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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8001390 No.8001390[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw fell for the cast iron meme


>> No.8001391

by killing yourself.

>> No.8001392

fucking how
evey time I try I wake up in a hospital with 500 dollars missing from my pocket

>> No.8001393

I know I'm not the only person who cross posts between ck and g but come on, you must be able to tell the difference. Also, clean it however you like, power washer, steel wool, wire brush etc. etc. It's cast iron, it don't care. Also, stop burning your food like a retard.

>> No.8001394

>posting a cast iron pan on /g/

Of all the boards, you chose a technology board for your cast iron pan?

>Steel brush, force and some acidic solvent

>> No.8001395

it's not that bad

It is almost a meme though. I can't tell any difference in the end result. But it's too late now. I've already bought it and I'm a firm believer in the sunken costs fallacy.

>> No.8001396


-- >>>/out/
-- >>>/diy/

Be prepared to describe what's wrong with it so the type of cleaning &/or reconditioning advice can be targeted toward your needs. Posting actual pics of it's condition can't hurt.

>> No.8001397

Shoot your self faggot

>> No.8001398

With water you moron and dry immediately. Also dubs you faggot

>> No.8001399

yuo arent supposed to clean cast iron dummy. You are supposed to just wipe the grease off after using it and put it away, and the next time you use it you burn off any germs of bacteria before putting the food on

>> No.8001400
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>> No.8001401

cleaning it makes it lose its flavor profile, retard

>> No.8001402

I too cross between but good god man you recommend a wire brush!
All you need is some hot water and a stiff bursh

>> No.8001403

Technology isn't just exclusive to computers unlike what 99% of /g/ morons believe

>> No.8001404

>have one laying in the sink for 3 months

It sticked to a dry wall, not shitting

>> No.8001405

Put water in it, bring to a boil for a while. Burnt food will loosen up. Then just rinse out and then clean with cooking oil and paper towels. Once done, coat with oil and put it back on the stove for a while to hopefully season the pan.
The secret is to not let old food sit around, rinse the pan out right away. Never use soap, and never use steel wool, that will just strip the seasoning, which will make food stick even more.

>> No.8001406

Cast iron needs to be seasoned, dude. Cleaning it basically involves a rinse and wipe with water.

>> No.8001407

You clean it by hand, you apply a thin layer of oil in the end all over the insides, and you sprinkle salt over that.
You stupid fuck.

>> No.8001408

Next time get a stainless steel pan, or a nonstick pan

I like stainless steel because you don't have to worry about seasoning, or non-stick coatings, you can just blast the shit out of it.

>> No.8001409

electronics is obviously the intended focus, though.

>> No.8001410

>you don't have to worry about seasoning

>> No.8001411

>not ceramic pan

>> No.8001412

Bit of elbow grease.

>> No.8001413

cast iron is the easiest shit to clean. Just rinse with water then wipe dry.

You did season it right?

>> No.8001414

If you're going to be pathological about definitions then basically everything counts as technology

>> No.8001415


How the fuck does /g/ know so much about cast iron pans?

>> No.8001416

Install Gentoo

>> No.8001417

I didn't think /ck/ was popular enough to have meme spillover.


You need to kill yourself


Lots of ex-fermi owners.

>> No.8001418

Because some of us don't live in mommy's house faggot.

>> No.8001419

a) we know how to google, it's a superpower of nerds
b) all /g/urus love food and most of us shadowpost on /ck/ too

>> No.8001420

Heat it up and then pour in either white vinegar or white wine (vinegar is cheaper). The acid reacts with the fat and melts away.
>I'm a chef

>> No.8001421


>> No.8001422

I live by myself, though i'm a really lazy cook

I cook for others, never for myself

>> No.8001423

>tfw fell for the wok on an electric stove meme

Fuck asian cooking. Cooking with chopsticks is fucking gay too. Can't reach consistent high heat on my shitty electric range with and el-cheapo stainless steel pans. How am i supposed to make my weeb meme dishes in my filthy gaijin kitchen?

>> No.8001424


>> No.8001425

I know as probably others do too because I have my own place and I enjoy coking.

Thanks for the tip anon, will try that one

>> No.8001426


>Electric stove

You fucked up when you chose the apartment/house.

>> No.8001427

>enjoys cucking

>> No.8001428

burn the house down and get a gas stove

>> No.8001429

You just beat someone to death with it and use the blood to summon scrubbing demons you ignoramus

>> No.8001430

go ceramic or go home

>> No.8001431

It doesn't need to be completely clean faggot. Slight burn ins from previous cooks also helps with anti-stick.

