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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7993750 No.7993750 [Reply] [Original]

>how healthy are you, and how often do you eat junk food

>> No.7993779


170 lbs
very healthy despite some sports injuries
almost never, except for pizza, which i have maybe 1/week.

>> No.7993792

280 lbs
Getting healthier, i quit drinking alcohols and have junk food maybe 4 to 6 times a week. altho i am a soda maniac since i quit drinking alcholis but it's ok

>> No.7993810

22, >110 lbs. Very healthy, athlete.

Do not believe in concept of "junk food" but I eat out twice a week. No fast chains.

>> No.7993811

>asking NEETS of 4chan about health
2/3rds of the people who are going to reply can't afford to see a doctor so they have no idea how healthy they are.

>> No.7993833

>afford to see a doctor
Try living in a first world country.

>> No.7993840

29 years 171cm

Very healthy , even if my bmi doesnt make sense because i'm short (I practice muay thai, calistenia, and futbol)

Junk food? Almost nothing. Maybe a hamburger or (home made ) pizza every 3- 5 weeks.

>> No.7993843

>Getting your healthcare from a public servant.

Might as well see a witchdoctor.

>> No.7993847

Terribly unhealthy. I smoke and drink a lot and I have a throbbing heart pain that I refuse to get checked because I don't want to worry anyone. I haven't eaten junk food since high school. I make almost all my meals from fresh ingredients.

>> No.7993864

>not at all healthy; too often to be good for me

>> No.7993875

First world countries don't have witch doctors, they aren't shitholes like haiti or america

>> No.7993958

I work out 3-4 times a week and normally bike.
Don't eat much junk food and eat a lot of veggies
am an alcoholic so it kinda negates things

>> No.7993965


I don't eat junk food but still overeating ( too many bread , pastries , biscuits and wtc ). I am skinny fat

>> No.7993975

>tfw you drink water

>> No.7993982
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18, 116lb, once in a while I get pizza with olives or those weird red breaded chicken stuff they sell at Chinese places. I just cant resist those two, but only on special occasions.

dude, get checked out.

>> No.7994039

Woah, you're pretty much me.

>> No.7994164
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>178 lbs.

Just had my annual military physical. Cholesterol was slightly elevated but everything else checked out okay. AIC was 5.5, PSA was 3.2, kidneys and liver are top notch.

About once a month I'll get a craving for some fast food, usually Jack-In-The-Box tacos, and I'll eat 6-10 of them depending on how hungry I am. I cook my own meals 95% of the time.

Pic related.

>> No.7994170

63 kg

It's not like I'm unhealthy but I don't actively try to improve my food intake or fitness. I don't eat any junk food.

>> No.7994171

165 lbs
Relatively healthy but I do drink a bit. I don't care much for junk food, but I do eat out more than I should.(Not fast food)

My work is pretty active physically so that also helps.

>> No.7994175

175cm, 75kg
The only times I eat junk is when I visit my parents.

>> No.7994180

22, 5'2" 135 pounds
Fat but otherwise in good health. Steadily losing weight so I try not to eat junk food anymore.

>> No.7994182

121 lbs

I guess I'm pretty healthy, I could afford to lose a couple pounds. I'd prefer to be at a weight of 110-115. I track my calories, macros, and micros via cronometer and appear to have a pretty balanced diet. Kind of low in potassium though, I hate sweet potatoes and bananas

>> No.7994189

390lbs, 5'9"

I eat hella shit nigga

>> No.7994190

Age - 45
Weight 190 lbs
I don't eat shit foods but I drink a ton of beer.

I also run and bike three times per week. I do my best to look good at the gay bar!

>> No.7994198

I'm 19, 86lbs. I walk 10km+ each day, so I'd say I'm fairly healthy.

>> No.7994200


236 lbs

I'm reasonably healthy, work out a lot. But I also drink to black out at least a couple times a week. That's gonna bite me down the road but for now I seem to be fine

>> No.7994203


>> No.7994208

I want to fuck you.

>> No.7994219

>bloods, heart, blood pressure etc all fine but underweight. drink rarely, smoke rarely, eat fast food once every two weeks at most. somewhat balanced diet but don't try to restrict or overindulge on stuff too much

>> No.7994237


Thanks, but I'm in a very happy relationship right now already (for a decently long time in the foreseeable future, anyway).

>> No.7994252

Why should I put forth any?

>(for a decently long time in the foreseeable future, anyway)
Are you some sort of slave?

>> No.7994258

>drink to black out
>couple times a week
Just get some benzos m8, that's gotta be healthier for your body in the long run, even allowing for the crazy shit you'll get up to
Cooking while blacked can hone your concentration and executive planning skills, and the ataxia can train superior fine-motor proprioception. It's a win-win

>> No.7994268

Weird, this is the same response that I would have.

>> No.7994271

480 lb
pretty healthy, not often

>> No.7994276

I expected more from you.

I know better than to make any assumptions and fall for any type of belief in 'perfection', as comfortable as I am at the moment, as much as I'd like to. You never know what the future's like and what might end it.

>> No.7994280

>what the fuck? How did I cut my forearm while making stir-fry, and why did I rub garlic powder on it?

>> No.7994299

>480 lb
>pretty healthy

am I reading this correctly?

>> No.7994304

He probably is as he's only 24. Young bodies can adapt well, but he's on a course to be unhealthy.

