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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7972191 No.7972191 [Reply] [Original]

Why drink soda?

>> No.7972193

Why drink alcohol?

>> No.7972195

it gets you drunk

>> No.7972196
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I like sweet things
the carbonation is nice in the mouth

>> No.7972198

Why drink anything other than water?

>> No.7972213

Because you're at an age where you imbibe whatever mommy gives you and mommy gives you sugar water?

>> No.7972238

It might sustain you but you'll hate yourself for it because it is a chore like eating rice or pasta.

>> No.7972278

I grew out of soda and mostly drink water, tea, or sometimes juice

>> No.7972357

I don't usually, but I got a 12-pack of Coke on Monday and I've already had 8 of them

>> No.7972504

its like the dessert of dinner

>> No.7972514

Because you fell for the liquid jew

There's nothing redeeming about soda
>high sugar spikes insulin
>fast calories
>extra caffeine hurts heart
>sugar destroys enamel
>diet soda just sucks

>> No.7972521

tastes good???

>> No.7972522

Same, I didn't really grow out of it though, its just that when i was in highschool I used to use soda as a chaser and now I can't drink them without having this phantom vodka taste
Its a good thing I guess because when I first stopped drinking soda I lost like 10 pounds

>> No.7972591


>> No.7974003
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>> No.7974015

Sugar addiction.

Although I hear that there's some autism regarding root beer. Is that worth getting into?

>> No.7974016

I like ssoda but it makes me feel sick when I drink it because of sugar

>> No.7974017

Because it tastes good?

>> No.7974018

Because it tastes good.. I usually try to only drink it during meals though.

>> No.7974045

Because it is sweet.

>> No.7974118

Food tastes weird without it

>> No.7975701

Because I want to?

>> No.7975719

I've got a feeling that all the anti soda and sugar people on /ck/ are really fat manlets. They seem like the kind of people that order a 5000 calorie fast food meal with "just a ice water please"

>> No.7975758

Because freedom of choice is a very wonderful thing, and anyone who disagrees is a fucking jew.

>> No.7975762
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muh big gulp

muh beetus

>not drinking an occasional 8 oz miniature soda like a civilized human being

>> No.7975994

>drinking water

amerifat confirmed

>> No.7976307

because im a bitch

>> No.7976427
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I don't , I am a cultured individual and only drink chamomile tea !
Unlike SOME fatties on this board....

>> No.7976497

>tfw trying to quit soda
>still drink 3-4 sodas a week

>> No.7976532

drink soda water
it worked for me, and it's cheap as fug

>> No.7976541 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7976544


safeway (aka tom thumb aka randalls) here is selling canned carbonated water for crazy cheap, like 2.50 for a 12 pack. i drank nothing but soda for a long time and carbonated water is insanely helpful for keeping me away from drinks with calories. cold carbonated water with a tiny bit of fruit flavoring scratches that itch for me, you may have similar luck.

also, if you have access to coke freestyles, you can typically get dasani sparkling in plain or lime flavors which is also just carbonated with no sweeteners. all the jack in the boxes here have them and i'll often stop in and just grab a drink on my commute to or from school or work.

>> No.7976546

>autism regarding root beer
what the fuck does this even mean

>> No.7976693

When I my stomach is sick,I drink a small glass of coke.
It stops my urge to vomit.

>> No.7978435


It's the carbonic acid that fucks up your teeth and insides. Soda water might not make you fat but it's still pretty bad for you.

>> No.7978589

great side drink for fast food/snacks

>> No.7978666
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Goes great with whiskey, though I've switched to diet soda recently. Too much sugar otherwise.

>> No.7978681

I do the same thing. Maybe 2 or 3 times a year I'll buy a case of Coke and blow through it in a week.

>> No.7978713


No it isn't, it the phosphoric acid
you goober

>> No.7980102

It's the GOAT drink.

The fizziness mixed with the sweetness.

>> No.7980111

>it is a chore like eating rice or pasta.
Is this bait?
Rice and pasta with sauce is delicious. A meal feels incomplete and doesn't taste as good without either rice or pasta.

>> No.7980140

A chore? Jesus christ. Put the fork down fattie.

>> No.7980588

it has a good taste?
stuped quetions

>> No.7981204
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Hello /Ck/ Rate my soda.

>> No.7981226

>So that'll be 2 waters and a diabetic's fizz piss, coming right up folk.

>> No.7981295

pretty good tier. you got Jones sodas where you are?
>and to answer OP
it tastes pretty good. refreshing after only coffee, tea, and water for a couple weeks. also, using root beer or colas to marinade steaks or ribs can be surprisingly good.

>> No.7981359

Yup, Got some jones But im thinking of trying Stewart soon. I drank some Jones before, Blue bubblegum and Purple grape.