>> No.8001432


>ITT good taste

Gas 4 lyfe dawg.

>> No.8001433

i have a hybrid gas and induction

you cant beat induction for boiling water

>> No.8001434

The best way to restore or make new seasoning on a cast iron pan (assuming there are wooden bits, remove them before attempting) is to slightly grease it down with unrefined flaxseed oil using a napkin and then tossing it into an oven on high heat for an hour or until all the oil burns. Wait for it to cool off, and repeat the process about six times.

>but what's happening?
Pan seasoning is formed from crystallized carbon molecules concentrated from specific fats and oils. Flaxseed oil has not just the lowest burning point of any oil, but also the highest concentration of potential carcinogens (a good thing in this case).
In ye olde days when cast iron was the only real material option for cooking, the food we ate was also quite different, for instance pig fat was mainly used for cooking on, but we also fed pigs with real food then, so one can't just use modern bacon to season with. It won't "stick" so to say.
Seasoning is a process of activating the free radicals within food to start the process that eventually creates that hard shell, so if you want to avoid getting cancer from eating burnt food, it's generally a good idea to not cook and expect good seasoning at the same time, although some scale will form from regular cooking either way.
For cleaning, just make sure to remove the food from the pan as soon as it's done and then rinse down with hot water, never use soaps of any kind. After cleaning you may opt to slightly grease the pan if you're afraid of corrosion if you live near the sea.

>> No.8001435

Thanks for the very informative post

>> No.8001436

what technology is this

>> No.8001437

Cast iron pans

>> No.8001438

I use two methods:
If it's just dirty I use warm water from the sink and a normal brush until it's clean, doesn't take too long.
If loads of food is burnt stuck I add warm water and put it back on the stove and boil it for 5 minutes. Just scrape it off with a spatula and complete it with the first method. Always works.

>> No.8001439

Ceramic pans> every other pan

>> No.8001440

seems about as relevant as anything on /g/
like why do we always have headphone threads? It's only vaguely related to tech, 90% of discussions seem to be about subjectivity and impressions, not actual science or engineering.
Those fags should just go to /mu/

Cast iron retains a huge amount of heat compared to aluminum pans, whether they're coated with Teflon or ceramic, which is important when you throw in extra ingredients that might rapidly cool down the contents of the pan. I like ceramic pans too of course, but for different things than what I use cast iron for.

>> No.8001441

Burn off anything left on it and scrape it off.

>> No.8001442

>cleaning cast iron cookware

>> No.8001443

>Lots of ex-fermi owners.
>Not keeping a gtx 480 around for charred deliciousness

>> No.8001444


Difference is cast iron takes a lot more punishment than fibreglass and plastic can - all those gtx 480's have melted after years of use as an impromptu bbq.

>> No.8001445


>Lots of ex-fermi owners.
underrated post

>> No.8001446


My dog isn't technology, but dogs breeding through the lenses of DNA replication is /g/-relevant.

This post is obviously intended at the 20 GPU, computer case, or anything gaming (keyboard, Omen, etc.) threads there are everyday too. Just look at what people post in Vulkan threads: nVidia blog posts, nVidia bugzilla, nVidia memes, etc. gr8, autosage Vulkan nVidia and AMD please.

>> No.8001447

You clean it by mitigating the dirt to begin with, Before you use the pan, spray it with Pam or another non-stick cooking spray.

>> No.8001448

>You need to kill yourself
I don't give a shit about pans dude

>muh even heating

Thick copper bases on stainless steel pans helps with that.

>> No.8001449

Cast iron dumbbells are comfy m8
I always feel like Ahnold lifting even if Im a dyel fag

>> No.8001450

Don't do this, it makes mustard gas.

>> No.8001451

>cast iron



>> No.8001452

Literally supporting a powerful monopoly

>> No.8001453

>Muh cancer

>> No.8001454

...Get a gas bottle?

>> No.8001455

Different pans for different foods motherfucker!

>> No.8001456

you scrub it with steel wool.

>> No.8001457

ITT /g/s extreme autism even extends to cooking

>> No.8001458


more like faggots too poor to afford restaurants

stay salty

>> No.8001459

>only 500

Damn. What country ?

>> No.8001460
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If it's super fucked, then clean it in a vinegar solution to get all the crap clean.

Now comes the seasoning of pan, that is making sure the pores on the cast iron is filled with oils. Google seasoning cast iron.

Don't use dishwash on it, it will ruin it and adds the taste.

Hot water and brush. Steel wool if you fucked up again.

>> No.8001461


Yes, but...

