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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 1274x720, annorexia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7994768 No.7994768 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here struggling with an eating disorder?

Mine only started getting really bad in the last few years.

>> No.7994769
File: 55 KB, 480x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I can't stop

>> No.7994771

Yes. Like many people here, I eat far, far too much. Currently 6'7" and sitting at a comfortable 490 pounds. I think I can break 500 by December.
Yes, I am American.

>> No.7994773


wow bud that doesn't sound good. how much longer do you think your body can support that size?

>> No.7994774

Recovering from EDNOS. Still haven't gotten my period back, it's been half a year.

On plus side put on a shitton of muscle and have energy to lift a lot now :)

>> No.7994778

I don't know, but I plan to get at least as big as Emmanuel Yarbrough. I'm rich so whatever.

>> No.7994792


former anorexic here. you sound like you're on the right path. keep it up.

it took about 3 years before mine came back and now i'm currently 17 weeks pregnant. never thought i'd be here.

>> No.7994796

What do you eat in a typical day?

>> No.7994816

yeah Im bulimic.

My weight has oscillated within a 40lbs range the last couple years

>> No.7994821

I'm obsessed with every little thing about my diet.

I powerlift and aim for 1.5 grams of protein per lb of body weight every day. I make sure to eat more fat then carbs and spend about $25 a week on butter and coconut oil.

It's gotten to the point that when I'm eating a steak or some fish I chew each bite till it's an absolute pulp so it will digest easier.

My diet has basically become my entire life at this point. I wish I never started powerlifting and just stuck with simple cardio or something.

>> No.7994825


>> No.7994837

Cup of coffee
Two big bowls of Life or Corn Pops or Mini-Wheats with whole milk.

Snack: chocolate and whole milk

Lunch: I eat out when I'm at work. McDonalds, other fast food, Italian, whatever. If I'm feeling like buying something expensive.

Break: Slice of pizza

Dinner: Huge bowl of pasta. I love making sauce so I almost always have pasta for dinner.

Late snack: Jam sandwich with whole milk.

Before bed: cottage cheese, peanut butter, and honey so I don't wake up hungry

I drink lots of water and diet soda throughout the day.

How old are you? Are you married? Are you still with the father? Was it planned?

>> No.7994847

Yeah I never want to stop eating but I'm not rich enough to afford non stop food

>> No.7994848

eating disorders must be hell

It's annoying enough for a normal person when you have to stop yourself from overeating

>> No.7994849

why do you eat so much? do you genuinely get hungry for all that or do you eat it for the sake of it sometimes? genuinely curious.

>> No.7994852

Power lifting is a colossal, expensive, pointless waste of time. You probably started with SS on /fit/ and bought into that cult of personality surrounding Mark Rippetoe and Lon Kilgore and Glenn Pendlay. Do yourself a favour: stop. Immediately. Adopt a regular exercise regimen and do not obsess over powerlifting and eating the way they recommend.
I'm 6'7" and almost 500 pounds, barely lift, and I bet I could still outfit you no problem. Doesn't that tell you that your efforts are in vain? Who is going to be impressed by the big numbers on the bar aside from the old, fat faggots watching your ass squat up and down in the gym? Nobody.

>> No.7994853

Three years! I'm hoping it'll be sooner, but it's great to hear that you were patient enough for the recovery and are leading a good life afterward. :)

Calorie counting/macro counting is definitely how I developed my ED. Taking me forever to switch modes in my head to accept that I will make progress even if I do not get the optimal intake.

>> No.7994859

I feel hungry all the time. This is probably because I've 'trained' myself to eat like a competitive eater - basically eat as quickly as possible because I like the sensation of eating, I don't feel full right away, and I want to taste more food continuously as I eat. So, shovel in and keep going. So that got me inured to the feeling of fullness. As soon as the feeling starts to wane a few hours later, I get cravings for sugar and just chewing and swallowing warm food. So I keep going.

>> No.7994860

Wow dude you are my hero, I have been stuck at 400 since forever and I don't seem to get fatter noatter what.
Is 400 my limit? I have been eating nom stop shit and fast food for every meal for two month now, blew around a thousand dollars on it

>> No.7994864

How tall are you? That affects it greatly. Make sure to binge eat and get used to binge eating several times a day. Eat pasta all the time.

>> No.7994866

Not him but lol youre 500 lb fuck outta here talking down on strengthening ones self " i bet" nigga I bet youre all fat man talk and would crulble when it comes to it you land whale. Given a gift of such height and wast8ng it being a slob. Yeah im triggered.

>> No.7994867


28, married to the father, and yes we were trying.

>> No.7994870

Nope, my gym teacher in high school saw how strong I was during football and suggested it.

It is a colossal waste of time and money, I agree. My main focus is strength but it's addicting seeing yourself get larger and stronger every few months. It's pretty much "bigorexia", I can't handle losing any size now. If I don't eat anything with protein every few hours I have to find a mirror to validate that I'm still big.

Also you sound incredibly bitter for no apparent reason, why is that?

>> No.7994872

That makes me happy. That's rare to see these days. My wife and I are expecting as well.