>> No.7981540

>phantom vodka taste

Wtf I know this. One of the many reasons I quit drinking. I gag just thinking about it

>> No.7981954

sometimes I drink a can of coke after working out on a hot day. so delicious.

>> No.7982173

I used to mix it 3:1, was convenient because it somehow covered up the smell. Too well, actually, because drinking it now basically gives me the phantom vodka thing.

>> No.7982182

I drink seltzer because I enjoy the bubbles.

>> No.7982191

Somehow erased the part saying it was Robinson's apple&blackcurrant squash concentrate.

I don't miss vodka but I do miss enjoying the squash.

Not exactly trying to shill but that mojito 7up helps me deal with soda cravings, it's only 14kcal/bottle.

>> No.7982269
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Just cause I need my kick. Used to guzzle a whole 12 pack of soda in a day like an absolute madman when I was maybe 8 years old, because Amerifat and legitimately retarded, but now I only have it once in a while.

Also, you haven't fucking lived till you tried this before. They have plenty stocked up at the local deli shop round my parts.

Barg's is best root beer tho

I don't usually drink Jones often, since there really aren't many places I know around my hood that sells them, but the berry lemonade is pretty fucking tasty

>> No.7982276

>Barg's is best root beer tho
That's a q you mongoloid.

>> No.7982512

have you heard of nail clippers?

>> No.7982548 [DELETED] 
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im a fatso who definitely shouldn't be drinking soda, but i quit drinking alcohol two weeks ago and i've been sucking down pic related all weekend, that crystal pepsi goes down so smooth, you guys.

>> No.7982553
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>> No.7982995

there shouldn't really be any reason to get soda other than the occasional can, I'm partial to san pellegrino or ting myself but the latter is hard as duck and expensive so I just stick to grapefruit san pel like once a month on my cheat day with a side of lasagna or takeout general tso as an occasional indulgence

>> No.7983213

They're not that long. But I might give them a snap just cause you say so anon.

Same. I can only think of 2-3 Places and one of them is a small cantina.

>> No.7983311

> not drinking at least 2 bottles of delicious soda everyday

an hero

>> No.7983398

All acid deteriorates enamel, dumbass.

I drink the occasional soda for nostalgia, but most are too sweet. Seltzer master race.

>> No.7983859

Is it really worth the 5-6 bucks?

>> No.7984491

I'd say it cost only 2.85 (CAD) A bottle. For the fact it's locally produced, For the fact it has a good Maple after taste. For the fact it's a bottle and not a can. Yeah.

But it's only to try out. Might try the future flavors.

>> No.7984551

It tastes good

And most of the people who talk shit about soda guzzle iced tea and have shitty diets

>> No.7984572

Cause it's full of electrolytes

>> No.7984576

Soda pairs very well with food

>> No.7985546

Oh and, Also because Floaters are damn good (Cream soda/Ginger ale+ Icecream.)

>> No.7985556

I'm literally addicted to soda and I can't stop.
I absolutely have to have 1-2 sodas a day or I get withdrawals.
(I'm not fat but my teeth are pretty bad)

>> No.7985750
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Beware the Carbonated Jew....

>> No.7985793

>(I'm not fat but my teeth are pretty bad)
Then use your brain to prevent erosion and reharden enamel. Spend some of that soda money on dental advice.

>> No.7985864

Sodas taste better than most of the other shit available.

It tastes like exactly what it is though: Something that has gone rotten. No mind-altering chemicals will fix that.

>> No.7985938

Black tea tastes delicious and has zero calories.

>> No.7985955
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>go from drinking literally liters of soda a day to none at all in the span of two months
>lose 30 pounds
>all my clothes from highschool fit me again
>actually get positive looks from the occasional girl on the street

>> No.7985966

I got into a super bad habit of always drinking soda with meals. I tired to drink water instead but couldn't do it, turns out coffee/tea was the key and I'm already starting to notice weight loss.

>> No.7985974

I tried it once, maybe it was a bad batch, but it tasted like ground up flowers. I drink tea, quite a bit of it, but chamomile was just gross.

>> No.7985987

>Why drink soda?

What a stupid fuckin' question.

>> No.7985994

If it didn't taste good to begin with, nobody would have gotten hooked on it. It certainly wasn't the only option throughout life.
It does taste good. It's too sweet for me, most of them, but I like a few flavors

>> No.7986008

>tasted like ground up flowers
spoiler alert: that's what it is. i love the smell of camomile and the nice soothing effect it gives you. i like the taste too but i don't think it's anything special.

>> No.7986020

cheese and yogurt taste rotten cause thats exsctly what they are, no gouda or greek can change that

>> No.7986162

t. sodashill

>> No.7986173

let it decarbonate for a while first.
coke has a ph-value of 2.5, stomach acid is around 1.5-3.5

>> No.7986182


satan trips means kill yourself

>> No.7986216

Have some fucking self control you retard. Either be a man and go cold turkey, or stop being such a fat fuck and just step it back until you either stop drinking the stuff or can handle just having one every once in a while like a normal human being.

