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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 528 KB, 1200x800, blackberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7972816 No.7972816 [Reply] [Original]

Omg I just tried premium blackberries and it is soooo tasty! It is now my favorite fruit.

Btw I rarely visit /ck/ and I don't cook at all! I only eat what is readily edible, and all separate.

>> No.7972856


>> No.7972886

Why are berries so fucking good?
Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, saskatoons, raspberries.

So delicious and so good for you

>> No.7972894
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Hey friend

I love foraging for blackberries every late summer, its coming up to the time now actually.

I don't know if they put growth hormones or just optimum conditions but the store bought blackberries are massive compared to the ones I find wild. But its not a satisfying knowing they are ripe for picking for free outdoors.

I make jam with them primarily as I get way more than I can eat.


Probably because we evolved to eat them. Berrypicker af

>> No.7972903

Berries are the most nutrient fruits, that's a fact. When you put a nice berry on your tongue, the brain tells you it's very good because the tongue detects so many nutrients.

>> No.7972904
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>> No.7972909

So is it true when they say "the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice"?

>> No.7972911

>premium blackberries

Is this a meme? Blackberries grow wild all over the place where I live. I can take a 20 minute walk and come home with a bucket of them. They are good though.

>> No.7973352

Most of berries I have eaten before were to a certain extent sour. This time though it was so creamy and tasty, sweet but just slightly, and not sour at all. It is a question of personal taste of course, but for me I'm pretty sure no other berry will to a good blackberry, maybe only a very exotic one I haven't even heard of before.

>> No.7973356

Well good for you. Are they small or large? Because where I live (a cold place) you can sell 100 grams of large blackberries (about 10 berries) for $10. So it's roughly $1 for each berry.

>> No.7973364

That's a great deal! Sadly blackberries grow all over the southern US. I can visit my grandma and pick a small basketful to eat. Now blueberries.. I love but none grow around here that I know of.

>> No.7973387

These things grow on literally every bush around here. I used to love walking home from school just picking blackberries along the way. I used to use my uniform jumper as a pouch and grab dozens. At first I'd just pick them and eat them but one day my friend ate a spider so then I started taking them home to wash them.

>> No.7973628

You are lucky. The question is if they are large or tiny? Where I live there are no bushes, asphalt is everywhere.

>> No.7973742

In WA they're a bloody pest and everywhere. Next year I'd reccomend berry picking here, as you'll get a very nice haul.

>> No.7974076

Great, big, juicy ones. Nice and tart too. It was the one thing I loved about going back to school in September.

>> No.7974790

Where do I move to have big and juicy black... berries growing for free outside my home?

>> No.7974823
File: 638 KB, 1600x1159, blackberries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where do I move to have big and juicy black... berries growing for free outside my home?

Anywhere in England.

Literally every fucking bush in the country is overgrowing with these things right now.

You can't eat roadside berries though because they are covered with fumes from car exhaust.

Go a little bit into the country, or even just a park or canal and you will find millions of blackberries growing for the next two weeks.

>> No.7974833

>mfw when a cuck rates blueberries>blackberries near me

not saying you did, but just want the cucks to know blackberries>>>blueberries

>> No.7977018

Anwhere in the UK or Ireland. The British Isles are covered in blackberries come September.

>> No.7978983
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Finger grapes best berry

>> No.7978987

>live in Seattle
>blackberries grow rampant around the state

Feels fucking good man. I love a good blackberry pie.

>> No.7978992

>eating liquid dicks

Too gay for me.

>> No.7978998

found the closet fag

>> No.7979000

>posting shitty posts

too young for me.

>> No.7979029
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It's not nearly gay enough for me.

>> No.7979040
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its called breeding you shmuck

>> No.7979424

Is is my imagination or do blackberries that come off the bushes with big nasty thorns taste way better than the thornless variety?