No.8012060

There is no way to fuck up that combination. Put any kind of hot sauce on any kind of pizza, and see if it's not just fucking delicious. Original Tabasco sauce on pizza is my go to.

>> No.8012186

I put that shit on everything

>> No.8012213

Valentinas is GOAT

>> No.8012604

Chipotle uses Chipotle peppers in its beans, some meats, and some salsas.

The chipotle tabasco does indeed go well with their food. I use it 60% of the time.

>> No.8012620

What cheese do you use for authentic 'go 'za?
'ella from 'ly or some 'dar from 'nsin?

>> No.8012623
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I know it's not hot sauce but it can easily replace hot sauce of you run out.

>> No.8012628
File: 30 KB, 480x480, BLiS-Blast-Hot-Pepper-Sauce_large_950b72f1-fc50-491c-a9f0-8cf73fded801_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a good well flavored all around sauce, I use Blis. I guess it depends on your goals. Are you looking to add heat, or a spicy kick?

>> No.8012633

Is every hot sauce made with vinegar?
I don't like how Tabasco makes everything taste sour.

>> No.8012639

is that stuff good on elotes? I usually use ancho chile powder.

>> No.8012644

It's pretty common.

>> No.8012653

most are. the alternative is something like Sriracha or a similar pureed style sauce.

>> No.8012676

>is that stuff good on elotes?
I like how you just dropped that so casually in an otherwise English sentence. No cultureless corn on the cob for you, no sir! You seem like the kind of guy who carefully pronounces "habañero" in the "NPR white people talking reverently about Hispanic things" accent, while lifting your chin involuntarily from the ennobling effects of such an authentic discussion, and arching your eyebrows suggestively from the strain of using your mouth in an unexpected way

Can we be friends?

>> No.8012746

Man. You should work in a theater with all that projecting skill.

>> No.8012749


That show is genius though.

>> No.8012770

Classic meat minimalist.

>> No.8014190
File: 60 KB, 200x500, HH341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've become a hot sauce connoisseur lately and here's a list of my go to sauces. I avoid Frank's Red Hot because too much salt in it.

>Best sauce I've ever had is Sontava Habanero XX Sauce

>Melinda's Naga Jolokia is awesome if you want heat

>Tabasco. Low sodium too.

>> No.8014576
File: 24 KB, 272x381, ss (2016-08-22 at 01.34.10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use with caution.

>> No.8014618


The Kutbilik is pretty good, too. I have a bottle of that one, or maybe another brown Yucateco, in my cupboard somewhere.

>> No.8014702

These niggas know what's up!! My favorite shit right there.

>> No.8015789

i puta dat sh#t on EVEERTHANG

>> No.8015824

>under 10k


>> No.8015828

Really like tabasco,tried quite a few others but 'sco is my favourite still.

Louisiana also but its very mild imo.

>> No.8015831

The little blind belizean girl I keep in my secret dungeon had a truckload of this stuff. It's superb.

>> No.8015854

elotes is different than just corn on the cob though

>> No.8015864
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Someone who was on holidays in San Francisco brought this home as a gift for me. Never had anything quite like it. One drop into pasta for one was enough, accidentally put in 2-4 and you'll cough, hiccup (I didn't know a hot sauce could do this) and sweat

>> No.8015937

this shit called California habenero twist and shout is fucking delicious and hot as all hell

>> No.8015973

>elotes aren't corn on the cob
Orale guey, and un paletero no es un ice cream man, no cierto?

>> No.8015986
File: 33 KB, 250x839, melindas-naga-jolokia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the heat and flavor master race, niggas

>> No.8016031
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on everything

>> No.8016123

That shit is 3.5million SHU's
Compare that to OP's pic.

Its an extract.

>> No.8016291

These are pretty tasty.

>> No.8016304

you know what else is tasty? ure mom's cooking

>> No.8016465
File: 67 KB, 254x500, death roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are reccomendations for buffalo sauce? I heard that getting your own vinegar to put in when coating wings is best, then jst use hot sauce you like. may frank's red hot, or what is something better? I currently use ott's. it's really good, lighter orange and more viscus but once you put it on some recently fried wings it is perfect. anybody here have places for recipes of good home made sauce?

also my favorite hot sauce at the moment is this gotar death roll from pepper palace. tried a bunch of different flavors and came out with this. it is incredible. at first i loved it then when i got it i didn't like it as much for some reason. i tried it again a month ago now i put it on lots of stuff. from tacos and quesadillas to burgers or put a little mayo and sour cream together and mix in some death roll and you got hot sauce aoli that hits the spot on a sandwich with good ingredients and bread.

