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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7959865 No.7959865 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.7959910


>McDonald's is shit

>> No.7959944

>Haven't watched one of these in years
>He actually calls himself ReviewBrah

>> No.7959949

Thhhhhecret thhhhhhauthhhhe

>> No.7960245
File: 107 KB, 777x684, WP_20141026_19_38_06_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the middle bun always just slips out!


Mfw he's too stupid to realize that this is happening due to his aggressive overbite which is because of his fetal alcohol syndrome.

But he's still right. Mcnaldos is shit tier.

>> No.7960685

why do you hate the king so

>> No.7960692

because his mother loved the bottle more than reviewbrah-fetus

>> No.7960695


>> No.7960747

It's like the McDonald's eating in the car as an employee watches copy pasta has come to life.

>> No.7960780
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>nah can't be real
>launch video

>> No.7960787


What did he mean by this?

>> No.7960794

He seriously gets uglier and more frog-like with every passing video

>> No.7960801

I assume it's a reference to a pro-Autism/Asbergers syndrome title where, to comfort the parents and 'aware' sufferers of these syndromes, they inflate their egos and misconstrue their social issues as a step forward in human evolution.

it's literally special snowflake handitard edition

>> No.7960825

He really nails it honestly. Sure it's tasty but
>Not enough meat

>> No.7960835

everybody makes fun of this kid and hates on him, dont get me wrong he is a fucking meme, but the truth is nobody in this thread will ever become more successful or popular than him and its just fuckin sad. we all hate it because of that "damn, i could have thought of that!" feeling, knowing this sperg beat us to a great idea. dont even deny that you wouldnt fake some sperg syndrome and make these basic ass videos (seriously low budget if you think about it, no start up cost whatsoever other than a camera) to get views. whatever.

>> No.7960841

I genuinely like the kid, fuckface.

>> No.7960842

Damn, that assburgers kid sure likes talking about himself.

>> No.7960846

Reviewbrah pls

>> No.7960853
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>nobody in this thread will ever become more successful

Speak for yourself, I wasn't even born with fetal alcohol syndrome.

>> No.7960863

I want to see ReviewFag reviewing one of Jack's famous dishes.

>> No.7960875

I want to have reviewbrah to my house, cook him a dank ass meal amd get live reviews on my dishes.

What a G

>> No.7960880

Would you down a few glasses of wine and have consensual anal with him afterwards?

>> No.7960884

I want to gangstalk his butthole if you know what I mean

>> No.7960887
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Nah. Feel your upper lip. That smooth feeling? That's fetal alcohol syndrome.

>> No.7960930

Naw, I got a well defined philtrum
try again tho

>> No.7960979

>Tfw I have almost no philtrum
My gf pointed it out to me one day and it's hilarious because my mother was a drunk and I'm mentally ill

>> No.7960984

>nobody will ever become more successful

I don't need a patreon to be able to afford fucking fast food. What exactly is your measure of success here? Being on fuckface Tosh's show?

>> No.7961011

Hi ReviewBrah! Please stop pretending you have a gf on internet.com

>> No.7961021

Great review. 10/10

>> No.7961062

his eyes have no life
sorta like me T.T

>> No.7961087

But we touch penises everyday ;_;

>> No.7961117

Threadly reminder that reviewbrah's mom is present in almost all of his videos. She is usually in the passenger seat when they're in the car. I suspect she actually drives him there and they get out and switch seats but I can't tell for sure.

Pay attention to the passenger seat in his car videos though. You'll notice he always has the camera angled to where you can't see in the passenger seat but sometimes his mom will move around and you can tell someone is there.

>> No.7961138

Sesame seeds BLOWN. THE. FUCK. OUT!

>> No.7961180

>He doesn't want to chill with his mom while eating and making sweet revenue
What is wrong with you?

>> No.7962247

I think RB should embrace his FAS. He should be proud of his limited YouTube "celebrity" status, not a lot of FAS people can say that.

List them on one hand probably, numa numa, ding fries are done, light saber kid maybe? That's an elite short list that he has joined the tanks of

>> No.7962305

He grew into his suit.

>> No.7962892

Holy shit, he had the accent back then too.

>> No.7963005

I think one day he will snap and we'll see him on the news

"food reviewer kills 11 at Outback Steak House and flees in used Prius with mother driving"

>> No.7963321


>> No.7963341

mcdonalds can never recover from this desu

>> No.7963648

wish my mummy would do that for me desu

>> No.7964136

i love everything reviewbrah does, including his podcast. i love joey too. sometimes people just enjoy youtube personalities without irony being a factor.

>> No.7964142

Can somebody tell me why Lizard Lad keeps on trying to shill himself on /ck/? I mean the board is slow as fuck.

>> No.7964161

why do you fags have to chase all the lolcows away

>> No.7964187

She probably feels guilty for fucking him up before birth, so she's obligated to sit there and watch her shame talk shit about Big Macs.

>> No.7964193

Because then someone will post the gif of his mom.
He knows we think she is hot and will masturbate to her.
This arouses the reviewbrah and he touch penus

>> No.7964198

Where is this gif in question? I've never seen it.

>> No.7964229
File: 1.44 MB, 277x202, reviewmom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.7964231


>> No.7964238

I don't know what everybody else is talking about. His mom is on the uglier side and she seems disappointed to be around him.

>> No.7964241

She looks kinda cute in a meth addict kind of way

>> No.7964243
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I'm afraid I can't do that, John.

>> No.7964244

what video is this from

>> No.7964247

I love him too. He even got me into shortwave radio. It's a genuinely fun and interesting hobby. How is he so cool? I'd watch/listen to anything he does.

>> No.7964251

It's a video from a family vacation to Yellowstone. I think he posted it at one point and then took it down, probably because everyone was commenting on his mom, but the reason he gave was that he "felt like it was too casual".

>> No.7964693

damn, is there a mirror floating around somewhere?

>> No.7964713
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Not that I'm aware of. I'd personally like to see the one with reviewdad.

>> No.7964818
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Have we mentioned fetal alcohol syndrome in the last 5 posts?

We have now!

>> No.7965003

Please answer this for me /ck/, why does he always wear seriously high falutin clothes?

>> No.7965063

he dresses better than you

>> No.7965069


>> No.7965547

been watching his videos for years and still crack the fuck up


>> No.7965572
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she seems like a screamer. I would in a heartbeat.

>> No.7965572,1 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 
