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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7974602 No.7974602 [Reply] [Original]

hello /ck/
i'll be attending a potluck party and i have no idea what to bring. most people are bringing their "famous" salads. (greek, taco, caesar, potato...) also burgers, hotdogs and corn on the cob will be there. i'd just like to impress these guys with my food since i suck at socializing with them.

also would like to mention they are very "white"... they are nice people, but they see me as "the asian" more than a regular person... it'd be nice if they could just talk about my food instead of which side of korea i'm from and whether i know this "kim" or that "park" that they met the other day. (i understand they're just curious and want to get to know me and my culture, but it's just a little awkward for me.)

any suggestions?

>> No.7974616
File: 69 KB, 610x406, memewings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spend $180 on enough chicken wings for 4 people at your local Korean memewings shop

Since memewings are a white people favorite, and also well known by whites as authentic Korean food, you'll safely have one foot in each world as they marvel at your diplomatic chops. Or should I say chop-chops, ping pong ding dong cultural appropriation

>> No.7974617

Bring a 50 gallon drum of the ripest kimchi you can find. When they act funny, tell them they dishonor your family in broken English.

>> No.7974628
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>> No.7974631

play with their dog all night and keep checking if people are watching. towards the end, go somewhere alone with the dog and see how many people come looking for you.

>> No.7974636

Gyoza is Japanese, racist

>> No.7974639

hmm possibly. though the idea is to make your own dish haha

that's too heavy!

>> No.7974640

>very white
can't go wrong with green bean casserole bruh. you just drain a couple of cans of green beans, mix with a can of cream of mushroom soup, and top with frenchs fried onions. a nice variation is half cream of mushroom, half cream of chicken.

>> No.7974642

>boiling a pack of hot dogs and slipping them into a bag of buns you bought is cooking
If whites are allowed to do this, you're allowed to treat "opening a box of memewings" as cooking too

>> No.7974643

no 'go 'za where i live... :(

oh my gosh that made me laugh out loud. for a minute i thought it was an actual party survival tip haha

>> No.7974651

that sounds pretty delicious, thank you for the suggestion.

haha well the hotdogs and burgers are what the men will be doing. the women encourage bringing the home-made stuff. i suppose i could get away with something i order from a restaurant but if i lie about that and they ask for a recipe, that'd be even more awkward than being the only asian there haha

>> No.7974652

>can't go wrong with green bean casserole bruh
Everything is wrong about it.

>>canned beans
>>Canned soup
>>French's brand anything

This is only good if you hate the people involved and want to subject them to a tiny little taste of hell.

>> No.7974669

stop being a snob, white people love it, especially those murkans that can be described as very white. I'm not trying to satisfy your oh so sensitive palate, I'm trying to help op out based on his description of who he's making a dish for. anything elaborate or fancy will be a waste of time and not only not be appreciated but also get him labeled as the tryhard of the group

>> No.7974678

Please refrain from mentioning your sex and/or gender while visiting /ck/. Although you may not be aware of this (although I think you are), many people posting on 4chan are not in an intimate relationship.

Therefore, referring to your femininity can be highly offensive to others, as they visit /ck/ to have fun and intellectual discourse, not to be reminded of their shortcomings (as perceived by society).

I hope you remember this in the future and refrain from using any key words that can be used as gender identifiers. It really is not that much to ask and will prevent threads from degenerating into flame/troll disasters.

Some of us also choose to be single and our virginity is not a badge of shame. The inherent superficial and highly opportunistic behavior of women is not attractive to every male, and therefore we do not have to be constantly reminded of your kind while on /ck/. It is not necessary and can be considered, "attention whoring" (a very just term).

Thank you very much,

- /ck/

>> No.7974687

well now i'm confused

i thought this stuff only mattered on r9k and that there's a high concentration of women on /ck/? (like /an/ and /adv/...)

>> No.7974691

don't listen to that negative nancy, your friends will love it, and be surprised you know about it

>> No.7974695

>white people love it

No, we don't. It's that thing that old-ass great aunt Alice brings to the family reunion and everyone says "oh wow" but nobody actually wants to eat. People might serve themself some out to be polite but then you see it all in the trash can after the meal is done. It is literally the finest of "gore food" from the 1950's. Nobody likes it.

>>labeled as the tryhard
That's only a bad thing on this board anon.

I wasn't suggesting that OP serve "Saddle of Veal Prinz Orloff". But 'cmon. Just about anything would be better than that fucking green bean casserole. Even lazy shit like baking chicken in a dish with salsa poured in it kicks the shit out that slop.

>> No.7974699

>i thought this stuff only mattered

It doesn't matter anywhere. You're being trolled with copypasta.

>> No.7974703

chicken ala pace is better than gb cass
what're you smokin?

>> No.7974705

If you don't like cream of mushroom soup dumped onto some frozen brick of beans in a pyrex dish and baked for 45 minutes with some marshmallows thrown on top, you hate America and have literally never even set foot here
t. Midwest Internet Defense Force

>> No.7974720


>> No.7974725

maybe i should just bring spring rolls...

i had to google what that was, but it looks great! thanks!

>> No.7974729

if your friends are as you described "very white" then I'd say it would be a mistake to bring ethnic food of any sort

>> No.7974758

If you're cooking for strangers it's almost always better to do something that you know how to make well than trying something new that you think will appeal to them.

>> No.7974769


>> No.7974838

Bring some chicken and waffles or some other kind of soul food.

>> No.7974848

75% of /ck/ is women we just pretend to be men.

>> No.7974914


also post a pic, cute korean grill

if not, at least tell me if ur cute

>> No.7974928

don't go

get the fuck outta your small little town and come to some place where people don't treat you like shit.

-a fellow Asian

>> No.7974948
File: 84 KB, 466x400, gtfo nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm white and I love it, I suspect you are the shitskin in this thread

>> No.7974952

Just make potato salad dude

>> No.7974954

I always wondered about those humorless militant Asians in college until I moved to a flyover state for a couple of years for my first job and found out what it was like to live in a place where seeing an Asian was a rare event

I'm sure blacks have it much worse but it's fucking annoying to be "the Asian", I got the fuck out as soon as I had a chance.