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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7976059 No.7976059 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this allowed?

>> No.7976064

for bulking

>> No.7976067


>> No.7976079

Well, it has more than the recommend ed daily allowance of carbs and triple the allowance of saturated fat, but the calcium and iron really even things out.

>> No.7976083

t. Simply Sara

>> No.7976084

Pukkin purray.

>> No.7976086

because not everyone is a bootlicking statist cuck like you

>> No.7976093

Death taste good

>> No.7976097

Why are you so fat, my man?

>> No.7976100

that shit is mento to be shared with friends

>> No.7976114


>263g sugar

28% of this drink is sugar. Is it even possible to choke that down?

>> No.7976120

why are you so skinny, comrade?

>> No.7976291
File: 1.97 MB, 375x281, vomit4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that fiber!

>> No.7976301

who the fuck orders a 32oz milkshake?

>> No.7976314

I dont think i myself or most people could even digest that if eaten in one sitting. Once all that sugar hit my system id go haywire and end up vomiting it all out or shitting it and everything else in my digestive tract all out half digested 2 hours later.
Then again im not a hyper diabetic mega-fatass, just a regular run of the mill fatass.

>> No.7976349

Soy is cheap filler.

>> No.7976379
File: 206 KB, 600x760, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he drinks his milkshake without crustaceans
Enjoy your no gainz

>> No.7976382


>> No.7976405

then why do they sell it in such a massive fucking cup? just have a smaller one for less and buy a bunch to share

>> No.7976410

it costs less to make one huge cup than 4 tiny ones

>> No.7976430

It isn't meant to be shared. It isn't a massive cup. It is a pretty normal sized cup meant for one. They don't sell drinks in a family size.

>> No.7976530

actually there's so much fat in this that your liver will not be able to digest most of it in one serving. you can probably put a cap on the actual digested calories there. cumulated with the fibers it's also a good way to have super liquid shit for a day

>> No.7976537

Yesterday I made chocolate ice cream and I still have some OREOS....I feel like making a milkshake now, but I dont know about the ratios.

>> No.7976551

I've had shakes like it and that has never happened.

>> No.7976559

The sugar amount is false right?

>> No.7976571

try their coffee shakes

>> No.7976572

I didn't even know you could make food that calorie dense...

>> No.7976579

i mean, if you think about it, that thing probably weighs quite a bit.. at least like 600-700 grams or more, so 263 of those grams being sugar isn't all that surprising

>> No.7976581

Where can I order that?

>> No.7976587

did someone cum down your throat so hard you lost brain cells and can't see the Baskin Robbins logo?

>> No.7976589

Why the fuck are Oreos allowed?

>> No.7976592

So even a normal cup(250ml) would be 650 kcals. What the fuck.

The 2600kcal serving has around 60 sugar cubes worth of sugar in.

This sounds impossible.

>> No.7976594

While im not sure if that smoothie really has 2000+ calories, foods and drinks that are very calorie dense are extremely common.

Why do you think there are so many obese people that say 'i dont really eat that much but i still get fat'? Because they drink shit like that and a eat pack of cookies and are at 3500 calories for the day even though when you look at what they ate it's really a huge amount of food in terms of volume.

>> No.7976595

Baskin Robins are virtually nonexistent anymore but there are some gas stations I believe who have dunkin donuts and baskin robins.

>> No.7976596

I don't recognize most fast food logos as I don't go to fast food. I just saw BR and hoped it wasn't hueland.

Do they still sell this or similar products?

>> No.7976599

I found this new website called Google, helps me out alot

>> No.7976600

Eat a pack of cookies? In one day?

You fucking whot? Who does this?

>> No.7976603

They only list flavors and custom order cakes on their site.

>> No.7976609

>Eat a pack of cookies? In one day?

I do it every 3 months or so, i eat a pack of chewy chips ahoy cookies in under an hour

There are only about 30 cookies in there so it's not hard to do. The whole pack is around 1600 calories

>> No.7976610


1 sugar cube is about 1 tsp of sugar. 1 tsp is about 5mL, so 60 of that is around 300mL. 32 fl oz is nearly 950mL. So it'd only have to be about a third sugar... I believe it.

>> No.7976611
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nice...where can I get onna these?

>> No.7976616

How do you think people get fat?

>> No.7976622

Look under beverages. Anyway the OREO® Cookies ‘n Cream Milkshake - Large (32 fl. oz.) is only 1500 calories.

>> No.7976662

Just not the same, I'm heading in to town tomorrow and was looking for some terrible, excessive junk food to have.