>> No.7994308

~162 lbs
Not at all, multiple times a week. I just don't eat very much.

>> No.7994309

You're 19. You have a lifetime of heartache and disappointment ahead of you. I seriously doubt you've found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, but good luck.

"The magic of first love is our Ignorance that it can ever end."
-Benjamin Disraeli

>> No.7994334

Exactly. That's what I think, too, and posted.

>> No.7994341

Correct. My family has amazingly good genetics. Most of us are really fat but everybody has lived to at least 90 without any issues not even diabeetus. The doctors have always been fascinated by it. Who knows, maybe I'll be the first to die of a heart attack.

>> No.7994343

Then why mention how you don't see it ending?

You kids...

>> No.7994348

Can you even walk

>> No.7994356

Yes. I can run, too.

>> No.7994357

Read my posts again.

>> No.7994358

okay you can't trick me

>> No.7994366

>(for a decently long time in the foreseeable future, anyway).
That's an implication that you don't see it ending(at least anytime soon).

Do you see how that works?

Tell you what, why don't you just break up with the chap already and move on the next guy? You both will be the better for it.

>> No.7994368

>4 foot
>400 pounds
>people are actually falling for this bait

>> No.7994374

19, 5'6, 115lb.
I eat junk food occasionally while out and about to avoid low blood sugar and migraines (small bag of chips or a candy bar) but never very much because I never buy it

>> No.7994387

>160, 5'11''
>as healthy as possible, pretty much
>junk food once every 1-2 weeks

Pretty much the rest of the time I eat heaps of veggies and lean protein with some whole grains and a bit of fruit. A bit of a health nut. Every 1-2 weeks I get a decadent restaurant meal or candy or something similar.

>> No.7994391

The implication is that I'm not completely sure, so I did not use any absolutes.

Why would I do that?

>> No.7994401

So now you're pussy footing around it and saying you don't really like the guy, huh?

Might as well just end it all now.

>> No.7994429

They're very much /the/ person I'd like to remain close to for as long as it's possible.

>> No.7994430

So which is it? Do you want to be with the guy forever or not?

>> No.7994433

you can just say "no", ya know

>> No.7994451

Yes. If that was possible.

Here's a very strong 'no' to your offer, now, since you don't seem to be getting it.

Good point.

>> No.7994462

I'm dying

>> No.7994482

of what

>> No.7994491

5'11" 160 Ibs
Not Healthy at all, haven't run in about 3 years
Always eating Junk Food


>> No.7994507
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>> No.7994514

202 lbs

Healthy? I feel good actually, not a single cold or anything in the last 4 years nor saw a doctor in the last 4 years.
I smoke and I get drunk af every weekends.
Fast food? Sometimes, like 2 times a month or less, especially when I'm totally drunk. Fast food is only good for fat asses, I really love to cook for myself or for my friends that's why I don't usually eat fast food.

>> No.7994531

>Implying I want anything to do with you romantically, physically, or sexually.

Why are women so vain as to to think anyone that talks to them is working some game to get with them?

>> No.7994551

My bad, I thought you were the other poster who offered, if you scroll up.

>> No.7994559

huge binge eater, binging on junk food at least 3 days a week

>> No.7994572

>very healthy

you're morbidly obese, brah.

>> No.7994600
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6' 3"
160 lbs
I don't eat junkfood but I eat as much as I can, sometimes up to 3,800 calories a day.
Still not enough to gain weight though :'

>> No.7994606

I am very healthy however, whole plant foods only minus bread.

>> No.7994610

>100lbs per foot
seems legit

>> No.7994613

105 lbs
I eat junk food every day.

>> No.7994620

The typical american man.

>> No.7994622

can someone help me stop food binging?

>> No.7994643

it helped me to identify why I was binging, and it was because i was holding back/overthinking my diet. i tried so hard not to eat too much that I ended up doing nothing but think about food. either that or I'd feel low and say to myself 'ah, one time cant hurt. I just feel bad right now and want to eat away my feelings'. it's really subjective and depends entirely on WHY you're doing it.

>> No.7994644

5'5" 118 lbs
I don't eat any junk food ever and I am in very poor health from vitamin deficiencies i think :(

>> No.7994671

thanks for answering me.i grew up poor and i was starving a lot of times.when i was 8 i moved with my dad and grandpartents and they had a lot of food, that's pretty much when i started binging.3 years ago i started doing restricting diets because i felt bad with my weight, but it only made my binging worse in the end.i was diagnosed with pcos 4 months ago and i have to follow the pcos diet, but i fail to because i always get hungry when i respect it.

>> No.7994677

Shhh, these threads exist to catch underageb&s.

>> No.7994682

22. 5'8 and 165 pounds. Eat clean for the most part but fast-food about one every two weeks. Have a crippling Ice Cream dependency which i have to do about 3 hours of extra cardio a week to help off-set.

>> No.7994683

220 lbs
not all that healthy, but not abysmal, i lift 3 times a week and work cardio into either one or two of those workouts depending on the week, and have been making a conscious effort to consume less shitty food, though working at a pizza place makes this pretty difficult on my self constraint. i've cut candy out of my diet and im working on pop/juices from concentrate

>> No.7994688

forgot, am 21

>> No.7994721

Healthy. I never eat junk food desu. When I crave sweet things I bake them myself, or buy high end varieties - I eat small portions as well. I eat mountains of fiber daily and exercise every day.

