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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 232 KB, 625x549, enhanced-buzz-17714-1363269000-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7989564 No.7989564 [Reply] [Original]

British """"""""""""food""""""""""""

>> No.7989573
File: 22 KB, 477x268, best friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often wonder how the English survive over there without proper culinary arts.

>> No.7989578
File: 967 KB, 2048x1536, Full English Breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7989581
File: 14 KB, 230x165, steak-kidney-pies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7989585

> using a picture from buzzfeed as an example of fucking anything

You can do better than that

>> No.7989594
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>> No.7989602
File: 555 KB, 1190x767, 2-chip butty-ThinkstockPhotos-84467429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7989613
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ITT: People without passports.

>> No.7989631

If I was in Vegas, I would wager that you masturbate frequently. Probably in front of a mirror.

>> No.7989642

>If I was in Vegas
But you're not.
Checkmate, flyover.

>> No.7989663

Why is it that most of the threads on this board are troll threads?

Can we not have an actual discussion about food, or share our creations with one another?

Oh, right. That would take actual effort and resources.

Stay mad poorfag neckbeards, i'm off to cook something.

>> No.7989705

You realise where you are, right? /ck/ is one of the better boards for staying on topic

>> No.7989746
File: 8 KB, 218x232, floater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be american

>dont put meat in a pie

>have other non-meat based pies

fucking disgraceful

>> No.7989753

What can you expect do a country that still has a monarchy today

>> No.7989755

that looks like pond pudding

shit's fucking incredible

>> No.7989772

you could go to an actual cooking forum.
But then you can't call people a lesbian nigger cunt

>> No.7989782

>he's never had suet pastry
truly the greatest thing you can wrap around meat

>> No.7989786

but why lemons?

>> No.7989789

Infinitely better than normal pastry.

Fucking hate pork pies generally. Dry as shit, even with the jelly. Had one with suet pastry once. Shit was godlike. Melted in the mouth.

And Steak Puddings > Steak Pies

>> No.7989792


why not?

>> No.7989794


>> No.7989797

because sour and bitter

>> No.7989801


lemons are sour and bitter, yes. is that a reason not to use them in anything? do you just not like lemons?

>> No.7989808

But why would you have suet pastry filled with lemons?
And with all the rind and pith still on them!
Unless its candied lemon I just can't see it being any good. Unless you like eating a dessert looking out of one eye while trying to twist your mouth upside down.

>> No.7989815

bruh that shit is heavily candied and delicious melt in mouth amaze oh yes tart yet sweet

>> No.7989818

fruit and meat together have always been a big part of traditional British food. I assume there's probably some chicken or maybe pheasant under there.
Cooked lemon tastes different anyway, it becomes less bitter and more sweet and the acid helps tenderise and cook the meat.

>> No.7989820


it is candied by virtue of being baked with fucktons of sugar and butter.

maybe you should try something before you start wanking on an effigy of its corpse?

>> No.7989824
File: 9 KB, 268x188, 44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smoked fish for breakfast

>> No.7989826


no, i'm pretty sure it's just a sussex pond pudding.

>> No.7989827

you gotta have them in texas

>> No.7989835
File: 9 KB, 275x183, blackpudden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my breakfast this morning

if you havent had black puddens you are missing out on one of the best parts of the animal

the blood

>> No.7989839

but I don't know what the fuck it is and I'm english!

>> No.7989847

its like eating a big scab

>> No.7989854


>> No.7989861


>its like eating a delicious pork scab

>> No.7989922
File: 456 KB, 2048x2003, 339975_10100363729689738_15713108_47540458_1663403163_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beff wellington is peasant steak

>> No.7989924
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>> No.7989978

I'm surprised nobody has posted the "m-muh war rations, we wuz french 'n shiet" meme yet.

>> No.7989992

THIS is a fucking joke right? I've heard people say chip sandwich in other threads but just figured it was a euphemism for poor people food

>> No.7989997


nope, it is a real example of poor people food. but really, no one is above it, the rich and poor alike will try it and like it.

>> No.7990005

This would have to be the 6th or 7th anti-British thread I've seen in the last day or so, what's with all of the autism? Are seppos sick of all the "Do Americans really do this?" threads but feel the British are the only people that they are above? Sad.

>> No.7990012

I'm assuming it's one lonely butt pained Burgerclap shitposting. He's probably from Chicago.

>> No.7990027
File: 238 KB, 1200x900, costco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brits so mad
cant even

>> No.7990046

is that one really long churro?
Does it come with a really long bowl of hot chocolate?

