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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7990481 No.7990481 [Reply] [Original]

What are some easy to make, low calorie foods?
I leave very eary for work/school and come home late, so I need something that you can make in like 10-20 minutes and don't require hard to find ingredients.
I've been eating mainly boiled eggs because I can boil like 20 at a time and leave them in the fridge, but I'm starting to get bored of that.
I'm trying to stay under 1800 calories a day.

>> No.7990513

1800 is so much what do you need low calorie food for

>> No.7990516

I'm in a similar situation -- very little time and trying to stick to a low calorie diet.

I've recently gotten into overnight oatmeal. Just take some oats, mix with milk (I've been doing milk substitute -- coconut milk), and stick in the fridge overnight. Add some frozen berries, peanut butter, apple bits, banana, vanilla, cinnamon... whatever, and you have some variety.

I find oats fill me up for like 8 hours, which is better than most low calorie shit that just makes you want to binge

>> No.7990527

Well really my target is 2087 a day, but I try to stay a lower in case I reach for a can of soda or something.

>> No.7990530

That's four 400-500 calorie meals a day, you could eat anything

>> No.7990538

Why do people never think of sandwiches?

Bread, veg, spready stuff, protein(s).

Mix it up however you want when you get sick of a certain combination of flavors, make it as healthy as you want, as many calories as you want, adjust the macros as you want, it is good cold or at room temp and maintains its structural integrity throughout the day, and only takes a few minutes to throw together.

Fucking sandwiches, I love 'em.

>> No.7990555

I'm off this week so I'm trying to get some extra weight loss going.
Yesterday I had 1730 calories and so far today I'm at 540 (5 hard boiled eggs and I splurged on a can of soda cause it's hot as fuck)
My issue with bread is that it just makes me want more. I've completely eliminated it from my diet because it's the exact opposite of filling.
Same with Pasta, I fucking love every kind of pasta and could never get enough, but I was thankfully able to put a stop to that.
Also processed meats are very bad for you, so is the mayo or whatever you're putting on the sandwich.
I was on oatmeal w/ skim milk for about a month. I got really nice results but I was so fucking sick of it after. I'm going to go back to it but looking for other foods for now. If I had time to cook I would have a lot more variety, but working and getting a STEM degree full time is life consuming.

>> No.7990598


>bread isn't filling, processed meats and mayo are very bad for you

There are all sorts of breads out there chock full of oat and seeds and shit these days, which you were apparently already eating, and I said protein and spready things and proteins, not processed meats and mayo. You gotta get more creative, OP.

>> No.7990619

today i had pasta and an ice cream cookie sandwich, 880 calories and ts already 8 at night woo. just eat trash op.

>> No.7990684
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I'm jelly. God I fucking love pasta...
I love bread too much to be able to just have one sandwhich. Also I don't have the time normally to grill up a steak or something and make a sandwich out of it. If I were to go with sandwiches it would sadly be processed meat shit.
I really wish that hipsters didn't jump on the salad meme. It's fucking 10 bucks a bowl here in jew york. I would probably just eat those breakfast lunch and dinner if they were 2-3 bucks. Oh well

>> No.7990700

ah i see, you lack self control. ive lost weight eating copious amounts of shit with a few healthy things mixed in. you can lose weight and eat good food anon... u just have to plan around it.... i didnt eat today until 5:30 so i could eat sweets and pasta all day until i fall alseep

>> No.7990731
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What's your BMI?
And yeah sadly food is a coping mechanism for me so I've been kinda addicted. I've been deiting since May though and it's been pretty decent so far.
I went from 250 to 236 now. My goal weight is 180 then I can start lifting properly

>> No.7990751

i used to be 34% but now im 28,% im getting there.

>> No.7990758

Are you talking about body fat % or BMI?
Becuase 34 is beyond obese and 28 is only 2 points away from being obese.
Maybe you should cut the junk out of your diet anon

>> No.7990764

Egg white homelete
Half fiber and half low fat strawberry yogurt mixed for a while until it becomes mushy
That's pretty much all I remember eating when I was on a diet

>> No.7990775

lol oops my bodyfat percentage yeah, im a girl however and used to be real fat, now i only have 25~ pounds left to lose. my bmi is 26.6 so im close.

>> No.7990787

Nice. Keep going
I'm 6'1 so thankfully even at 250 I wasn't morbid or anything.
We're all gonna make it

>> No.7990810

yeah i tried keto for a few days and i got the 'keto flu' hard, but it worked so damn fast. but currently i basically do intermittent fasting mixed with junk food and some healthy food, the healthiest i ate was on keto though. if you want to eat less just eat tons of keto meals, i would make celery and cream cheese boats w/ low fat cheese and have some crisp bread with more cream cheese and salami and lots of broccoli and chicken. keto is real unhealthy imo if you just eat bunless burgers and shit but if you eat enough vegetables and blackberries.strawberries its good but i was averaging 900 or less calories a day and that was mainly because i ate meat once a day on keto and didnt want to eat anymore. if meat doesnt hurt your stomach like it does mine i could try it and then have some sodas and juice at night, i also did keto for the whole day and then add some ~20 carb juice at 10 pm and it worked good still

>> No.7992412

Damn, that picture gives me a feeling that ape has a far more comfy life than mine. Dude he even have hands as feet

>> No.7992867

Sandwiches aren't low cal you American fuck.
>My target is 1800 a day
That's a LOT. You're not gonna lose any noteworthy weight at a deficit that small unless you move around all day.