Say that to my face fucker not online see what happens what the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch we got a badass over here etc

>> No.7994875

at first i did normal dieting but eventually i ended up eating 600 calories a day of mini wheats and then just slimfast shakes and then that turned until waiting until my cereal turned to mush and i ate 600 calories of liquid a day.

>> No.7994883

sounds kinda miserable friendo. do you want to lose weight, or are you in the mindset of 'im already this big, may as well get bigger just so I can say I'm 500lb'? you know at that weight you could so easily drop it and live longer.

>> No.7994884

I think 5 11
Thing is I can't binge that much, I only drink soda and i eat every two hours but tonight I ordered a big kebabs with Persian rice and after eating the kebab I was so full I barely touched the rice and now I feel so full I want to die

>> No.7994890
File: 102 KB, 1074x616, beautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder this underaged (?) skeleton has a video with a very clear upskirt pussy-slip shot but i didn't save the jailbait webm. but its out there.

>> No.7994891

Nigga i was resident land whal basher at bootcamp i aint stressed by a walrus. Get into Strongman dumbass. Or boxing.

>> No.7994892

Like if I waited 2, 2 1/2 hours I could have finished it easily.
I don't stuck up on food so I only buy what im going to eat an i don't make 8 grocery runs a day

>> No.7994895
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>> No.7994900

switch the whole milk for some cashew milk or something dude

>> No.7994903

I'm not bitter. But I fell for the same thing you did. Going to the gym for powerlifting meant devoting my life to it. And for what? I tell you, at my strongest I was pretty strong... 6'7" 285 pounds, I could bench 405 pounds for reps, squat 600 pounds, deadlift 630... but at what cost? I had to go to the gym every single day and kill myself there. I was too tired to work properly, had to meticulously plan meals, and some days I hadn't recovered... so if I felt like I could't hit a PR for the day, I just went home because there's no point. The amount of work and money that goes into it is simply not worth it - my wife didn't give a shit I could squat 500 pounds... neither did my friends. Most of the time, it was just me in there doing it for myself convincing myself that I was better off for it. But was I? The guys who had slender bodies and six packs got more attention from girls, were strong ENOUGH, and worked way less than I did.
One day soon you'll learn too. it's not a logical thing. It's an emotional experience. Logic didn't get you here so it won't get you out of it. But you'll see one day. And when you do, you'll see how much more pointless it was... because you only keep it up to keep it up, and if you don't, it won't matter that you did all that time you did.
I'm not bitter. I'm just trying to help you. I'm happy as a pig in shit. What are your lifts like, just curious?

I'm in a hedonist mindset. My wife cooks because she doesn't have to work, I'm quite wealthy, I ENJOY eating, so I do it. As much as I want.

Then you're gonna have to stay satisfied with small numbers, tubby.

Is this guy new? lol

>> No.7994915

You guys want to hear something funny. According to McDonalds online meal planner at my current weight (400 pounds) I need 7000 calories to maintain my weight wich is 6 Angus bacon burgers.
In reality I need 3500 tops with some degree of exercise but the calculator since it doesn't have night input assume a 400 pound man must be at least 10 foot tall

>> No.7994919




the picture OP posted? i feel sorry for this girl. not only anorexic, but in denial about it apparently.

>> No.7994922

pic please

>> No.7994926

But j want people to have to drill a fucking hope to hell in order to hurry me and carry my fat decomposing body with a trucki want my eugology to read here lays fat asshole he ate the entire food supply of an African tribe on a daily basis

>> No.7994933

Make it panoramic view kek

>> No.7994956

I've posted my picture here several times. I'm a regular. Check the archive.

>> No.7994972

Carrying around 100kg of excess weight all day every day will do more for your strength than a bit of lifting

>> No.7994980

I honestly hope this is bait. I used to be a whale too. All carrying that weight did waa make me self conscious. Fuckin Americans

>> No.7994981


>homelessness and hunger.
I have a balance of litterally $0.00 and I owe $545.00 in the next two weeks all while i live well below my means.


>> No.7994988

Why would I need to move at all? I have a reinforced iron bed with a mattress that costs more than an used car and you need construction tools to penetrate
I'm going to die on this thing and once my putrid remains fuse with it the will have to break a wall to take me out

>> No.7994990

It will do more for your strength, but it doesn't necessarily mean you can lift much more than what you already carry. Nobody counts a squat as what's on the barbell + how much weight is on your upper body.

>> No.7994996

But it doesn't matter what you count - the fact is, you are squatting more if you weigh 1000 pounds and have an additional 1000 pounds on your shoulders than if you weighed 200 pounds and have 1000 pounds on your shoulders.

>> No.7994997

Do you think anyone here will donate to you?
What part of gluttony don't you understand?

>> No.7995015

I started a very sedentary desk job and started putting on weight between my normal meals and beer. So I did what any sensible person would do and stopped eating. Got all my calories from beer for two years. My stomach shrank to the size of a baseball. If I ate anything bigger than a couple hard boiled eggs I would throw up. Same if I had any liquids after eating. My stomach is like a water balloon that isn't tired, shit just flies right out.