>> No.7994728

>how healthy are you

>> No.7994738

170 / 5'11"
>how healthy are you, and how often do you eat junk food
I don't work out (by which I mean cardio) enough and eat junk food almost daily. I guess I'm comparatively healthy, but I should cook more and spend more time outside for sure.

>> No.7995103

6' 4"
As of recent i rarely eat anything unhealthy as over the past 2 months ive been on a pretty strict diet trying to lose this weight. Slowly but surely I am. Really starting to enjoy excercising

>> No.7995137

165?lbs / 74kg
Really unhealthy. I eat mostly veg and try to limit junk food, I also really only eat what I cook myself, but I'm disabled and hence get no real exercise. I've recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure. Recently quit smoking, and have cut down on drinking... so junk food has made a little bit of a comeback. It's hard.

>> No.7995169

I don't really work out, and I eat fast food once a weak. I don't have any health problems so I think I'm healthy, but 95% of people could probably beat me in an arm wrestle.

>> No.7995220

>I'm not the healthiest, try to workout and eat right. Haven't had real junk food in a year or so, outside of some licorice and breakfast bars.

Used to be 300lbs, so not complaining too much.

>> No.7995233


how fat do we look?

>> No.7995238

I'd fuck you.

>> No.7995256

I've been thoroughly tested, due to an "illness", and all my "levels", like electrolytes, minerals and vitamins, catecholemines, blood pressure, organ health, etc., are all optimal.
I eat junk food all the time. At least 3 - 4 times per week. Yes, my sodium level is fine. It's almost as though dietary sodium isn't demonic.

>> No.7995397
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I'm not as lean as I'd like (not in my early 20's anymore) but I think I'm doing ok

>> No.7995564

child size

>> No.7995584

>230 pounds

the real whooper is everything's normal, blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose etc. I shit you not, I look fucking disgusting and yet physically I seem to be healthy.. I lift a lot and back in high school everyone knew me as strong fatty dude.

don't really count my calories too strenuously, my diet is just average. not good or bad.

as for fast food, maybe once a month will I get a monster burrito from chipotle but that's about it.

>> No.7995601

>125-130, hadn't checked in a while
Walk at least 2 miles a day, eat junk food regularly
Healthy except for fibromyalgia

>> No.7995615

>Made up "disease" to sell women shit.

>> No.7995617


>> No.7995651

Well into the hamplanet range
Awful desu. I get out of breath and sweaty just by walking for too long. Too lazy to change though.

>> No.7995652

176 lbs.
1 - 2 times a week. Usually McDonald's or Pizza. Generally healthy. Not a drinker or a smoker.

>> No.7995950

24, 5'8, 158lbs down from 190. I work out 5 days a week and am still dieting down before bulking.

I'm going to make it.

>> No.7995991

pretty decent, once a week if that

>> No.7996005
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I take my dogs for walks, and my job is semi-physical.
I eat fast food a couple times a week, and I get stoned while eating junk food and drinking soda all day on my days off.

>> No.7996021

>Not very, gained 37lbs in the last 18 months
>once a week

>> No.7996024

>Too lazy to change though.
it literally takes zero effort to eat less food.

>> No.7996029


195 lbs

I'm fairly healthy, stopped smoking and cut down my drinking since I have a son.
Maybe once in every 2 months I go to a BK/McD. I order pizza every 2 weeks probably.

>> No.7996214

6 240 lbs I'm chubby but like I eat healthy foods just eat a shit ton of carbs sometimes and usually big portions.

>> No.7996232

137 lbs, 5'8''
Healthy, regularly do free-body workout and jog
I have junk food about once every two weeks

>> No.7996262


240lbs at 6' isn't chubby. Sorry dude, but you are just plain obese,.

>> No.7996465

>i dont know if im healthy but i sure feel shitty most of the time. i eat junk food almost daily. also im a vegetarian fag

i use to be 205 then i went on a diet and ive stayed the same for a while. i dont really gain weight anymore. i realize im still kinda young and ill just be fat soon but im trying to enjoy not being obese even though i have no muscle and am very flabby

>> No.7996553

5'5" 140 lbs
Healthy as far as I know, though I'm working on losing ~20 lbs.
Rarely eat junk food, very small amounts once a week or so. Fast food 1-2 times per month.

>> No.7996574

5'4" and around 116?
Probably very unhealthy. Until I got a job recently as a delivery driver I never really got out of the house except for errands(Which usually included buying soda and shit).

>> No.7996594

i'd put my banana in your assium

>> No.7996689
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160 lbs
Pretty healthy despite the fact I eat junk food almost everday.

>> No.7996698

Ahhhhh I miss being 21
I could eat anything I wanted all day. Didn't gain a pound. Enjoy it man.

>> No.7996740

340+ lbs.
Yes, I am indeed a fatass. I don't really eat junk food all that much,but I don't work out at all.

>> No.7996768


Weight management is 80% diet, 20% exercise. You may not eat junk food that often, but you probably need to drastically reconsider your portion sizes.

>> No.7996859
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5'6" 170lbs was 230 4 months ago.

This is for the anon who asked how did I lose weight on a similar thread from last night that died before I could reply.

Only way to lose weight is finding a compromise between this two things. First is finding out a weight loss plan that works and the second is knowing how far you're willing to go to keep up with that weight loss plan. Find the right balance between the two and the chance of you sticking to that diet will work.

