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7960209 No.7960209 [Reply] [Original]

Coke, any soda for that matter, is objectively better in glass bottles

>> No.7960261

I do not disagree with this statement. Same goes for beer.

>> No.7960264

It seems the three of us are in agreement

>> No.7960272

I guess we'll just have to agree to agree.

Thanks for making my first day on the chan so warm and welcome.

>> No.7960278

My nigga, agreed 100%

>> No.7960279

I prefer soda in a can, but beer in a bottle, sue me.

>> No.7960288

>there's always that one guy

Fucking heathen

>> No.7960290

My mum always used to tell me this, I thought it was BS. Now I realize it's true, I have no idea why but it does taste better.

>> No.7960293
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I want to disagree for the sheer sake of it, but I can't.

Am I broken?

>> No.7960784

good to know this is one of the constants in the universe

>> No.7960792

I prefer coke from a can. Beer, too.

>> No.7960796

Plastic is porous which absorbs the carbonation, where as glass does now.

>> No.7960799

But glass didn't before? What changed?

>> No.7960802

There is never a difference between cans and glass bottles except for light sensitive stuff like beer where cans are much superior.

Plastic bottles on the other hand are not as good

>> No.7960811

glass lost its job to plastic and is having a hard time keeping up on the mortgage

>> No.7960812


>> No.7960815

"not" autocorrect

>> No.7960816

coke is best either in a can at room temperature or from a fountain with a shit ton of crushed ice. this is an objective truth

>> No.7960834

Beverages in general just taste better our of glass bottles, whether its milk, soda or beer

>> No.7961010

If it's prepackaged, sure. Though I like cans as well.

>> No.7961019
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It is certainly the best drink to have with a hot fresh Pizza™, it contains all the food groups!

>> No.7961034
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this guy gets it

>> No.7961038

You have to go back

>> No.7961044

Hot coke tastes good for some reason. Super gassy. It wasn't too hot just sitting in the garage in 90 degree weather so a little hotter then room temp

>take sip before pouring over crushed ice

>> No.7961058

>Puts a cup of coke in the microwave for three minutes
>Takes a sip

You lied to me.

>> No.7961073


>> No.7961100

Dark sodas from a glass bottle are fucking ambrosia. However, I prefer clear sodas to come from a can. I'm not sure why.

>> No.7961130

Why do sodas always taste great from a fountain but terrible otherwise?

>> No.7961170

this this order

>Glass bottle
>Plastic bottle
>plastic bag

>> No.7961220

Cause, usually the syrup comes regularly and doesn't sit for God knows how long. Then it is pure syrup mixed in the water in the fountain machine. Mixed with the right amount of ice, its great.

>> No.7961222

only if fountain is from something like chik-fil-a or in-n-out
otherwise they jew the shit out of you and water it way the fuck down

>> No.7961286

Depends on the fountain senpai. A lot of them don't use the full recommended ratios. The ones that do are god-tier though.

>> No.7961855

allow me to extend below bag
>melting popsicle
>floor puddle
>infected needle

>> No.7961875

a stainless steel cup that was stored in the freezer > anything else

it's the extra bubbles that make all the difference

>> No.7962141
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>he doesn't know about plastic bag dispensaries

>> No.7963889

That looks ghetto as fuck

>> No.7963891

It's not much different from Canada putting their milk in bags

>> No.7964008

Coke in a glass bottle is a wasted glass bottle. If you're going to do that, might as well get some good craft soda.

>> No.7964011


>> No.7964017

>shitty corn syrup soda
Putting this swill in a glass bottle is like drinking natty ice from a beer glass, or roasting a lean cuisine in the oven. It ain't helping brah

>> No.7964040

>Craft soda
What kind of stupid fucking white person are you?

>> No.7964062

If it's so objective then why'd you start a thread about it?
You don't see anons starting threads saying beef is objectively cow or lettuce is objectively green.

>> No.7964064

Fuck off with your dollar store grape drank Tyrone. Soda isn't supposed to be guzzled by the liter you diabeetus ape. Drink some good soda like Appalachian brewing company root beer, if you have enough money on your EBT card.

>> No.7964074

>Implying that one's experience of a beverage is anything but subjective

>> No.7964080

>not being white

>> No.7964097
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Kek. If only you knew what you were missing out on, Tyrone.

>> No.7964104

One of the most pathetic posts I've seen on this board

>> No.7964139

Drinking coke from a glass bottle is pathetic. I could listen to a 128 kbs version of brick squad I got off of YouTube, and whether I listened to it on a pair of earbuds or a thousand dollar audio setup it would barely make any difference. It is simply not worth it to spend the extra money on coke. Coke is shit and always will be, it's the dirt weed of sodas.