>> No.7987142

Do diet sodas affect insulin resistance at all? I'm getting conflicting information on le google

>> No.7987190

Because it tastes good.

>> No.7987900

I miss supernova

>> No.7987919

Because there are no other options and washing down food with water isn't always appetizing.
I don't drink soda very often, but I really do love ginger ale or a good root beer float.

>> No.7987986

It's tasty and I came here to post about the things I enjoy, not talk /fit/ shit.

>> No.7988219

anyone tried carbonated water?
considering buying a machine to make some

>> No.7988242

It tastes good. /thread

>> No.7988250

>washing down food with water isn't always appetizing.

This/ It's never appetizing.
Your water ends up tasting like whatever you ate, which is disgusting and not refreshing at all. The only other option would be alcoholic beverages or milk. Both are potentially worse.

>> No.7988255

No, that's just a conspiracy theory. The same people who believe that diet soda causes insulin resistance or that "the sweeteners never leave your body cuz it doesn't know what it is!" also believe that the moon landing was faked and that 9/11 was an inside job.

>> No.7988627
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>exercise and do physical activities
>drink soda and eat whatever you want
>be not fat

These guys drink lots of "the devils elixir" aka soda and manage to keep almost zero body fat.

tldr: Stop living on a gimped diet and exercise more.

>> No.7988684

That's horrible advice and we all know it. Countless studies say that the best way to keep off weight is reduction in eating, not increase in physical activity.

>> No.7988694

not that guy but link one of these studies that you refer to please.

>> No.7988696

Because it was supposed to be a desert but got normalized so much as part of a regular diet that it's almost like questioning people who eat bread with dinner

>> No.7988698

>manage to keep almost zero body fat.

Sure. They also do an insane amount of exercise. They do an absurd amount of physical activity even compared to other athletes.

This. The issue is that while exercise certainly does burn calories, it's always much easier to eat less than it is to burn off what you've eaten. Even a modest meal requires a large amount of high intensity exercise to burn off.

>> No.7988709

>it's always much easier to eat less than it is to burn off what you've eaten. Even a modest meal requires a large amount of high intensity exercise to burn off.

Okay then. Have fun living off a 500 calorie a day diet of rice cakes and water.

>> No.7988722

>tldr: Stop living on a gimped diet and exercise more.
This is a sentiment that I've been preaching for a long time here and I love you for saying that. But those cyclists in your image are merely endorsing a sponsor's product. they wouldn't have coke in the bottles.
t. a cyclist

>it's always much easier to eat less than it is to burn off what you've eaten
I don't want to discredit the importance of a healthy diet plan but I firmly believe that exercise is the most important aspect of losing weight, and I say that because exercise, and living an active lifestyle, WILL effect your cravings and hunger and you WILL want to eat healthier food. It will make you look at food differently and you'll want to feed your body rather than your taste buds.

I know because that the effect it had on me.
Move your body. Get to know your body. Feed your body. Love your body.
I'm gonna write a fucking book!

>> No.7988727

i made some typos because i'm kinda tired. body needs rest. sorry.

>> No.7988735

>Okay then. Have fun living off a 500 calorie a day diet of rice cakes and water.

Why do idiots like yourself always take things to some kind of absurd illogical extreme?

Last time I was dieting I enjoyed steaks, ice cream, fried food, hamburgers, you name it. All I did was keep calories below 1500 a day.

>> No.7988742

i'd rather ride a bike than count calories.

get some fresh air!

>> No.7988748

>i'd rather ride a bike than count calories.

That's not answering my question, anon. I wasn't questioning your motivation for choosing one option over the other.

I was asking why people take things to absurd degrees...lol nothing but rice cakes....please...

>> No.7988753


see also; end result

you should be right from here.
also, i'm not even that guy.

>> No.7988754

It tastes good

>> No.7989256

Just look at how many calories various activities burn per hour, it's absolutely pathetic, it could take over an hour of intense running to burn off a single burger. Not to mention exercise makes you hungrier.

>> No.7989433

I drink carbonated water all the time my nigga, great taste and refreshing

>> No.7989460

I love the carbon. Burns so good.

>> No.7989512

for some reason i thought it would be a good idea to get up at 1am and eat a huge buritto and suck down 2 20 oz sundrops last nite, all the caffiene and sugar and beans gave me heartburn and i was up all nite tossin and turning and peeing and farting and didn't get any sleep whatsoever and i feel like doo doo now but i promise imma quit drinking soda after they discontinue crystal pepsi ok.

>> No.7989518


Yep. Better sit inside all day and eat rice cakes and drink water instead, seems much healthier.