I chose to count my daily calories and kept it below 1200 and I run/walk everyday for 3-5 miles a day. My daily intake would consist of 1 banana for breakfast, grilled chicken (any cut) with no skin with steamed veggies or salad, midday snack is another banana and for dinner either just a whey protein shake or a grilled chicken. Drinking as much water as you can is a must so you always feel full. I drink around a gallon and a half a day so I can avoid having cravings for snacks.

As for supplements I take CLA before every meal, 1 fish oil at the start of my day and 1 vitamin B complex before I eat my lunch.

>> No.7996867

pretty healthy, but I'd like to drop 20 lbs, doubt it will happen though. I don't eat well and I drink a good amount but I'm pretty active.

>> No.7996870

I think I'm quite healthy
if ice cream counts as junk food, probably about once a day

>> No.7996882

33 (34 next week)
220lbs (100kg)
Never eat junk food but I really like beer so I'm a bit fat.
I have a physical job and have a solid build.
It's my high blood pressure that scares me the most I guess.

>> No.7996890

140 pounds

Not healthy at all, I eat junk food every day, cookies, chocolate, pastries, ice cream etc. Like half of everything I eat has chocolate in it

I get no exercise outside of 20 minute walks and I smoke while I walk

>> No.7996898

75 kilos
Not healthy enough, but beer and pizza is love.

>> No.7996920

6'1 230lbs
overweight, half the time I eat healthy shit like greens and lentils and poultry/fish but I get pizza later or something, also I'm a long-term half a fifth of whiskey per day alcoholic which doesn't help

>> No.7996940

Who would you trust to tell you about your health: someone who is paid the same wage regardless of if there's anything wrong with you or someone who literally gets paid profit from seeing you over and over?

>> No.7996945


220lbs roughly (about 100kgs)

Packed on about 5kgs since I stopped playing Rugby, I like to drink, eat good food and I smoke so not really healthy.

>> No.7997020

>5'11 or 180cm, 70 kilos or 154 pounds
>resting bpm 40 (I do 105km a week), very healthy. I eat junk food depending on my friends, I never go eat alone. It is always instigated by a friend

>> No.7997034


I don't eat regularly because I work a lot. When I do eat, I try to eat healthy. But lots of potato chips :(

>> No.7997208


i'm 5'1" so yeah

>> No.7997269

Healthy enough, I can walk up stairs without feeling like a dead man and I'm less clumsy and prone to cramps than before.
Used to weigh 280lbs at my worst, dropped 110 lbs during these last 2 years. I eat junk food maybe once or twice a week, but I never exceed 1900 calories during a day. Planning to get down to around 160lbs and then start building muscle.

>> No.7997342

173 cm
58 kg

Very healthy. I work out regularly and cook almost everything myself. I occasionally get pizza but that's about it.

>> No.7997360

pretty healthy other than asthma, can't lift due to injury from when i did martial arts but still hike every week

>> No.7997379

What injury? Sounds like me.

>> No.7997385

Once a week

>> No.7997405
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>480 lb
>pretty healthy

>> No.7997468

>22 in a few days
>6'2 162 lbs
Pretty healthy, I've cut about 25lbs since the start of summer with a caloric deficit and lots of running. I never eat junk food. Thinking about buying 55lbs worth of bulk trail mix as a snack for the upcoming semester.

>> No.7997476

280 lbs
Mostly unhealthy, but I only do it ironically, so it's not a problem.

>> No.7997606

110 lbs
Probably every day

>> No.7997630

>6 ft
I try to be healthy, I don't drink soda and usually have around 8 or 9 bottles of water a day and maybe some juice or something like a vitamin water or gatorade from time to time. I used to not work out but I got a bike at the beginning of summer and have been using that a lot. I dont really eat candy or sweets in general although I do really enjoy those gummy coke bottles so if I see those at the gas station I usually buy a bag. Its not like I inhale those though it takes me a few days to go through that bag. My real weakness is salty stuff, I'm a fuckin salt maniac and can go through a whole tube of pringles in a sitting if i'm not watching myself.
Pretty happy with my weight right now though, don't have to starve myself or work out to a point where it consumes my life to keep this weight, and i'm skinnier than I've ever been. Just need to work on muscle now

>> No.7997651

I try to be healthy occassionally by eating spinash and adding vegetabled to my dishes, but I almost always forget about drinking water and just chug a glass or two before I go to bed.
I drink alcohol almost every weekend which mostly comes with a bunch of soda. Lately I've been eating a lot of junk food, too, but I've decided to stop now and go back to normal where I only do it once a week at most.

>> No.7997922



I never eat prepackaged foods, but I will occasionally treat myself to dessert when I eat out. Most meals consist of spinach/broccoli/sometimes other veggies + a protein. I drink lots of tea, and eat lots of yogurt. I go running 2-3 times a week.

I feel like shit on most days. I'm weak af, and super sensitive to hot temperatures and sunlight. Like >>7993847, I have a throbbing heart pain that I've never gotten checked (had it since I was 11). I get migraines with aura 2x a week. Help

>> No.7997933

110 lb/ 5'9
I rarely exercise and once a month for a week.

>> No.7997944

175 5'11

I lost a bunch of weight this year but I'm still pretty damn doughy so I'm guessing my health isn't on point

I don't eat much junk food but its not all veggies and wheatgrass either

I lift less frequently than I should

>> No.7997975

5'5", 185
Aside from a congenital heart defect I'd say I'm pretty healthy. I go on nightly walks, get my vegetables in, don't drink sugary beverages with regularity, etc. I'm fairly overweight, but working on it. I'll get junk food a few times a week but portion it within my caloric goals.