>> No.7964148

Coke that comes in a glass bottle are made with sugar

>> No.7964160
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>>plastic bag

>> No.7964177

Mexican coke still has a bunch of other shit ingredients in it, and comes out at a similar cost to craft sodas. Cans don't have that plastic aftertaste and also get colder in the fridge faster.

>> No.7964185

>tastes like aluminium

>> No.7964191

Fuck you and your over-sugared drinks

>> No.7964221

Nice placebo effect bro, aluminum cans are lined with BPA, if anything they would have a plastic taste.

>> No.7964245

I bet you it doesn't have more than your "craft sodas"

>> No.7964280

Mexican Coke contains: Carbonated water, sugar, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural flavors, caffeine.
American Coke contains: Carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural flavors, caffeine.

I couldn't find any ingredients list for craft sodas, but they don't have HFCS, they don't usually have added color or caffeine, and they don't have "natural flavors" which is a term that means that the natural flavors resemble actual foods. For example a "raspberry" flavored syrup made from all artificial ingredients is a natural flavor, while a "blue" flavored syrup is an artificial ingredient. Good craft sodas only have a few high quality ingredients, such as honey or vanilla and use real roots and spices.

>> No.7964515

>doesn't list ingredients to his "craft soda" and just pulls shit out of his ass

>> No.7964526

>has a plastic aluminium taste
Blech 2: the Blechening

>> No.7964596

>Drinking out of plastic

Enjoy yr cancer

>> No.7964626

The detergents they use to wash glass bottles contain similar, if not the same, estrogenic chemicals which you're avoiding.

>> No.7964808


>> No.7964833

There is no aluminum taste you nonce
I couldn't find a list online and I don't have a bottle on me

>> No.7965116
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My nigga.

>> No.7965223

Ketchup as well
Heinz in a glass bottle is goat

>> No.7965227


>The hipster white meme of craft beer can't even be contained to just shitty booze

I want to get off this planet I'VE HAD ENOUGH

>> No.7965264

>white people like better stuff, make new things and don't settle for crap

kys nigger

>> No.7965366
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Anyone know if pic related is any good? I see it at my local supermarket but I haven't heard anything on it.

>> No.7965369

I've never tried that kind specifically, but I've never had a ginger beer that wasn't at least pretty decent.

>> No.7965379

Mexican coke is the best coke, and you literally cannot argue against that.

>> No.7967074

not a huge fan of ginger beer, so i might be biased
i fucking hated this

>> No.7967111

Glass is superior, but they gype you with the prices.

>> No.7967120

I can't argue. I want Trump's wall to have coke bottle sized holes.

>> No.7967133

I drink Jones, and luckily it only ever comes in glass bottles. Good shit, ironically though it's a bit hard to find in the damn city they're based in unless you go to QFC.

>> No.7967152

I'm going to give you a real shocker. All soda is fucking sugar water that's about as healthy as kicking yourself in the nuts. Nobody gives a shit about what specific kind of sugar water you drink, and you should probably get something better to be pretentious about than soda.

>> No.7967218


>> No.7967248
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>Drinking the Carbonated Jew

>> No.7967268

>be a child, eating at favorite pizza restraunt
>their soda machine was basic but it tasted god-tier
>like somehow it blew everything else out of the water when i went there as a kid
>coke a cola was unbeatable

>work at pizza restraunt after growing up
>enjoy free soda and crisp cold water
>they switch it out for one of those touch-screen soda machines
>coke-a-cola now tastes so heavy and sweet i actually feel like getting sick
>if you change what the machine dispenses, the previously selected drink will mix in with your currently selected drink for the first second of dispensing
>old people did not know how to work this fucking machine for an entire year and a half

it hurts, /v/. i miss my god-tier childhood coke-a-cola, poured into a nice cold class with some thin-crust pepperoni buffet pizza

>> No.7967296


>> No.7967299
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f u c k

>> No.7967484

It's because you were a child and you didn't have refined tastes

>> No.7968509


>> No.7969165

I agree, we agree, this thread shouldn't exist

>> No.7969184

how do i get over the liquid jew? i love tea but i have it with milk and sugar. not the fondest of green tea or flavoured tea. water leaves really bloated for some reason.

>> No.7970382

Anything that isn't CO2 permeable is fine. PET bad, cans and bottles good.

>> No.7970472

Glass > can > tiny plastic bottle >big plastic bottle
I have this theory that the composition of plastic bottles changes the taste of coke when exposed to the sun
Think about it you can leave glass bottles or cans under sun exposure and when refrigerated it remains the same.but when dealing with plastic it doesn't, the only difference being tiny bottles since because they are smaller it's easier to store them somewhere dark and colder and they fit more in fridges

>> No.7970475
File: 65 KB, 1576x1332, soda_addict.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