>> No.7989535

It's extremely addictive. Try drinking soda every meal for a long time and then go back to water

>> No.7989559

> Is that worth getting into?
What in the flying fuck does that mean? Why are you people obsessed in doing things because others would tell you to? Drink it. If you like it, drink it in moderation. If you Dont, pat yourself on the back for disliking such a shit tier drink

>> No.7989568

Yes, all skinny people either starve themselves or are constantly exercising, that's totally how the world works.

>> No.7989606
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I love these. I don't even know why we need sugar any more. They should just replace everything with erythritol. It's literally perfect.

>> No.7989611

While they're shilling coke by drinking it from a can they'd drink it from a bottle if they weren't able to drink from a can. I know for a fact that some cross country skiers have coke in some of the bottles they get during long races.

Nice can of cold coke does do wonders after you've been cycling for hours and struggling to keep going.

The only times I drink sodas is when cycling and right after it and it's always coke.

>> No.7989804

I drink about that much per day and I don't really have any problems. If I stopped, I'm sure I'd lose some weight but my teeth seem fine otherwise.

>> No.7989819

same here, I drink a 20 oz a day and I'm a healthy weight and my teeth are fine.

>> No.7989831

People drank more soda from the 70s to 90s, yet obesity rates were way lower back then

>> No.7989836

>People drank more soda from the 70s to 90s
I'm curious why that is.

>> No.7989859

Because the anti-soda crusade was not a thing, and bottled water was less common. I guess people thought paying for something you can get for nearly free at home is retarded.

I think Evian might have been one of the first bottled water companies and a running joke was that it was Naive spelled backwards.

>> No.7989864

It could have been way before the 70s actually

>> No.7989887

How would you describe the flavor of coke? It's so unique

>> No.7989894


Sweetness and chemicals.

Pretty nasty straight, it's a lot better with water or Rum.

>> No.7989898

lol I think it's delicious, I'm not a fan of rum and coke though. I prefer coke and whiskey.

>> No.7990496
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Barqs > A&W > Mug

>> No.7990510

evian doesnt spell naive you stupid fuck

>> No.7990526

To mix with alcohol.

>> No.7990594

I'm pretty sure I fucked up here

I used to drink a liter of coke a day

Now I'm down to 1.5 of coke zero a week but still pretty shit

I wanna stop but I'm too autistic

>> No.7990685
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After years of drinking soda every year I managed to stop drinking soda all together for a good year for water in which I lost a lot of weight.
Now they release crystal Pepsi and I'm tempted to hoard dozens of them from how good they are.
Quit while you can

>> No.7991193 [DELETED] 
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Its good

>> No.7992801
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Are those things like pic related that you spray in water better than Soda?

>> No.7992807


that's why

>> No.7993286


Neither is Arizona iced tea

>> No.7993377

Because it tastes good, obviously.

Water gets boring every now and then.

>> No.7993447

Fashion, and social acceptance.

>> No.7993490

Drugs make you feel good.

>> No.7993749

Fuck. I remember my health-freak aunt came from the US with a bag of this and it was fucking great. Like sugar but light and easy and doesn't feel like shit.
I need to get some of this stuff.

>> No.7993824

Sometimes i drink for carbonation. Sometimes i just need a major sugar and tiny caffeine fix.

>> No.7993868

yeah im wanting to quit drinking soda myself but im gonna wait until crystal pepsi goes away first

>> No.7993876

I just tried the grape flavored of that. It's beyond disgusting.

>> No.7993887

>read about Crystal pepsi
>it was literally assassinated in a kamikaze effort by Coca Cola
the soda industry is fucking nasty honestly

>> No.7993906

Why drink soda when you have seltzer water

>> No.7994011
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Why not?

>> No.7995812

Why eat food that tastes good?

>> No.7995912

this, water is primo

>> No.7996003

HFCS betus inducing as fuck
back then it was just simple cane shit. Still not great but much better alternative.

>> No.7996074

Because I enjoy drinks that taste good.

>> No.7996745
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Because it tastes good.

Why get drunk?

>> No.7997402

Is there anyone besides me who drinks soda regularly and is still healthy?

Shit, learn about moderation. Can't believe the stories some people say about drinking a 12 pack of soda a day.

>> No.7997460

I drink either water, tea or beer.

Once you drop sweetened soft drinks, they just stop being good and feel like liquid sugar that leaves horrible, sticky taste in your mouth.

>> No.7997481

Why is every Mountain Dew flavor good except the original?

>> No.7997559

I don't drink coffee but like a bit of caffeine

I drink diet dew

>> No.7998507

Because I fucking want to. Frig Off.

>> No.7998544

The original is the only kind I dew like.

and I don't mean just Mountain Dew, I mean the classic less harsh kind that has a cowboy on the front with a cork shooting through his hat.

>> No.7998547

why get drunk though?

>> No.7998713

Soda is basically the underage version of beer.