I've been slowly working up to bigger portions. At this point I can keep about two corn dogs worth of food down without losing my lunch. I still forget to eat some days. I don't know what to call it, but it's the same condition that people would have after being in Auschwitz with not being able to eat much.

>> No.7995017

I bet as your stomach shrank, your liver became turgid and swollen.

>> No.7995019

Yes they do, you count your weight along with the weight on the bar and the bar itself

>> No.7995025

Uh, no. That's not how weight classes work.

>> No.7995030

well what the hell do we search for?

>> No.7995035

Them meat flaps

>she knows

>> No.7995046

I'm sure it did. I stopped gaining weight, but got a little chub in the liver area.

>> No.7995052

what archive?

>> No.7995066


>> No.7995085

Isn't there a 4chan archive? If so, it has /ck/ posts on it. You might see my pic some time.

>> No.7995093

just post a pic you lazy fuck

>> No.7995095

You realize that only works if you have a trip code or any fucking way to search for you right?
Site like asking me to Google that fruit you are thinking about without any clue of what you are thinking about

>> No.7995108

Well with that attitude you can go fuck yourselves. Peace, losers. About to eat some jam and butter sandwiches.

>> No.7995110

dude watch what you say, he's stronger than you

>> No.7995114
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bye Hodor

>> No.7995412

hi can i have two pepperoni pizzas, large

>> No.7995454

I just finished an outpatient program

>> No.7995509
File: 58 KB, 640x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me over here co/ck/s. My girlfriend height is 1.57 meters and weights 57 kgs. When I met the bitch her legs where pretty fucking amazing, big toned legs and a big round ass. He gained weight to 69 kgs last year and she was even hotter because all of it went to his legs, hips and ass. But right now she weights 57 kgs and his ass and legs are not how they where. Is there a way I can make her fat again fast? I dont want her doing excercise because I dont like hard asses. Pls help

>> No.7995513

tell her she doesnt have to worry about what she eats, women will love to hear this dude. shes probably staying in shape for you anyways. also, more desserts

>> No.7995515

Cardio. Long walks.

>> No.7995523
File: 47 KB, 834x960, 2719584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My girlfriend
>He gained weight
>she was even hotter
>his ass and legs

>> No.7995526

Dude believe me I have literally told her that, and that it doesnt matter how she is I would love her anyways and all that shit but it doesnt work. He loves sweets so I buy her junk food and all those things whenever I can, I have seen some improvements but Im very impatient. Youre right about she being skinny for me but is also because her family always tell her she is fat. Quite ironic because all his family are landwhales

>> No.7995529

English is not my native lenguage

>> No.7995536

>You will never date an anorexic girl, and chubben her up by feeding her cute foods

Fuck my life. It would be my fetish, AND I'd be doing good by doing it.

>> No.7995546

hmmmm. well when she is the size you like her at, is she fat? and by fat i mean more than just a chubby girl that could stand to lose like 20 pounds. but also dude if you get her to work out her legs and do weight lifting it does help with adding mass and fat, not just muscle, so get her into the gym, do squats and shit and then tell her she gotta eat more cause she worked out

>> No.7995549

when i worked at a wendys this dude came in with his girlfriend every week and would always make her get a large frosty n she got bigger and bigger

>> No.7995556

you wanna feel hungry, watch this shit

>> No.7995559
File: 15 KB, 277x311, Sweating Garchomp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck hell, I need that. I want her to be so in love with me, that she agrees to get chubby for me. I'd give her peanut butter brownie milkshakes, and watch over her to make sure she keeps it down. I'd take my skelly waifu into a restaurant, and watch the look on everyone's faces when I make her eat a big meal and dessert.

>> No.7995566

my boyfriend did something like that to me :( he'd always bring me super delicious indian foods and sweets and i gained some weight cause i wasnt paying attention and he seemed to like it.

>> No.7995694

why does this actually sound super fucking hot
i think i have a new fetish

>> No.7995785

yep, ednos, I'm 5'8" 145lbs and terrified of gaining weight
i want to lose like 10lbs actually, got any advice fampais?

>> No.7996016

Just got back at the gym, and this bulk has been going the best of any I have done so far.

Eating some ben n jerries right now, not trippin bout macros or counting, just trying to make sure I eat plenty (been counting for years and years, so I can guestimate with reasonable accuracy).

So far it is the most successful bulk I have done - although I am only about a month and a half in. Up about 10lbs with only an increase of about 0.5% bf.

Don't ruin your life by obsessing over 100 calories. And stop hurting your body eating that much brotein. http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/content/161/3/239.full



>> No.7996027

How does that show you have an eating disorder?

If anything, it's reasonable. If you don't have much muscle development, you're probs kinda fat at that weight.

Hit a gym, eat about what you are now. When you drop below 10% bf, start eating some more.

>> No.7996036

i dont have an eating disorder but i have pretty poor self-discipline when it comes to food and tend to over eat a lot, i also have a really bad sweet tooth and that doesn't help. i've completely cut out drinking sugary shit and sweets alhtough i will eat a slice of cake or something occasionally, nowhere near as bad as shit i did in the past. i do sympathize with people with eating disorders though, my mom had bulimia before i was born and it was pretty fucked.