>> No.7990074
File: 255 KB, 1162x850, 1441334692525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No comes with a bowl of freedom

>> No.7990290

>chip sandwich
its a fucking butty m8

>> No.7990306


>> No.7990307
File: 512 KB, 1920x1080, 540167-old-city-wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's probably never had a bacon butty either.
Why even live?

>> No.7990716

Cause everyones a millionare?

>> No.7991018

Because /ck/ has uterly terrible moderation. It is /b/ with a food theme.

>> No.7991023

whats the point of all that effort if the pastry just falls off the meat anyway?

Just make them separately and combine when served

>> No.7991033


speak for your fuckin' self, nigger

i love the moderation here. or lack thereof.

fuck off back to tumblr or reddit if you don't like it

>> No.7991040
File: 8 KB, 224x225, progun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi progun!

>> No.7991104

The /ck/ mods have an active anti-British bias so they let those threads remain and leave them up until 404.

>> No.7991111

Except there is moderation, it just has a massive agenda in how it is utelised, you small cocked streak of piss.

>> No.7991133

Do you think because maybe, just maybe cooking the pastry with the meat inside lends a more complex flavor to the pastry? Do you honestly think that what you said was an acceptable post that could be posted with no repercussion? Just think before you post you shithead

>> No.7991150

sorry your recipe looks ridiculous to anyone not a neet with hours of free time and autism bux to spend making reddit food

>> No.7991160

>full english
who the fuck are you trying to kid

>> No.7991272

I have one British friend, and everytime I tell him about the British food I see on /ck/ he says "I've never heard of that" or "I don't eat that"

Is he lying?

>> No.7991290

If it's good enough for Earthworm Jim, it's good enough for me. He saves princesses and shit.

Do YOU save princesses? I didn't fucking think so.

>> No.7991299

Why would he be lying? I don't know a lot of American food. I'm sure other ethnicities don't know their entire culture

>> No.7992034


>> No.7992045

So why is northern european ""cuisine"" so...lacking?

>> No.7992048

This. It would be a fluke if anyone were even fully aware of all of the foods in their region of whatever country that they live in.

>> No.7992061

Most people here eat from a lot of diferent cultures, and food (and the names of them) vary depending on region. I don't eat any typical brit foods and there's a lot I'm not aware of.

>> No.7992079
File: 403 KB, 1024x768, Banoffeepie[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our desserts are okay.

>> No.7992083


>> No.7992090


The bread helps to fill you up more.

>> No.7992092
File: 32 KB, 337x450, 886ade508b6e66c98721fb6c19b5a95e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

banoffee pie is godtier dessert

>> No.7992110

don't knock this until you try it

>> No.7992119

There is literally nothing wrong with this.

>> No.7992138


>> No.7992144

kebabs are a drunk meme. We love currys more

>> No.7992165

>comes to a food cooking board
>gets mad at food
>gets mad when someone explains why he is wrong

really faggot? also you do realise some people cook food for a living rigth?

>> No.7992203

a lot of english food on ck is dumb meme food noone really eats.

>> No.7992238

literally just finished one of these

>> No.7992247

It's a sussex pond pudding, you put whole lemons with a fuckton of sugar in the pasty and cook it for hours.

Lemon fragranced sugary dessert, what's not to like.

>> No.7992248

Nice bait, here you dropped your u)oy( and it got all jumbled up.

>> No.7992250

they're descendants of vikings, be thankful it's not all picked fermented shark

>> No.7992251

britbongs with defend this british '''''''''''''cuisine'''''''''''''

>> No.7992253
File: 75 KB, 853x640, Cornish Hake with Samphire & Clams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sussex pond pudding
I've never had it but it sounds good.
I'm a big fan of suet pastry anyway.

>> No.7992257

>jellied eel
>fish head pie
>baked beans for breakfast
I'm pretty sure that the actual reason for the british empire was to find better food to eat

>> No.7992260
File: 55 KB, 349x262, Cucumber Sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>britbongs with defend this british '''''''''''''cuisine'''''''''''''
I don't know if you Americans know this but it's called a Sandwich, - here is a link:

It's basically two slices of bread with a filling, it's quite popular in developed countries.

The British like all sorts of fillings and I understand that Americans try to imitate this with Peanut Butter and 'jelly'? - they consider it GOAT.

The moar you know eh?

>> No.7992273


what a novel remark

>> No.7992277

What goes into a cucumber sandwich besides cucumber and bread obviously?

>> No.7992284

>What goes into a cucumber sandwich besides cucumber and bread obviously?
Apart from a thin buttering of the bread - a little salt.
And that's it.