>> No.7998092

jesus christ you're a skeletal

>> No.7998111

Not healthy at all
Once a week maybe.

>> No.7998117

I'm fat and I eat my feelings in Trader Joe's chocolate. I walk everywhere, and I work a physical job when I'm not in school.

>> No.7998124
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>32x32 pant size
>5.7 inch penis

You will never be as bland as I am

>> No.7998196

5'11" 150lb
I am a lazy fuck who survives off of a 50/50 of junk/fast food and home cooking idk how im not fat as shit
you need to eat beans, spinach and/or mushrooms to get your potassiums
im jealous of your cheap food prices on base
lol this motherfucker has as much torque as a decently fast ducati

>> No.7998316

5'10 130 to 135
Recovered former fatty. Cardio every day for dedicated 2.5 hours of running on my treadmill carrying and curling 25 pounds of weights. Casual jogging and swimming afterwards if I'm up for it. Only times I don't work out is if my feet and legs need a rest
I eat pretty much whatever I feel like it. I burn through food and drink extremely fast.

>> No.7998578

>124 Pounds.
>5'3 or '4 Manlet
Twice or three times a year. The last time I went to Mcdonalds was my previous paycheck and that was only due to the fact that I hadn't eaten there in a while. I can't even remember when before that. (I only ate pancakes and oatmeal with a vanilla milkshake)

I'd like to think I'm pretty healthy. My mother doesn't allow soda in the house and when it happens it's always G I N G E R A L E. I love drinking water. Trying to get swole.

>> No.7998582

Previous poster here. Meant 17 not 171.

>> No.7998697
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19, 181cm, 115kg.
No health problems besides typical obesity.
I don't eat junk food at all (maybe couple times a year, actually), it's mostly my sitting lifestyle. Gonna start attending gym soon, tho.

>> No.7998707
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I'm a gaunt fuck and always have been, not very healthy and all I do is play guitar and write music. I need to put on some weight before college

>> No.7998709

>150lbs, 5'7
I run regularly, almost never eat fast food and rarely eat junk food. My real problem is drinking too much beer. Any other questions?

>> No.7998727


I have lupus, Asherson's syndrome, Parkinson's and am currently battling bladder cancer. Pretty healthy otherwise, though!

I eat junk food from time to time. Not very often. I'll have a handful of crisps once or twice a week. And maybe a hot dog.

>> No.7998745

Swiss here. We have plenty of witchdoctors. So does Germany. We call it "homeopathy."

>> No.7998777

>about 170 lbs.
>I'm definitely not fit, but I could be much worse. I eat junk food much less than I did when I was younger, but I still eat a little bit the stuff most days of the week. I cut back on soda a lot, too.

>> No.7998787

>pretty much every day

Being 5"3 aswell is not fun

>> No.7998790

5'8" (Manlet)
Work out a lot, plus cardio (I know I should be consantraited on muscle) as far as junk food: No soda, No candy, I never really order dessert maybe a slice of pie or something)
I normally just cook Vegetables and butchered meat instead of grocery store. I'd like to SEE the animals condition.

>> No.7998928 [DELETED] 

80 k
Once or two Times a wheel

>> No.7998933



>Don't drink soda anymore. Every now and then I'll have at most 4 cookies. I like a bowl of chips about once a day. Only really eat dessert at family parties.

>> No.7998971

5'5, 115 lbs
pretty healthy eating habits, eat junk food maybe twice a month (either in form of binging on chips and spinach dip or our lord and savior taco bell)

>> No.7999412

5'9" 135 Ibs
Rarely eat fast food but lots of snacks
Workout 2× a wk

>> No.7999418

23, 137, pretty healthy, but lots of room for improvement, maybe once a month

>> No.7999905

6'1"-6'2" (I shrink quite a bit throughout the day)

My scale is broken, but last I knew I was around 210 lbs.

I'm not that healthy but I'm getting better. I used to be 225 lbs, which is hovering on obese for someone of my height.

Counting calories, actually only eating when I'm hungry, and drinking a shitton of water has really helped with my weight, recently.

>> No.7999915

204 lbs
I'm a bodybuilder- so not mentally healthy.

>> No.8000026


I've been very sedentary the past few years but I'm starting to get into a workout routine, if I can avoid injury.

I used to eat lots of fast food years ago, but now I barely do. I've started cooking everything I can or want. Ain't always healthy like a cheese burger, but I've been keeping shit in proportion which also helps stretch my food budget. Hoping to expand my cooking and baking wares so I can cook a lot more shit at home.

>> No.8000030

I eat junk food every day but I'm technically healthy

>> No.8000036
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>half the board is less than 5'6''

>> No.8000038

Healthy enough to run a marathon

>> No.8000103


5'10" 200

Out of shape but no actual ailments

Maybe one or twice a month, otherwise I eat like a fitfag, chicken and legumes are just cheap and easy.

>> No.8000130

>54.8 kg *
>Not very healthy
>Don't eat junk foot more than once in two months or less

Have heart problems prolaps mitral valve

*I'm 168cm female

>> No.8000138
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Just got a physical doctor healthy says im healthy outside of my being a tick higher than normal. Work as an EMT so lots of lifting and try to walk/jog on my off days. I eat junk food most days I work since I do 12-20 hour shifts. It's kind of hard to eat healthy in EMS.