>> No.7977851

>Ha ha, crazy Americans and their weird system, I wonder how much-
>1 liter

How the FUCK can you drink a whole fucking liter of milkshake?

>> No.7977888

>there's market demand for this
America is even more degenerate than I thought.

>> No.7977902

with gusto

>> No.7977940


>> No.7979046

The key I would think would be milk considering 16 ounces of heavy whipping cream is some crazy shit like 1400 calories

>> No.7979058

>38g of protein
Time to bulk up!

>> No.7979072 [DELETED] 
File: 494 KB, 458x627, Screen-Shot-2012-06-13-at-9.47.16-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some years ago, a wise man tried to teach his inferiors that it's not good to inhale 48 oz of HFCS every day

The amount of outrage was more virulent than the outpouring of rage after wall street wrecked the US economy. It's unbelievable how angry people get when you tell them that their disgusting habits are why they're so goddamm fat

Bloomberg really needs to step into the Presidential race as a third party candidate, but the hammy McHamplanets would flip their shit, clearly they're 300 pounds overweight because of the Mexicans or something

>> No.7979094


>> No.7979173


When I make a milkshake it usually comes to about 500ml and I can drink it in a couple of minutes. That said, I treat it like food and only make one if I'm hungry.

There's also the fact that it's mainly just fruit + milk, not whatever they put in >>7976059.

>> No.7979195


because freedom you pasty obsessed yurofuck.

>> No.7979223

In the land of the free and the home of the brave.

>> No.7979241
File: 53 KB, 834x558, 1435800153619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2.6k calories
>59g sat. fat
>333g carbs

>> No.7979285
File: 82 KB, 822x564, 1435804740016pix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this has the same sugar content as 7 cokes

>> No.7979439

Some people want a sweet death.

>> No.7979465

>38 grams of protien

Im bulking

>> No.7979468

That's two days of calories for me. Holy shit.

>> No.7979493

Four or five days for me.

>> No.7980053

How disgustingly thin are you?

>> No.7980055

I'm not American but good job, Eurocuck

>> No.7980081

140lbs 5'10"
I get a check. Food is still nearly impossible to afford. Maybe $150 left over for food after rent.
Why, how luxurious is your life?
$150 Is 8-10 days of low quality dollar store eats. I haul all of the food, water and supplies I use up 160 stairs to the house. Can't even really net 3-400 calories a day because of the shit I have to go through to get to eat or drink it.

>> No.7980084

Australians, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.7980087
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>no crustecan, eggs, fish or nuts

How can people say that this is for bulk

>> No.7980092

>Who does this?

>> No.7980096

Get a better job

>> No.7980104
File: 79 KB, 426x628, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>263g sugar

>> No.7980107

Autism diagnosis fucks you out of a job and friends for life. Vitamin d makes me violently ill so you can imagine how yard work/store trips are. However badly I want to have a simple $10 an hour landscaping job, I will literally only get $1 an hour for the rest of my life. Neeting fucking sucks.

>> No.7980116

>burgerclaps are fat!
>we must solve this by banning large servings of soda!
>no not just for fatties! ban it for EVERYONE!

piss off you queer socialist fucknut
every moron who wants to deny me the pleasure of gulping down a 2 liter coke every now and then can fuck off right back to his cuckshed in sweden.

>> No.7980380

32oz is normal? You fat fuck.

>> No.7980384 [DELETED] 
File: 252 KB, 1024x680, disgusted-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the pleasure of gulping down a 2 liter coke
How does that in any way give someone pleasure?

Are you actually human?

>> No.7980391

>38g protein

/fit/ here, nothing wrong with this protein shake

>> No.7980520

>How does that in any way give someone pleasure
That's exactly it though. Government laws don't cure the fucked up desires within. Ban large sodas, these fatties will just buy more smaller ones.

>> No.7980521 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 320x203, finalsolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Government laws don't cure the fucked up desires within
Not with that kind of shitty attitude, they don't

>> No.7980523

It doesn't matter if he likes smashing his balls with a sledgehammer. It's his fucking body and he can do whatever stupid shit he wants to it.
Don't try to shame me with relativism. I support everything up to suicide, self-mutilation, and hard drug abuse.

>> No.7980525

>Sodium 1770mg

How is this even possible?

>> No.7980530 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure what you think that means, or how it would support your outlook rather than making it look even worse

Did you just see some references to "relativism" on /pol/ and decide it makes you sound "smart"?