Some metal react differently with some food, mostly with acidic ingredients like tomatoes.

Stainless steel and ceramic are non-reactive and should not impart different flavor to the food.

Aluminium, "regular" steel, iron(cast-iron), copper are known to be reactive and will react to ingredients and will change some of the flavors.

>> No.8001462

>can't cook because no basic life skills
>have to leave the house just to get something decent to eat
wow sounds great desu senpai

>> No.8001463
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I carved a piece of wood into a groove that meshes perfectly with the pan. It takes me a couple of minutes to clean, but cleans up well.

>> No.8001464

Honestly I just wash it with Fairy and I season it before I use it.
I don't even give a fuck that there's Fairy fumes in my food.

>> No.8001465


>never use soaps

you've been meme'd friend

>> No.8001466

>problem is what your obese mound classes as a restaurant many of us wont.
>see Maccies & kfc are not really "restaurants" in my eyes

>> No.8001467
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Electric wok

>> No.8001468
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Just buy a new one everytime

>> No.8001469

hot water and a sponge
no soap or else

>> No.8001470
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>cast iron pan thread
>still the best thread /g/ has had in months

generals are a cancer that is slowly killing every board

>> No.8001471

>heat teflon until smoke, for steaks
>inhale toxic fumes
oh what fun

>> No.8001472

Not him, but the same thing happens to me all the time here in Liberty City.

>> No.8001473

From the same article:
>The one thing you shouldn't do? Let it soak in the sink. Try to minimize the time it takes from when you start cleaning to when you dry and re-season your pan. If that means letting it sit on the stovetop until dinner is done, so be it.
When I said don't use soap I meant don't let it soak with soap in it, I've seen people do that and it does ruin the seasoning.

>> No.8001474

That has less to do with the soap and more to do with the water.

>> No.8001475

>Muh cast iron meme
There's probably a reason why 99% of chefs use stainless steel everything

>> No.8001476

Because a good chunk of us actually take care of ourselves, have our own place, and know how to cook.

>> No.8001477

99% of chefs are lazy fucks who only do it to get payed.

>> No.8001478

>99% of chefs use stainless steel everything
Nice statistic out your ass.

>> No.8001479
File: 40 KB, 416x500, lodge-combo-cooker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didnt buy the combo cooker

look at him, look at him and laugh!

>> No.8001480

That's pretty nice to be H.
I bet you could make some really nice buckwheat in that bitch.

>> No.8001481

>when done cooking
>wait for it to cool
>pour in water about half way up
>put it on the stove and crank up the heat
>let it boil on full power for a few minutes.
>if you have a gas stove, just turn off the heat and wait for it to cool
>if you are on ceramic/whatever take it off and place it on metal trivet so it can cool
>when cooled pour out the water
>give a good scrub under low running lukewarm water with a steel brush or steel sponge.
>when done put it back on the stove and quickly heat it so it dries and immediatly take it off the heat.


Thats how I do it.

>> No.8001482

>get a nonstick pan
Enjoy your cancer

>> No.8001483

lodge pans are shit

>> No.8001484

don't let it soak, just scrub it down.

>> No.8001485

how? they're just iron like any other fucking cast iron pan

>> No.8001486

they are too fucking heavy and they perpetuate the meme that cast irons have to be heavy

a quality cast iron pan is actually really light.

>> No.8001487

You're not supposed to scrap and eat the nonstick, Anon.

>> No.8001488

>a quality cast iron pan is actually really light.
Chinese quality cast iron pans.

>> No.8001489

Because cast iron pans are just as self-depreciating as linux.

>> No.8001490

I can pay $20 for a meal and wait 10 minutes.
Spend fuel to get to and from that meal only.

I can have the same quality and have the same food for $3 a meal and cook 10 minutes.
Spend fuel to get multiple meals and do other stuff as well.

I cook for a living, why pay other people for what I can easily do my self. Not only that I can do shit at home while I eat/cook.

>> No.8001491

pressure washer and gasoline

>> No.8001492

At first I was wary of cast iron, but its fucking amazing.

I can't believe how non-stick it is. Eggs just glide off the pan by themselves.

>> No.8001493

Because it's a diy cooking utility that requires some setup and less work / lasts forever in the long run.

>> No.8001494

>muh grill marks

please don't tell me you fell for that meme

>> No.8001495

Flat bottom wok, you guy fucking retard.

>> No.8001496

That shit comes off with just cooking

>> No.8001497
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>I fell for the induction meme

>> No.8001498

Only use it for certain scenarios. Don't fall for the fried eggs meme.