>> No.7996060

Well, Mrs Roast Beef, I suppose I do. A mild one, may be normal for a lot of obese people.

I eat whenever I'm bored. And I don't mean like popcorn or chips. I have to up the ante all the time. I will literally order myself a steak dinner and eat it by myself, ashamed of what I bought for no good reason. I've had to make up excuses to visit multiple states and barely did anything while I was out but order food. When eating with friends it actually looks like I don't care too much about food, because anything we get is something I've had.

The reason I feel that this is common is because overeating is often due to stress and depression. As far as I remember anyway. So you go instinctual, and since I can't have sex on impulse (I'm not rich enough for whores or sexy enough for hookups) I guess I immediately feel like I need some kind of food.

I just hope everything gets better. I gained too much weight, and that only makes my life worse....

>> No.7996191

Anorexia. I'm not recovering but I'm trying to symptom-manage. I was diagnosed last year and I've had disordered eating habits for 4 years, they threatened me with inpatient last year so I've been trying to stay off the radar and not get too bad again.

>> No.7996227

You're a big guy

>> No.7996298

ednos is characterized by an average body weight

>> No.7996321

This is exactly how my bf is. He says he can always just try to lose weight later but I don't know how to explain to him that his relationship with food itself is unhealthy. He has like a food addiction-dude can put away 5 cheeseburgers as a snack.
i can't even really preach because although I'm not fat get I can feel myself going down the same path too. Good luck anon, I hope you find a way to get back health.

>> No.7996323
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>tfw no spooky skeleton gf

why live

>> No.7996327

I usually have one big meal a day and some days i just dont even eat, i just don't have much an an appetite, i think it's because of the antidepressants/mood stabilizers im on

>> No.7996345


>> No.7996365
File: 62 KB, 629x749, 1352180830623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat as fatass here ate 1kg steak and a large potato salad for dinner will have a large bag of crisps soon, won't even feel full the hunger never ends

>> No.7996366

>Tfw I can't get off to my cutesy romanticised fantasy of someone's life-threatening mental disorder
yeah, that's how how anorexia works
If only it was just a matter of a girl needing a nice guy to feed her "cute foods" to "chubben her up"

>> No.7996416

>she'll just love me so much that she'll agree to just get over her anorexia
why do men actually think the world works like this
don't you think girls with eds have family and friends and maybe even a bf that loves them yet it's still hard for them to recover
many people on this board should know better, having depression themselves but I guess qhen it's a qt girl her mental problems can't possible be serious and she just needs a nice guy to give her a dickin'
I'm not saying having supportive bf/family doesn't makea difference but you're fantasy is completely ignorant to the reality of eds

>> No.7996419


>many people on this board should know better, having depression themselves

that's /r9k/, not /ck/

>> No.7996877

I also am recovering from EDNOS and want to read through this thread later. Im applying for jobs this week for the first time in years. Im super excited but still really nervous.

>> No.7996896

>OP posts queen skelington
>no one posts roast yet
The fuck is wrong with you 4chan?

>> No.7996910

How was it?
I'm being recommended a 4hr, three-days per week, 4 week outpatient program. It's a group setting.
My other option is one-one-one weekly with a therapist.

>> No.7996942

mate that's pathetic
at 6'7 you should easily get to 550

>> No.7996967

I don't have an ED but my appetite is so insanely low my GP thought I might've had anorexia because I'm crazy skinny though still not true skeleton mode. Even sent me to get diagnosed but the psychiatrist was like "nope, you just don't eat much no ED here".

Like I can go an entire day waking up at 8 until like midnight without eating a bite and not really be phased. Often I have to force myself to make something to eat even if I'm not hungry just because I know I should.

An average day is probably about 1000 calories for me. I really don't get how people can eat like this >>7994837

>> No.7997025

Yeah, and it sucks. I'm 6'3 and 125 lbs currently

>> No.7997040
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>diet soda
every time

>> No.7997044

You should lift or do some muscle-building exercise. My appetite rose that I went from maintaining 98 lbs on "junk" food to working on maintaining 115 on "clean" food.

>> No.7997049

Diet soda is so disgusting, I'm glad I'm not fat so I can enjoy real soda.

>> No.7997316

You don't want one. They're insufferable to be around, have insane relationships with food, no energy, and constant catty moods.
Also, imagine sex with an empty sausage casing.

>> No.7997322

thanks Mr Skelltal

>> No.7997534

I have no idea how my boyfriend handled me when I was deep in my anorexia. Thinking back, I don't remember days very well, but they sort of merge together. I was cranky and depressed, and when I was happy, I couldn't really enjoy myself. All I could think about was how my body looked, how much I ate that day, how much weight I could lose in a month's time. Every day was just me waiting to lose more weight. Why would you want to spend time with someone who can only focus on killing themselves slowly?

>> No.7997658
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Bulimia /anorexia. Started 6 months ago at 210 pounds, right now I'm 163. 5'10"

>> No.7997710

I had a bulimic girlfriend once. What pissed me off wasn't that she had the disorder, that she would sneak around behind my back to throw up, but that she was unwilling to lose weight any other way.

