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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7965370 No.7965370 [Reply] [Original]

I just ordered one of these bad boys after using a shitty round $30 dehydrator for years. It cost just under $200 delivered and has 6 trays and variable heat settings.

So far I've dehydrated jerky, banana, Apple and strawberries.

What else is good dehydrated as a nutritious snack? With fruit I never add sugar and I don't eat more dried fruit in a day than I would if it was fresh.

I need ideas for some food to wreck with my new toy

P. S. Sorry if the pic quality is shit, I'm on my phone

>> No.7965388


>> No.7965391


>> No.7965394

me? i'd dehydrate crab legs

>> No.7965395

cooking oil

>> No.7965422

Beef jerky

>> No.7965432

Fuck all of you

>> No.7965446

Maybe you could dry some rice. Then fry it in some oil for puffed rice.

>> No.7965447

Fruit leather is a great snack, google it.

The only fruit I disliked dehydrated so far is pineapple, it almost made me throw up.

>> No.7965452 [DELETED] 

Google my dick in your moms butt, nerd

>> No.7965474


>> No.7965478


>> No.7965493

Jamal's cum.

>> No.7965555

>$200 for a dehydrator when the sun is free

>> No.7965557
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>> No.7965718

Semen and peanut butter

>> No.7965725


>> No.7965731

Mashed potatoes

>> No.7965733


but seriously though, dehydrated bananas are amazing. not the chips, not entirely dried, but dehydrated.

try crayons though, for real

>> No.7965746

Hamburger patty

>> No.7965749


>> No.7965759

Hard boiled egg

>> No.7965797

Chinese takeout

>> No.7965823

Do you have to rotate the trays? I know some dehydrators make you do that.

>> No.7965832

The blood of your enemies.

>> No.7965835

I honestly don't understand why people waste space with gimmicky stuff like that.

>> No.7965844

An Allen key duct tapped to a used tampon

>> No.7965847

Not with this one. The round ones you do because the heat comes from the bottom usually.

The heat in this blows horizontally from the rear (like yo momma)

>> No.7965867

Dead bird

>> No.7965871

what would happen if you cooked rice and put it in there?

>> No.7965875


>> No.7965880

I assume it'd go back to being dry again but probably look retarded

>> No.7965900

>just under $200
>6 trays

Where the fuck did you order from? You got screwed over in price and capacity. You could have gotten a 9 Tray Excalibur for $200 bucks on Amazon with a lengthy recipe book.

As for shit to dry, try like fish or vegetables. There are a lot of veggies that dry up nicely for snacks.

>> No.7965907

I paid $170 AUD delivered. Amazon will deliver to me but it's not much good when it's 120V

170 AUD = 130 freedom units

>> No.7965912

Thanks btw, I have been googling some different ideas and am keen to try your suggestions also

>> No.7965922

It's 99$ state side.

>> No.7965939


>> No.7965941

As in your pic, tomatoes.
Holy shit is it tasty.

>> No.7965948
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I was just getting ready to post it when you called.

>> No.7965954

He over paid 31 freedom bucks.

>> No.7965962


>> No.7965969


>> No.7966013

>With fruit I never add sugar
Does anyone actually do this?

When I lived up north I used to dry lots of edible mushrooms and make fruit leather out of wild blueberries, Saskatoon berries, raspberries, etc.

I'd recommend doing fruit leather. It's pretty easy and lots of instructions online.

>> No.7966146

Meat but you sound like a vegan gayboy

>> No.7966548

puffed rice

>> No.7966556

dehydrate some herbs, make vegetable chip

>> No.7966564

does the dehydrator actually reach high enough temperatures for that?

>> No.7967172

The communist mainfesto

>> No.7967199

I would try carrot, cucumber, bell pepper, pumpkin and mango.

Cucumber may sound odd, but I remember reading about a chef who dried them into powder, then vacuum cooked other cucumbers, let them cool and used the juice they 'sweated' to mix with the powder and form a paste.

>> No.7967208


It's lean as hell and more delicious than anything else.