Cast iron is great for indoor steak, veggies, bacon, etc, but trying to use it as the answer to everything is a dumb move. Get a decent nonstick (a no name one from a restaurant supply store will work as good as a tfal or whatever you like) for frittata, omelets, etc

Can't beat a deep dish pizza out of a cast iron skillet though.

Always spread a fresh coat of oil across the entire pan surface when you're preheating. Always wipe out the pan immediately after cooking (don't let the pan get cold), scrape anything that is stuck on (happens often when searing steak), and apply a thin layer of oil while the pan is cooling if you see any dull spots.

Use a high temperature oil like peanut oil. Do not use olive oil. Olive oil oxidizes at a relatively low temperature and will create a sticky, counterproductive surface on your pan.

>> No.8001499

Dead wrong, if its light its not gonna hold on to heat well, and thats the only reason to buy a cast iron anything in the first place.

>> No.8001500

Oh, and AVOID water, period. You shouldn't have to use water to clean your pan unless you really fuck up the seasoning and need to redo it completely.

If you do, scrub the pan out with a wire brush or brillo pad, clean with soap and water, then coat with oil and bake in an oven upside down at 400 degrees for an hour. Let it cool and repeat the process twice more and you should be good to go. I do this to my main Lodge skillet about once a year and never, ever wash it otherwise.

>> No.8001501

Do you want cancer? If you cook at a temperature that's too high, use a shitty light pan, or don't replace it every 3 years, you're going to fucking poison yourself.

>> No.8001502


Good tips, but no need to be an alarmist.

Never go over medium heat on a nonstick. No reason to do so anyway, you're searing your meat in the cast iron.

Always use plastic or wood utensils on your nonstick.

As soon as you scratch the surface, replace it with a new one. This is why you're buying them at the restaurant supply store.

Convenience and common sense trumps fear mongering.

>> No.8001503

>over 450kg of metal just piling up in kitchen

>> No.8001504

put in fire, retard

>> No.8001505


>cooking with magnets

talk about getting bamboozled

>> No.8001506

Dishwasher. If it dies, it dies.

Also, fat ass heavy pans aren't usually better unless you need to cook over open fires outdoors (controllable gas stoves don't need the thermal capacity).

>> No.8001507
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Are you hungry

>> No.8001508

burn it clean

>> No.8001509
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Retard alert

>> No.8001510

If you're talking just casual cleaning, wipe it with a damp cloth, and finish up with a bit of oil and salt and rinse it again.

If it's fucked, and you have a self-cleaning oven, you can stuff it in the oven on self-cleaning mode and bake off all the crap, then scrub it clean, and re-season it.

>> No.8001511

Ive been recently using my oven for new foods and slow cooking.

Chicken goes on a high heat pan. Would rather eat real steaks at a restaurant than even try.

>> No.8001517


>> No.8001539


>> No.8001547

Toss in half a handful of kosher salt, a half cup of hot water and scrub vigorously with a stiff brush.

Rinse, dry immediately, wipe down with a teaspoon of oil.

>> No.8001626

fucking hell, i just had to deal with this yesterday.
my brother gave my one of these for my bday. at the time, i was living with literal fucking slobs, so i never used the kitcher, and i let my parents use it for a while. they never seasoned it and generally didn't know how to maintain it.
flash forward to today, im in my own place, got it back, and its rusted to shit. here's what i did.
>cleaned with wirebrush, soap, hot water
>dried with towel
>placed on burner set to high to dry even more
>let cool
>brushed on canola oil with paper towel
>placed in oven at 350 for an hour

and wa la its fucking good as new. the cleaning was a bitch tho.

to clean, wash with rock salt and water, scrub with soft sponge, and dry with a towel. crucial, season again by brushing entire thing with oil.

it's not really convenient, but if you don't have a grill or any other iron cookery, nothing will cook a steak better. you will be disappointed any other way.

>> No.8001775

It took me a bit to figure out what the hell is going on here. Thought I was on /g/ at first but then I realized the thread got moved to /ck/.
Didn't know mods did that.

>> No.8001798

same, it was pretty scary

first time i've ever seen it happen

>> No.8001824

>moving this to /ck/
Wow , way to kill a thread

>> No.8001851

honestly I think the only think I like about it is that it's impossible for me to fuck up.

cooks just fine but so does everything else

>> No.8001927
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You didn't try hard enough

>> No.8001940

>cast iron
>for when 1400s tech is all you really need

Hipster peasantry

>> No.8001957

don't ever go to /g/ you fucking faggot

>> No.8002218
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You're not supposed to use soap or real abrasives, for one...