I started taking her to the gym with me every day, and after only ten minutes on the treadmill she'd loose a deluge of complaints and objections. Then, she'd run home and vomit up a half gallon of ice cream. I know it's not the same as anorexia, and that it's a legitimate problem, but it was infuriating how bratty she'd get so she could keep doing it. She'd actively go out and buy things to binge on rather than getting scared after having a big meal and doing it reactionarily.

I'm getting mad and distressed just thinking about it.

>> No.7997791

I struggle with bulimia/binge eating. I was doing well and lost 50 lbs last year, and was down to 180, but shit hit the fan and it came back full force.

At the beginning of this year I was 210, and I was able to get myself down to 205 after things started stabilizing in my life. I still was having issues tho, so I went to /fit/ and asked around and an anon recommended trying keto. I weighed myself last Sunday and I'm down to 198, and the meal plan I'm following really helps, and I plan on adding more exercise next week. I hope I can lose the rest of it by the end of this year, and be a decent weight for my birthday in February.

My goal is 140, I don't know if I'll hit it, but I hope I'll be close. I've been a fatfuck/addicted to eating for 10+ years now, and I'm sick of not being able to control myself around food.

>> No.7997927

i did this now im making her work the weight back off lel, went from 105 lbs to 128
first you gotta bulk, then you gotta cut!

>> No.7997931

>so anorexic her hair weighs her head down at all times

>> No.7997935

i would trade stomachs with you anon i have trouble eating enough to get gains

>> No.7997957

I can control myself for weeks or even up to a month or two
but once I binge I go all out

I literally live to binge

>> No.7997962

Can't believe no one has posted that roast beef yet

>> No.7998031

Dat Draugr....

>> No.7998039
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Good meats needs some lovin

>> No.7998071

I havent binged/purged in 8 months. I only recently started working out properly and have struggled with restricting/being selective to an extreme(possible ortho?) but i've done a lot better since finding someone to talk to who has done a good job of making me feel better about myself and is super encouraging. Not sure how much i weigh currently because im scared of relapsing if i see the number. And i still struggle with wanting to be skinny rather than fit. As in wanting to not gain any muscle but wanting to lose all the fat. Which pretty much isnt possible with my frame im assuming. And i have fucked my metabolism to an extreme because of all the shit i've done. But i am doing a really good job with workouts and physical activity and am seeing muscle forming on my legs and lines down my side, which i've never had before. Im still not used to the idea of having muscle or abs or anything like that, but its better than being fat. There are parts of myself i really really hate though and its difficult for me to believe i will ever be satisfied until i see and feel all the bones with a very thin layer of skin over them.And i hate my bones as well and for years have had fantasies of wanting to break them because i feel they are too big. So im working on it. And the person im talking to is really supportive and its making quite a difference. Im finally able to go out and apply for jobs and be ok with talking to people. So thats new. Good luck you guys <3

>> No.7998082

Does your dick look larger than your arms/legs?

>> No.7998085

Eating disorders are technically mental illness. Im sorry it was frustrating for you. When i was at my worst I was fully aware of what I was doing. I hated myself and I didnt want to get better. Everytime I'd do something right I'd have to "get back at myself" by doing something bad. I told myself I didnt deserve to be happy. And I would usually restrict or binge. It was literally a form of self harm for me. Do you know if she's ok now?

>> No.7998088

I dont have one.

>> No.7998094

I was never SUPER BIG but I've also bevrr been at a healthy weight.
Always the fat kid.
College happened and I went up to 288 at 6'2"
Then I decided I was a self-indulgent pile of shit and completely changed my diet. Now here I am at 226, plateaued, and I have no idea how much farther I have to go because my BS is fuckhuge and I've never been a healthy weight

Send help

>> No.7998099

How the fuck can you be born without a dick, dude? That's just fucking tragic

>> No.7998102

It's on pornhub. Look it up.

>> No.7998125

I have a BMI of ~19 and would like to lose weight. Not sure if that counts, I don't go to any particular lengths to do so.

>> No.7998167

She has a pretty fat pussy for being so skinny. Just an observation, no kind of over/undertones at all.

>> No.7998214
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Do share.

>> No.7998345
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Jesus Christ, you sound like me.
This weekend is going to be my last "fuck it" period before I start a super strict restricted diet.
Started keto well over a year ago, but big events and weekends have me cheating like a desperate housewife. Currently bouncing between 225 and 230. My goal is in the 140-150 range too.
You got this.

>> No.7998478

I don't get it. Eating isn't so entertaining and stimulating that I'd ever consider eating this much. Just sort of baffles me. I guess that's why you'd call it a "mental illness" since it's not logical.

I mean, if eating made you feel like you were floating in heaven, or having 100 orgasms at once, maybe like heroin or w/e, then I could understand more so.

>> No.7999080

It's funny that you started this with a picture of Eugenia Cooney.

I don't have an Eating Disorder, unless you count alcoholism

>> No.7999084

yeah you just need to try be supportive and do your best to not let her sneak around. Also convince her to get help. I've been in her position and I can definitely say she feels a lot of shame about it. Also, exercise is hard when your body literally has no fuel

>> No.7999096

Well I'm technically anorexic, but it's not exactly and eating disorder. I just rarely feel hunger.