If the cucumbers are chilled, it's a great nibble on a sunny afternoon.

>> No.7992287

just that, or some cress or mint

>> No.7992300

the irish have better food

>> No.7992301
File: 64 KB, 304x304, T8091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite the nibble indeed. I often wonder why our brutish cousins can't enjoy the finer things in life such as we do, but alas, they'd rather eat their grimy hamburgers and what not. It is astonishing.

>> No.7992305

>muh heritage.

Thinly sliced white bread, without crusts of course, make for a very civilised luncheon.

>> No.7992309

not even irish, they just love meat foods and booze on a level that brits never will

i appriciate it well

>> No.7992315

You have no idea lad.
They pretty much ARE British but a lot poorer.

Their food is far more peasant-tier than mainland Britain . . . .Sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.7992318

Am I thinking of scottish?
Maybe I'm just mixing you all up and you're all the same bunch of drunks that love meat foods, you all pretty much look and sound the same to me.

>> No.7992323

Where are you from chap - perhaps I can straighten things out?

>> No.7992330

half japanese, half pacific islander, living the NEET life in washington state

>> No.7992337


stop talking like this, you don't sound like anyone living or dead

>> No.7992338

My girlfriend's family are rich Brits and they eat "chip butties". Its disgusting. The carbiest, starchiest thing you could ever eat.

>> No.7992339


>ewwwww carbs

the worst meme of the last 30 years

>> No.7992349

Gawd what a mix.

The British mainland has lots of regional variations, The Scots for some reason do like to deep fry stuff and although Haggis is their signature dish, it was invented in England. There is no doubt whatsoever that Scotland has a great beef stock, provided by the Aberdeen Angus cattle - very tasty steaks indeed.

The Welsh are again similar to the English but they do go for something called 'laver-bread' which is made from seaweed and they spread this on toast.

I am from the South West of England and we have a thing about Pork and cider, the Midlands is well known for Faggots and the seaside towns for their fish (obviously). Cornwall is/was a fishing county and that's were 'stargazy-pie' comes from.

>> No.7992387
File: 834 KB, 1440x1080, Ploughmans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

British food.

It's summer in Britain, how about a nice Ploughmans for lunch and a pint of Ale.

>> No.7992390

quiet lad we're memeing here. milky peas and toast sandwiches only pls

>> No.7992393

thats a shitty cheese tray compared to what you'd find in any other european country

>> No.7992395

It's not a cheese board you fucknugget.

>> No.7992396


it's not a 'cheese tray'

>> No.7992401
File: 53 KB, 500x465, publicis_groupe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll be having a Traditional™ Ploughmans™ Lunch™ to experience the Proper™ British™ Summer™
0.0147 bongcoins have been deposited into your account

>> No.7992403

>thats a shitty cheese tray
A cheese board follows dinner my dear boy.
That is a ploughmans lunch . . .do keep up.

>> No.7992410



Best paired messages I've ever seen

>> No.7992427

someone is working hard to fight the cheese tray lobby

>> No.7992434
File: 66 KB, 325x325, stilton1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if you know this but in Britain and Europe we have something called Cheese, here is a link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheese

Americans tend to favour something called 'Cheese flavored food product' - which is a yellow plastic imitation.

It's a big world out there.

>> No.7992435

it's a fucking outrageously bad cheese tray tbf. i count 9 items that aren't even cheese.

>> No.7992437


Go back to r eddit, and never, ever come back.

>> No.7992440

also not even served on a tray

>> No.7992443


yeah its not a cheese tray bc the only cheese made in the UK is dick cheese

>> No.7992446
File: 10 KB, 240x240, 1428472985970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>British cheese

>> No.7992448

also cheddar

>> No.7992451
File: 212 KB, 645x400, MacAndCheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps I can help you sir?

I understand Americans make lots of threads about 'Mac and Cheese' ??

It is infact a British invention but the real twist is . . .. Brits use real cheese, - not a rubbery copy.

You learn more everyday eh?

>> No.7992456



>> No.7992457

Just so you know, my entire opinion of your food culture is based on a single meal I had at a themed pub.

It was good, though.

>> No.7992462

shouldnt you be pouring baked beans in there as well?

>> No.7992470


Just a point of interest.
Recipes for pasta (in particular Lasagne) was recorded in an English cookbook in the 1300's - Long before America was founded.

Begone with your scornful tales of woe.