>> No.8000279

>226 lbs (down from 243 if that counts for anything)
Not terribly unhealthy but not enough to run a quick mile or anything. Used to eat junk food all the time but almost never now.

>> No.8000286



>> No.8000298

Thx you so much for taking the time to post this.

>> No.8000333


Extremely healthy and fit. Eat junk food a couple times a week for gainz

>> No.8000359

That's not healthy at all, the junk and soda is what's holding you back

>> No.8000954

Dunno lol, eat a couple pizzas a week but also run 10k under 1 hour 3 times a week.

>> No.8000973

that's fast paced walking mate

>> No.8000980

142 lbs

I'm pretty healthy, but I should exercise more. I don't eat a lot of junk food, but if I do I balance it by intaking fewer calories that day or exercising

>> No.8000981

Average health
Eat junk food a few times a week

>> No.8001285

101 lbs
Eat moderately healthy but drink too often
I want to be 95 lbs skelly

>> No.8001994

Pretty healthy
Once a week

>> No.8002025

noone asked your height little man

>> No.8002030

>Pretty damn out of shape, I never exercise. I don't eat junk food as much anymore, the only thing I really eat that's junk food is a few scoops of ice cream about two or three times a week.

>> No.8002044

20, 5'9", 265lbs
Used to be 280 a month ago before starting to cut down my food and hitting the gym for a couple weeks now, gonna try going 5 days a week especially when school starts up again cause I wanna be able to bench 2pl8 by February.
I eat chocolate or ice cream maybe twice a week but I need to cut down to once a week or just go ham at the gym so I can afford the calories. I also drink diet soda over regular which I really need to switch to water since it really isn't much better from regular soda. However I only drink a beer or two per week so Im glad I don't have any booze problems yet.

>> No.8002053

great health
I devour any chocolate in the vicinity but aside from that nothing

>> No.8002263

28, 275
I don't really eat any junkfood but I sleep eat. Is a problem. Also have a very sedentary job that sucks my soul. I bought a bike recently to try to improve the shape I'm in but it's fucking hot in FL rn

>> No.8002299

I just started biking again in South Texas, suck it up fatty.

>> No.8002327

>living in TX


>> No.8002366

>27, almost 28
>135-140 range; also I'm 5'3"
>pretty healthy
>a few times a month
caveat that I'm on the edge of being overweight, but I'm not over the edge of being overweight any more
further caveat that I had to fight that battle twice, and in between I had to gain weight because I had a thyroid problem
(also messed up my knee doing squats wrong and sitting with my legs bent, currently doing physical therapy)

>> No.8002369
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eat junk food nearly every day
i have about 10% bodyfat, good muscle mass, visible six pack, and generally get complimented on my body
i feel like fucking shit nearly all the time, nauseous, tired, sometimes i have to take 20 minute bathroom breaks at the gym just to compose myself
seen docs about it, was very bad early 2015, starting to return to normalcy

>> No.8002391

Tried, can't die in paradise.

>> No.8002434

oh i c. u could kick my ass.

>> No.8002469

Yet you keep eating junk food nearly every day?

>> No.8002474

>Haven't weighed myself since I was 16
>6/10 - twice a week on average but I'm not opposed to indulging

>> No.8002483

You're secretly surrounded by literal women. What did you expect on a board dedicated to cooking?

>> No.8002554

yeah, getting better about it
generally have one calorie bomb meal of good rice, good steak (or other protein), fresh green beans (or other fresh vegetable), avocado, and lime, i'd say it's about 1200 Calories
the rest of the day is assorted packaged stuff on no schedule

>> No.8002753
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5'6.5, ~105
I'm not dead yet so I guess there's that. Gotta be minimum 60% of what I eat a day is just sweets and sugary garbage though
>just finished off an entire pint of talenti

>> No.8002795

200 lbs
I used to eat a lot of junk and got really fat. Been losing weight after going to the gym a lot and paying attention to my diet. Now I'll have junk food once a week.

>> No.8002797

I don't have great muscles, but I have very little fat and can and do work a physically demanding job all day.
I eat junk food whenever I can get it for free, so a couple times a week plus a free can of pepsi I get most days.

>> No.8003761

>zero effort
not when you're a fucking fatty retard

>> No.8003773

You're welcome. Hope you find a diet that you'll want to try and find a right balance between the diet plan and what you're willing to do to lose weight. Also don't be discourage if you see your weight stay the same for a few days, that's just mostly due to water weight and the best way to get rid of that is to lower your creatine level by having a cheat meal (lunch) once or twice a week and get enough sleep should do the trick.

>> No.8003789

looks like we got a tough big boy here lads

>> No.8004557

it takes strong will
if it were that easy, there wouldn't be any fatties around

>> No.8004746

>how healthy are you
somewhat healthy, had early stage melanoma removed on my back
>how often do you eat junk food
maybe once or twice per month

>> No.8004757

>keynes basic bitch econ
if that was the case no one would ever go back to that dr bc they suck. for profit dr are inherently better bc they can be "fired" but the state paid dr cant

>> No.8004801

137 lbs
got a blood test recently bc I had glandular fever and the only thing that was really good was my cholesterol which was 3.5

>> No.8004815

5'3" 110lbs
I don't eat fast food but I live in an area with a lot of ice cream so that's definitely my biggest weakness.