For example yesterday I ate one taco bell. So Far I haven't even eaten today and I probably wont, but at the end of the day I wont likely regret not eating.

>> No.7999102

>I mean, if eating made you feel like you were floating in heaven, or having 100 orgasms at once, maybe like heroin or w/e, then I could understand more so.
for some thats EXACTLY what i feels like

>> No.7999220

Well, I just can't understand personally how sweet or savory flavors can cause that much pleasure that someone would sacrifice looks and health for it. Food can taste really good, but it's just flavor, and it only lasts a short time too.

>> No.7999242


why is it funny? she has an eating disorder. the thread is about eating disorders. makes sense.

>> No.7999305

for the same reasons people get addicted to alcohol or drugs or sex or anything else that can take a toll?
it doesnt matter what you look like when you're getting the fix you want

>> No.7999386

thank ms skeltal

>> No.8000255


Are you taking everyone here on the ruse-cruise? As if you could have sex at 500 pounds, be in any kind of shape at 500 pounds or call yourself a hedpnist at 500 pounds. You abviously dont understand what Epicurus tried to convey.

>> No.8000263

Send ;)

>> No.8000266

Are you Polynesian by any chance

>> No.8001281

I think I have an eating disorder. My BMI is now 18 and I only obcess over food I don't eat it.

>> No.8001589

I am 5'7 143 pounds. I was weighed at 120 and I want to go back tomthis..i was not leaving my house for a year and gained alot.. I fast for 24-48 hours but my husband makes me eat so much junk and going out to eat on the weekends and I binge , also I smoke weed on the weekends and itnisnworsr. How can I get on a routine in suppress my appetite I have used amphetamine's in the past with success and bulimia
Thank you

>> No.8001619

My lowest is 110 about unknown all the calories and how many I eat but I have no self control just the next thing I know I'm obese I live in comatose state

>> No.8001708
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Guy struggling with anorexia reporting in.

I started as a diet since I was overweight and it developed into full blown anorexia. I can't enjoy anything anymore.

I don't wish this hell on anybody.

>> No.8001723

search I'M A KITTY! and go to 18 seconds

>> No.8001753

4 u

>> No.8001786
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Funnythat someone starts an >>>/r9k/ tier thread and suddenly it's full of weeaboo faggots.
You weebs are fucking losers.

>> No.8001793

Nah you're fine

>> No.8002100

Binge eater here. I was always active and a healthy weight until I had a string of deaths in my family over a 12 month period. I've lost about 120 lbs over a year and a half, but I still binge about once a week.
I hate myself.

>> No.8002120

>pepperoni would be a diet pizza for this fat ass
he only eats meat lovers with extra cheese

>> No.8002126
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>tfw 6'2 250
>tfw even my grandma is calling me fat now and telling me not to eat so much
>tfw my grandpa just died and I know he would prefer me losing weight so I can creampie someone and continue to family line

I downloaded my fitness pal but I cant seem to update random dinner shit i eat

>> No.8002167

do you expect your child to maintain a healthier lifestyle than you or do find the whole idea not really worthwhile?

>> No.8002189

You can do it. I believe in you, anon.

>> No.8002192

I'm 5'4" and down to 210. My goal weight is 140-150.

>> No.8002195

Then you're not motivated enough to fix yourself. There are methheads more motivated than you

>> No.8002239

It's not that cut and dry. I worked my ass off last year to try and loose weight. I was biking 5 miles twice a week (up hill at 7,000'). I didn't lose a single pound and I wore myself out trying. Then I decided to try the keto diet and lost 20 lbs in 3 months.

>> No.8002910

You should really consider your height a blessing and take advantage of that. You can do it.

>> No.8003967

I'm kind of struggling. I was in an abusive relationship, where he would make fun of me for the amounts I ate, knowing full well that I have always had trouble with food. After I finally left, it had gotten to the point where I have an extremely hard time eating in front of people. I work 10 hours a day, and there's nowhere for me to hide and eat, so I'll pretend to go out for lunch. Instead I'll just go and get some Gatorade or something from somewhere local. By the time I get home, I feel so ill from not eating, I won't be able to manage much of anything.

I need to find the courage to go to my doctor, but it's so embarrassing. I don't want to admit that I've lost control of my life. I just can't physically put the food in my mouth. I'm such a goddamn control freak, you'd think I'd be able to control myself.

>> No.8003999

I didn't know that was established. She looked anorexic, but, I didn't know for sure.

>> No.8004237

just post her snatch already

>> No.8004241


>> No.8004269

>this entire thread
all of you niggers who fetishize eating disorders are fucked in the head, worse than the people with the actual eating disorders

>> No.8004290
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>> No.8004303

I have an eating disorder

Ayo, waiter, imma eat dis order right here

>> No.8004379
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Dude, I don't fucking get it. I eat food just about every day. It doesn't matter-the next day I just get hungry again. It's an endless cycle. Always having to go to the grocery store and buy more food. I don't just eat one meal a day, either. It's got to the point where if I try to stop eating for even a day, I start getting these weird stomach pains. Not like a cramp, but like my body is crying out for more. If I go longer than a day, I get progressively more severe symptoms of withdrawal. My most frightening experience was when I had gone without food for three days. I was sure I had kicked the habit. You get over the three-day hump, you're good. That's what they said. I was feeling good about myself, until I went to take a whiz and...