>> No.8016472

i think they had one sauce of this kind that was hotter. called death roll XXX i think

>> No.8017184

my favourite hot sauce is stuff I make myself. I call it "Carolina Liar" sauce because it starts off with a little sweetness and then creeps in with a really raw burn at the finish. Don't let her lie to you, she ain't that sweet and she ain't from Carolina!

I need friends.

But seriously, look up a recipe and make your own sauce, you'll make a better sauce than anything you can buy at the grocery 1st try no problem.

>> No.8017202

Protip: Mix this with bread crumbs, and make fried chicken with it.

It's crunchy lime zest chicken, absolutely delicious.

>> No.8017208

Have you tried the sweet mango habanero flavor? It's tip top tier.

>> No.8018838

just tried this along with pho for the first time, pretty darn good.

add some butter to this and youre doin' ok.

>> No.8018920

All of them besides garbage chalula

How can people even use that shit? It's literally taco bell sauce

>> No.8018935
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The one and only

>> No.8019840
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Anyone ever have this stuff?

Not much selection where I live (Germany) however, this is great. Very tangy.

Sometimes I mix it up with lime juice or even a bit of Cholula Garlic flavour.

>> No.8019916

What flavor is that on the far right? I can't read the label.

>> No.8019930

Not op, but looks like hot sauce. Tabasco brand. You typically use it to dump on shitty diner food when you've been driving for 18 hours and need something - ANYTHING - resembling a hot meal, and you're pretty certain it's going to taste like shit unless you dump the hot sauce all over it.

Fuckups and alcoholics also like to dump it on their homemade bachelor slop.

>> No.8020137

Habanero doesn't have an ñ.

>> No.8020155

Pizza mode is definitely Tabasco or Frank's redhot

>> No.8020189

They're all fucking tabasco, Sherlock.

>> No.8021858
File: 452 KB, 5160x3440, Nutella2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt people who have never heard of nutella pizza

on another note: nutella pizza. what the fuck italians. hazelnut cocoa spread does NOT go onto pizza

>> No.8021889


>> No.8021893

>something is popular thus I have to pretend that I hate it

>> No.8021896


nutella is literally designed to go on bread.

>> No.8021992

italians invented pizza so I think they know better than some armchair warrior on 4chan

>> No.8021994

Id like to get some of this as a novelty but im not paying $30 for it.

>> No.8022012

It's the "Sweet & Spicy" variant.

>> No.8022141

mah nigguh

>> No.8023061

by elote he probably means white corn, tastes different than the yellow one

>> No.8023097

I like the chipotle one better.

>> No.8023603
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Louisiana hot sauce is my favorite.

>> No.8024353
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That was amazing taste

>> No.8024390

glad this is getting some love

>> No.8024393
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>> No.8024443

By drowning it in Heinz Barbecue sauce. The only acceptable Tobasco variant is the original.

>> No.8024461

hell yes

>> No.8024471


this shit is SO FUCKING GOOD

>> No.8024479

tried this shit in charleston once, it didn't even taste good it just tasted like burning dreams and semen

which coincidentally is probably right up OPs ally :^)

>> No.8026128
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This shit is SO FUCKING GOOD for a mild sauce. It's like a tangy and lime-y extract of cascabel and puya peppers, super flavorful and good on EVERYTHING.

>> No.8027866

It's called a dessert pizza, sperger king.

>> No.8028531
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This shit's got fucking baby-tier spice, but godly flavour. I was super disappointed by the heat, but amazed by the taste.

I swear though, the Medium sauce they use in their restaurants is hotter than their store-bought XX Hot.

>> No.8028558
File: 75 KB, 792x340, Clancys-Fancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clancy's Fancy is God Tier.

>> No.8028933

top tier but i drench food in this, its not very spicy at all.

I love anything daves gourmet/blaires

but for daily use I'll also use tabasco habanero (which oddly enough isnt shit like normal tobasco)
and also Louisiana habanero sauce.
Louisiana gold isnt bad either

>> No.8028983
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Iguana Joes

One of the few hotsauces I've had which compliments with both extreme hot AND delicious flavor. Normally it's either one or the other, but this one keeps me coming back for more each time. I absolutely love it.

>> No.8029112

This stuff is more like salt sauce than hot sauce but I love it anyway

>> No.8029201

I steal those from the mexican resturaunt down the road from my house. I normally dont advocate stealing but the food is overpriced as all hell