>> No.8005304

105 lbs
I eat very healthy, I drink green tea and eat fruit every morning and I cook a generally low fat vegetable based dinner every night. I excersise a lot and binge on peanut butter so I've gained some muscle weight from that I think. I eat junk food maybe once a week when my friends peer pressure me, my weakness is sweets but I have no junk in my home.

>> No.8005712

5'11" 195 lbs

I could definitely stand to lose 20-30 lbs. Binge drinking and the binge eating that often comes during or after is keeping me in dad bod territory.

>> No.8005715

forgot to say 25yrs old

>> No.8005728

115 lb.s
Very unhealthy. I'm not fat, but, I drink a lot. Sometimes as much as 4 fifths of shitty plastic bottle vodka a week. Have gone through withdrawals so bad my mouth, hands, and leg cramp up and I can't move them. Had that happen once in the tub and which was scary.

I'm having a ribeye and a salad for dinner, so, that's at least not that bad as far as junk food. Had a Sprite today, but, I usually don't drink soda.

>> No.8005751



5'11, 245 pounds.

Started going to the gym and surprisingly seeing results. My stamina is OK and my pulse/blood pressures are normal.

I don't eat chips and shit like that a whole lot but I do fall victim to jack's munchie meals once or twice a week.

>> No.8005769

6'4 175lbs
Athlete, but not very healthy
Junk food probably 10 times a week

>> No.8005774

Age 19

>> No.8005784


>149lbs (for reference I am 178 cm)
>I eat healthy most of the time rarely eat junk food. I have never eaten McDonald's or stuff from any fastfood chain. Despite this I drink a lot of alcohol. I don't feel healthy. I started lifting a few months ago to improve my physique. I still have some body fat I need to shred. Been contemplating cutting down to 130lbs.

>> No.8005794

6'2" 150lbs
healthy as fuck, college runner. eat a large dessert after lunch and a larger dessert after dinner every day.

>> No.8005810


I don't know how some people do it. I can't stand sweet shit normally.

>> No.8005822

6'1 / 196 lbs
Fairly healthy, bike for 12 km a day junk food once a week - 1 bag of potato chips over 2 days.

Finally got rid of the "skinny fat" look and now I'm just skeleton looking. Pretty happy with myself overall/10.

>> No.8005827 [DELETED] 

(basically a size 2)
Vegan but I eat like shit
Long Distance runner though

>> No.8006928
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I don't eat a lot of fast food and mostly drink milk/water, but I'm a lanky nerd and not in shape whatsoever. Working on changing that though

>> No.8007081

18, 120lb, 5'6"/170cm...

I eat fairly healthy but have like a food addiction so I eat tons and tons of it... Thankfully I both exercise and metabolise like crazy anyway, so it balances out.

>> No.8007217

195cm, same number is weight in pounds funnily enough.
It's fairly rare I don't cook, since I got a carbon pan it's been wonderous.
I'm not particularly healthy but I'm not particularly unhealthy. I can fight if I need to working on dropping the last 20lbs to ~12%bf. Just a slow process if I wanna keep it off.

>> No.8007230

Anyone else here reached the its a wonder you are still alive point?
Today I woke up burping, feeling nauseous, wanting to vomit and getting really bad heartburn and stomach pains and even feeling bloated each tome I moved.
And now I had fried chicken and. Coke for dinner

>> No.8007262

18, 205
I'm gradually losing weight, probably because I'm eating less frequently.
Pretty comfortable with the weight, though.

>> No.8007265

Fuck I forgot the healthy bit
I think I'm fairly healthy, and I get junk food every once in a while when I get tired of cooking my own shit

>> No.8007268
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>205 lbs (1.83036 long hundredweights)
>eat very healthy, exercise for at least an hour 4 days a week, but drink lots n' lots

>> No.8007274
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120 lbs 5'10
pretty healthy, eat a lot of junk though
last night i made cookies they were awful

>> No.8007275

Relatively healthy, once a week or so

>> No.8007481

5'8 and a half
Last time I checked around 162-164 lbs.
I feel like dropping a little weight won't harm me. Lately been eating I'd say too much junk food.

>> No.8007991

70kg or 154lbs
180cm or 5'9"
decently healthy all considered
I almost never eat junk food, tho I don't have a really balanced diet - I have eaten eggs for diner three days in a row sometimes
I exercise some 2 days a week, I often use a bike instead of a car so it's not uncommon for me to go on 5 to 30km trips to see a friend or to buy stuff that's not available in the close vicinity
I drink tho, depending on the season it might be a cocktail a day or two a week

>> No.8007995
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>120 lbs 5'10
>pretty healthy

>> No.8008000

>Those cookies


>> No.8008056


Currently the healthiest I have ever been in my adult life. No soda no junk food.

If I didn't drink a 6 pack of pbr pounders every night I would be legit fit but I enjoy it too much to stop.

>> No.8008074

278lb here, im working on dropping 100lbs by the end of the year so i can go hard at christmas

I love food and make no apologies for it, just gotta get the balance right

>> No.8008112

You melt the butter completely instead of softening it.

>> No.8008155
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196 lbs, 6'2"

i'm in incredibly poor health. i have type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. lots of organ damage from untreated hyperglycemia for so long.

and it's definitely from my diet. WAY too much junk: fast food, convenience store shit, etc.

for years i ate out of gas stations. so much sodium, transfast, and preservatives.