>> No.7980532


Found the desk jockey.

>> No.7980560

why not simply replace the sugar with aspartame? it would taste exactly the same...

>> No.7980579


>> No.7980584

>literal rat poison derivative

>> No.7980590

nobody wants chemicals in their food

>> No.7980593


>> No.7980672

>I know what HFCS stands for so if you don't like it your anti science

>> No.7980687


>> No.7980705

No, your is correct
lrn2 STEM major

>> No.7980712

>English language

>> No.7980714



>> No.7980718

Part of having freedom is having the freedom to kill yourself with food. If you're too weak willed to resist eating shit to a fatal degree then don't make it a problem for people able to control themselves.

>> No.7980719

Look up nutrition profile of condensed milk. They used to use it as a military ration.

>> No.7981148

I had one of those when I was younger without knowing any of that, less that an hour later I literally couldn't stop shifting for the rest of the day, haven't touched anything like that since

>> No.7981207

>but I'm responsible
First of all, no you're not, don't kid yourself
Second, even if you were, which you're not, every hamplanet like you reduces our quality of life
You'd be surprised at how good real food is. You just need to get over your childish aversion to consuming stuff that didn't come out of a bin with an MSDS and a GRAS certification

>> No.7981357

Middle school must be really hard.

>> No.7981361 [DELETED] 

We call this normal where I come from

The only time I get called "skinny" is when I visit places like Missouri and Ohio

>> No.7981396


fuck off banning cup sizes is fucking stupid and just creates more litter

>fatty can't get 48oz cup
>buys 2 32 oz
>or get's a refill

good job jewyork

>> No.7981401 [DELETED] 

True, we should just ban it altogether
>b-but I'm not fat
Fuck you, you're fat

>> No.7981412


>ban it all together

cause that worked so well for alcohol

>> No.7981438 [DELETED] 

Yes, hamplanets are known to be intelligent, resourceful, and motivated. Surely a thriving black market in HFCS and brominated vegetable oil will pop up overnight :^)

>> No.7981458


the majority of consumers of alcohol didn't become the smugglers, the criminals who see an opportunity to profit did.

>> No.7981484

>he thinks he is being smart

>> No.7981488 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 500x267, prices.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcohol prices went up 300-700% during prohibition
You hammies buy your garbage because it's pretty much cheaper than tap water
I really don't see you heaving yourself into your electric wheelchair to wheeze down to the local Faygo speakeasy to drink your HFCS crap at 7x the current retail price
No, the market will simply disappear, because it only exists to get rid of horrid byproducts of a heavily distorted agricultural system
You'll figure out another way to be fat, for sure. But at least your horrid abomination will be wiped off the face of the earth

>> No.7981618

Because freedom can be horrible, and that's okay. You're your own boss, your own pilot. Don't buy DQ shakes if you don't like DQ shakes.

>> No.7981705

so Amsterdam?

>> No.7981820

and the stugar

>> No.7981967

For throwing up and giving people diabetus

>> No.7982251

is it good?

>> No.7982664 [DELETED] 


>> No.7982745
File: 13 KB, 240x180, fds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sugar 263g
Surely this is fake? That kind of serving would make someone vomit.

>> No.7982765

>it's mainly just fruit + milk

nigga that's a smoothie

>> No.7982793

I doubt it's fake. It's roughly twice as sugary as Coca Cola per volume, while presumably much thicker.

>> No.7982817
File: 77 KB, 400x278, reeses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this a couple of times when I was a fat little teenager

It's fucking delicious. It's incredible, like you're just slurping down pure peanut butter sugar joy. Your body doesn't realize it at all, it just sneaks itself in like a diabetic ghost

>> No.7984105


>It's unbelievable how angry people get when you tell them that their disgusting habits are why they're so goddamm fat

Especially when you're a skeleton

>> No.7984160

Oh, it's very, very real. So real that Men's Health did a number on it as the absolute worst fast food item in the US back in 2009:


Granted, there are scarier choices out there, but it's definitely gotten a lot of bad press for a very good reason.

>> No.7985701
File: 44 KB, 477x358, confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How the hell can a chocolate shake have 74% of the recommended daily allowance of sodium?

>> No.7986861

Stevia or monk fruit? Will those be too expensive?

What about sucralose?

>> No.7986913
File: 93 KB, 221x328, 1452056151726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>263 grams of sugar

and I thought drinking a soda a day was bad for you

>> No.7987907

>BR Shakes
Simply awful
I get diarrhea every time I get one