>> No.7992475

its italian tho

>> No.7992479


>themed pub

what theme

are you saying you ate at a brit-themed pub in america

>> No.7992481


no it's chinese

>> No.7992482

Claiming you were the first one to mix cheese and pasta together is like claiming you were the first one to put meat between bread.

>> No.7992483

it was a sewer themed restaurant, i just assumed the food was british

>> No.7992485

>its italian tho

I sense hurt of the butt?

>> No.7992487

Yes. It had a lot of imported beers and dishes that resemble the words and images in this thread.

>> No.7992492


>Take gode broth & do in an erþenpot, take flor of payndmayn & make þer of past wit water & make þer of thynne foyles as paper wiþ a roller, drye hyt hard & seeþ hyt in broth, take chese ruaynd grated & lay it in disther wiþ poudor douce & lay þer on loseyns ysode as hole as þou myȝt, & aboue poudor & chese and so twycs or þrycs & serue hit forth.

yeah sure sounds like lasagne

>> No.7992497

Even sounds like Lasagne, doesn't it?

5/10 for your research though.

You have to remember that there was no Tomatoes at that time. .. it would be another 150 years before they arrived in Europe but even you can see the real truth.

It may be hard for you to admit it but Britain was using exotic spices far longer than you thought, the recipes from that book alone can verify that.

>> No.7992504


i didn't have to research it you faggot, i knew about it long before you posted, i've seen people talk about it on here before and it's pseudohistorical nonsense.

>> No.7992511

>revised to 2/10

You just won't accept it will you?

>> No.7992519

No worse than amerilards who insist on putting their fries inside their burgers.

>> No.7992532

You fall prey to anything that crosses your ears, don't you? You are simple.

I'm American and I have lived and mingled among other Americans for 40 years. Not once have I seen anyone put fries on a hamburger.

>> No.7992542

red leicester? wendsleydale? brie? cheddar?

>> No.7992548


humour? the joke? your head?

>> No.7992551
File: 398 KB, 579x445, Screen Shot 2016-08-16 at 8.24.13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually this recipe was inspired from an original british cook book that dates back to the year 1300

>Take horse shite & do in an erþenpot, take flor of payndmayn & make þer of past wit water & mix with tato skin on meat

>> No.7992554

>You fall prey to anything that crosses your ears, don't you? You are simple.
I'm British and I have lived and mingled among other British for 50 Years. Not once have I seen anyone eat milky peas or a toast sandwich.


>> No.7992561

>milky peas or a toast sandwich
That's a new one on me. Where did you hear that?

>> No.7992562
File: 71 KB, 720x450, BritFoodCWNWA5-large_trans++pVlberWd9EgFPZtcLiMQf1X_50byq9Ah3wJAV0YS_Ms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7992566

It's a common meme on /ck/
Even though the milky peas picture originates in the USA.

>> No.7992575
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>> No.7992578
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>> No.7992585

It's haram for him.

>> No.7992598

And not kosher for you.

>> No.7992606

Bitesize Pork pies .. . Hmmm Nice.

>> No.7992607

well its well known that kosher food is blessed and halal food is cursed

>> No.7992614

Too late, you have already lost.
Try harder next time.

>> No.7992615

swing and a miss

>> No.7992786
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>> No.7992791
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>> No.7992794
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>> No.7992797



i love seeing angry reviews of restaurants that are clearly gonna be overpriced

>> No.7992806


Spotted the problem.

>> No.7992813

idk, america offers great airport restaurants from our plentiful chefs. the London airport pimps out a scottish guy and claims him as their own.

>> No.7992870

The problem is you can't make eggs bacon and sausage fancy. It's going to taste the same no matter who cooks the damn thing

>> No.7992883

You don't have any friends.

>> No.7992890

Mutilated dick detected.

>> No.7992893


>The problem is you can't make eggs bacon and sausage fancy.

yes you can

> It's going to taste the same no matter who cooks the damn thing

no it's not

and the problem the guy's having is clearly how paltry it is for the price

>> No.7992894
File: 9 KB, 201x211, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to go ahead and back this statement.

>> No.7992899
File: 1.96 MB, 286x400, 1471355562452.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7992901

What can someone do to a standard fried eggs, sausage, and bacon breakfast that will make it stand out (without adding additional ingredients)?

>> No.7992910

You are American based on your spelling and terminology.

>> No.7992916

You are keen.

>> No.7992922

i believe that the bacon egg and cheese sandwich has yet to be perfected, and twists on the formula are welcome.

>> No.7992927

I have an interview word of intel - never accept a compliment. It puts you at ease and receptive to the next words spoken.