>> No.8008164

30 years
220 lbs 6"1'

I never ever eat fast food. I remember every time I do, because it's that seldom.

I am builtfat and exercise on the reg, so even if the BMI is a bit off, the muscle I have offsets the weight by a lot.

>> No.8008167

Also no beetus, no diseases, no problems with heart, joints etc.

>> No.8009364

Getting a lot healthier. cut down a lot of drinking and smoking and dieting like crazy

I treat myself to one Double Western Bacon Cheeseburger, no frys, from Carl's Jr on friday but it's not cheating because I make sure it's in my calorie limit. And I walk my ass from my office to the carls jr and back to my house which is about a one hour hike.

>> No.8009412

>~155lbs 5'10"
Pretty healthy, no problems afaik
I eat junk food maybe 3-4 times a week, but I keep my calories under 2000 a day

>> No.8009425
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>220 at 6'4
Pretty good health. I've lost 45 pounds this last year. I have junk food a few times a week.

>> No.8009671

I'm 150 now but when I was the same as him I still looked skinny

>> No.8009937

Smokes pot daily, munchies out the wazoo. Cooks everything. Drinks coconut water like it's going out of style. Hikes and walks dogs regularly. Don't have insurance and haven't gone to the Dr since I was 18

>> No.8009952

perfect health, high sex drive

>> No.8009991

25, 5'3, 125-130 lbs. Pretty healthy, endurance isn't the best for shit like running, a bit chubby but still size s/m, but I can walk over 10 miles a day, bike 20, hike up mountains, play sports for hours, etc. No real health problems. I eat ice cream at least weekly and usually I'll eat the entire container, so I get it out so I only eat two scoops. About once a week or every other week I binge on about 1000 calories' worth of junk food besides that, usually sweets. But otherwise my diet is super healthy so it balances out. I only drink maybe one beer a week if that. I eat tons of vegetables, fresh fruit, lean proteins, healthy fats. In my daily eating I'm a health nut so that I can indulge without guilt.

Tomorrow I have an hour of biking and two hours of volleyball, and then I might grab ice cream after.

>> No.8010046


190 lbs
Work out 2-3 times/week and eat junk food constantly

>> No.8010635

4 cans of soda every day, fast food twice a day

>> No.8010669

6' 190lbs
Ultra healthy. I'm a triathlete.
I eat out 2~3 times a month. I eat junkfood 5 times a month.

>> No.8010734
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Just ate soinnach and chicken never eat junk food or drink pop

>> No.8010753


>> No.8010767

But a doctor who gets paid more when you're sick more often has the monetary incentive to treat your symptoms rather than the underlying cause. This is a serious problem in both the pharmaceutical industry as well as healthcare.

>state paid dr cant
The fuck? Do you really think that policies of failed communist governments are the only ones that can be applied to state funded doctors?

>> No.8010769


>> No.8010784

155lbs 5'10
Pretty healthy/lean, but I eat whatever the fuck I want so long as I stay under my caloric limit

>> No.8010791

291 lbs/132kg (last time I got weighed at least, docs always bitch about our work boots and pants because they weigh a lot and skew the scale measurement so they make us take off all except our underwear)

Was 320lbs, been losing weight since I dropped sodas (kidney stones) and most sugary/greasy shit (bad shit about working overtime and going out and eating at the first shitty mexican place you see everyday, I guess). Never done much cardio but I can lift heavy shit, never put a foot on the gym but I must do it one of these days...

>> No.8010797

I have trouble exercising cause i have a heart problem, and i mght need to have an ablation.
Gonna try to get at a 1000 calorie deficit and walk a few miles a day once it starts to cool down, hopefully that'll help.

>> No.8010798

170 lbs
Trim, muscular, healthier than most men my age. I haven't had "junk food" in years. I decided to get my shit together before I turned 40.

>> No.8010800

>5'9" 120lbs
>moderately healthy
>literally every day

I'd eat better if I was less depressed and poor.

>> No.8010987

Weight doesnt really mean much unless you include height.

>> No.8011012
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>> No.8011032

>first world

>> No.8011087

nobody used the political origin for decades until some internet smartass digged the wiki page to win an already lost argument.

>> No.8011090

Greenland is not the third world

>> No.8011094


>czech repulic

Okay boss

>> No.8011297

>157 lb
>idk, I'm pretty out of shape though. I don't like eating junk food regularly since it makes my stomach upset.

>> No.8011305

159 cm
55 kilos
like 1 a week now

>> No.8011685

135 lbs
Probably slowly dying inside, look like Auschwitz prisoner.
Almost every day.

>> No.8011717


the term you're looking for is "developing world" using third world as a synonym for poor countries is ignorant and factually wrong.

>> No.8012122

Maybe twice a week some pollo tropical

>> No.8012319

>in good health, lots of exercise to help with anxiety problems. junk food once a week.

>> No.8012885

>Went from 270 > 165, and I'm still constantly hungry, I ate a whole head of romaine lettuce and a pound of broccoli raw, with no toppings or dressings to avoid hunger. Aside from maybe a handful of chips or maybe half a chocolate bar every few days I dont eat junk food, no soda either. Fucking parents eat like shit and put it all around me though.

>> No.8012969

>150 lbs
>exercise about once a week, walk a lot because /p/
>eat chocolate, home-made cookies or muffins or brownies, and ice cream every day
Pretty similar to >>8006928