>> No.7967213

The fruit leather club is two doors down

>> No.7967217
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>> No.7968145

American Ketchup Product

>> No.7968166

how do you prefer to make your jerky anon? i don't need details like spices, but interesed in how you prep the meat. do you like using ground meat at all and using one of those dispensers? or do you just use solid cuts?

>> No.7968353

dehydrated pear sprinkled with pumpkin spice is godly

Also, I'm a fan of dehydrating potato chips. Far better for you than frying, still comes out awesome. Boil the potato, slice it thinly (can be done in reverse order), toss it in a tiny amount of olive oil and some seasoning (salt and pepper is perfect).
Can be made with sweet potato as well, and it doesn't even need to be boiled beforehand. Sweet potato chips dehydrated with rosemary is seriously good.

I often dehydrate any left over garlic or onions from my previous grocery trip before going grocery shopping again, then blend them up to make garlic powder or onion powder. This can be done with other things like celery and tomatoes for cool seasonings as well. Although, I'm not sure if you need a high-powered blender to make this work or not. A coffee grinder might work too.

>> No.7968537

Dehydrate mango, they sell dried mango in stores so that can be interesting, also Dehydrate peanut butter I want to know what happens

>> No.7968563

>also Dehydrate peanut butter I want to know what happens
There isn't really much water in peanut butter. Most of the moisture comes from oil, which doesn't dehydrate well, so you'd probably just get warm, thick peanut butter.

>> No.7968579

Fruit leather = leather daddy

>> No.7968795

Solid cuts of top side or similar lean meat, I borrowed a jerky gun off a friend once and minced my own meat, the jerky came out with a really weird texture. I gave it away to people because I didn't like it.

>> No.7968802

What is pumpkin spice exactly? That sounds interesting.

I'm gonna try potato chips, they sound good. I have one of those V slicer things too so nice easy even cuts of potato.

Onion & garlic is something I do want to dry, onions are in season now but garlic doesn't appear to be as it's still quite expensive. Every time I need powder it's always run out so making my own in bulk and storing it correctly is something I need to do.

Thanks anon

>> No.7968806

It's winter here so no cheap mangos unless I buy them frozen, which sux. I'll add that onto my summer list though, apparently they taste awesome when dried.

>> No.7968810

dont do thi, you'll create rice gas

>> No.7968814

What if I cook dried rice, then dry it before I fry it?

>> No.7968827

>What is pumpkin spice exactly?
It's the seasoning used in pumpkin pie. You can generally find it in grocery stores in America, but I never saw it in Ireland, so it may depend on which country you're in.

If you can't find it, there's recipes to mix it from more common seasonings on the internet. It's a mixture of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and some other stuff I can't remember. It's pretty good.

>> No.7968858

Most of the products on the shelf in North America aren't available elsewhere, it's a real disappointment when I walk into a grocery store here.

You guys are flooded with millions of products and refer to them here on ck and elsewhere on the internet all the time. Even Amazon stocks a lot of them but won't ship internationally

Fuck this world sometimes

>> No.7969070

Supposedly according to wikipedia pumpkin spice is similar to mixed spice.

>> No.7969117

Try dehydrating hardboiled eggs. I want to know what happens.

>> No.7969159

Nice unitasker.

>> No.7969168

1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/8 tsp Chinese 5-spice or sub with allspice
1/2 teaspoon fine salt

>> No.7969176

>what is powdered egg?

>> No.7969180

6 parts ground cinnamon
1 parts ground nutmeg
1 part ground ginger
1/2 part ground allspice
1/2 part ground cloves

>> No.7969221

>Dehydrated as a nutritious snack?

Removing the water and moisture of a food doesn't make ot healthier you fucking cro-magnon.

>> No.7969240

try strawberries, apples, bananas, or jerky

>> No.7969260

How was that implied by OP's post?

>the water and moisture
The water AND moisture?

It's funny when pedantic morons reveal themselves.

>> No.7969309

Thanks senpai

>> No.7969314
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>> No.7969904
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Look up moisture.
>water or other liquid diffused in a small quantity as vapor, within a solid, or condensed on a surface.
>water or other liquid
>or other liquid

How about you learn English before acting like a know-it-all, you fucking prick?