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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 184 KB, 472x413, 395px-CSC-Menu-Soft-Drinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7950620 No.7950620 [Reply] [Original]

here's a fun fact for y'all

i'm quite possibly the first person in the world ever to start serving coke with lemon

it was way before the internet, early '90s i think and i was working in a bar in Austin, TX
don't really recall how it happened, just pure stroke of genius mixed with luck i think

we started serving coke with lemon and called it artisan coke, it was just a regular coke but with a slice of lemon in it and we would sell it for $2/bottle while regular coke was going for $1/bottle

you can't make this shit up

>> No.7950624


Lime and Coke is better.

>> No.7950981

Huh. That's pretty good markup.

The lemon flavor really adds an extra zing the coke needs to not feel like a can of syrup.

>> No.7951000


Were you the faggot who decided putting ice in the glass was a good idea as well?

>> No.7951015

OK guys what if
what if
just bear with me
what if we sliced lemons
froze them

then put the frozen lemon IN the coke

Eliminating the need for ice entirely


free 2nd idea: Add a spritz of rum or Vodka to unlock the alchohol soluble flavours in the lemon

>> No.7951121


>i'm quite possibly the first person in the world ever to start serving coke with lemon

I am almost positive that you are not

>> No.7951449

why would you ever do that shit

>> No.7951917


I started serving coke with lemon in 1989 I called it Partisan coke ajd sold it for $1.99

>> No.7952016

I was before all of you we started this in the 1600's but we called it Cartesian coke

>> No.7952043

Nice. Maybe the ice cubes could be made of lemon juice with some zest in them, though? I hate it when people throw lemon slices in things without squeezing the lemon. It never tastes like you added lemon until you're on your last quarter of the drink.

If you know the ice will melt quickly, you could dilute the lemon juice with more coke.

Because making ice cubes out of valid mixers instead of water has been a thing for ages. You know, like frozen fruit for sangria.

>> No.7952091

Actually, you can make this shit up.
Im no nobel prize winner, but this I write with my left hand.

>> No.7952461


>> No.7952493

way to go genius you figured out that coke has citrus essential oils in it and lemon is a natural pairing

>> No.7952893

It's the only way I'll drin a coke or Pepsi any more. With lemon, or bourbon.

>> No.7952919

Haven't seen this pasta in awhile.

>> No.7953195

Reminds me that in a really old cookbook around the house somewhere there's a recipe for a winter drink involving coke, lemon, and cinnamon I believe. And heating it through.

>> No.7953200

>i'm quite possibly the first person in the world ever to start serving coke with lemon

So you're that bastard...

>> No.7953210
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I came up with using frozen summer fruits in sangria.

You can buy bags of them ready frozen like frozen peas, just break off a hunk of frozen berries and dump them in. Berries AND chilled drink in one.

>> No.7953211

That's like a million dollaroos converted to todays Caspers.

>> No.7953220

What would you do if I snuck in my own lemons? Would I be barred?

>> No.7953240

What's weird is that I generally find Coke disgustingly sweet, but mixed with something like rum it just is a perfect accompaniment.

>> No.7953305

I like lime with Dr Pepper, to be honest

>> No.7953307

I never used to like Sprite, but lately I've been doin a whole can of sprite with a shitload of ice, and on a hot day... it's fuckin' great.

>> No.7953314

>live in the land of oppression (Cali bro)
>be 8 or some shit
>got a free lemon pepsi
>I repeat free
>no dollars needed
>didn't really like it

lets face it

you were busy placing lemons in pepsis while I was getting cash money and realfamilylove at that age

>> No.7953318

>you can't make this shit up

You most certainly can, and you most certainly did.

>> No.7953540

i invented the cobb salad

>> No.7953555

I used to make this thing I called "yogurt sausage" where I would fill an intestine casing with yogurt.

I sold the idea to Yoplait and now you can buy Gogurt at the supermarket.

You're welcome.

>> No.7953589
File: 496 KB, 400x250, B Rad Malibus Most Wanted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave your mom a yogurt sausage last night.

>> No.7953609

You're a retard then, lime tastes way better with coke.

>> No.7953619
File: 16 KB, 291x300, 1419012908687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, when did you come up with this idea? I did in the summer of 2009. So if you came up with it after that go fuck yourself and I'll see you in court.

