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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7969455 No.7969455 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Europeans eat fast food using knives and forks?
Is this some kind of meme?

>> No.7969463

Why are americans so fat and retarded? Is this some kind of cultural thing?

>> No.7969467

Why didn't the Seahawks run it? Is that some kind of cultural thing?

>> No.7969476

we aren't filthy animals

>> No.7969488
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only fries

>> No.7969499

They don't know how to clean themselves so they need to use utensils

>> No.7969508
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>We're better than those clean european bastards because we're fucking pigs!

American banter, everyone

>> No.7969520

>Is this some kind of meme?

No, it's called "basic table manners". You don't touch the food with your hands.

Nobody does that. I make a point of watching people when I eat fast food. The restaurants all have bathrooms where you can wash your hands before and after touching food, but hardly anyone does either.

>> No.7969523

Don't need to guess

Here is the data:


The us is better at hygiene and food preparation and safety than Europe

>> No.7969533

Because Americans carry hand sanitizer with them

>> No.7969540

>don't touch food with your hands

Tell the Indians they eat with one and wipe shit with the other. But they suck both thumbs

>> No.7969542
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>> No.7969587

>ban all the real food
>look no bacteria here aren't we good

kek, you cunts don't even have real cheese

>> No.7969599


Why? OP's question was about Europeans. The habits of Indians have nothing to do with the discussion.

>> No.7969604

Yes we do

Name a cheese we don't have

The us fucking loves its cheese

>> No.7969658

To some folks eating with a knife and fork is just the civilized way to eat. Not everyone enjoys picking food up with their hands and dunking it in condiments.

>> No.7969671


>> No.7969696

Oh no no no. That is a burger which is a fucking sandwich, and sandwiches were goddamn invented over in Europe for the purpose of eating a meal without utensils.

Eating a goddamn sandwich with a knife and fork is like eating soup straight off of a plate.

>> No.7969699

Oh and by the fucking way, don't assume for a microsecond that a public restroom in a fast food joint is clean. Hobos do meth in those things.

>> No.7969704

We don't. At least not in Germany.

>> No.7969708

>Name a cheese we don't have
Unpasteurized brie aged less than 30 days.

>> No.7969724

>That is a burger which is a fucking sandwich, and sandwiches were goddamn invented over in Europe for the purpose of eating a meal without utensils.

I agree with you 100%. It certainly does make more sense to eat a burger with your hands than it does to use utensils.

That doesn't mean that table manners aren't involved, though. As someone who was raised in Europe with very strict adherence to table manners, the problem is that it's so ingrained to ALWAYS use a knife and fork that we often do so when it doesn't make logical sense. The problem is that the "both knife and fork" table manners is so ingrained in some people that it's awkward not to use them. I used to be like that so I understand it very well.

>> No.7969748

His question was answered with "muh table manners" when this is clearly not true, Europeans are just not smart enough to understand that some foods are literally made to eat with your hands.

>> No.7969751

Wait, do Europeans also eat corndogs with forks and knives?

>> No.7969764

>do Europeans also eat corndogs

>> No.7969769



>> No.7969777

Your thread is some kind of meme. I always eat fast food with my fingers.

>> No.7969782

>Europeans are just not smart enough to understand that some foods are literally made to eat with your hands.
I don't believe that's the case. They just recoil at the idea as being uncivilized. Kind of like how Americans recoil at the idea of public street shitting in India.

>> No.7970128


We have brie that actually tastes good. Sick argument?

>> No.7970142

You sound butthurt

>> No.7970145

The brie that melts at room temperature is eldergod tier. Pisses me off we can't get it here. If you ever make it to France put it on your must try list.

>> No.7970148

>Why are americans so fat and retarded? Is this some kind of cultural thing?

Your jealously leaking. Your either a Europoor, a sandnigger or a shitskin.

Bow to the superior american race

>> No.7970186
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>> No.7970198

This is the first time I've heard of this. How would you even eat a kebab with knife and fork? Everything would spill out.

>> No.7970226

>American is a race
You blithering, fucking mong!

>> No.7970253

divide and conquer shills get paid to post this garbage ladies and gentlemen

>> No.7970273

and who exactly is being divided?

>> No.7970282

More importantly who exactly is being paid to post here, and how can I get in on that?

>> No.7970292
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>post yfw pond scum call fries """chips"""

>> No.7970364

>excessive use of quotation marks
opinion discarded

>> No.7971074

>Why do Europeans
Its like saying why do Americans fuck goats?,even though only people in wyoming do that.

>> No.7972155
