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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7965322 No.7965322[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on todays kelly /ck/

>> No.7965340

Still not as masterful as Asay.

>> No.7965559

Go shill your shitty webcomic somewhere else

>> No.7965564

Web comic. ...

>> No.7965658

>dont talk about beverages on /ck/

>> No.7965677

I'm not even sure what the commentary is with these anymore

>> No.7965678



>> No.7965679


in my experience it's the poor/hicks that drink Sunny-D

>> No.7965698

Kelly is a political comic that's actually just a parody of political comics.

>> No.7965796

This. The point the comic seems to be making never makes any sense on it's own. It's meant to be a mockery of the hyperbole and absurd us vs them lines drawn by political comics. I think the point is most people are unlikely to be critical of political works that appeal to their own views. So he sets up something that has the look and feel of a hard right shill, then delivers a nonsense message. Sort of like an un-funny comic version of the Colbert Report. But if your sense of humor leans meta- or absurdist you might find him amusing.

>> No.7966539

The fate of the greatest nation on earth.

>> No.7966547

I remember back on /n/ people used to post his earlier work fully believing the message

>> No.7966549

>Thoughts on todays kelly /ck/

I find the art style to be really offputting so I'm never going to read this strip again.

>> No.7966553
File: 136 KB, 568x426, redbird-reef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/n/ here, I think you've been rused

>> No.7966592

Go back to /pol/

>> No.7966594
File: 193 KB, 1066x800, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem upset

>> No.7966626

Fuck off you uncultured duck

>> No.7966631

Sunny-d has canola oil in it

Besides who cares about sunny d?
[spoiler] I want that purple stuff [spoiler]

>> No.7966763
File: 265 KB, 334x393, embarrassing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not your fucking wife /co/
You need to stop.

>> No.7966947

/co/ + /ck/ is a match made in heaven

>> No.7966989
File: 514 KB, 2048x1152, 1461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, I like my trains.

>> No.7966997


>> No.7967013

Passenger trains are for the birds.

I move big freight on big iron.

>> No.7967037


>> No.7967043
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>> No.7967050
File: 466 KB, 2048x1152, 1460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can be sometimes, but not normally.

>> No.7967060

>not believing in /cock/

>> No.7967068

>un-funny comic version of the Colbert Report
are you implying Colbert is funny?

>> No.7967078

He had a few moments.

>> No.7967114
File: 91 KB, 630x441, KellyPopcorn_jpg_630x1200_upscale_q85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kelly is superior

>> No.7967178

/co/ please go, crossboarders have cursed us with Jackposting and 'go 'za, and now more recently, the "huh?" posters.

>> No.7967191

Are there seriously people on 4chan who only go on one board? I thought the only people who did that were /b/tard newfags.

>> No.7967198

I visit many other boards myself. I just try to contain board cultures to prevent a shit meme/discussion ratio unlike the bigger boards. Shit, I frequent /vp/ which might possibly be the most underage of boards.

>> No.7967313


Sunny D is fucking disgusting, desu. They had a bunch of fakeass juice brands in Australia too.

The angosphere seems to have a thing for awful juice substitutes.

>> No.7967315

>Sunny D is fucking disgusting, desu.
If you don't think Sunny D is the best thing ever you have literally never even set foot in America

>> No.7967326
File: 142 KB, 1400x980, 1415019173661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7967327

I really don't understand why you guys keep thinking this. I genuinely and truly don't. Just because some of your board-tan artists draw it doesn't make it real.

I don't like /co/, I'm not the only one and I'd really appreciate it if you kept your crossposting ontopic.

As for the comic, b8 is literally Kelly's job.

>> No.7967328


I haven't, and chances are it tastes the same there. I'd look for real juice.

>> No.7967338

I lone boarded /b/ for 11 years but now live a much less frustrating life after leaving.
Screaming "fucking porn" at a computer most of the day is neither healthy or productive.

>> No.7967340


>> No.7967343

I don't even know what /co/ is. I mean after reading your post, and looking at the context, I guess it must be the comics board? Yeah I might have been there once. I've been to every board once. Must not have been that interesting, whatever it was.

Been coming to /ck/ for almost 10 years now, and 4chan for about 12

>> No.7967361

I like regular OJ

And the nice absurdist thing about this comic is how the D stands for delight, I still remember when they rebranded it (wasn't that ling ago) and it's the kind of thing conservatives would hate because it appeals to younger people