>> No.7953620
File: 415 KB, 654x702, 178273410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone ITT:

>a retard hears an idea from somewhere
>like a bar flyer or a conversation
>they forget about it, and it sits in their subconscious mind
>suddenly, they have a STROKE OF GENIUS and "invent" it again

>> No.7953635
File: 180 KB, 900x900, into_the_oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the Queen of France. I also own 4chan and Google and own an island with my own private army of judo attack gorillas. I can have you all killed at any time.

You just can't make this shit up.

>> No.7953995

do you retards really believe he's the guy who invented coke with lemon? are you insane?

>> No.7954049

I invented dipping pizza in ranch dressing when I was in elementary school.

>> No.7954053

ITT, people too young to remember the 80's.

Pepsi Light was around back then way before your invention.


>> No.7954070

You lie. I grew up in central Texas in the 80s, and we'd order coke with lemon all the time. You didn't invent it, you just sold it to suckers in a bar.

>> No.7954168


>> No.7954181

>early 90s

You're not the first, cokes own advertising in other countries suggested either a wedge of lemon in the bottle or a squeeze of lemon juice going back at least to the 70s.

>> No.7954198

The only way for me to enjoy coca cola is to water it down. A 1:1 mixture is perfect, the cola taste is still strong but it is less sweet.

>> No.7954201

Spring 2009

>> No.7954203

I started selling coke from a spring and called it artesian coke

>> No.7954214

In the 90s I put a vaccine in a coke and sold it for $2 and called it autismal coke

>> No.7954224

Back in the 90s I started putting hormone treatments in coke and sold it for $2 and called it transition coke

>> No.7954226

Back in the 90s I put a clutch and a 5 point floor shifter into coke and sold it for $2 and called it manual transmission coke

>> No.7954228

Back in the 90s I put late 80s r&b slow jamz into coke and sold it for $2 and called it new edition coke

>> No.7954231

Back in the 90s I enrolled coke into Exeter Preparatory Academy and sold it for $2 and called it private tuition coke

>> No.7954232

Back in the 90s I put ejaculate in a coke and sold it for $2 and called it nocturnal emission coke

>> No.7954233

Back in the 90s I put coke into a limousine with Beyonce and sold it for $2 and called it partition coke

>> No.7954234

Back in the 90s I put a penis inside a vagina and called it a day.

>> No.7954235

Back in the 90s I found coke guilty in federal court for inciting riots and political and social upheaval and sold it for $2 and called it sedition coke

>> No.7954237


it was a good day

>> No.7954238

Back in the 90s I took some coke on a boat with some worms, hooks, and poles, and sold it for $2 and called it fishin' coke

>> No.7954240

Back in the 90s I put coke in a magic lamp and sold it for $2 and called it wishin' coke

>> No.7954244

Back in the 90s I drove around with coke in my Camaro while playing the Dead Milkman on the stereo and sold it for $2 and called it bitchin' coke

>> No.7954250

Back in the 90s I hired a psychic to sell coke for $2 and tell each customer their fortune and called it premonition coke

>> No.7954584
File: 800 KB, 750x1334, 1458407048295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're the motherfucker responsible for some fucking fruit in my fucking processed drink fuck you buddy this shit pisses me the fuck off

>> No.7954707 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 275x275, hello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7954715
File: 10 KB, 200x267, dhalsim_angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the 90s were so long ago that most people alive today will believe the craziest shit if you just say "_____ happened in the 90s"

Used to be you had to say "it happened in {random east asian country or persian gulf monarchy}" if you wanted people to believe anything

>> No.7955039

$2 for coke is piss free, you could have charge it at least $3.5

>> No.7955319


>> No.7955407

From some Chinese cafe, they served hot Coke and ginger.
Pretty good

>> No.7955445

When was that? In the 90s?

>> No.7955576

Malcolm in the Middle?

>> No.7955619
File: 70 KB, 450x450, truelemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little shake of this does the trick perfectly

>> No.7955712

Seriously, its fucking ridiculous how well the coke taste holds with water

I swear some store brands should just buy bulk coke and water it down to make theirs

>> No.7955817

The California Grocers Advocate mentions lemon Coke going back to 1912.

>> No.7956295

Why don't you use carbonated water instead of plain to preserve the c02¿ I use carbonated water all the time to cut the sweetness of soda.