I saw my penis.

It scowled at me, wiggling, from under my once glorious belly like a sad little pink acorn perched atop a wrinkly tube of sadness. I immediately drove to the nearest Carl's Jr. and threw myself onto the floor, screaming various obscenities and gibberish until an employee placed a 1/2 pound Thickburger in my mouth like some sort of wretched, greasy pacifier.

>not the best burger but it was okay I guess

>> No.8004388
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Eating disorder, drinking disorder. What's the difference? Beer and spirits are made with grains, right? They're both basically liquid bread. Beer's even got yeast. It's leavened bread, for goodness' sake. Stay away, Jews.

>> No.8004407

sorry officer but there is no pizza here for you

>> No.8004415

doesnt this belong on /adv/? guess ill share.
im fat because i eat out of boredom. literally have no interests or goals in life. so i sit in my room all day trying to force myself to enjoy a video game or comic book. i find a joy in shopping though so maybe i can find a hobby that requires constantly sniffing out an entire store

>> No.8004419

post her pussy

>> No.8004433

>sit in room all day
>like shopping
That seems like a bad combo

>> No.8004489
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5'11, 130-33 on average. At one point I was 300, but I couldn't live with myself and lost the weight.I keep myself thin by running every day unless my legs hurt and eating every 36-52 hours. When I eat, I eat just the right about, but I drink... chug waters, teas etc.

Tonight I drank 2 liters of blackberry juice homemade. 1 liter a iced tea, the second blendered. as well as fresh juiced tomato and water, a small bottle of lemonade and a glass of milk. In all 2.95 liters. of liquid.

I then proceeded to induce vomiting because I got really sick over. You know, too much liquid and get dizzy, nausea, you start to drool a lot. Anyways, I just purged a majority of that and am feeling better now.

Sometimes I wonder if being thin is worth it, but I fear going any higher then 142

>> No.8004525


>> No.8004529

My life is so dull that i monitored this thread for 2 days waiting for your reply.

>> No.8004539


I got down to 110, but family pleaded I put some weight on in an intervention thing. Putting that weight back on was harder then losing it.

>> No.8004549

i have EDNOS

after years of bulimia and phases of restricting to low weights.

hugs for you all

>> No.8004578

i dont think you understand how addictive it is. and how much it fucks with your head.

>> No.8004585

yeah, im struggling with a pussy eating disorder, your moms pussy to be percise ZING!

>> No.8004589

i don't think i have an eating disorder but i have the uncontrollable urge to devour bags upon bags upon bags of unsalted potato chips

whenever i have episodes like that i just let myself have a little bit and strengthen my force of will to force me to not want any. im really happy about it, to be honest. though lately ive been thinking if i marry or date someone, probably a japanese woman, i wonder how receptive they would be me to wanting to fatten them up. not make them gross fat but have a little extra cushion for the pushin

>> No.8004599

Exercising isn't the best way to lose weight. Changing your diet is the best way to lose weight,

>> No.8004625

yeah, a high protein diet, with fats and cards cut down/out would help quite alot (obviously other diets with deficits would too, but high protein helps keep muscle fibers intact, thus keeping you in better shape, rather than say a high card diet which reduces muscle mass by a substantial amount)

>> No.8004790 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8004819

I myself have been struggling with eating problems, but I am thankfully getting better and beginning to eat more.

>> No.8004834

I have a problem where I binge eat when I get out of work at nighttime. Instead of cooking a meal I'll just eat a whole bunch of random shit.
>a square of cheese
>handful of almonds
>a couple spoonfuls of ice cream
>a few forkfuls of leftovers in the fridge
>toast with cottage cheese or hummus
>grab a bunch of crackers with peanut butter
>a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream on top or a few cups of green tea

Even if I don't feel like I need to eat anymore I'll just keep grabbing little things

>> No.8004903

My weight loss plan for the past few weeks has been to eat a small or no lunch and/or a small or no breakfast. I've been doing pretty well I guess since I've lost 1-2 pounds in the past 2 weeks. It probably would have been more if I didn't recently get a room mate that I drink and/or binge eat with almost every day.

>> No.8004908

forgot I'm 198 lbs 5'11"

>> No.8004985


>> No.8005109
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Could you imagine the tightness and the bulge of you piercing her abdomen....

>> No.8005131

NO I'm not Polynesian. I'm white. British/Irish/Scottish/German ancestry. Brown hair and blue eyes.

I've returned to this thread while snacking on some pizza and hamburgers. You guys can feel free to ask more questions.

>> No.8005164

I think my alcohol habit has caused an "eating disorder", not the same as somebody that forces themselves not to eat because of body image issues.

I just don't have any appetite when I drink, i'll get drunk for 2-3 days and not even think about eating. I'm 6'1 155-160 lbs.