You let it soak with plain water for a while and then you scrub it out with plain water and a plastic brush. No soap!
If the bottom was flat, when it is dried off (but still oily) you could also use a plastic scrubing pad and some dry salt as an abrasive.

No soap, no vinegar. You aren't supposed to do anything that will strip the oily coating from it.


Life Tip: cast iron isn't ever really non-stick. And the ridged bottom of OP's pan is a sad admission of that fact.
Cast iron is shit-tier; burnt oil and carbon is simply not a non-stick surface.
The whole thing was a hoax all along.

Teflon is gooder if you use soft silicone utensils and clean it gently, but frying tends to take it to pieces anyway.

Ceramic is God-tier. Get yourself a ceramic-coated pan, treat it gently, and you will never ever want a cast-iron pan again.

>> No.8002226

>You aren't supposed to do anything that will strip the oily coating from it.

If the coating is "oily" then you're doing it wrong. A properly seasoned iron pan will have a rock-hard shiny black coating on it. It should not feel oily or sticky.

You can safely use soap on a properly seasoned pan without harm.

>>burnt oil and carbon is simply not a non-stick surface.

Agreed. It's the sign of a pan that is:
A) dirty
B) wasn't properly seasoned

>> No.8002258
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>you're doing it wrong
nah, I tried it and re-tried it a bunch of times, and it never worked as claimed. cast iron just plain sucks.

It's the pinnacle of technology 100 years ago--before ceramic or teflon, and when aluminum cost more than gold

ceramic is non-stick like you imagined: after use you can literally wipe it clean with a paper towel

>> No.8002273

>nah, I tried it and re-tried it a bunch of times

Then you repeated errors a bunch of times. My best blind guess is that you didn't heat the pan up long enough and/or at a high enough temperature when you attempted to season it.

>> after use you can literally wipe it clean with a paper towel
And that's exactly how a CI pan should work.

>> No.8002338

>And that's exactly how a CI pan should work.
yea but lots and lots of people have never ever had theirs work like that

there is all kinds of magical incantations about what oil to use, what temperature to season at, how long to let it season, only expensive pans will work, only vintage pans will work,,,, all these excuses to blame the customer. "The pan IS non-stick, you're just not doing it right!" >:[

with teflon and ceramic, the only instructions is "don't use metal utensils in it".

>> No.8002350

>t lots and lots of people have never ever had theirs work like that

Don't blame me for other people's mistakes.

>>with teflon and ceramic, the only instructions is "don't use metal utensils in it".

Yes, those are simpler, I agree.
They have their own disadvantages though. There's no such thing as an ideal pan. They all have pros and cons. I have three types of frying pans: cast iron, aluminum with teflon nonstick, and stainless steel with aluminum core. I use them all regularly. They are different tools for different jobs.

>> No.8002363

What we can take away from this thread is /g/ knows more about cast iron pans than /ck/ does.

>> No.8002370
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>these fags don't use a Le Creuset enameled cast iron pan

Heat retention of cast iron, nonstick enamel surface. Overpriced? Sure. But this is the Bentley of kitchenware

>> No.8002371
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>He thinks cooking tech has fundamentally advanced significantly since the 1400s

>> No.8002383

Just like you would wash anything else? Just don't put it in a dishwasher

>> No.8002385


I like their saucepans as they are impossible to destroy.

>> No.8002457

What, you think there is any good property to cast iron other than it having more thermal capacity or using them on poorly controllable fires? Nah.

And if yours is so retro it can't take a dishwasher and becomes higher maintenance in cleaning, it should just die in there and be replaced.

>> No.8002496


Can you also trust those chinks to not lace everything they make with lead?

>> No.8002504


In the 80's my dad had some of those that the "help" some how ruined while making a stew

>> No.8002513

Why would they fucking bother to use lead over dirt cheap iron?

>> No.8002545


They don't use lead on purpose, of course. That would be dumb as it is worth a lot more money than iron is.

The question is not one of deliberately spiking the metal with lead, but rather the question of whether they used good quality iron that was properly refined, or if they just melted down random scrap which might inadvertently contain lead.

>> No.8002560

China's iron and steel industry isn't a random collection of shacks melting scrap iron into pans... so that seems rather unlikely.

>> No.8002561

wipe with paper towel, and thats it. no oil, no soap no hot water or scubbing needed

>> No.8002563


Lead comes free out of batteries thrown on the side of the road so I dont know what you are trying to say

>> No.8002590

Stupid goy buying schmutz pan steel better