>> No.8005168

I have a bmi of 16.7.

5'8" 110 pounds. I eat often I don't skip meals etc. But people still say I'm too skinny. Not sure what it is. I feel healthy.

>> No.8005176

eat more calorie dense food skelly

>> No.8005184
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I don't even want to read the rest of this thread.

It's so obvious that you're conciously and/or subconciously doing this for attention.

>> No.8005196


Just cut out grains brah. If you eat only meat and potatoes it's not bad, weight will come off, take it from me. Also hunger will normalize.

My guess is you gun bread and beer, rice, corn, or things with those grains in them at some point in the day. Trust me cut them out you will feel better in 2 days, awesome in 7-10. Can still eat carbs too just not grain.

>> No.8005197

>i recovered!
>you cunts are just doing this for attention

>> No.8005209
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I eat 1100 kcal a day these days, people keep telling me that's an eating disorder.

Fatties need to die

>> No.8005375

I ate that when I was losing weight. Now I eat like 1400 because I lost my period which convient but probably not good.

>> No.8005451

So would that mean hormonal imbalance?

>> No.8005476

I'm not sure what actually causes it but once you get under a certain weight you stop getting periods. Then when I ate more it came back in like 4 months.

I try to eat enough to have my period and not fuck my body up now. BMI is 17.5 right now, I lost my period at 16.

>> No.8005508

Yeah, I try to go to the store, park my car in the parking lot. turn my car back on and get fast food. I just don't trust public places.

>> No.8005515


>> No.8005545

I didn't know you went on 4chan, Petras.

I hope you find your wallet.

>> No.8005547

After I dropped under a BMI of 18 mine went too. I think it has to do with body fat percentage

>> No.8005567

I had a BMI of 19 but a body fat percentage of 17% (lifter) and I lost mine. Now up to 21% and still waiting for it to come back.

>> No.8005581


>> No.8005607

That's called steroids.

>> No.8005682

>265 last i checked.

Don't drink sodas, but love candy and i love to eat. So this past week i've started cutting back to a single small sweet item per day, no snaking and smaller portions on what i do eat. In addition i've also started jogging atleast 20-30 minutes everyday. I'm not looking for a miracle but, I'm gonna do my best to lose as much as i can.

>> No.8005700

Don't be embarrassed Anon. Everybody is fucked up in some way or another and we're all looking for some kind of help. Talk to your dr. he's not going to laugh at your or make fun of you.

>> No.8005749

My doc ridiculed me when I tried to get help for my anorexia. It really depends on what doctor anon has. It's better for them to contact an organization specializing in eating disorders.

>> No.8005759

Ironically, I'm taking SARMS now to recover weight and appetite, I was natty when I was EDNOS lol

>> No.8005821

i agree with you there. but in honesty i hope you got a new doctor, that sounds really fucked up.

>> No.8006007

I don't go multiple days without eating, but I only eat one meal a day so I can get drunk correctly. Usually only 500-1000 calories of solid food.

>> No.8006777

Grazing is actually a huge issue that people barely talk about. It can fuck you up a lot.

>> No.8006788

>Tfw with my EDNOS i didnt lose my period but instead got fucked with body hair
really sucks

>> No.8006791

Cut out the sweet daily item friend. I know it may be hard and you may relapse but you're really going to thank yourself if you do and look back on it.

>> No.8006818

i cant find it

>> No.8007044
File: 33 KB, 312x258, df9a81d6-2c89-42f5-b3b2-8efa75083918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acid reflux since I was young. Had to wear a back brace for my scoliosis which made it nearly impossible to eat or breathe for a long time. Nowadays my appetite and stomach is so fucked I can barely ever eat a full meal so ive never been above 110 pounds in my entire life.

>> No.8007065

>Anyone here struggling with an eating disorder?
Why is this on /ck? We're not a psych disorder forum. It has nothing to do with food whatsoever. Borderline personality combined with whatever else is the diagnosis (psych disorders are always 2 or more at once). People that like to control others but can't are the people who control their food, blah blah blah. Throw in some codependent family, and latent mental health genes, or some childhood trauma, and you can come up with this problem on controlling or there's a problem with doing things right. Again, nothing to do with food.

NOTHING to do with food & cooking discussions. And theres about 300 places on the 'net for people to discuss their mental health already.

>> No.8007235

I am just like >>7996967 too and I verify that
>>7997044 's idea works. I've just been stressed the last few months so I've gone back to low appetite mode.

>> No.8007277

it's not that easy. anorexic people would be miserable dating you and suddenly gaining tons of weight. the whole point is THEY want to be skinny, captain fagwad, that won't change bc the'yre dating some 4chan scrub

>> No.8007288

shitposting about people who post fringe topics are the worst shitposters tbqh desu fampai

>> No.8007460

Was 400 a year ago and am now 174. I seem to have blown past my goal weight and I know I should be eating more now but eating more feels disgusting to me. I still see myself as fat even though I know it's mostly just the loose skin

>> No.8007513

I can't resist candy, I devour everything until it's gone. So now I just don't buy any, or only a tiny bit.